Jacksonville miner. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1932-1935, June 01, 1934, Image 1

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    c a Copy
But You Really
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T he J acksonville M iner
“The Sheet That1» in the Pink”
Volume 3
Jacksonville, Oregon, Friday, June 1, 1934
Lions Enter Miners’Den
hungry, thought» of poisoned food her the places of interest in that
prevented them eating. They took eventful trip over the Applegate
the remaining members of the en­ trail.
campment back to Jackxonville ax
prisoners and when, even after a
long period of time, the braves,
who probably had escaped through
Elliott creek to the Klamath, did
not return for their wives, they Bert and Fred (.'lute Drag Out
Ancient Broom Making
i were set free.
Gadget for Parade.
A double murder, believed to
' have been an indirect result of the
The making of the broom that
Angel murder, occurred in Jack­ | grandmother used in sweeping her
sonville some time later when parlor will be demonstrated during
some quick-tempered fellow shot the Diamond Jubilee on a float to
be entered in the pioneer parade
two innocent Indian boys who, it by Bert and Fred Clute of the
is believed, were sent to town to I Applegate.
determine the height of feeling
The Clute brothers are well pre­
here. The shooting of these boys pared to demonstrate this phase of
was held as a grave mistake. The antiquity, since the broom machine
motive for killing Angel, other they will use was brought across
than a possible personal grudge, 1 the plains from Kansas by their
remained a mystery, since the father, the late Silas W. Clute,
man’s wife whs a French Cana­ who manufactured brooms in Ash-
j land for several years, using bis
Nevertheless, the murder of An­ own broomcorn. Mr. Clute was a
gel and the resulting pursuit broke skillful
up the stronghold of the Apple­ brooms in which the bright colored
gate Indians. After a long period thread used in holding the straws
of absence, the fugitives joined the was woven in decorative designs,
remaining tribe of Shasta Indians such as hearts or diamonds. Oth-
in the Rogue river valley and later I erwise the brooms had the same
took up their abode in the Illinois appearance as those used today. It
is planned that whisk brooms will
Miss Hanley Is certain of the i ' be thrown on the street from the
| authenticity of this story, since it float as souvenirs.
was told to her by a member of
The Applegate Grange plans to
the volunteer band from Jackson­ enter the industrial parade with a
ville, Dan Fisher of Central Point | float which probably will exhibit
vicinity, who once pointed out tol agricultural products.
Broom Making Shown
Daniel descended into the lion’«
den, but thia Sunday the Lions will
come up and see Jacksonville's
Miners for nine Innings It la
Mortals do be funny critters. It doubted, however, whether they
were but a few springs ago that will sec many of Screwball Tur­
every vacant lot seemed to bioorn ner's mysterious hooks and nout
with jM-rwee golf links, till all ol baseball throws which he is sched­
the cramped courses caved In on uled to use during the exhibition
themselves. M*amlng much from
It is painful to admit, of course,
that lesson, sucker Investors are
today opening beer gardens on the
rulna of each of them.
(Drop in Any Time, Stranger)
field, but that lx a thing of the
past, declare local players, who
' Tfttíiai
Salmon caught two fishermen vow they’ll expend much effort to­
Sunday, one In ltogue river and ward declaring their superior mas­ (Scroll by Hon. Mayor Wes Hartman, who writes with an awful one.)
the other in the Umpqua stream culinity Sunday, starting at 2:30
Difficulty was encountered In Io- pm. The game will be played on
eating the bodies.
the local field, and a large turnout
of ladies ami gentlemcnt und fan­
It do appear, methinks, that the ciers of the game Is ex|>ected. in­ Flrxt Wedding Oideat Protestant Squaw l4tke and Dot her Applegate
infestation of "black widow" »pid asmuch as the date is opening day
Church Was Sticker for
Ixuidinarks Linked With
ers near Klamath Falla will result of the jubilee.
Entire Congregation.
Indian Murders.
