The JACKSONVILLE MINER Page 2 Friday, June 8, 1934 tification, in theory, for the slighting of the man next door just because we have been busy attempting to attract Published Every Friday at attention of the stranger in the next JACKSONVILLE, OREGON block. Mr. and Mrs. Nextdoor it is who will shoo the baby off the street when OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF JACKSONVILLE we’re not looking, and who rattle our window when the chimney is ablaze. The Entered as second-class matter February 19, 1932, at the postoffice at Jacksonville, Oregon, under close friends and neighbors, too often the act of March 3. 1879. taken for granted, are the ones who X' mark the real boundaries to our homes, LEONARD N. HALL........ Editor and Publisher MAUDE POOL....»...... ............... Applegate Editor and therefore are a part of them. WUP 60 FlSHlNO ANP LCWL J. W. PECKHAM Business Manager So, Applegaters, you may rest assured UP AT Trie SKy PAKE IN A the archway over the Medford entrance PHONE JACKSONVILLE 141 VJJHILE, THEY WÖÜLPNT to Jacksonville is an unintended, but Address All Communications to Box 138 TH6 IS >UCH A PAD WCLQ sincere, expression of J’ville’s accept­ Subscription Rates, in Advance: ance of you as real bosom friends—the One Year............... $100 Six Months.......... — 50c ATrtf ALL kind who will come see us without bait­ And, for those of you who speed Our Welcome Sign Is Not ing. right on through to Medford anyway, the sign still is facing the right way, be­ Two-Faced One Miner reader, who lives on t’other cause you are in too darned big a hurry to get there anyway. side of Jacksonville hill, dropped a per­ tinent note to this office yesterday that speaks volumes, yet is but one short paragraph. It follows: One Exception "Say, Jacksonville! Just what is the (From an Old Print—1907) idea of a big welcome sign on one side of town and not on the other? Aren't the Applegaters and the ‘hillbillies’ and We praise her doughnuts and her pies Her biscuit and her cake, all the rest of us on this side welcome to Jacksonville? Don’t nobody love us But where’s the man who sighs for pants Like mother used to make? any more?” Which brings home the thought that being the sum of 84 feet; thence north 24 deg cast the good friends and neighbors, too She used to take a pair of pa’s, $134 50. plus interest on $1285.81 136 feec thence south 63 deg. east When they were worn and frayed, often, are taken for granted, while the from the 23rd day of December. 100 feet to the west line of the i 1933. to the 10th day of May, 1934,; Crater I-ake highway; thence | casual visitor and total stranger are cat­ And decorate them with a patch at 10% per annum, being the sum i north 138 feet; thence west 1300; Of some contrasting shade. ered to hand and foot. But Applegaters of $48 89. plus $220.76 for taxes' feet; thence south 945 feet, to the and the others, slighted so long, should paid by plainUff, plus $21.50 for place of beginning, containing 13 i insurance premium paid by plaint­ acres more or less, all in section ' be able to see real flattery and compli­ And cut them off about the knees iff. plus $5.00 for continuation of 10, township 35 south of range 1 | WHL StOÌE And take the waist in, too, ment in the breach of recognition, for it abstract of title, plus interest on west of the Willamette Meridian; ( judgment at 10'; per annum, with together with all water rights ap- ' is no less than the mothers, the true And say that they for every day costa and disbursements taxed at j purtenance thereto or to become I IfOWL Were just the thing for you. friends and the sweethearts who are twenty-two and 15 100 ($22.15)1 appurtenant thereto. dollars, and the further sum of Dated this 14th day of May. taken too much for granted in this old qoocb> one hundred twenty-five and I 1934 And then she sent you off to school world. nO|100 dollars, as attorney's fees, ' WALTER J OI-M8CHEID which judgment was enrolled and Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon And when you didn't go, The strange face, the outsider, always docketed in the clerk's office of I By OLGA E ANDERSON gains more attention and consideration She wondered what got into boys We’ll do your moving - said court in said county on the Deputy. 11th day of May, 1934. That they played truant so. on sight, but soon is forgotten as the and store your surplus (May 18 25 June 1 8) Notice is hereby given that, pur-! next day dawns. The real friends do not furniture in our big fire­ suant to the terms of the said exe-1 go only where welcome signs are beck­ Yes, still we praise her jam, her "jell,” cution, I will on the 16th day of Dry goods stores cause a lot of proof warehouse where June, 1934, at 10:00 o'clock a.m., | unrest; there's where the women Her coffee and her steak, oning. That’s why they are friends and it'll be carefully covered at the front door of the courthouse folks get their notions--Weston But where’s the man who sighs for pants in not just mere visitors. the city of Medford, in Jackson Leader. and ockcd