Jacksonville miner. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1932-1935, May 25, 1934, Page 3, Image 3

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Personal News Notes
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• Mr). Fred Offenbachet enter­ |j*wis. formerly wus employed in
tained aeveiul guoala with a birth­ the Evuns creek CCC lump.
day dinner at her home lute lust • E. II. Tuylor, accompanied by
week given In honor of Lane* Of- his nephew, Kenneth Anderson of
fenbachrr A hlrthday cake bear­ Medford, returned Tuesday from a
ing nine candles (which whs to Mr week's sojourn in Portland.
/f.enbacber’s particular liking) • Mr. and Mrs. W. W. tVlilit« oi
4 an additional feature of the
Persist visited recently ut the
«..oy dinner. Guests included homo of their daughter. Mrs. Ivan
...r and Mrs I juice Offenbuchcr
McDonough, ut Ruch. Mrs. Willits,
.id daughter Roselli« and None formerly Irene Risley, taught the
s.ey and Walter, Mr. and Mrs Sterling school ulmut 50 years ugo
i.louse anil son Francis, and • Vcinie Stevenson and Lya;
. ici inun Wulters of Applegate, and Hurds of Big Applegate recently
tvulhryn Dallaire and Hale Wheel accepted employment at Tiller oi.
er of Medford.
llie IImj»qua
• Mr and Mrs Robert Fletchei • i'nuiK Cameron wax honorci
.uui family of Medford visited thei. with u am prise party Monday eve
nch on Big Applegate Sunday ning, when a gioup of local friendi
1 > ting to return here with th< garnered on ills birthday unnivei
oao of the Meitford schools n.iry.
ii.es Katherine and Audrey • For the lecturer's prog rum a
i.tdier will participate tn th< Uie meeting of Appieguie Grangi
u c feature of the coronation of tonight an impressive memoriu
the Queen Mother to reign over tui leuux will be presented by th<
the Plainond Jubilee, and have en­ Grunge members. The tableau;
rolled In the Eve Benson dancing < <>i.Mists of a large number of pco
pl«., und isuulliully depicts tin
• Young farmers on the Palmer trend of life from childhood. De­
creek baseball nine were defeated gree work ulsu will be given tiia.
in Sunday's game with Camp Ap­ night by u visiting degree team.
plegate players by a score of 10 to • Thu Applegate community w&
17. Truman Lewis acted as umpire visited lust week by W. H. Coultei
• Miss Ix-orn Cuiy, who spent the <>i Appiegute, California, who cam«
week end with her |>arcnts here, iieru to spend a few days looking
Mr and Mrs C. W Cuiy, resumed over the community bearing th<
her duties Monday in the Mislel name of his home town Mr. Coul
bakery in Medford, having been ter slopped al Blur Ranger statioi
employed for the lust three weeks for a campfire permit, und who
told that the scuson for permit«
in the Ashland telephone office
• Fred Brown left Monday for ! had not yet arrived, insisted oi.
Eugene, where he expected to I obtaining one unywuy in order ti
sfiend the week visiting hie sister 1 prove to folks at home he hue
visited Applegate, Oregon Mr
in that vicinity.
• A group of about 25 Ashland Coulter Is employed by the forest
Campfire girls came to Applegate service in California and says that
during the week-end on their pio­ Applegate is a small place Jocateu
neer trip, camping near Beaver southeast of Sacramento.
creek. Counsellors accompanying • Western Union at the Nugget
the girls were Misses Alyce An­ • Miss Minnie Irelund of Granta
derson, Mary Mugisin and Barbara i’iuis visited recently at the home
of Mr and Mrs. A. Throckmorton
ut Ruch. Miss Irelund also visited
• Applegate people transacting the .Oregon Bell mine on Forest
business in Grants Pass Saturday creek, which she owns, and re­
were Mr. aud Mrs. B. M Clute ported that u lock had been broken
and Alex Schichti.
on the cabin there, resulting in the
• A group of IJttle Applegate theft of her tools, dishes and sev­
people were entertained at the eral hundred feet of pipe.
home of Mr and Mrs. Albert Hart­ • Willard Topping of Portland
ley with a farewell party Satur­ spent the week-end on Applegate,
day evening which was given in where he visited relatives, includ­
honor of Mrs Katherine Denser, ing his uncle. John Herriott.
