Jacksonville miner. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1932-1935, March 09, 1934, Page 3, Image 3

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Qreat Men Never Point
at Selves As Self-Made,
Retorts Cowboy Reynolds
reived any news oi this accident | biting a little girl. (If they had
from Frank’« partners, and other hod a good lawyer, this might
witnenx« ». Now I do not suppose' not have happened and they might
it is, any worse for a grave to be huve been «ent to the pen for
submerged under water, than for life.)
a body to be buried at sea The
And any reader of the news,
Incident was closed nearly a year I
ago and I simply mention it ax an ’ no doubt, remembers the cele-
example to my old sourdough brated case of the wealthy wo-
fl lends ux to the kind of a adfid- ' r an who, when dying, left gWi.OfX)
•ill they may expect li they are no ‘ to her pet bitch dog, to provide
unfortunate uh to end theii livoo for It and a nurse, as long ax it
without the necessary funds for lived. The bitch died and the nurse
burial expenses. Respect shown the I thought she ought to have the
di nd in this enlightened and civi money, but a pup turned up a«
llz.'-d country depends wholly on | heir and after a long, heated ses-
the amount of money posxexxid Sion In court, during which sev-
by the one to be buried. No money, ernl learned jildgex deliberated
feverishly on the evidence, the
no respect.
The main thing about dying money wax awarded to the pup.
these days ix co rnnke sure the j In matters of such extreme im-
authorities ore not put lo any; portam <•, it ix easy to see our au­
unnecessary expense in the mat­ thorities have no time or money to
ter. us they need the money for devote to trivial affairs Jike the
other more worthy purposes. Jt is |
not reasonable to expect them to
appropriate money co be wasted i
in burying the carcass of Horne
busted prospector, when it is so
badly needed »or the apprehension :
and conviction of dangerous crim- i
Inals Not long ago a desperate
character who had stolen a loaf of
bread wax captured and sentenced
to the penitentiary for a year. An-1
other bandit who stole a dollar's
worth of nickels under the plea
that he wax hungry also wax sent
up for a year. Quite recently, four
dogs were arrested, tried, con-1
victed and sentenced to death fori
Il.v .1. <’. REYNOLDS
Speaking of the survival of the»-
out all right, as the dredgi
fit text, iix compared with the «ur- come
vlvul of the luckiest. I will men­ win «wept against a reef in the
tion Frank Ixiwe, whom I wasp center of the river, whgre it lodged
with a long time, a» one of. the and hung for weeks ami from
flttext men I ever knew. He wax which he could hnvo been escucd
nt leaxt 10 times ax fit ux I mn later II has b<m provec. thou«
but he Ix dead now while I am umlx of times that tb<- fellow who
xtill alive. I could get an argu­ stays with his outfit «lands far
ment out of Frank any time by less chance of being hurt or killed
bringing up the topic of luck He than the one who d< xertli
The river wax drugged for
did not believe in luck Good man­
agement wax the only thing, in Frank's lardy but It was not found,
his opinion And lie talked u lot in nine or 10 days I as is usual
nlaiut xclf-mnde men, a subject I with drowned bodies) his corps«
abominate, because I a I way« have floated to tile surface in the eddy
claimed, and do yet, that there Ix when- it I iik I lain anil wun found
no xuch animal. If you will take by a bear, which dinggcd II about
the time and trouble to look up tit) feet from th<- rivei umi pio-
the history of any of them* self Ceeded to COnsuHie most of It, the
made men. you will find that in face being so badly chewed up as
every cuxr they »Imply got the to be unrecognizable and hardly
breaks ami took advantage of anything bring lelt of one «Ide,
Including the leg All garments
Without xnid break» they would had been torn away except the
not have done any better than upper shreds of his shirt and he
unyonc elec There are thounandx was identified by a magnifying
of men who, given the same glass I hud given him which was
break«, would have done equally attached to a buttonhole.