141st Sunday the Miners voyaged
in many a widow garbed in black,
bite of the insect being declared to Butte Falls, where a 6-4 defeat
Celebration of the Oregon Dia-
almost as fatal as the sting of was administered the gold goug- . mond Jubilee this coming week
it wm a long, long time ago;
ors, through'Screwball Turner held calls to mind to many old settlers
yes, several yearn before Oregon
’.he timber cruisers to wven scat­ ■ hereabouts of the now famous first
became a state, that a mule lost
wedding in the historic Methodist his footing on a narrow mountain
Exposure to the sun ages the
body, it Is said But modern trend is much ax yelling "timber" in an | church many years ago. In fact pass in the Big Applegate country
of great exposure to sun found in I effort to lay wood on the horse­ . they do say, with a twinkle in and slowly tumbled to his death
women's clothing seems to make hide pellet, in guinlng the two win­ their eye, the incident has a way in the swift waters of the river
ning tallies, after Miners had of »ticking in their memories.
males of our city feel younger.
below, thereby giving Mule hill its
maintained a lead for three in* j
Former editor of the now de­ mediocre name. Yet that incident
ninga. It. Tungate, moundsman for funct Democratic Times, Charlie
is closely related with the histor-
Yen, and too many girls build Butte Falls, secured eight strike­
their Ilves on a foundation gar­ outs, but walked two players. Nichols, was the groom, while ical background of southern Ore­
Judge Prim's daughter, mother of gon, and carries with it the horror
Turned fooled two with his famous Mrs. Louie Ulrich, was the bride.
of a murder by the Indians, and
screwball, but both got aboard the ■ The elite and socially correct of
for that reason Miss Alice Hanley,
One of the biggest obstacles diamond to score later when sub­ Jacksonville were the attendants
well known county pioneer, has re­
marriage has to overcome is that stitute catcher Coker dropped the who participated in one of the big­
membered the story and related it
It offers an opportunity for per­ ball. Turner walked one and hit gest tears in many a year.
when interviewed at her home
sons to blame the difference be­ one player.
Just completed in the 50’s, the northeast of Jacksonville recently.
tween anticipation and realization
Butte Falla started off In the new Methodist structure's hand­
When only a trail led over the
upon one another.
first inning when Tungate got on made benches had received a gen­ hills from Jacksonville to the wil­
on a passed ball, advancing to sec­ erous covering of varnish, which derness of the Applegate valley
Misery loves to make company. und on an overthrow to first. Poole had not thoroughly dried for the about 80 years ago, Martin Angel,
walked and Gardewine clouted a wedding, first nuptial ceremony to who lived on a donation land claim
home run to give his nine a three-
Minds, like rivers, don't amount -un lead. The Miners came back in be performed in the first church of south of Central Point, later
to much at any one place when first half of the second with three that denominatior west of the known as the Cooksey place,
Rockies. Father Williams, who started over that trail on horse­
they are too broad.
allies when Anderson got to first read the sermon, orated for some back and was shot in the back by
on an error, advanced to second 30 minutes, and those in attend- Ind'ans. The murder occurred after
A Bend drunken driver was cer­ >n Turner's single, and came home once sat. persplringly, ln seats Angel had traveled about half a
tainly carrying a "load" the other <u»t ahead of Turner when Coff­ through 45 minutes of music mile beyond the Jacksonville hill
day. Twenty-one sUcks of blasting man tripled to deep center. Coff­ When Father Williams asked bis along the route of the present
powder were found in his car fol­ man scored when Coker got two audience to rise, half the town was Jacksonville-Ruch highway.
xutes on a hot grounder that went ripped asunder.
lowing a crash.
