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About Jacksonville miner. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1932-1935 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1933)
Page 4 Th« Jacksonville Miner Yreka Gold Rush to Book Club Brings BLEATINGS OF POLITICAL ORATORS ¥ ¥ ****** Be Whingding, If Entertainment. Wit, to AÌÌfor'Few Cent. DESCRIBE OREGON AS WORTHLESS’ Ever There Was One screen—more sophisticated then ’BEST OF ENEMIES* COMES TO RIALTO SUNDAY, MONDAY ever before, lle’a learned about women, and women will learn "Best of Enemies,** the new ro- thing* from hint. mnntlc comedy, pluys at the Rialto theater Sunday ami Monday for joyous anti timely engagement. It's a story that brims with youthful romance overflowing with frothy frivolity packing a kick every-j SOUTHERN OREGONS FINEST body w III enloy plus u east Unit ' seta the carefree, turbulent love of today against the umuaing prej-, udlces and restrained Joviality of yesterday. Buddy Rogers. In the leading masculine role, comes buck to the! hi There is an old saying that it al | the least favored by Heaven. It Is All wooly and a yard or two wide, Books, said one of the world's wavs Is the youtycer generation i the mere riddling* of creation. Rue iuo i uuiu .. most famous men. are humans* the Yreka Gold Rush is doubling up Jala has her Siberia. England baa its muscle to strike northern Cali- greatest single blessing For cen- that Is busily engaged in going to 1 her Botany Bay. and If the United ward the proverbial sanctuary of fomia and southern Oregon gloom, turles they have recorded and con- a death blow tn three rapid fire' veyed the accumulated knowledge, canines, but politicians of an ear State* should ever need a country socks next Friday. Saturday and wisdom, humor and wit of a clvtll- lier day — our grandpapa who where to banish her rogues and Sunday. September 15, 15 and 17, nation. Before the advent of mov- frowned on the coming generation scoundrels the utility of Oregon comes word from that metropolia. able type many volumes required of youngsters had their peculiar would be manifest. By water Its dlMtance Is 18,000 miles, and by “And you can tell your Bad Eye Iyears tn preparation and were ities. too. There may be those in southern land 5000. We are nearer the re Pete we’ll have the Yreka railroad ' "forth small fortunes, Oregon who have reached the con ! mote nations of Europe than to under lock and key. too.” said a Today, however, books are be clusion that it Is the latest crop Oregon. Talk of steam communi special dispatch from Abe Ling, coming more and more accessible. of politicians who are the least re cation. Who is to build a railroad head of the Yreka Miners organi A single volume coats but a com spectful of truth and veracity, and across 2500 miles of prairie, of des sation. resiionsible for all the ac paratively small sum, and a best who are prone to handle superla ert and of mountains, and who is tivity there. Bad Eye. it will be seller will run into millions of tives with little concern. On old I to supply the means. The mines of remembered by readers of The conies annually. At first glance one toses !•»*•% *e *«•#•»•« lives with little concern. One old Mexico and Peru dlsembowled WORLD’S FINEST SOUND1 of « beereste* tese Rs Miner, threatened to steal the jerk might think the publishing and dis would hardly pay a penny In the RCA High Fidelity Wide Range reveals that back in 1844 political water line that connects Yreka and tribution of books had about reach aspirants and "authorities" were pound of coat.' the outside world some time ago ed perfection, but then, few are "Other speakers were as severe. “But leave your political fight there who have means or room to forecasting terrible things about A London paper said, 'the whole IHtOOORE MtlSU'S ers to home.” also dispatched Don build up a comprehensive, varied this beautiful Oregon country. For territory In dispute Is not worth • FRI . SAT • NtaHWsaeeM • the “edification—or, rather, stupe-! Avery, another official of the Min library in their own homes. For ftcation—of Miner readers, we 20,000 ixiunds.