away. Full in­ county. Oregon, offer for sale and Like mother used to make? Yet, nevertheless, there is no real jus- surance coverage, of . . ■■ - — « The Jacksonville Miner MOVING? LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an execution in foreclosure duly issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, in and for the county of Jackson, to me di­ rected and dated on the 11th day of M»y, 1934, in a certain action therein, wherein Jackson County Building and Loan Association, an Oregon building and loan corpora­ tion, was plaintiff and G. O. Scher­ er, Rachel Mead and N. A. Mead, her husband; Agnes T. Daugherty, a single woman; Elmer R. Hall, a single man; State of Oregon and all other persons or parties un­ known were defendants, in which action Jackson County Building and Loan Association, an Oregon building and loan corporation, re­ covered judgment against Agnes T. Daugherty for the sum of $1500.00, less the sum of $382.00 paid on stock, less the sum of $60.95 accrued earnings on said stock, being the sum of $1057.05 plus interest on $1500.00 from the 31st day of December, 1932, to the 21st day of June, 1933, at 10% per annum, being the sum of $71.25, plus interest on $1057.05 from the 21st day of June, 1933 to the date hereof, at 10% per annum being the sum of $61.07, plus $5.00 for continuation of abstract of title, plus interest on said judg­ ment at 10% per annum from date of decree herein, with costs and disbursements taxed at seventeen and 30 100 ($17.30) dollars, and the further sum of one hundred ten and no, 100 ($110.00) dollars, as attorney’s fees, which judgment was enrolled and docketed in the clerk’s office of said court in said county on the 10th day of May, 1934. Notice is hereby given that, pur­ suant to the terms of the said exe­ cution ,1 will on the 16th day of June, 1934, at 10:00 o’clock a. m., at the front door of the courthouse in the city of Medford, in Jackson county, Oregon, offer for sale and will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, to satisfy said judgment, together with the costs of this sale, subject to re­ demption as provided by law, all of the right, title and interest that the said defendants, G. O. Scherer, Rachel Mead and N. A. Mead, her husband; Agnes T. Daugherty, a single woman, Elmer R. Hall, a single man, and State of Oregon had on the 27th day of July, 1927, or now have in and to the follow­ ing described property, situated in the county of Jackson, state of Oregon, to-wit: Commence at the southeast cor- ner of the west 1 acre of the east 2 acres of lot 7, block two (2) of Mingus subdivision to the city of Medford; thence north 120 feet to the point of beginning; thence north 146 feet; thence west 96 69 feet; thence south 146 feet; thence east 96.69 feet to the point of be­ ginning. Dated this 14th day of May, 1934. WALTER J. OLMSCHEID, Sheriff of Jackson County. Oregon By OLGA E. ANDERSON. Deputy. (June 8) NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of an execution in foreclosure duly issued out of and under the seal of the circuit court of the state of Oregon, in and for the county of Jackson, to me di­ rected and dated on the 19th day of May, 1934, in a certain action therein, wherein Jackson County Building and Loan Association, an Oregon building and loan corpora­ tion were plaintiffs and Edgar G. Whiteside and Alta B. Whiteside, husband and wife; C. J. Fry and Mary A. Fry, husband and wife; Floretta E. Anderson, and Roy D. Anderson, wife and husband, also all other persons or parties un­ known claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in or to the real estate described in the complaint on file herein were defendants, in which action Jackson County Building and Loan Association, an Oregon building and loan corporation, recovered judgment against Edgar G. White­ side and Alta B. Whiteside, the defendants, for the sum of two thousand ($2000.00) dollars, less the sum of $219.78 paid on stock, less the sum of $59.04 accrued earnings on said stock, being the sum of $1721.18, plus interest on $2000.00 from the 30th day of De­ cember, 1931, to the 16th day of November, 1933, at the rate of 10% per annum, being the sum of $375.56, plus interest on $1721.18 from the 16th day of November, 1933, to date hereof at 10% per annum, being the sum of $86.05; plus $1900 paid for insurance premiums by plaintiff, plus $5.00 for continuation of abstract of title, plus $8.00 advanced by plaintiff for water used on said premises, plus interest on judg­ ment at 10% per annum with costs and disbursements taxed at twenty-three and 30|100 ($23.30) dollars, and the further sum of one hundred seventy-five and no; 100 ($175.00) dollars, as at- tomey’s fees, which judgment was enrolled and docketed in the clerk's office of said court in said county on the 19th day of May, 1934. Notice is hereby given that, pur­ suant to the terms of the said exe­ cution, I will on the 23rd day of June, 1934, at 10:00 o'clock a.m., at the front door of the courthouse in the city of Medford, in Jackson