Page 4 The JACKSONVILLE MINER it wasn’t by any gangster either. my day off and as throe of the > camp in Nevada. "Did you ever light. "Boys, boys," I said, "for The snow in Middle Park, Colo­ | Post papers had cume in ail at meet Frank Robertson there?” he the aake of Mike cut it out. I for­ rado. piled up to seven feet on the ■ once, I was reading them. Sud- asked Frank Robertson was a fa­ got thia game over 20 yea re ago " level and made it miserable to i denly I gave a wild yell and my mous mining man. a well-known And whirling on my heel, walked work in. So I quit my job and l partner wanted to know what had promoter anti very wealthy. Ev­ away from them. Aa I turned the came down to Denver over the bitten me I said. “Just look at erybody knew him. So I replied first corner, I flashed a backward (Continued from page one) Moffat road that used to climb i this. You remember I have told minute. Some genteel appearing over the lofty Berthoud pass, be­ you about that guy in Denver beg­ in the affirmative. "He Is my un­ look They were standing talking fellow rushes into the car with a fore they finally put the long tun- ging me for a dollar. Well, here cle." he stated. I swallowed that togetiier and watching me, won­ $20 bill in his hand and says. "Will nel in, that you have heard so he is." Some bank president Nick all right and after more conver­ dering if I was going to call a cop some gentleman please be kind much about. We reached lienver east had absconded with a couple sation I said, "Well, aa we have But I didn't. After getting out of to wait a couple of hours, let's enough to change this twenty for about dark and after supper, I of hundred thousand, had gotten go across the way and get us a sight I laughed till 1 waa nearly me? I need four fives in a hurry." went down to the big union depot as far as Denver and had been cool drink. I do not remember sick and every time I thought of Up jumps the “come-on" with the to see about the price of a ticket caught there The front page photo what he took, but 1 had a cocktail it fur a month afterward I aaid to four fives which the sharper takes to California and some other showed him being taken to the po­ Thon we talked awhile Finally he myself, "Old tinier, you must sure­ in one hand while extending the things. As 1 entered the depot lice station between two detectives aaid, "Have a cigar on me now, ly look like a rutie for them to try other which holds the twenty. where several hundred people were and one of the detectives was the but hold on. I^t’s go up the street that moss-grown trick on you." It had all come to me like a "Say. hold on," he exclaims, •this sitting around waiting for trains. guy who had bummed the dollar to a place I know where they flash, how easily I had gotten ac­ bill is no good; counterfeit." Just I immediately noticed a tall, well- off of me. I aaid to my partner, "1 make the best cigars in town.” quainted with the young stranger then the train starts. "Here, take dressed guy walking up and down thought I was on to moat of the So we started up the street for your money back. I have no time with his hands behind him. It was cute tricks, but this is a brand the cigar store and after going nt the depot, how we had started to explain now," he chirps, and j because lie looked at me so sharp- new one. That dick thought when j half a block, caught up with an for the cigar store where the fin­ jumps from the train. The sucker i ly that I took especial note of him. he saw me that I resembled some-i I old fellow with long whiskers and est cigars in town were, how we looking at his money, finds he is a While I was in conversation with one he was after. He couldn't bow-legs, dressed in countryfied had caught up with the little old $5 bill shy. but the train is in mo- | the ticket agent, this guy passed pinch me without some kind of a fashion, who half turned as wv chap with whiskers and the men­ tion. so all he can do is to forget it. close behind me several times and charge. So he put on that act to came up and spoke to the fellow tion of the "kyard game." The next move would have been These kind of swindles and doz­ without appearing to pay any at­ have a personal interview and sat­ who was with me in a long south­ for us all to have proceeded to the ens more were being pulled off tention to it, I was watching him isfy himself and not only did that ern drawl that was humorous in cigar dive, where doubtless there every day in Denver while the very closely. but made it pay him a dollar." I the extreme. I am unable to spell were other sharpers, and the old "Soapy" Smith gang was around Leaving the depot, I started thought that was pretty good. Kill­ the words aa he pronounced them, "muel man" would have demon­ there and any stranger in town back uptown but I hadn’t gone ing two birds with one stone, one but it would make a dog laugh to strated how he lost his money in who didn't fall for at least one of more than a couple of blocks when might call it. Finding out what he hear him. "Say. Paardner,” he such a manner aa to induce me to them, was indeed lucky. I became aware I was being fol­ wanted to know and grafting a droned, "can yeou tell me when l>et my money on it, or at least As I stated in a previous story, lowed. I have lived in the big cities dollar for himself at the same the train goes outa here fer Salt take a drink or two with them, preachers were "Soapy’s" personal too long for anybody to trail me time. Lake City?" "No. Uncle," my after which, good-bye bank roll. meat. He would turn down good around without getting next to it. Coming up from the Tonopah friend replied. "Are you going to That trick is so old that S000 veers business to skin one of