Page 4 The JACKSONVILLE MINER for anything, and caught me too any statements made by our cler­ BOOGEY MAN IN RELIGION quick before I could bite my gy-at-large that cannot stand the LOT OF HOOEY, JIBES PROSPECTOR REYNOLDS tongue. light of reason. However. Billy might have been It is well to remember that in right about it after all, as the the |*ast the uneducated masses (Continued from page three) ago I was in one of Billy Sunday s Good Book tells us that when we have been oftentimes deluded by meetings. Billy, as perhaps you are pestered by this Devil, five assertions made by members of know, has a wonderful gift of gab. short words. “Get thee behind me. this fraternity. For instance, not as well as some small ability as a Satan.” will dispose of him in a so long ago that anyone has for­ contortionist. He is honest enough hurry. So if it is that easy, why all gotten it. the illiterate were led to to state publicly that he never this fuss and commotion over a believe that terrifying comets ap­ proaching the earth could be read the Bible through, knows matter of no importance? Incidentally, during the war scared away by the ringing of nothing of theology and only took up preaching because there was when Billy was making the big church bells. Statements like that, more money in it than in playing talk about going over to France though made with pious Intent, baseball. He is always more than to cheer up the boys in the always should be taken with a tew ready to teach other people how trenches, I wrote him an open let- I grains of salt, to counteract the to raise their children, though he ter which was published in one of effects of the poison on the sys­ certainly did a botch job on rais­ the leading daily papers of the city i tem. ing his own boy. At this meeting I in which he was at the time, ad­ speak of, the house was jammed vising him that it was not nearly and Billy was at his best. He was so dangerous to stay at home and I about the Devil, whom fight the Devil as it would be to he represented as the most pow­ get over in the trenches where the erful Being in the universe, next shells were flying around. He -—-♦ to the Lord Warming up to his probably paid no attention to my subject, he took off his coat and .etter, but anyway he changed his To the Editor: In an account of our Medford tossed it onto a chair. He said mind about going. I wish to particularly emphasize which appears in the American that no one on earth was safe from this bad god. who took pleasure in the fact that during my life in the Educator published by Bellows undoing all the good accomplished west I have gained (and held) the Durham company of Chicago is by the Lord and described tninute- friendship of many clergymen of the statement that her population ly some of his activities, which the various denominations. even in 1910 was 8840 while in 1920 it Lord was powerless to hinder at though I have occasionally unmer­ was only 5756. a decrease of 35 per present, but would administer pun­ cifully roasted some of their meth­ cent This sounds rather fishy to ishment for at some later date. ods and beliefs. It is possible, as us. We wonder if The Miner would Then he shed his vest and you may know, for a man in any dig up the facts for us The Miner started to gallop up and down the walk of life to be broad-minded is good at digging up things—we platform as his arguments became tnd sincere. And whenever I meet are told that is how it came to be more impassioned. This violent ex­ such men I never fail to accord a Miner. For the benefit of any new­ ercise made him perspire profuse­ 'hem my fullest respect, regardless ly. so he stripped off his outside of what religious beliefs they may comers in the country, we might shirt and heaved it after the other entertain. However, I am not in state that Medford is the east sub­ garments. In ringing tones he told the habit of taking for granted urb of Jacksonville. We understand of the irresistible power and craft of this prince of hell, at whose bid­ ding unnumbered legions of dem­ ons were unleashed, to wreak havoc upon the defenseless inhab­ itants of the earth. Then, rushing to the edge of the platform, he threw himself upon his stomach and. shaking his PLEASING the most fastidious closed fist downward in the sup­ tastes of Ladies and Gentlemen for posed direction of the lower re­ gions shouted, “Satan! we've got nigh onto 20 years with excellent you licked. It is no use for you to service and lumber that leaves no fight any more. You are done.” All splinters in the dispositions of the at once, in