teacher of the Idttle Applegate • Mr and Mrs. Hugh Brown of
school, «Itho will spend the summer Kerby spent the week-end as
at her homo el Phoenix. The eve­ guests of the former’s parents.
ning was spent in dancing. Those Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Brown.
attending from Medford were • Mr and Mrs. Walter Sherrid
Misses Alta and FWest Dale, J. C hud os guests Sunday their neph­
Cars and Phyllis Simmons.
ews, John and Jack Klingle ot
• Mrs. Dora Saltinarxh spent the lake creek. Mr. and Mrs. Sherrid
week-end In Medford with her came here a short time ugo from
d aughter, Mrs. John Cantrail. Sun- Lake Creek, where Mr. Sherrid
div Mrs Saltmarsh and the Can- was employed with the riveting
a'l family spent the day picnlck- gong on the Applegate bridge
in Ashland Lithia park
They are leaving for Roseburg,
-) Noel Arnold left Saturday for where Mr. Sherrid has further em­
'ortland, where lie has accepted ployment in bridge work.
work as caterpillar driver for a • Mr and Mrs. Bill Head, of
dlroad company, which is bulld- lower Applegate, moved recently
' v» 13 miles of new road near to Kerby, where Mr. Head is em­
Mr. Arnold, who had ployed at a sawmill.
lent the last week lucre as n • Mrs A. Throckmorton attended
-ucot of his sister, Mrs. Truman a farewell picnic in the Ruch dis­
trict a few days ago.
• A group of local people en­
joyed a dancing party at Apple­
gate halt Saturday evening given
by the Applegate Home Extension
unit. Cards also were enjoyed dur­
ing the evening. Refreshments
were served at an early hour, at
which time Mrs. L. C. Port, chair­
man of the unit for th«- last three
Permanent Waving
years, was presented a gift from
A Specialty
club members in appreciation of
her services. Music was furnished
by a group of Ashland young peo­
Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor ple, Miss Helen Tjosdal, member
18 South Central, Medford
of the high school faculty, and
M ihm Alice Coggins und Ix.-Roy Stevens of Medford were Sunduy
Lindren, students, lai Vern Dalk- dinner guests at the Harvey An­
enljcrg also accompanied the group di ews home.
lo the purty.
• Miss Lillian Mercer left for
Crescent City Monday, where she
• The Nugget for magazines
• 1’reparation is well underway has accepted a position in a con­
lor the construction of a new' fectionery.
county bridge at Little Applegate. • Mrs A E. Howard and daugh­
The old bridge, which soon will ters expect to leave Jacksonville
be wrecked, was built 28 years next Sunday for Shasta City,
ago by Jason llurtman of Jack­ where they will make their new
sonville, futlier of Vt esley and Lyal home.
Hartman, who are building the • Mr. and Mrs. George Brownie,
of Sterling moved to Jacksonville
new structure.
• Mis. A. W Swanson of this last week-end. Mrs. Brownlee
city visited with -her family in taught at Sterling school last sea­
Cottage Grove lust week-end.
• The Nugget for cold drinks.
• Mr and Mrs. Ed Swinden and • Mr. and Mrs Arthur VanGalder
family moved lo Gold Ray dam on and family were Sunday dinner
the Rogue, where Mr Swinden 1 b guests at the George Backes home.
• George Nunn, who enrolled with
• Among those motorists to drive Anna Springs CCC camp, spent
«he new middle fork road on Ap­ the week-end with his parents in
plegate Sunday were Mr and Mrs this city.
u, d Pence und Mr. and Mrs. Harry • Mr. and Mrs Jack Morris anil
family visited Mr. and Mrs. Theo.
• Lewis Whitney, who has been Daily at Hillcrest orchards Sun­
mulling an extended visit here day. Mrs. Daily is a daughter of
with hix brother, Harry Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. Morris.
.eft for North Bend Suturday.