Angel's horse, spattered with
through De Pasquale's legs. Min­
blood that bespoke of the tragedy,
It appears by now, too, that dip­ ers took the lead in the third when clare earwitnesses, us the congre­ traveled back to Jacksonville in
lomata have replaced think tanks Anderson arrived on the first sack gation struggled to its feet sans less than an hour, and soon a band
on a fielder's choice, traveled to
of volunteers was organized there
with army tanks at Geneva.
second on an overthrow and came pants-scats, portions of dresses to follow the murder trail. Tracks
home when Moore dropped Ben
The variant looking for trouble Coffmans fly ball in right field embarrassing locations. Many left in the dust led them past the body i
doesn't wait till he finds It gen­ Butte Falls evened the score in the for home immediately upon ex­ of the murdered man and on to the ,
upper section of the Applegate val­
erally he causes it.
sixth when Groothius tripled to amining damage, and it has been ley. where darkness forced them
center and Moore followed with a
Spokane has barred candy on a single. Tn the seventh R. Tungate bride blushed that day, she was to wait overnight. It was early the
next morning as the horsemen
wooden handle, but to date noth­ started off with a single, went to not without competition.
made their way along the danger­
ing has been done about the hu­ second when Baker got on on a
ous trail around Mule hill that
man peats who think they are pass ball, J. Tungate singled to
their mule, which they had over­
something on a stick.
score his brother and Baker
loaded with ammunition and food
crossed home when De Pasquale
their haste in packing, lost his
The esteemed "Sauce" of the went to first on an error.
Jayvllle Post Office Pushed Up balance in the shell rock and rolled
Brady (Texas) Standard last week
Entire game, with few excep­
Notch in World of Letters
into the river. It was in the spring,
did the writer of this column great
water was unusually high and,
honor by reprinting many para­
since the bank below the trail was
graphs therefrom, under the cap­ lent baseball on part of both nines.
One month from today, July 1, so high and steep that the men
tion, "Editorial Short»- Copied, Butte Falls will play the Miners
June 24 on the J’vllle dia- the Jacksonville post office will be were powerless to rescue their
picked up, stolen, but nevertheless
Other scheduled games in­ reinstated in the honorable posi­ drowning mule, they last saw • him
good." Sort of stretching our hat­ mond.
elude Medford's Rogues here on tion of third class, it was learned drifting downstream, his four 1 feet
band, instead of the truth.
Thursday, Jacksonville day of jub­ by Postmaster Ella Rhoten early in the air, indicating that his load
------------- •-------------
ilee week, and Ashland Eagles this week For the past fiscal year had made him topheavy.
the office had been fourth class- a
Sunday. June 10.
Even though without food and
RHE position totally unbecoming a com­ most of the ammunition, the brave
Score by innings:
Popular J'vllle Mercantile Store Jacksonville
031 000 000 4 6 5 munity of Jacksonville's caliber, volunteers forged ahead, chancing
Installing Swell Layout;
Butte Falls
300 001 20x 676 thought many—but receipts from defeat of the Indians with the
Formal Opening.
Players making the trip lnclud- mail swelled several hundreds of ammunition carried by each mem­
ed Tommy White, left field; Fred dollars as compared to the prev- ber of the company. After travel­
An improvement that will stir Green, third base; McBee, first; | lous 12-month period, thus promot­ ing four miles, the volunteers
the soul of pride In Jacksonville is I. D. Huffman, shortstop; Del An­ ing our fair city from the ranks of sighted the object of their long
search, the camp of the Indians,
being completed this week by Mr. derson. second; Bill Turner, pitch­ towns best described as tank.
and Mrs. O. W. Godward, l.e., God­ er; Ben Coffman, center field;
Salary rate of $1100 per annum later to find that the red men had
ward's Mercantile emporium, dis­ Yakel, right field; Coker, catcher; will be in force again for the of­ fled, leaving their squaws, children
pensers of groceries, dry goods and Greening, right field, and Manager ficial post-card reader, said the and one blind man in camp, which
related sundries. Enlisting in the Hall. Umpire Jake Shafer called communication from Washington, incident is responsible for the
alliance of independent grocers strikes and balls behind the plate. D. C. Jacksonvillians, after the naming of Squaw creek and Squaw
known as IGA stores, the popular
first of next month, will again be lake.
