Friday, June 15, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER r A and family of Little Applegate | were in Jacksonville Tuesday en- route to Medford. T W. Jones of Murphy also was a caller here. • The Nugget for cold drinks liAIJJ. SPECIALS JUNE 16TH AND 18TH THESE PRICES GOOD TILL JUNE 23 (No Off-Brands All Standard Mdse.) STANDARD CORN, 8 No. 2 cans.................... 32c FINE GRANULATED SUGAR, 10 pounds.... 49c VAN CAMP’S BFANS, 2 No. 2% cans......... 25c VAN CAMP’S BEANS, 2 No. 1 cans .... 15c ENSIGN COFFEE, pound................... .... 22c _...25c OYSTERS, 2 5-ounce canB................ PINEAPPLES, each............................ .... 15c WHEATIES, 2 package.! ................... 23c AMERICA NCLUB COFFEE, pound............... 20c PILLSBURY’S PANCAKE FLOUR, pkg........ 15c SHORTENING, 4-pound package.................... 39c BEECHNUT MUSTARD, 8-ounce jar............... 9c CATSUP, large bottle....................................... 19c BOUQUET FLOUR. 49-pound sack............... $1.40 FINE GRANULATED SUGAR, 100-lb sack. $4.78 Prices Are Always Right—Quality Best WHILLOCK’S GOLDEN RULE Success brings success! I. G. A. success has swept the country from coast to coast because I. G. A. mass busying and merchandising power has been successful in saving money for the housewives. Here are greater values than ever to thank you for your part in our success. Come in and save money! Come in and stock up at these low prices! CRACKERS New White Felts J nut Arrived—AU Head Sizes 2-lb. pl ! 29c BAKING CHOCOLATE 17c KARO, BLUE LABEL 59c MILK 4 tali car 8 23c PEANUT BUTTER, lb. j; 19c Sunshine Graham or Krispies IGA—11-pound ............................. 10-|>ound pail Airflow Hats 98c IGA or Morning.......................... Brim Hats with Soft Crowns Royal Club quality. ..................... Just the Hat for Your Summer Cotton Dresses White and Colors PINEAPPLE 2 2% cans XX«* Mero—Broken Slices ....................... 24% pounds TEA 8-oz. pkg. IGA De Luxe TEA Peak 8-oz. pkg. ‘J’Jç BANANAS pound Çg Fancy solid fruit WATERMELONS Sweet and ripe GINGER ALE Cliquot Club..... ....... pound -J 1 Ä 2 W 2 bottles „................ Godward Mercantile Co 98c JACKSONVILLE .............................. FLOUR IGA Remember Dad on Father’s Day SUNDAY JUNE 17 SOMEONE ALWAYS GETS IT ■ Give Dad Shirts Fine quality, pre-shrunk shirts will please him. $1 “Inter-woven” $1.95 - $2.50 TIES SOX Conservative styles for busi­ ness wear. Gay styles for golf and sports clothes. Made for comfort and long wearing. Priced at 65c - $1 - $1.50 35c Pair 3 Pair for $1 50c Pair Smart Straw Hats “HOUSE OF COURTESY” Boxes Low as $2 Per Year Treasure trove! Did you ever realize that’s just what you offer someone when you place your valuables in some hiding place in your own home? The safe has yet to be built that someone can’t open. Eliminate the dangers and worries that go with valuables. A safety deposit box in The First National Bank is protected. For further information just phone 648. The First National Bank “A Department lied Institution” A A