Friday, June 8, 1934 The JACKSONVILLE MINER Page 0 -í WANTED Good cook stove, with HIGH SCHOOL NINE TAKEN good oven and reservoir. Rend AMERICAN LEGION II TO 7 information and price care The Miner. Jacksonville, or phone In a fast post-season game played on the Jacksonville dia- I 141. • These two people produce melodies mond Tuesday forenoon, the local I which cause the natives of the far high school nine defeated the Med- , • Mi and Mrs Charles C. How- north to listen, frozen with adnii- fort! Junior legion team by the de- i mer of Portland paid The Miner ration and awe. ciaive score of 11-7. Sam Van office a visit Thursday, Jackson­ The pilot has just informed me Dyke, who started on the mound ville day Mrs Bowmer will be re­ of a leak in the gas tank of this for the lx*glon, abandoned his [Mist ’ membered as Flora 1’rlest. daugh­ plane. Now do not be alarmed, for the first Inning, when hits were I ter of William Priest, who was thhere is really no danger We are converted to four runs, to be re- ! »•minty school superintendent of quite near our starting point, and licved by Ray Lewis. who finished ' Jacksonville In 1HH7 The Bowmen you may just take those [latent the game with a creditable show­ are visiting their son. Angus L. parachutes from the sides of your ing Russell caught for the jun­ Bowmer, of Ashland, who Is auth­ chairs and follow my example iors, while Hess and Si Johnson or of the jubilee pageant. When you land, meet me at the formed the battery fur Jackson- , 1 Purcel Institute near the Watkins vtlle. Heavy hitting and several errors school house, where Mrs. Purcel. now a dear old white-haired lady, combined to give the locals an conducts a school where umbitious early lead in the final game of the | people may learn how to become season Twelve games were played with 11 of them resulting tn Jack­ Adults 25c - Kiddies 10c successful teachers. sonville victories. 1 All ready? Jump! —.... . | Fri-Sat Here we are. safe and sound! RESIDENT IXHTOK TO BE Hoping this little accident has in AT LOCAL SANITARIUM I RAY WALKER no way marred the pleasure of Dr W. O. Bishop of Medford will ! your trip, we bid you gixxi-bye. GEO. K. STONE have regular office hours at the ! Jacksonville sanitarium starting i “He Couldn’t this week, it was announced yea- j tenlay Evening hours will be from I Take It” 6 to 7 p.m., and appointments may | PLUS be made by phone. | j Wntkiim Plinifc Taken •‘"to elghth "lysteries of the seventh 1 She has grown tired of life ax a ’’ alHinS I UpilS IdKtll grswle>> was gener- I grand opera star and has come up 20 Years into Future ally thought by his fellow students i here for a rest, bringing with her teacher that he. along with her accompanist. Marietta Garri­ by Seer in Phophecy ’ i and Delbert DeWolfe and Bob l^ewis, son. who is now a skilled pianist • Miss (tolda Boone, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Boone, who has been In New York City for the past two years, arrived Tuesday for an In­ definite visit with her parents. I might take to prizefighting be- A fantastic venture into the dim ’ cause of the great muscular devel­ future 20 years hence was given opment gained in the activity of in the class phophecy of the eighth piano moving for program re­ grade graduates of the Watkins hearsals All three boys gave up school at their closing program re­ long ago what drcams they might cently. The prophecy, an unusual have had of entering the ring as Mut« 25c • Eve« 3.V • Kiddle« llg. feature in the grade schools, was pugilists. written by the teacher, Mrs Ina That fine pleasure yacht which Purcel. and was presented by Miss you see out there on the channel Ends Saturday Louise Harr. The account of bril­ is the property of Irvin DeWolfe, ON THE STAGE liant feats to come includes pupils When he was preparing for the of the four upper grades: exams back at Watkins 20 years All who wish to snatch a ago it was greatly feared that he glimpse with me into the future, might stiffer from brain fag due just step quickly into the elevator to over-study As a result of all his which will take you to the roof, hard work, he received a meager where you may get Uckets for this grade of only 100 per cent in his­ trip around the world on the Pa­ tory. Irvin is the eminent physi­ cific Air Transport. The trip costs cian who cured John