* The Edinburg Re tOMAlcTcOOl ers tribe. “We got troubles of our this reason public libraries have view said, 'the desert extends from MAIY AtVOa own. like figuring how we are go been established In most nations, herewith present a commentary on M • the Mexican border to the Colum ing to make all you Jacksonville but even these Institutions, valu early Oregon. We leave it to the bia ' One Captain Sturgis said that reader's judgment whether or not hoodlums behave, and we don't able as they are. are limited. politicians' claims always deserve 'rather than to have new states be want any amateur hellratsers As a result of the demand tor much consideration. With all the yond the Rockies the Union would In around during the three big days.” books, and the Inability of public terrible preledlctions floating about be better off If Oregon would sink IJng and Avery, by the way, are institutions to amply supply this by the present crop of political into the Symmea* hole.' Even Thoa. MON • TUE • He's a Rascal But the publisher and editor of the demand, private Institutions of re leaders that such and so will befall1 A. Benton said the god Terminus Yreka Journal. Those who are cent years have been establishing us if thus and that is or is* not j should be set on the Hockies. Sen hardened to the peculiarities of circulating libraries intended to fill done, we submit the following clas ator McDuffy, of South Carolina, newspaper folk will appreciate this in that gap between expensive pri said he would not give a pinch of sic lesson from our forefathers: sidelight. Otherwise, outside of vate collections and cumbersome, snuff for the whole territory. He , Oregon In 1844 their journalistic sins, they are inconvenient public libraries. “A eopy of the Interior, pub thanked God for the mercies of the pretty good Yrekans, and are very The circulating library, so nam lished at Chicago, contains an ar Rockies. instrumental in the staging of the ed because it in reality is a pri ticle headed. 'Oregon in 1844 and “Then the writer saM: ‘What gold rushes, first of which starred vate collection of volumes rented 1899.' which is full of interest and would Dayton and Benton think if • SUN . MON • a year ago. ft a small cost to a select group of to those not familiar with the facta they could take a Pullman at Chi Yrekans. clad in peculiarly-shap readers, has come into great popu would astonish many. It shows that cago today and visit the Oregon of ed whiskers that the eye of man larity and nearly every community in congress in 1844 Mr. Dayton, of 1889.’ (When this article was writ has never scanned for decades, boasts such an establishment. New Jersey, made the following ten ) Further. 'The hiatory of the plan to ‘parade Medford streets But southern Oregon, long noted remarks about Oregon, and were Pacific slope since that debate in next Tuesday and nudism being un for its superior culture and lack of he alive now to make them he congress of 1844 has been marvel heard of tn those days, will be illiteracy, has an improvement on would receive one of the severest ous beyond any precedent in the dressed in old-time outfits such as I even the circulating library in Jack castigations imaginable for lying annals of the race.’ Then he goes Grandpap decked himself out in I Wurts’ Book club. While circulat- about perhaps the most promising ’ on to show 'what tlA» more rid- when he went sparking with Grand i ing libraries generally charge a section of the United States: ! tilings of creation' have become, ma. They know better. Avery and certain sum per day as rent for a “'With the exception of 1 land __ *______ ___ and as ______ we all _____ know. _ .. It _ is not . neces- Ling intimated, than to parade book. Wurts’ book club has cut an along the Willamette and a few i sary to repeat It. Hear his perfora- Jacksonville. “We get kind of self- other corner, in that rather than water courses, the whole country tion, for he is a Californian: 'Let FORTHEFIRSHIMr conscious over there,” they explain compound fees, members in the is among the most Irreclaimable, the readers of the Interior look Cloriout JO A N ed. “every time we stumble over club are enrolled for a small sum barren waste of which we have toward the setting sun and realize • • yea deaite h»» those nuggets you got laying and are entitled to take out one read, except the desert of Sahara, what an empire is growing up there grams and a choice novelty hand- book a dAr for an entire year! Ardent CARY Nor is this the worst; the climate to be kissed daily by the lingering around careless-like.” Imire hlm i Wurts' Book club’s enrollmeqt Is so unfavorable to human life beams ere he sinks into the ocean Special printed literature, pro fees are *1 a year but. said Mr. that the natives have dwindled1 to rise upon the far Orient. We of bill, or hand-something, was en ' Wurts this week, a special offer is away under the malaria to a de-, California are proud of our north-1 trusted to the care of The Miner being made adults 18 years of age gree which defies all history to, western sister state. ’.Vo rejoice early this week for distribution in or over of 50 cents until January fumiiih a parallel. Of all the coun- most heartily in their prosperity southern Oregon, and samples will ; 1. 