The squaws were breakfasting
establishment has been completely
to hold their heads high as
they emerge from the local office when the white men approached,
A display of old quilts, com­ laden with post.
and even though the visitors were
A new-fangled, but nevertheless
popular, arrangement has been bined with a Colonial tea, will be
made in the interior, with a serve- shown in the basement of the
yourself atmosphere and easily ac­ Presbyterian church next Thurs-
plainly day, Jacksonville day of jubilee
marked price tags adorning all week, from 10 a.m. till 5 p.m., un­
merchandise. New paint, white and der auspices of the Ladies Aid of
blue, has been applied to all fix­ the church.
The display of quilts and handi­ Takes this method of acquainting his Friends and the
tures, both old and new, and even
will Include pieces more than Public that he carries on the business of Apothicaring
Ernie McIntyre, their most offl-
cient clerk, has assumed a beam­ a hundred years old, and many in Main Street and across Grape Street from the Bank
ing smile that matches the gleam rare bits of early-day needlework. of the Fruitgrower and the Farmer, and at the sign
Admission to the collection will be
of the interior.
of The Rexall. He would greatly oblige all Ladies and
The Godward Mercantile build­ free.
------------- •-------------
Gentlemen who will favor him with their Commands
ing has been used as a grocery
and dry goods emporium for more
they may depend on getting a fresh supply of Herbs,
Notice is hereby given that
than 75 years, being built about
and Medicamentums for those of them who
1858, a twelve-month before Ore­ sealed bids will be opened Satur­
gon entered the Union. Proprietor day, June 9, 1934 A. D., for esti­ may be suffering from any Illness, Ailments or
Godward came to these parts from mates on contracts to be let for Wounds. Should their Doctor give them a Writing for
Ohio prior to 1020, and assumed the sharpening of picks, said im­
teaching duties at the local seat of plements being those adorning The any of the Ailments mentioned they will be Concocted
education. For three years he Miner's neon sign hanging above and Dispatched by Special Courier Post haste with
served as principal, and in 1921 doorway, and the pick in “The care and Precision and for a most reasonable fee.
Editor Speaking” column on this
took over the store.
------------- •-------------
page. Said picks to be sharpened
WILL TRADE -100 acres all level to the extent that staff will easily
for mining lots in Jacksonville. be able to get a point into news
Recalls Funny Incident How Mule Creek Named
----- •-----
Make Class Distinction.
Godward’s Remodel.
Ralph Woodford.
West Side Apothicary Shop
and editorial matter henceforth.
Number 22
----- •-----
IxM-ui Buxebull Ex|M*rta Drop ('loar
Game With Butte Fall»
There 14txt Sunday.
Inquire at The Miner office.
Them Was the Days!
In the early days (say 75 years ago) The
Jacksonville Miner was a hard-working
individual, not a newspaper, and panned
gold instead of politicians. General mer­
cantile stores sold calico and gingham and
that was considered mighty fine dress ma­
terial. Women wore shawls and it took
about 15 yards of cloth to make a dress.
Then came the day of this thing called
STYLE. Well, Penney’s are Pioneers in
Value-Giving, and we’re noted for being
“square-shooters” like the men who toiled
for gold in historic Jacksonville years ago.
Paint Sale
In Our History!
Complete Line Reduced!
House Paint, gallons $2.79, quarts.............
Interior Paints, gals. $2.59, x/z gals. $1.39,
quarts 79c and pints......................................49c
Floor Paint, gallons $2.79, V^-gallons $1.49,
quarts 79c, and pints.................................... 49c
4-Hour Enamel, gallons $3.49, quarts 98c,
pints 59c, Vi-pints 39c and %-pints
4-Hour Varnish, gallons $3.29, ^-gallons $1.79,
quarts 98c, pints 59c, and y2-pints. -
All Above Prices Are for Our BEST QUALITY Paints