The JACKSONVILLE MINER Page 2 The Jacksonville Miner Published Every Friday st JACKSONVILLE. OREGON OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF JACKSON VILIJC Entered as second-class matter February 19. 1932, at the postoffice at Jacksonville, Oregon, under the act of March 3. 1879. LEONARD N. HALL Editor and Publisher MAUDE POOL.................... ........ Applegate Editor J. W. PECKHAM ............ Business Manager PHONE JACKSONVILLE 141 Address All Communications to Box 138 Subscription Rates, in Advance: One Year.... ...... $1.00 Six Months--- --------50c Have You a Better Way? Longshoremen, in their strike, have brought down much criticism on their shoulders from inland peoples who prob­ ably understand little of what they are so definitely prejudicing their minds about. The waterfront strikes, of course, are hindering business and commerce. Idle ships and cargoes work a hardship on many—all just because "some water­ front toter wants more money,” it is be­ ing said. But we have an idea the long­ shoremen are fighting for several things which they believe are right. Perhaps the strikers are wrong in part. Possibly they picked an unfortun­ ate time to commence making demands. But it always takes two to complete any argument, and how about the stubborn ness on the other side? News dispatches state recognition of their union is one of the longshoremen’s main issues, and there is no known reason why any labor union should not be recognized, same as the employer. It is regretable, of course, that differ­ ences have to be settled at the incon­ venience of others. Mediation would be far more satisfactory to both sides, and LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of an execution in foreclosure duly issued out of and under the seal of the circuit court of the state of Oregon, in and for the county of Jackson, to me di­ rected and dated on the 19th day of May, 1934, in a certain action therein, wherein Jackson County Building and Loan Association, an Oregon building and loan corpora­ tion were plaintiffs and Edgar G. Whiteside and Alta B. Whiteside, husband and wife; C. J. Fry and Mary A. Fry. husband and wife; Floretta E. Anderson, and Roy D. Anderson, wife and husband, also all other persons or parties un­ known claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in or to the real estate described in the complaint on file herein were defendants, in which action Jackson County Building and Loan Association, an Oregon building and loan corporation, recovered judgment against Edgar G. White­ side and Alta B. Whiteside, the defendants, for the sum of two thousand ($2000.00) dollars, less the sum of $219.78 paid on stock, less the sum of $59.04 accrued earnings on said stock, being the sum of $1721.18, plus interest on $2000.00 from the 30th day of De­ cember, 1931, to the 16th day of November, 1933, at the rate of 10% per annum, being the sum of $375.56, plus interest on $1721.18 from the 16th day of November, 1933, to date hereof at 10% per annum, being the sum of $86.05; plus $19.00 paid for insurance premiums by plaintiff, plus $5.00 for continuation of abstract of title, plus $8.00 advanced by plaintiff for water used on said premises, plus interest on judg­ ment at 10% per annum with costs and disbursements taxed at twenty-three and 30 100 ($23.30) dollars, and the further sum of one hundred seventy-five and noilOO ($175.00) dollars, as at- torney's fees, which judgment was enrolled and docketed In the clerk’s office of said court in said county on the 19th day of May, 1934. Notice is hereby given that, pur­ suant to the terms of the said exe­ cution, I will on the 23rd day of June. 1934, at 10:00 o’clock am., at the front door of the courthouse in the city of Medford, In Jackson county, Oregon, offer for sale and will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, to satisfy said judgment, together with the costs of this sale, subject to re­ demption as provided by law, all of the right, title and interest that the said defendants. Edgar G. Whiteside and Alta B. Whiteside, husband and wife; C. J. Fry and Mary A. Fry, husband and wife, and Floretta E. Anderson, and Roy D. Anderson, and all unknown persons or parties had on the 2nd day of December, 1926, or now have in and to the follow­ ing described property, situated in the county of Jackson, state of Oregon, to-wit: The lot numbered six (6) and the west half of the lot numbered seven (7) in block number two (2) of Shellds Amended Addition to would eliminate fights, bloodshed, com­ mercial losses and misunderstandings. But, so long as arbitration is not agreed upon, and so long as employers will not accede to strikers’ demands in any particular, just what other course could the longshoremen take? Labor al­ ways has had to fight for everything it ever got. The workingman has to look out for Number One, same as everyone else. Unfair as it may seem to the rest of the world, labor’s last resort is to strike. And, after all, longshoremen probably know a whale of a lot more about their own troubles, and to what extent they must go to rectify them, than do inland­ ers who have been so ready with their criticism. AT THE GRAVE OF A SOLDIER DECORATION DAY B\ J. C. REYNOLDS Here at the grave of a soldier I pause with hat in hand; And in thought too deep to utter, Reverently I stand. Under this mound he is sleeping — Restful, untroubled, mute- And to his name on the headstone I make the grand salute. But for this valiant soldier— But for the men like him— We would now be as the serfs are. Slaves to a tyrant's whim. Here in this grave lies a hero— Never should we forget All that we owe to our soldiers— A vast. unsettled debt. per annum, being the sum of $71 25, plus interest on $1057.05 from the 21st day of June, 1933 to the date hereof, at 10*, per annum being the sum of $61 07, plus $5 00 for continuation of abstract of title, plus interest on said judg­ ment at 10% per annum from date of decree herein, with costs and disbursements taxed at seventeen and 30 100 ($17 30) dollars, and the further sum of one hundred ten and no 100 ($110 00) dollars, ns attorney's fees. which judgment was enrolled and dia-keted In the clerk's office of said court in said county on the 10th day of May, 1934. Notice is hereby given that, pur­ suant to the terms of the said exe­ cution. I will on the 16th day of June, 1934, at 10:00 o'clock a. m.. at the front door of the courthouse in the city of Medford, in Jackson county. Oregon, offer for sale and will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, to satisfy said judgment, together with the costs of this sale, subject to re­ demption ss provided by law, all of the right, title and interest that the said defendants. G. O. Scherer. Rachel Mead and N A Mead, her husband; Agnes T. Daugherty, a single woman. Elmer R Hail, a single man, and State of Oregon had on the 27th day of July. 1927. or now have in and to the follow­ ing described property, situated in the county of Jackson, state of J Oregon, to-wit: Commence at the southeast cor- ' ner of the west 1 acre of the east 2 acres of lot 7. block two (2) of, Mingus subdivision to the city of Medford: thence north 120 feet to the point of beginning; thence north 146 feet: thence west 9669 feet: thence south 146 feet; thence east 96 69 feet to the point of be- ginning. Dated this 14th day of May 1934. WALTER J OLMSCHEID. Sheriff of Jackson County. Oregon By OLGA E ANDERSON, Deputy. has been paid, the real estate be­ longing to said estate, described us follows, to-wit: All thut portion of block sixty- two (62) of the City of Jackson­ ville, Jackson county, Oregon, described in Volume 177 of the Deed Records of Jackson coun­ ty. Oregon, at page 54 C E. JENKINS. Administrator. (May 11. 18. 25. June 1) ■ ■ ■ Miss Anna Coffman was admitted Sunday, after sending three weeks with relatives at Fort Jones, Calif. Singer Sewing Machine Co., Inc. TELEPHONE 7H2 I NORTH BARTLETT ------ -- ------------- • The A K. Hart family moved to Mt Shasta City. Calif.. Natur- day. • Mr and Mrs H >1 Wilson of Klamath Fall« ware rrcrnl visit­ ors at the Clyde Fields home hare • Mra. Halal Williams was dis­ missed from the nunitarium Thins- day much Improved In health, und CONGER FUNERAL PARLORS Medford, Oregon THE WOMAN PAYS Would You Scour Pots and Pans for 3C a Day? In the County Court of the State Here on this mound so sacred. of Oregon, for Jackson County I place with grateful pride. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES­ The Flag of his own loved country TATE OF WILLIAM MASON For which he fought and died. JAMES. DECEASED. Then from the spot thus hallowed. NOTICE I turn with noiseless tread. • THE DIFFERENCE in fuel costs between Notice is hereby given that the Lest I may disturb the slumber undersigned administrator, from old fashioned flame cooking and the Of him—the glorious dead. and after the 12th day of June, 1934, at the office of Harry C. modem efficiency of electricity will seldom "For how can a man die better Skyrman. in the Medford Center Than facing fearful odds, exceed 3 cents a day. The saving in food building in Medford. Oregon, will For the honor of his fathers proceed to sell at private sale to shrinkage alone will save part or all of this And the temples of his gods." the highest bidder, for $100 00 cash difference, and how wonderful it is to use at the time of sale and $20 00 on the Town (now city) of Central section corner common to sections the 1st day of each month there­ a fuel so clean that the bottom of your Point, according to the official 9, 10. 15 and 16 in township 35 after, until the full purchase price cooking utensils will not soil your finest south of range 1 west of the Wil ­ — plat thereof, now of record. Dated this 21st day of May. lamette Meridian, and running handkerchief. Cook the modem, coaven* thence north 71 deg. east 225 feet; 1934. LADIES’ lent, electrical way. Electricity is the per­ thence north 6 deg. east 108 feet; WALTER J. OLMSCHEID. HA1R- Sheriff of Jackson County. Oregon thence north 53 deg. 30 min. east CUTTING fect servant. 156 feet; thence north 70 deg. east By OLGA E. ANDERSON. BY (May 25. June 1 8 15) Deputy. 