D. Rockefel­ $20 and lasts one hour. If anyone ler of a peculiar ailment common­ ON THE SCREEN is the least bit timid, he may just ly known as hoarding. He is soon step to the nearby window, where to cruise in the Orient, taking a Joan Blondcll in he may have his life insured free I worm’s-eye view of conditions “SMARTY” of charge. The plane is full? All I there. Just now he is enjoying a right, let us be going. by the re- pleasure trip financed Start» Sunday You will, no doubt, feel a little ward offered any one who might alarmed at first but as we ascend cure the oil magnate of his mal­ that feeling will soon wear off. ady. Yes, we are still over Copper, Here, Pilot, steer the plane a which has grown much in the last little to the south. I wish to show ------------------ - ------------$ 20 years. That rotund lady walk­ these people the London Times komumr u ith ihr Hinhuut P.thol ing down Main street is Virginia building. Louise Harr edits the so­ Likes Editorial Giles. The brilliant object which ciety column and is greatly in de­ To the Editor: Your editorial. "Have You a ' you see at her throat is a medal mand because of her ability to Children 10c not a Carnegie medal- but one write up social affairs and do her Better Way?" in last week’s | ■ •WSB ■ given the most skillful artist in own illustrating. All festivities at Miner beats anything we have Saturday Only the world. She is the only one who Buckingham palace are placed be­ seen in some time for good com- ' excels Millet and Rembrandt. fore the world by her efficient pen. mon sense We feel you should be KAZAN, the DOG, in The illustrious looking gentle­ Now, my friends, we are ap­ entitled to a Pulitzer prize or’ man wearing a frock coat, who is proaching Japan, known to the something for same. Sun-Mon standing on the comer, is William world' as the "land of the rising Perhaps the exhibition of com-1 Garrison. He has just succeeded in sun.” Yes. I was just about to re­ mon sense in editors is so rare By Popular Demand! securing the five-cent fare on the mark about the large crowd which Pulitzer. Nobel, et al. failed to 1 Sunday and Monday interurban line between Copper I you see out on that open-air pa­ establish a fund for that purpose. JoHNMY and Portland. vilion. Those are the pupils of However, our last will and testa­ We are now coming to the city Mary Stephenson. They are not ment will provide for such. In the WEISSMULLER of San Francisco. That impressive having a war dance, but are only meantime please accept our con­ with MARGARET 8ULLAVAN looking building toward your right practicing a few of the steps she gratulations. I* st hu inimi- JOHN BOLES is the home of the Women's Suff­ has taught them, for Mary con­ BERT HARR table best in thu rage union. Under the leadership ducts an American dancing school Jacksonville, June 6. racy role bring­ Tuesday and Wrdneoduy of Betty Dawson this league has for the Japanese nobility. It is ing to vivid Ide accomplished great results. Due to her fondest hope that some day • Arrangements are being made an American her activities, women are now al­ they may be made to dance to our to give x-ray service at the Jack­ classic lowed to vote and hold office in music. sonville sanitarium. every state in the union. That peculiar noise which you “ALICE IN That villa set back among those hear is not the bleating of sheep, 'hildren WONDERLAND California hills is the home of Rob­ for sheep are not kept in Japan ( oming! 10c ert Dickey, the celebrated author That noise is made by the pupils [Illis THEATRE Twenty years ago when he was a of Arduth Stephenson while they ANOTHER ALL-STAR mere child in the fifth grade he I are going through a drill in phon­ End« Saturday Night A STAR STUDDED PICTURE! with took up writing in order to exer­ ics. Arduth's fondest ambition was CARNIVAL OF FI N! cise his ability to master the to become a teacher, and so ar­ Thtinulay and Friday Louis« Dresser spelling of difficult words. His vol­ dently did she strive, and so great Evelyn Venable umes now are read in almost every did her fame become, that the Mi­ home in the United States. kado offered her the position as Kent Taylor No, those tall objects down teacher in Americanization classes with SPENCER TRACY Stepin Fetchit there below us are not both tele- I in Japan's capital city. CLAIR E TREVOR . in graph poles—the one with the | As our tJme is limited, we must RALPH MORGAN "postage stamp” cap on the top | continue our journey quite hur­ 9 Tue-Wed-Thur is Delbert DeWolfe. After spend­ riedly. We shall see the wonders ‘Hips, Hips, Hooray ing several years in the employ of of the "Smoky City,” which is the Sunday, Monday, Tuesday You’ll whoop! the International Telegraph com-' home of Robert Lewis, the "Colos­ and holler and pany in Egypt, he is now back in I sus of Roads.” a name he has off your head the United States in the construc­ snatched from E. H. Harriman. The Biggest Picture tion division of the Big Applegate | He owns and operates the longest off!! Ever Made! Telegraph and Telephone company • railroad in Greenland. Old envelopes and letters which operates extensively along ; The sound of shouting which you the entire Pacific coast. During his i hear coming from the direction of (Beekman’s Express, 1855- 419'4 EAST MAIN stay in Africa, he was greatly- the Arctic Circle is nothing to PHONE Hi 1865) or any express or sought after by various telephone | cause fear. It is just a shout of ALL NATIVE CAST and telegraph companies as one, applause given Mildred Burleson. ENROLL NOW early postoffice envelopes. Wednesday, Thursday who has never yet found a tele­ BEAUTY SERVICEN Write W. R. Parker, His­ phone or telegraph pole he had to AT A HAVING climb in order to reach the top. torian, Oroville, Calif. Permanents ............ $2.50 We shall now turn our plane I toward the Old World and pass Shampoo and over London. Those people which Finger Wave 50c you see down there are not hold­ WILLIAM POWELL in ffl Dr. H. P. Coleman Marcels ....... 25c and 50c ing an open-air revival. They are “Private Detective 62” watching Russell Garrison demon­ Chiropractic - Physiotheraphy SPECIAL strate his new invention for har­ Oregon License 264 EVANS plus BETTE DAVIS * 6 Scalp Treatments vesting watermelons. The inven­ California License 3029 tion is a contrivance which is in “EX-LADY Or Facials ....... $6.00 14 Years in Medford, Oregon easily attached to a Ford car. As successor to Cyrus McCormick. Russel is assured this will net him an enormous income among the V natives of Africa, where he ex­ \ pects to place it on the market L-1 \ ’ FUNERAL PARLORS Than Smooth soon. Old Tiresl Medford, Oregon During his sojourn back at Cop­ • Tests on slippery per 20 years ago, while delving pavement show TRY THE NEW MODEL UNDERWOOD that new Goodyear TYPEWRITERS All-Weathersstop R. W. Sleeter, M. D. • cars 77% quicker than smooth, old 202 Medford Bldg. Taylor and Bier ma tires and quicker .'ll N. Central—Telephone lit Phone 1 Medford than any other Medford Goodyear new tires. ..Take All-Weather no unnecessary chances on slip­ SupertwUt pery fall and win­ Curd Tiret ter roads—put on $7.40 safe-gripping new Goodyears now. r ■nd up- lean Most sizes still ANCE A LITTLE trade-in al­ Featuring priced lower than lowance for RINK A LITTLE last fall. yourold tires It’s important to both INE A LITTLE Al Stewart your social and business prestige. When people Erpert Tire Mounting! We clean rima, and His paint them to prevent ruet, properly atmlv can say, "His suit needs new tube, and tires. Experienced tire men do your work here. a trip to the cleaners”— The Only then you surely are slip- ping. Your character is GOODYEAR PATHFINDER | judged by the neatness of Suprriwiir Cord Tiru I your clothes. Keep yours A COMPLETE STOCK OF GELATIN air nn *nd up " ,h« I right! NITE CRATSSIIAN FAMOUS GEORGIA MINSTRELS LETTERS to the Editor ROXY 20c Æ ‘Jaws of Justice’ ‘Only Yesterday’ WILL ROGERS Double Feature! WO WHEELER and WOOLSEY “The Mad Game” AND CHEER” WANTED for CASH “ESKIMO” Medford School of Beauty Culture 1?, * Sbftictk TRACY 2 FEATURES 77% SAFER YOUR APPEARANCE Oasis CONGER TYPEWRITER SERVICE Cabaret 1 NOW OPEN D IMPORTANT« MEN’S SUITS Cleaned and Pressed $1.00 I $5.70 '¡’U. IV »*r» with In reach of «11 in Southern Oregon PANTORIUM Jacksonville Service Station Dye Works E. S. SEVERANCE PHONE 244 | I SPRING DANCE FLOOR EXPLOSIVES OWLS AND OTHER TYPES OF POWDER CAPS and FUSE COME OUT FOR A BIG Available for Immediate Delivery Cover Charge 45c—No Cover Charge for L'nescorted fiadle« 11 MILES NORTH OF MEDFORD ON CRATER LAKE HIGHWAY COLEMAN S HARDWARE We Nell for Cash and Nell for I xihh Phone J'ville 13