1934. That is, one will be able tries on the face of the earth it is and their prospects.’" be found at the Nugget confection to enroll in the popular book li ery in Jacksonville. One piece of. brary for 50 cents and will be en- L printed literature bears the in- ’ tiflxwi titled tri to 4faL*o 'take nni out one K book a rlav day Mr. Wurts. All current releases, making possible the world price for struction, “Not to be disposed of between now and the first of next latest authors and works always i gold should do more for the Jack- • TUE . WED - THUR • ’» • in usual manner—bring this with year without paying any additional are found on the Wurts’ shelves , sonvllle mining section than any ______________ ______ you." “ For some reason Yrekans costs. Any volume can be kept for and many volumes, which often other one thing.” explained Barrie The darihg drama of two saw fit to print this hand-bill on seven days. 1 For those, J____ I however, _______ never find their way into a public ; “In many mines the additional 50 men, two women, and the tissue. who desire to rent volumes from 1 library, are among the collection, per cent increase will almost pay unwritten law I MANCHOT TOM Many groups from southern Ore- the library, Wurts has arranged to located at the corner of Sixth and iqjpghead and cost of production." sostar vouNC gon points are planning to spend lend books to non-members for a i Central streets, Medford. Harry Pendarvls, practical miner . f ----------- e ----------- one or more day» over the Slslci- flat rate of three cents a day. of Grass Valley. Calif., has been yous during the Gold Rush, and One of the most Interesting fea placed in charge of the mine as anticipate a hilarious time while tures of Wurts’ handling of more foreman In one Grass Valley mine. there. “And we’ll see that they than 2000 volumes is his index sys Pendarvls said, he worked at a get it,” said one of the Miners in tem, with which he keeps tab on depth of more than 10,000 feet In • WED - THUR • Yreka Tuesday as he tipped his readers, books In and out and due a bod y of ore that averaged *35 a hat to an Oregon license pla|e/ dates. His system, which utilises ton. Mines of that eection are ...................... -s a largo colored chart with vari > The Jacksonville Geffl Minin« noted tor their great depth. and all r values are found in base ores. colored pins, has been ao Frectlve The that 14 book clubs in other parts of company, limited, announced this the Pacific coast have paid Mr. week that work on a new road to a JOAN CRAWFORD AND GARY Wurts for information on his sys- lower lqvel at the Old Town prop COOPER ARE CO-STARRED I tem. The University of Oregon is erty. under lease to the company. •J Î one of the institutions which have hAs been completed and that drill i Joan Crawfortf and" dary^Cpqpt r (Opposite Museum on Third St.) I adopted the Wurts' plan, while the ing tools, forge, compressor and . J. K. Gill company of Portland other equipment is being moved are co-starred for the first time In . acknowledges the Medford -edllec- from present workings to a point “Today We Live," which opens Sun with i tion to be equal in quality and titles some 500 feet east and 200 feet day at the Crateris« theater as a NANCY CARROLL ■ Dutch Lunches—Beer below? where a tunnel will be CLAUDETTE COLBERT 1 to any on the entire coast, includ FRANK MORGAN ■ Sandwiches drifted some 50 feet to a lower filmlzation of a n<<vr> story by the ing their own. RICHARD ARLEN noted whiter William Faulkner. PAUL LUKAS ' Chicken Dinners to Order Many of th© volumes, available level of present ore seam. The picture Is said to give Miss MARY BOLAND Ix'Yloughton. general manager of; Private Parties a Specialty to southern Oregon readers at as GLORIA STUART the Seattle interests who took over Crawford brilliant opportunities as little as 50 cents for the balance