Jacksonville miner. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1932-1935, June 01, 1934, Page 5, Image 5

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Personal News Notes
• Mr. and Mr« Jim Winningham home of Mr. and Mrs Harold
attended the commencement exer­ Crump while enroute to Ban Fran­
cises for the Jacksonville high cisco. Mrs. Pedersen teaches in the
school graduating class of which Eugene grade schools, and attend­
their daughter, Valera, was u ed nrmal school with Mrs. Crump
member. Others attending from at Monmouth.
upper Applegate were Mrs. Vernie • Walter Inch and Mr. Hmlth of
Stevenson and Mrs. lister Bealls. Medford were Applegate visitors
• Construction work is underway a few days ago.
al the l*urcel sawmill on Little • Miss Marilyn Young of Ashland
Applegate this week, where a new is spending the week here with her
planer la being installed, along grandparents, Mr and Mrs. A. 8.
with a 23-horaepower engine which Klelnhammer.
Mr. Purcel purchased two montha
• The Nugget for magazine».
• Claus Klelnhammer attended • With the Eagle Point drill team
the alumni banquet of the Ashland meeting
high school which was held in the Grunge at the regular meeting
Bellview clubhouse last Friday Fiiduy night to give the third and
evening. Mr. Klelnhammer, who fourth degree work, the evening
graduated at Ashland in 1»28, was was one of unusual interest. A
elected vice president of the alum­ beautiful memorial tableau was
■resented, and memorial services
ni association,
were hold in tribute to departed
• Otis Buck, In charge of u group
irungr members. Refreshments of
of CCC workers in northern Cali­
struwlM-rry shortcake were served
fornia during the last year, has
it the close of the meeting, and
accepted work with the forest
lancing followed for a few hours.
service as fire guard at Happy
One hundred twenty Grangers
Camp near Canby, Calif.
jvere present, including 48 visitors
• Weatem Union at the Nugget • The Nugget for cold drinks.
• C. U. Thomas left Sunday eve­ • Mias Eleanor Maull, who has
ning for Bunkerhill. Kansas, where -ornpleted her term of teaching at
he will remain for a month or .he Uniontown school, left Mon-
more attending to bUNlne»« mut­ iay for Medford, where she will
ters, and will return by Los An­ remain with friends and relatives
geles to visit relatives Mr. Thom­ iext week. After attending the
as came here from Kansas sev­ Diamond Jubilee, Miss Maull will
eral years ago, and has since made cave for her home In Portland to
hi« home with his daughter, Mrs. ■ tpend the summer. She will teach
E. H. Taylor
it Uniontown again next term.
• Mr and Mrs. J. H. Weeks and • Roy Hanscam Jr. and sister
family from Santa Barbara were lean sustained minor head injur­
guests on Applegate last week at ies a few days ago when the car
the home of Mrs. Week's sister, in which they were riding with
Mrs. Sid Hanson.
their parents collided with another
• Adopting the custom of many car near their home in the uppei
The children were I
organizations to discontinue dur­ Applegate
ing the summer months, the Idttle taken to Camp Applegate for ■
Applegate Sewing club held the treatment.
final meeting last week at the • Six pupils from the Watkins
home of Mrs. Dave Jones. The club school, making the largest eighth
has been active since its organiza­ grade class ever graduated there, 1
tion nearly four years ago. and went to Ashland Friday, where
recently lias devoted the meetings, they received their diplomas in the
held at the members' homes, to county exercises. The students J
some form of sewing for the hos­ were Ardith Stevenson. Louise
tess Mrs Jess Taylor Is presi­ Harr. Mildred Burleson, Robert
dent of the organization.
t^ewis, Delbert DeWolfe and Rus­
• Mr and Mrs. C. D. Pedersen of sel Garrison. The Watkins school,
Eugene were recent guests at the which Is taught by Mrs. Ina Pur-
cel, who has been employed for
next term, closed with an after­
noon program, which was attended
by u lurge number of patrons of
the district. Among other eighth
grade pupils from Applegate re­
ceiving their diplomas Friday were
Pauline Ithinesburg, Agnes Dun­
ford and Harold Perkins of Little
Applegate sch<wl, and Fay Randall
of Uniontown,
• Mrs. 8 E Dunnington of Jack­
sonville »[tent a few days last week
at the home of her son, Cliff Dun­
nington, on Little Applegate.
• Mr. and Mrs. Lyal Hards mot­
ored to Brownsboro Sunday, where
they spent the day with the lat­
ter’» aunt
• George Taylor of Big Apple­
gate spent last week at Grants
Pass visiting relatives.
• T 8. Cady, of the Summit serv­
ice station, was operated on for
acute appendicitis Wednesday at
8 a m at the Community hospital.