them for So when I reached Larimer street excitement, my train was late and Salt Lake? Do you live there?" any insignificant amount. Why. I where there was a strong comer I had to stay over in Sacramento “Neow I don’t live there, but I wouldn’t say. Only know it was so I light, I turned the comer all right, till next day. I had $1600 and had have to geow through there to get Privately, I have always sus- then wheeled and came right back. it right with me. The following away from this gol-darnod Yankee picioned that "Soapy” knew they I wanted to meet the fellow who morning about 11 o’clock I went country." "Why is it you don’t wouldn’t make much of a holler was trailing me right under that down to the depot to see about the like the Yankees, Uncle?" Inquired Adults 25c - Kiddies 10c about it. He knew a preacher, after bright light where 1 could get a north-bound train to Redding. Just my friend "Waal," he aaid, "I being swindled, would hesitate to good look at him. And sure enough as I turned away from the ticket came up hyar from old Kaintucky make a big fuss over it and then it was the tall man I had seen in window a well-dressed individual with a carload of muels and I sold Frl-Sat get up in the pulpit Sunday and the depot and it was me he was of about 30. with a swell overcoat them tha muels fer a darned good admonish his hearers to "pray for trailing. over his arm and a high-priced figger, but these gol-darned Yan­ TWO FEATURES! them which despitefully use you.” grip in his hand, had just come in kees got it mostly all away from But I was due for a great sur ­ and “him that taketh away thy and had heard my question, but me,” I have not the s|>ace here to WALTER HI STON in cloake. forbid not to take thy coat prise. Stepping squarely in front had not heard the agent's reply. repeat half that was said, but that of me, he touched his hat and also." as the Good Book states. "What did you say?” he inquired. old fellow was as comical as a However, the last time I was spoke in a most humble and re­ "The train is two hours late," I clown at a circus and I remember spectful way. He said "Mister, I in Denver I had a trick pulled on answered. "Dam the luck." he I was immensely tickled at his me which is worth repeating, and saw you in the depot and, begging growled. ”1 was going off on that talk. Finally my friend inquired, Pl.CS your pardon, made so bold as to follow you. I am in an awful fix, train, myself." We got into con­ “How did the Yankees get your a stranger in a strange town and versation and he asked me where money away from you, Uncle?" flat broke. Could you possibly help I was from. That was no secret! "Well," was his reply, "they got so I told him I had lately arrived me into a leetle kyard. game.” me with the loan of a dollar?” from Manhattan, the new gold Suddenly I saw a vivid, brilliant I did some of the fastest think­ ing right then of my whole life. Here was a guy. clean and better Adult, dressed than I was myself, who 20c I THEATRE looked as if he could do anything ■ ■Vf» ■ Children 10c any working man could do. asking Ends Saturday Night me for a dollar. Saturday Only Well, I had seen many fellows go broke in towns like Denver and. BOB STEELE in as I had close to $700, I thought I could easy spare a dollar, so I said, “Why, yes, I guess I can let in “Emperor Jones” you have a dollar.” I didn’t want Sunday, Monday, Tuesday to spoil matters by asking him also ‘Fighting With Kit < arson * how he came to get that way, or Protected anything along that line, so aa to Sunday and Monday W ease the situation off. I began to talk, telling him how I had just FULL in got in from Middle Park and about PLIES the deep snow there and how I was “Queen Christina” of Super twist on my way to California, etc. Iff ft Cord insulat­ We talked for maybe five or 10 with JOHN GILBERT ed with heat- minutes, then he touched his hat IAN KEITH—LEWIS STONE resist ini again with a most respectful ges­ Tuesday and Wednesday rubber. ture and thanked me very humbly Wednesday, Thursday for my help and left me. Double Feature! In the course of time I found myself in Canada, in a tie camp. “I WAS A SPY My partner had been a cook on a Great Northern dining car, until NOEL COWARD’S also his health had failed and he had to “BITTER SWEET” take to the outside for a while to ANOTHER ALL-STAR build up. I took him for a partner, FEATURE! Starring ANNA NEAGLE Still priced aa taught him all about the tie busi­ plus low aa ness and he taught me plenty Thursday and Friday about the cooking business in re­ Warren William in turn. We were together for over a year with never a cross word be­ “The Mindreader” tween us. Day by day we took with Constance Cummings AN EPIC OF THE AIR! turns. One day I did everything, J made fires, cooked, chopped fire­ I I wood, cleaned up the camp, every­ • Come in, see the greater value we offer at every price because thing. He never lifted a finger to more people buy Goodyears help. Next day he did it all and I than any other tire. took it easy. Not a chance for anybody to growl around that the Price« subject to chant* without notice and to any State sales tai other fellow wasn’t doing his share, as is generally the way with Tue-Wed-Thur partners. I had taken the Daily Mrs. Arnold Rothstein's Denver Post for 17 straight years. The picture work of the Post is remarkable for its accuracy and I*» clearness. Dozens of criminals all over the U. 8. have been appre- with hended simply from their photos E. S. SEVERANCE Spencer Tracy in the Post. On this day I speak of, it was RUBE, BEWARE OF CITYS* SLICKERS WHILE OUT WEST ago Noah and Methuselah uacd to pluy it on the Egyptian*. Still, I presume, there must be auckera left even In theae