Mrs. W. C. Kasshafer, Prop. the young English girl who Strug- of the year, rent in -other cities as operation of the mine and who in I gles desperately to win a Chance Phone Jacksonville 204 stalled a Straube mill in this city, high as 25 cents per day, explained returned from the north Sunday I for love amid the turmoil of the REASONABLE RATES FOR and -plans to stay here to »super-, World war. The three men with whom ,her vise' development work. Sofln as drift is corp piste and ore body life Is entangled are Cooper as the reached at the low level, officials American aviator, Robert Young fUNERAL PARLORS state, activity at the mill will be , as the childhood sweetheart who and DRESSMAKING Medford. Oregon resumed. No custom ore has been wins her for a few brief days dur MRS. J. L. TAYLOR ing the hysteria of life in a billet run during dry months due. In part, to shortage of water. A crew was town, and Franchot Tone, the New pajfHo work-early this week drift ' York stage star, who makes his ing from mill sump well to in first film appear-nee in "Today We crease underground storage space. Live” as Miss Crawford’r brother About six,men pre kept busy at The cast also includes Roscoe the mine, said Vice President W. Karns, Iconise Closser Hale, Rollo M. Barrie or the company, and all Lloyd and Hilda Vaughn under the equipment is expected to be in po direction of Howard Hawks, who sition for development work within I produced “Scarface." a few weeks. It will take a com paratively short time for drillers, to reach ore at the lower level—| situated at the east end of the property—Ahen blocking and haul ing to mill will,start. GOLDEN HOURS Officials of the company wei OF FREEDOM encouraged by the advent of world market prices for gold and re MEDFORD’S ONLY EXCLUSIVE ported a letter from a San Fran AUTO PAINT SHOP cisco smelter early this week In timated that soon It will not be Duco, Lacquer, Plating St-Il practices this old rule . necessary for miners of this sec and Simonia applied the only way no short-cuts, no tion to ship ore and concentrates skimping. Any woman knows why home-made cakes to foreign smelters, but that coast1 are best—they’re made with better care, better ingre plants will be able to pay worldj Ladies 10c prices for gold. Men 25c dients J>m Daily’s Auto Painting company applies “President Roosevelt’s action in I the same principle for better results on auto finishes SIDNEY Edmund Lowe Nancy Carroll “I LOVE CRAWFORD ama aa t q Old Town Road Ready for Work at New Low Level; Mill Shutdown “Three Cornered Moon’’ Miner's Inn NOW OPEN «CONGER PRESSING DRY CLEANING IN EARLY SCHOOL Hlore DINTY 4 MOORE’S We Were Taught That a Job Worth Doing Was Worth Doing WELL LITTLE GIANTS Dreamland Every Wednesday Fully NRÁ in spirit and practice. Take Advantage of Our DROPLR LIGHTING come, firw in the “All Electric" living room and »hould be to distributed that the various actividea of every member of die family are possible without discomfort or dangerous eyestrain. At least two floor Limps and two table Lamps are necessary in addition to die general room illumination. The radio, because of ttsMduc^kqgg and entertainment value, belongs tn the living room. Air electric dock, because of its economy and accuracy, will also prove its value here A sunlamp to supply the health giving ray. the winter sun often fails to do »til do much to build happy, healthy children. A fan to furnish cooling breezes and much needed venti lation for hot summer days and evenings should also be included. Low Prices on Lumber Before the Minimum Price Under the Lumber Code Takes Effect These few inexpensive appliances can be operated foe a ridicu lously small sum each month and the additional comfort and health enjoyed by every member of the family will be invaluable. By all means make YOUR living room “Ail Electric” OWEN-OREGON LUMBER SALES CO. RETAIL DEPARTMENT THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY North Pacific Highway Phone Medford 771 All Kinds of Lumber and Building Materials Slabwood and Planer Blocks DAILY’S AUTO PAINTING CO Formerly Crater Lake Auto Painting Co. 32 South Bartlett Phone 724-R SHE’S A NUGGET, AIN’T SHE BOYS Dance EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT, 9 till 2 JACKSONVILLE —Whir They've Not Gone Off the Golden Standard In Dance Enteitrlnment In Them Thar Hills . . . the Jacksonville Chrmber of Commerce Will Be Expecting You-AIII I 1