The JACKSONVILLE MINER BOOGEY MANS IN RELIGION HOOEY JIBES REYNOLDS Prospector-Poet, With 71 Years Background, Un­ burdens Self on Religion and War Against Devil lly J. ('. KKYNOl.DN I see by the paper« that this flock of evangelists, who have re­ cently descended on southern Ore­ gon, have resuscitated and brought to light again that nearly defunct ■pecter (the Devil) we used to hear so much about year« ago. but who ha« been practically ex­ cluded by the country1« foremost preacher« for some time, because of the fact that people everywhere had become fed up on it and had ceased to attend church In oonae- <|uence Or at liBMt such is the complaint of several of our leading church Journal« However, It seems to go over big In thia section and if the Idea gain* sufficient popularity among the ma«Hc«, it will only be a step backward to the days of witch­ craft und the old attractive pas­ time of burning victlma alive at the stake. And from there a «light pu«h would shove us right back again Into the Dark Ages which, us all men know, retarder! the growth of the world's progress for one thousand years. One can hardly blame thoae who make their living by teaching thia doctrine for at riving to revive thia old belief, as It is plain that re­ ligion la founded on a mythological heli, from the torments of which none may ear-ape unless allied by the efforts of these self-appointed deliverers If there were no hell there would bo no devil, nothing to be saved from and consequently no need of religion nor of preachers. Per­ sonally, I care leas than nothing what my neighbor's religious be­ liefs may be. If he can get a kick out of loading down his mind with a lot of unnecessary grief. It is all right with me. But why, may 1 ask. out of the hundreds and thousands of devils recognised by the many religious denominations of thia earth, has our Devil been selected aa the great “I AM"? And why 1s It necessary to aid hla cause with so much free advertising ? Is It good business sense to advertise your worst enemy’s activities and merchandise ? Why not let this Imaginary IX-vil do his own ad­ vertising ? In which cast» he would soon die a natural death and cease to annoy suffering humanity There is something wrong some­ where. Somebody must be getting a rakeoff out of it. I am an evolutionist myself, and a free man. I am not pinioned down by the weight of enormous invisible shackles. I have a con­ science which tells me the differ­ ence between right and wrong When I go wrong. I do not try to hide behind an imaginary Devil and whine about how he tempted me That kind of excuse doesn’t go with my conscience. The most terrific punishment I ever received was from that conscience of mine. And as I have to live with him. I make It a point to keep him in good humor. I know how to behave without being scared into it by some wild threat of a Devil who started out us a snake, afterward turned into a roaring lion und eventually wound up as a drugon. Ahead of anything else In the world I be­ lieve in the teachings of science When a scientist evolves a new theory, thounands of the most bril­ liant and giant Intellects Jump on It in the interests of truth und en­ deavor to pick it to pieces. If one little flaw is discovered, the new theory is discarded and relegated to the scrap pile. So when science evolves u theory that cun with­ stand the onslaught« of the world's keenest minds, you may bet your last dollar that It is true. Science has explored the realm of space in every direction. It has Investigated every hole and comer of our entire earth. It has segre­ gated and analysed the 92 ele­ ments of which our universe Is composed. And science states there is no place for u Devil In our uni verst, no need of u Devil, und that there is no Devil. Ho that's that» It may sound queer, after saying I do not believe in a Devil, to stute that I saw him when I was seven years old. I was living then in Providence, R. I., u city of about 100,000 [Mipulation Near where we lived was a cemetery covering sev­ eral square blocks The city had grown up around it. We kids used to play In It quite a lot. The grass was soft and clean and the grave­ stones made excellent hiding places for our games. One bright moonlight night the Devil ap­ peared. Raised up from behind a gravestone and looked at us One look at his horns and fiery eyes and we instantly became full of velocity. There were