364 feet; thence north 50 deg. east APPOINT­ ----------- •------------ 172 feet; thence north 10 deg. east MENT 146 feet; thence north 78 deg. east NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE 95 thence north 68 deg. east PHONE 57 By virtue or an execution in 100 feet; feet; thence north 44 deg. east THE CALIFORNIA OREGON foreclosure duly issued out of and 84 thence north 24 deg. east Permanent Waving under the seal of the Circuit Court 136 feet; POWER COMPANY feet; thence south 63 deg. east A Specialty of the state of Oregon, in and for 100 feet to the west line of the the county of Jackson, to me di­ Crater Lake highway; thence Be Sure to Attend Oregon's Diamond Jubilee Celebration BOWMAN’S rected and dated on the 11th day 138 feet; thence west 1300 of May, 1934, in a certain action north Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor Medford, Oregon, June 3rd to »th feet; thence south 945 feet; to the therein, wherein Jackson County place 18 South Central, Medford of beginning, containing 13 Building and Loan Association, an acres more or less, all in section Oregon building and loan corpora­ 10, township 35 south of range 1 tion. was plaintiff and D. R. of the Willamette Meridian; Dickey and Nita C. Dickey, hus­ west together with all water rights ap­ band and wife, A. J. Hornby and purtenance thereto or to become Mary Hornby, Southern Oregon appurtenant thereto. Credit Bureau, an Oregon corpora­ Dated this 14th day of May, tion ; Jackson county, Oregon, a 1934. political subdivision of the state WALTER J. OLMSCHEID of Oregon, also all unknown per-1 Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon sons or parties were defendants, By OLGA E ANDERSON in which action Jackson County Deputy. Building and Loan Association, an (May 18 25 June 1 8) Oregon building and loan corpora­ ------------ •------------ tion, recovered judgment against NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE D. R. Dickey and Nita C. Dickey, By virtue of an execution in the defendants, for the sum of $1500.00, Jess the sum of $205.25 foreclosure duly issued out of and paid on stock, less the sum of $8.94 under the seal of the Circuit Court accrued dividends on said stock, of the State of Oregon, in and for being the sum of $1285.81. plus the county of Jackson, to me di­ interest on $1500.00 from the 31st rected and dated on the 11th day 11 MILES NORTH OF MEDFORD day of January, 1933, to the 23rd of May, 1934, in a certain action therein, wherein Jackson County day of December, 1933, at 10% ON CRATER LAKE HIGHWAY per annum, being the sum of Building and Loan Association, an $134.50, plus interest on $1285.81 Oregon building and loan corpora­ from the 23rd day of December, tion, was plaintiff and G. O. Scher­ 1933. to the 10th day of May, 1934, er, Rachel Mead and N. A. Mead, at 10% per annum, being the sum her husband; Agnes T. Daugherty, of $48.89, plus $220.76 for taxes a single woman; Elmer R. Hall, a paid by plaintiff, plus $21.50 for single man; State of Oregon and insurance premium paid by plaint­ all other persons or parties un­ iff, plus $5.00 for continuation of known were defendants, in which abstract of title, plus interest on action Jackson County Building judgment at 10% per annum, with and Loan Association, an Oregon costs and disbursements taxed at building and loan corporation, re­ twenty-two and 15 100 ($22.15) covered judgment against Agnes dollars, and the further sum of T. Daugherty for the sum of one hundred twenty-five and $1500.00, less the sum of $382.00 no 100 dollars, as attorney’s fees, paid on stock, less the sum of which judgment was enrolled and $60.95 accrued earnings on said docketed in the clerk's office of stock, being the sum of $1057.05 said court in said county on the plus interest on $1500.00 from the 31st day of December, 1932, to the 11th day of May, 1934. Notice is hereby given that, pur­ 21st day of June, 1933, at 10% suant to the terms of the said exe­ cution. I will on the 16th day of June, 1934, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., at the front door of the courthouse R. W. Sleeter, M. D. in the city of Medford, in Jackson 202 Medford Bldg. county, Oregon, offer for sale and will sell at public auction for cash Medford to the highest bidder, to satisfy Phone 4 said judgment, together with the costs of this sale, subject to re­ FEATURING demption as provided by law, all of the right, title and interest that the said defendants, D. R. Dickey S. C. PETERS and Nita C. Dickey, A. J. Hornby and Mary Hornby, husband and (D.M.D.) wife, and Southern Oregon Credit Bureau, an Oregon corporation, had on the 7th day of October, Dentist 1930, or now have in and to the following described property, sit­ uated in the county of Jackson, COVER CHARGE — 45c PER COUPLE state of Oregon, to-wit: The south half of the southeast Ladies Unescorted, No Cover quarter of section 9, township 35 Opposite Post Office south of range 1 west of the Wil­ “YOU’RE WELCOME!” JACKSONVILLE lamette Meridian; also; beginning at a point 375 feet north of the Sjr Grand Opening Saturday, June 2 OASIS CABARET SOUTHERN OREGON’S ONLY SPRING FLOOR AL STEWART and His ELEVEN NIGHT OWLS