ux well, if not better. A self-made coroner of Josephine county, Mr.
man ix »imply one who hax suc­ Virgil Hull, declared It was the
ceeded in amaxxlng more wealth worst munglcd corpse he had ever
than hlx fellow creatures 111« seen ami it was buried on the spot
achievement can lx* reckoned In Afterward, attention wax called to
dollar« an<l cents alone, Dint he the fact that at the next rise of
Attorney at
has appropriated to hlx own per­ the river there would be several
sonal benefit and no one else'« feet of water over the grave, but
Having accomplished this, he as what few dollars Frank had
swells up like* a pouter pigeon, were lost when his overalls were
puts himself on the track ami in­ torn away, the coroner de< ided
forms the world that he ix self- not to put the county to any fin
made I have often wondered why ther expense in the matter and
the self made man. while he was no effort was made to remedy this
.Medford Bldg.
at It. didn’t give lilmmlf a batter unfortunate occurrence It was
looking face ami u stronger set of about 10 days later before I re-
intestines, as he generally Is a
slave to indigestion or some like
We never see the great men of
the world pointing to themselves
as self-made. Great men who have
been of real benefit to the human
race, nut mere dollni -chusers. do
not need to sing their own praises.
1 do not envy nnylxxly the money
they make, or the fume they win
But I certainly do like to »<•<■
thorn iieetow the credit for It
where the credit is due.
Frank Ixiwe left here the first
part of last May to do some work
on a placer claim he hail leased
on the Rogue river, below A la­
mella At thyt time he was 34
years old and in his prime. In
three weeks he was dead very
dead, Indeed On Decoration day
Upon the Opening of Your New
he and his partners started to
move a dredge, with a ton and a
Jacksonville Miner Plant in
half of machinery on it. a short
distance down the river The cur­
Jacksonville Saturday, March 10
rent proved too strong, the dredge
broke loose and Frank, who wax
on it. apparently became rattled
and jumped and the hip-boots he
wore dragged him to destruction
in the Argo rapids
Now if Frank had followed one
of the oldest precepts in the west,
"no matter what happens, stay
with your outfit." he would have
Leonard Hall
.W. Peckham
Good Luck
To The
We have been well pleased with Miner
advertising service during the past
year and have used it consistently for
burying of Mime old duck who
has outlived hi» usefulness and
who likely han gone to hell any­
It docs seem kind of raw though
to have pups going around with
money in the bank while unem­
ployed American workingmen are
standing in the breadline. Inci­
dentally, they do these things bet­
ter in China, which we regard as
a heathen country I the 410 s. an
influential Chinaman was »ent
over here to look our country over
and acquaint himself with the cus­
toms obtaining in the United
States. In Denver, Colorado, where
he spent some time he wandered
into the morgue one day and not­
iced an old man, cold and «tiff on
a stone slab. Inquiring who he
was, he was told it was «orm
old prospector, who had died nav
ing no friends or money and that
he would be buried in the potter'»
field next day. Discovering that
not even a coti in had been pro-
(C'ontinued on page four)
Taylor and Bi erm a
31 N. Central—Telephone 112
j Congratulations to The
Miner’s New Plant
Harry (’. Skyrman
Page 3
We congratulate The Jacksonville Miner in its ability
to install a new, modern printing plant in historic old
Jacksonville—southern Oregon's first banking cen­
ter. Today, with time’s changes and developments,
the First National Bank has become southern Ore-
gon’s center of banking, serving—like The Miner—the
southwest side of Jackson county. There has never
been a substitute for the home-town paper or a safe,
dependable banking institution.
On Its
In Jacksonville
Newspapers have long been recognized as
bulwarks in any community and it is with
pleasure we offer our sincere wishes for the
success of The Jacksonville Miner in its ef-
forts to be of service to Jacksonville. The
publishers are to be congratulated on the
establishment of a first-class printing plant
in Jacksonville.
Building Materials
“A Good Firm to Trade With