no Jack­ rabbits going our way or w* would have run right over them. After that no kid could be induced to go anywhere near that cemetery. Some weeks later my uncle and I were returning home on another bright moon light night and, ar­ riving al the stile leading into the cemetery, he started to go In, as it was a shortcut to our home, but I very decidedly declared I would not go that way. He Inquired why, so I told him about the Devil in there How he did laugh and. grab­ bing me by the hand, went right in and as I couldn't break loose, I was dragged along We were half way ncross when oh migosh! the Devil himself raised up from be­ hind a gravestone and looked at us. Never had I been so scared. It was a wonder I didn't die right there from fright. I fought like a I "Why did my father allow such a wildcuHt to break away but my dangerous beu»t in my room which uncle held me tight and strode [ might mangle or mutilate me at straight up to Mr. Devil, und whut any moment?" We had go« in our do you think it was? A darned old house and my dad always Insisted billygout that had been feeding | that there must tie a dim light in on the grass among the' graves. every bedroom, turned down and But he sure looked demoniacal in shaded, so that any time in the the moonlight. After that I always night full light could be had quick­ associated the Devil with a goat, ly if needed. I became so expert and I saw to it that he never made in dodging that booger that I could a goat out of me run into my room, leap Into the Previous to that time I had an­ center of my bed and cover up so other experience that may be quick that a «hooting star would worth relating. I had two aunts have seemed slow in comparison. who used to come to our house Then I would congratulate myself and slay a month or two at a time on the way 1 had fooled him and These aunts were supposed to be fall asleep. One night, not being good, respectable church members v?ry sleepy, I began to have a who would scorn to tell a He. Yet great curiosity to see him so, slip­ they amused themselves by load­ ping very quietly, an inch at a ing up my little noggin with a time from between the covers, and mens of nonsense, for which I have ready to dart back to safety if he never forgiven them I presume I sprang at me, I finally got into ! was considerable of a nuisance, position where I could see under like all kids of that age are. and the bed. I looked and looked, but after being started for bed at 7:30 could see nothing. He wasn't there, I would put on my nightgown but, but I wax so badly hypnotized that Instead of getting into bed, would I simply imagined he had taken a slip out again to the sittingroom, night off, but would be back the where I liked to stick around and next night. Being determined to listen to the talk going on there. have a look at him, I went through My father seldom came home from this performance night after night, his business before 9 o'clock, so till even my kid brain began to he never knew what they told me, realize that there was a screw or he would have made them quit loose in the machinery somewhere it. And I never thought to men­ and eventually I grew so bold that tion It to him. They said that at I would stop and peek under the Just h o'clock there was a most bed before getting in and shout terrible booger who slipped into "Boo!” loiter on, I got so daring the house and hid under my bed. that I would sit down on the rug i If I went to bed at S o'clock like with my back to the bed, under a grssl little boy, he wouldn’t which the booger was supposed to bother me, but if I did not get right into bed and cover up, he would bite off my toes or fingers, maybe my nose, if I stuck It out. He had been known to bite a whole . leg off of naughty boys and some- j times he carried them away and their mothers never heard of them again. And I believed every word | of it. Many questions 1 asked i about this booger and finally 11 knew all about him. I knew how many rows of sharp teeth he had. | all about the stinger on the end I of his tail, and the long talons he i grabbed bad little boys with and | his slimy scales and everything I I knew he was under my bed and j that he was simply waiting his! chance to catch me dead to rights , and perhaps carry me off and eat I me. In my mind I could see him I as plain as if I was looking 1 straight at him. and nobody could . have convinced me