Dr. Charles Haines of Ashland wax
the surgeon, and Mr. Cady has
been reported ax recovering from
the ordeal as well ax could be ex­
• Courteous service at the Nugget
• Sunday, May 27. Miss Elva
Morris and Mr Arthur Newman
motored to the summer home of
Judge Stuart Day near Sams Val­
ley and were married at 10 o’­
clock They returned to the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morris,
where chicken, ice cream and cake
was served as a wedding supper
The wedding cake was decorated
by a Medford bakery, and guests
Included Mrs. Helen Johnson,
Juanita, Jack and Lucille Morris,
Mr. and Mrs. Tod Daily (Mrs.
Daily will be remembered as the
bride's twin), her parents. Mr. and
Mrs Jack Morris. The bride was
attired in a white flannel swagger
suit wih all-white accessories, and
carried a lovely bouquet of or-
rhida. The groom is a native of
West Virginia They will reside
near Talent.
• Mrs E W. Odin and baby left
Jacksonville sanitarium Monday,
returning to their home near
• Mr Herbert Koeppc was dis­
missed from the local sanitarium
Monday of this week in a much
Ipmroved condition.
• Everyone in Jacksonville hav­
ing rooms or camp grounds to
rent during jubilee week kindly
list same at once at the Jackson­
ville service station, or at jubilee
Page 5
headquarter« in Medford, giving
name, address, phone number, and
whether riiona are single, double,
if modern, the price, 8. H. Jone«,
Mr«. E. 8. Severance, Peter Fick
• Stop at the Nugget.
• A large number of parent« and
friend» from here attended grad­
uation exercise« of the eighth
grade Friday, May 23. Thoae grad­
uating from here were as follow«:
Naomi Smith, Buelah Andrew«,
Marcella Mitchell, Georgia Hart,
Eunice Sanden, Frances Haight,
Mary Branam, Freda Butcher,
Stuart Forbes, Kenneth Purcel,
Billy Johnson, Thoma» Dunning­
ton and Gall Lusk.
• Mr» Worth and xon Charlie of
Yreka, Calif., were dinner guests
Sunday of Mr«. Al Boone.
• Mr«. Martha Mitchell wax a
recent dinner guest of Mrx. Paul
Penccxton of the Dr. Keene ranch
near Medford.
• W A. Gilbert recently left for
Astoria, where he spends a part
of each year fixhing.
• Mr Yakel of Centra) Point, re­
tailer for a product« company, and
C. W. Banta of Axhland, another
door-to-door retailer, were calling
in Jacksonville Tuesday.
• Leo Field«, employed by the
Compton Construction company,
»topped to vixit hi» parent« here.
Mr and Mr«. Clyde Field«, recently
while enroute to the coast.
• Mr«. Leslie Roger» wa» calling
on friend« here Tuesday.
• Mr. and Mr». Kent, who have
been living in the house owned by
Mr«. Worth, have mover! to Coos
• Mr». Frank Boone and baby
daughter »pent Sunday at the
Cheater Purcel home.
• Mr«. Florence Drake of Fern
Valley «pent Monday visiting Miss
Virginia Purcel.
• Maxine Childers has been quite
ill at her home here for some time,
buffering with the flu.
• Mrs. Lola Hildreath, Mrs. W. A.
Childers and daughter Maxine
were Medford visitor« Tuesday
• Albert and Ernest Olsen, with
friends, made a motor trip through
parts of northern California dur­
ing the week-end.
• Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Gober and
family of Lozier lane visited the
Fred Butcher family here ar.d also
attended the ball game Sunday.
• Mr. and Mr«. Herman Pence of
Klamath Falls visited at the home
of Mr. Pence's parents. Mr. and
Mr«. Ed Pence, Sunday.
• Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whitney
were Grants Paas visitors over the
• Mr. and Mrs. John White of
Medford called on Mr« Dora Har­
baugh recently.
• Barbara Jean Purcel has been
ill at her home here for several
• Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis of
near Butte Falla and daughter,
Violet Olsen, were in Jacksonville
Tuesday .
Bids You Welcome to
Southern Oregon
Medford and Jacksonville are making a sincere effort to
entertain you with a fitting observance of 75 years of
statehood ... 75 years of growth and development, of
progress and achievement ... to acquaint you with the
history and legend of the pioneer and his little joys and
sorrows ...
Will be on the job, too, to make your
sojourn here both pleasant and
trouble-free. We offer the motorist,
through the Medford branch of this
nationwide service, one-stop relief
for tire, battery and brake service,
coupled with that priceless “know­
how” on your car that cuts your au­
tomotive troubles to a minimum of
bother and expense.
Whether Ford Owners or Not, Will Find a
Sincere Welcome at the
We Are Ready to Equip Your Car With the New Firestone
High-Speed Tire for 1934 Driving Safety ... Or a Complete
Choice of Your Favorite Motor Fuel and Oils ... Dependable
Road and Resort Information ... on South Pacific Highway
Firestone Service Stores, Inc.
Ninth and Riverside, Medford
Phone 520
Our every service is yours to use and enjoy, Old Friends
and New, so that your pleasure at the Diamond Jubilee
may be complete.