county. Oregon, offer for sale and will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, to satisfy said judgment, together with the costs of this sale, subject to re­ demption as provided by law, all of the right, title and interest that the said defendants, Edgar G. Whiteside and Alta B. Whiteside, husband and wife; C. J. Fry and Mary A. Fry, husband and wife, and Floretta E. Anderson, and Roy D. Anderson, and all unknown persons or parties had on the 2nd day of December, 1926, or now have in and to the follow­ ing described property, situated in the county of Jackson, state of Oregon, to-wit: The lot numbered six (6) and the west half of the lot numbered seven (7) in block number two (2) of Sheilds Amended Addition to the Town (now city) of Central Point, according to the official plat thereof, now of record. Dated this 21st day of May, 1934. WALTER J. OLMSCHEID. Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon By OLGA E ANDERSON. (May 25, June 1 8 15) ----------- •------------ NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of an execution in foreclosure duly issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, in and for the county of Jackson, to me di­ rected and dated on the 11th day of May, 1934, in a certain action therein, wherein Jackson County Building and Loan Association, an Oregon building and loan corpora­ tion, was plaintiff and D. R. Dickey and Nita C. Dickey, hus­ band and wife, A. J. Hornby and Mary Hornby, Southern Oregon Credit Bureau, an Oregon corpora­ tion; Jackson county, Oregon, a political subdivision of the state of Oregon, also all unknown per­ sons or parties were defendants, in which action Jackson County duiiding and Loan Association, an Oregon building and loan corpora­ tion, recovered judgment against D. R. Dickey and Nita C. Dickey, the defendants, for the sum of $1500.00, less the sum of $205.25 >aid on stock, less the sum of $8.94 accrued dividends on said stock, being the sum of $1285.81, plus interest on $1500.00 from the 31st day of January, 1933, to the 23rd day of December, 1933, at 10% S. C. PETERS (D.M.D.) Dentist Are you one of these nervous people who lie awake half tho night and get up feeling “all in”? Why don’t you do as other light sleepers have been doing tor more than two generations— take Dr. Miles Nervine? One or two pleasant effervescent Nervine Tablets or two or three teaspoonfuls of liquid Nervine will generally assure a night of restful sleep. Perhaps you will have to take Nervine two or three times a day just at first Nervous people have been using Dr. Miles Nervine for Sleepless­ ness, Nervousness, Irritability, Restlessness, Nervous Indiges­ tion, Nervous Headache, Travel Sickness, lor more than fifty DM ì WNERVINE: JACKSONVILLE J course Our storage rates are extremely low — either by the month or by the year itione 315. Eads Transfer 1015 North Contrai He knows where his next meal is coming from years. Opposite Post Office T will sell at public auction for cash . to the highest bidder, to satisfy LADIES’ said judgment, together with the HAIR­ costs of this sale, subject to re­ CUTTING demption as provided by law, all BY of the right, title and interest that APPOINT« the said defendants, D. R. Dickey I MENT and Nita C. Dickey, A. J. Hornby j and Mary Hornby, husband and PHONE 57 wife, and Southern Oregon Credit Bureau, an Oregon corporation, Permanent Waving had on the 7th day of October. A Specialty 1930, or now have in and to the following described property, sit­ BOWMAN’S uated in the county of Jackson, Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor state of Oregon, to-wit: 18 South Central, Medford The south half of the southeast quarter of section 9, township 35 south of range 1 west of the Wil­ lamette Meridian; also; beginning at a point 375 feet north of the section comer common to sections 9, 10, 15 and 16 in township 35 south of range 1 west of the Wil­ lamette Meridian, and running thence north 71 deg. east 225 feet; thence north 6 deg. ekst 108 feet; thence north 53 deg. 30 mln. east 156 feet; thence north 70 deg. east 364 feet; * - - — - thence north 50 deg. east 172 feet; thence north 10 deg. east 146 feet; thence north 78 deg. east 95 feet; thence north 68 deg. east 100 feet; thence north 44 deg. east 11 quid and Efferveicent Tablets S afe in the electric refrigerator —kept at a temperature always below 50 degrees is the fresh milk so necessary to this young fellow’s health. Safe, too, is the food for the whole family. Also, in purchasing an elec­ tric refrigerator his mother was thinking not only of safety but also of economy. She counted on keeping fresh food that might otherwise spoil...she knew that left-overs could be kept and made into new tasty dishes for later meals... she planned on pur­ chasing in larger quantities, buying at Saturday prices and keeping the food in the refrigerator until wanted later. The -4 electric refrigerator you want will probably never be so cheap again. See your dealer today. Xjr SfK THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY 4