a flash, my mind pic­ tured this awful and powerful bad most particular Artisans and god ias Billy had described him) Craftsmen. Our facilities await looking upward from the bottom­ your call. less pit at a tiny microbe of a man who was shaking his fist at him and telling him he was licked, and the expression on his face as my imagination pictured it was so darned comical that in spite of myself I burst into laughter, much to the disgust of the righteous au­ PHONE 124 dience in my immediate vicinity, who turned around to look at me and give me the "bad eye.” I did not mean to be disrepesctful. But George W. Porter 204 South Fir Street I have a strongly developed sense , of humor and that was too funny Medford hax a little paper to which we might have rcaortrd for our informaUon. We know It would have been glad to have told uh If the statement In the Educator wax NOT ao, but if it were, er, er. well, we would not wish to tempt our brother to prevaricate. I have confidentially asked one or two brother farmers of Jack­ sonville about thia matter. Of course they were more or lesa en­ vious of our eastern suburb, as always is the case where a suburb secedes from under the parental roof. They told me this decrease in Medford's population might have been caused by the bite of the Boom Bug in 1910. Thlr afore- ’ said suburb of Jacksonville is going to have a monstrosity there on June 3-9. 1 believe they call it •'Ths Oregon Diamond Backed Jubilee" and it sports 7ft rattles and a buttonhole. Now since I have lived all my life in Jackson county I feel that I am entitled to be classed as a pine-burr and these, as well as the pinc-eurs. have a fatherly interest in the hole of the country. So I am offering a word of cau­ tion to those in charge of thia mysterious leviathan to be careful1 and not let any of Medford's clti- I sens get bitten by old Diamond , Backed Jubilee. It has the sound ' of being something venomous and although It should swell her popu- I lation for a time, the aftereffects ' might prove similar to those re­ ceived from the bite of the Hoorn Bug. Jubiluntly yours. BERT HARR. .... . ... We're told thut a beer drinker must start with the hard stuff be­ fore becoming drunk. At that, he's seldom u beoondng drunk, Wes­ ton Leader. Dr. II. I*. Coleman f'hlropriu-tlc • Phjslothemphy Oregon Licenw 264 California License 3029 11 Yeurs In Medford, Oregon LETTERS to the Editor Lovely Lumber The Most EXQUISITE SCREEN DOORS NICEST PAINTS That All But SPREAD THEMSELVES 5 75 Years Ago f THEY PLANTED A SEED. Just 75 years ago the seedling of a great state was planted in the fertile soils of Oregon. Through the years that seed was nurtured and properly cared for and today we have a commonwealth—a matured plant, if you please—that is well worth recognition and which gives rich reward for the painstaking care given. The Monarch Seed & Feed Company. In its many years of service ♦<» southern Oregon, has not only furnished the seeds—good seeds—for planting and reaping of crops, but also has furnished the planter, rancher and grower complete needs for caring for his seed to maturity. We are proud of our record of service—and QUALITY! Hats off to Oregon’s 75th birthday party! & 1 P. S.: We carry a full line of the very latest and most excellent machinery for the separation of cream and whey, and for all other needs of the dairyman, as well as all other branches of the agricultural arts. Monarch Seed & Feed Co. “Your Seedsmen Since 1910” Corner Sixth and Bartlett Phone 260 PORTER LUMBER COMPANY Howdy, Folks! Jubilee visitors will find us at Pacific Highway and Medford’s Main Stem ready to make your car’s sojourn in southern Oregon a pleasant one . .. » FATHER TIME! Has Placed His Approval on Mother Nature’s Ice Those who really KNOW prefer ICE —nature’s natural, economical re­ frigerant that never gets out of order ... always silent and properly humidified. FOR YOUR CAR THE PROPER BOX WILL SAVE! IF TIRE TROUBLES THREATEN TO MAR YOUR VISIT —We Have Them on Display at the Plant Our FLYING A Station Facilities are YOURS to enjoy during the Diamond Jubilee—or any time we may serve you as host... “LET’S GET ASSOCIATED” Medford Service Station C. C. FURNAS, Proprietor FLYING A GAS GOODYEAR ALL OILS TIRE DEPOT U S L BATTERIES We have available—at a consider­ able saving to you—an individual locker system of cold storage suit­ able for meats, berries, etc. Ask us about this new service. DAILY DELIVERY SERVICE TO YOIJR DOOR IN JACKSONVILLE, CENTRAL POINT AND PHOENIX Medford Ice & Storage Co., Inc. SOUTH FIR STREET PHONE 264 I