• --------------------------------------
4 Mia William Hurlow of Apple­
gate visited friends in this city
i uesdny ami Wednesday of this
J Courteous service at the Nugget
• Miss Winifred Backes, daugh­
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Backes,
ntertuined with a farewell party
Of great national importance to
*t her home here Saturday eve­ the silver mining interests and, no
ning in honor of Misses Alberta, doubt, of considerable importance
rlieunore and Georgia Hart, who to the rehabilitation and recovery
a ill leave Sunday with their par- program is the announcement that
nix for Shasta City. Calif., where President Roosevelt and the "silver
Jiey will make their home. The bloc" leaders agree on a plan of
evening was devoted to dancing, proposed legislation to make silver
ind a midnight supjier was served. of more importance in our national
Music was furnished by part of the commerce and trade Constructive
fold Hill orchestra.
measures will be forthcoming
• Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ellis and when people agree upon doing
George Tranta of Butte Falls were things the right way.
Sunday visitors in Jacksonville.
• Miss Geneva Coffman, who has
Wingdaming of the Rogue is un­
.-mployment in Medford, spent derway preparatory to low water
Sunday visiting her home here.
operations this summer. Old-tim­
• Mrs Bessie Garrett of Sams' ers predict the lowest water ever
valley returned home Saturday, known, which portends successful
after spending the past three sniping operations on the larger
weeks here at the Ruel Knowlton streams.
nome curing for Mrs. Knowlton,
who is very ill. Mrs. Walton, of
The cement gravel workings are
this city, is now assisting in her attracting much attention this
place. Friends of Mrs. Knowlton summer, due to several recent
will be glad to know that she is strikes of pay dirt in different
somewhat improved in health.
sections of southern Oregon. Most
• Miss Violet Olson of Medford important among them being the
called on friends here Saturday.
old channel of Canyon creek,
• Mr. and Mrs Chester Pursell where the most crude manner of
and family visited at the H. L. operations is producing lavish re­
Noblitt home in Medford Sunday. turns.
• Mr and Mrs. James Forbes and
family of Eagle Point, Mrs. A. E.
The Bertha mine is being sam­
Hart and daughters Alberta Klea- pled and old workings cleaned out
ncre and Georgia of this city, and preparatory to more extensive op­
Duane Childs of Griffin creek erations.
spent an enjoyable afternoon at
Cantrall's swimming hole on the
leasers and owners of mines are
Applegate Sunday.
finding out the advantages of a
• Miss Minnie Hueners of Grants custom mill. The Jacksonville mill
Pass spent the week-end at the is now treating ores from several
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs properties which enables the con­
John Hueners.
tinuation of mining which other­
• John R Knight is preparing his wise would be left undone Miners
pupils for recital numbers, which
will be presented in the near fu­
ture in Grants Pass and Medford.
• Mrs. W. W. Bell and daughters
June and Anita of Ruch visited
friends here recently.
• Ruth Severance of Ashland
spent the week-end with her par­
ents. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Severance.
• The ladies' Missionary society
met at the R. P. Johnson home in
Medford Thursday.
• Mrs. Etta Tranta, Mrs. Julia I
Pankey and Mrs Bessie Coffman,
al. of Butte Falls, were visitors at
the Fred Butcher home here Tues­
• Stop at the Nugget
• Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Childers
and daughter Maxine were guests
at the Beaver Creek school picnic.
Mr. Childers recently received a
painful Injury to his shoulder when
he tell while building a fox pen
on Applegate.
• Mr. and Mrs. John M. Price are
visiting for a short time in Jack­
• Duane Childs returned to his
home on Griffin creek Monday,
after spending several days visit­
ing at the A. E. Hart home here.
• Born Sunday. May 13, to Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest William Odin of
Sterling a daughter, Lauretta
Twila, at the Jacksonville sani­
• Misses Beulah, Anita and Vir­
ginia Andrews, daughters of Hen­
ry Andrews, and Miss Esther
should get behind the custom mill much better but oh boy! how my
proposition, as it means much to feet itch.) It weighed approximate­
southern Oregon.
ly 15 ounces and as big over as
the palm of a medium-sized hand,
The largest nugget for the sea- over one-half inch thick and pure
son thus far was thrust into the gold. The possessor promised to
writer’s hand yesterday. (In pass­ have it at the jubilee exhibit in
ing, want to announce my eyes feel I Medford June 3 to 9.
Mine Scout
R. W. Sleeter, M. I).
202 Medford Bldg.
Phone 4
__ ______________________ il
Page 3
Phone 74—We Deliver
Opposite Post Office
i I
I ?
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ray’s prices are eco­
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