that I was mis­ taken about it. I never thought to ! isk myself the simple question, Celebrating Oregon's 75th Birthday COME TO MEDFORD OREGON’S JUNE 3 to 9 Diamond Jubilee BRILLIANT HISTORICAL NORMAN COWAN 8 DA PEA MT 1 AULAll 1 ROUND-UP WITH A CAST OF 500 PEOPLF BEST IN THE WEST Do they torture you by day? Keep you awake at night? What is it that keeps hospitals open and doctors busy? NERVES. What is it that makes your face wrinkled and makes you feel old? NERVES Nine times out of ten it’s NERVES that make you restless, worried, haggard. Nerves, gestion, Nervous Headache? ____ -___ When nerves arc over-taxed, you worry over trifles, find it hard to concentrate, can’t sit still. Nerve Strain brings on Headache. Nervous people often suffer from Indigestion. There may be absolutely nothing wrong with the organs of digestion, but the Nerves are not on the job to make the organs do their work properly. KODAK FILM STATION Do they interfere with your There will be many opportuni­ ties for picture making during Jubilee week — pictures of the pa­ rades the qtlaint pioneer cos­ tumes the rodeo, etc. KEEP YOUR KODAK LOADED! Bring your exposed films here for DEVEIXJPING and PRINT­ ING! All the work is done in our own plant by Master Photo Fin­ ishers. QUICK SERVICE -FIN­ EST RESULTS. work; ruin your pleasure; drive SWEM’S ever, there is a remedy. These grievious Images can be Just as easily thrown out by the exercise of the same amount of energy of thought. The greatest sin of all sins, in my opinion, is to allow anyone to force you to believe something that your own good common sense tells you is not so. Nearly 30 years (Continued on page four) Freshen up with a hair dress at Young’s . . . newest methods used that we guarantee to please you . .. Permanents, $1.95 to......................... $5.50 Finger Wave and Shampoo............... .75 Marcel and Shampoo........................... 1.00 Manicure................................................ 50 Hair Cut................................................ 50 HOT OILS—DUART STEAM TREATMENTS HENNAS, RINSES, ETC. Young’s BEAUTY SHOP Phone 454—MEDFORD—24 S. Grape The COW. Man’s Best Friend FOR MANY CENTURIES! Though the illustration, deftly drawn by One Who Has Been There, does not put it in so many words, still Bovine has been Man’s Best Friend for years without end, furnishing humans with the richest, purest food supply known , . . which supply is being utilized to the greatest possible advantage by southern Oregon’s pioneer cream­ ery, Snider’s, established in 1904. Snider’s Butter, Milk, Cottage Cheese and Ice Cream are products which are famous for their purity and excellence. On sale at all southern Oregon dealers. SNIDER DAIRY AND PRODUCE COMPANY. Do they make you Cranky, (►Blue—give you Nervous Indi­ KODAK—BOOK—GIFT SHOP On Main Street Medford be. All this may not be of much interest to my readers, but it was one of the best experiences of my whole life as it taught me how eas­ ily an image can be formed in the mind and, by lending it one’s ener­ gy of thought, can be built into a fearsome being that in time ac­ quires pjwer enough to deal mis­ ery to the thoughtless boob who allowed it to gain a foothold. How­ HAS BEEN Mammoth Pioneer Parade—Coronation of queen Mother—Giant In- duatrlal Exposition—Agricultural Parade—Celebration Opened by Secretary of Agriculture Wallace from Washington, 1». C. Load Your Camera for Jubilee Week Page 3 away your friends? You’re cheating yourself and the man who pays you if you work when your NERVES are not normal. You can’t have a good time when you are nervous. You can’t make or keep friends when you are keyed up and irritable You may excuse your­ self, but to others you are just a plain crank. Phone 203—Medford Greetings ANTIQUE HUNTERS Jacksonville, historic southern Oregon city, has fur­ nished a splendid hunting ground for lovers of the genuine antique. We are certain that our stock of curios, souvenirs, relics and antiques will prove of great inter­ est to appreciators of early art and handiwork, both from the Pioneer and the Indian. We believe that every Jubilee visitor, whether an­ tique hunter or not, will find a great deal of interest in our Jacksonville display. You are cordially invited to come see us when in Jacksonville and let us entertain you with as much his­ torical anecdote and atmosphere as you care to absorb. JACKSONVILLE ANTIQUE SHOP