■i YREKA MINERS’ GOLD RUSH SEPT. 15-16-17 1 Volume 2 Speaking 1 I he J acksonville M iner Jacksonville, Oregon, Friday, September 8, 1933 5c a Copy But You Really Oughts Subscriba Number 36 FINAL GAME OF YEAR DROPPED You Can’t Parole MEDFORD 13-5 A Dead Man. ♦. SCHOOL BELLS WILL RING OUT BAD NEWS SOON Mall service schedule to Jack sonville was changed September 1, according to Postmaster Alice Hoefs. Two Sunday and holiday ar-! rivals of mail will be replaced by W«'ve assn some socks that wero one delivery at this office. 9:30 a. In pretty bad shape, but when a m , on such days, she said. Word coming from Salem reports that Youngsters Look Mournful as fellow hung on« on Huey Ixing's Benefit Game Shows Improve nose th« other «lay It just about got ment in Miner Nine Since Week days morning delivery will L, A. Banks has become a model prisoner be made at 9:30 o’clock Instead of Very Unhappy, Important th« boat of him. Or mayb« they First Meeting of Teams First Day Draws Near mistook 11 Kingfish for a sucker. 17:30. with .Medford departure at and hopes to be paroled within a compar C C 1:30 p. m Evening service will By HALFTRUTH EXAGGERATE The Jacksonville Miners wanted A seagull at Port Arthur. Wash., to dose the season In a blase of atively short time from his life sentence. arrive at 5 o’clock instead of 5:45 School days—those years spent has been amusing residents of that glory and give the Medford Rogues will depart for Medford at 5:15 under the rule and stony stare of He is overflowing with suavity, friendship and section by flying upside down for a run for their money last Hun- instead of 4:30. One dally run will a school marm—recommence in hours at a time. We long ago day and. until the last half of the extend through Ruch to Applegate, Jacksonville next Monday. Septem and kindness, mingles with guards and is learned better than to crane our fifth Inning, held Medford score leaving thb| city at 9:30, and re ber 11. Gradesters shall come pre necks at watching gulls overhead, less. The Medford team, the first turning at 1:30. Two additional pared to put In a full day at bard “philosophical” about his incarceration. but then, those we saw flew right of the season, set the locals down trips between Medford daily will labor, apples on teachers’ desks aide up. be eliminated by the new sched notwithstanding, says the harsh One of Mr. Banks’ strongest character 21-0, and Jacksonville’s gold dig 'a.'*’ ule, pickup and delivery runs being school board, and high school gers hadn't forgotten the insult. istics and the one which indirectly got him criminals "another G i V I n K consolidated. Fully cognisant of the fact they studes must appear and answer roll chance" is alright unless t tu« were entirely out of their class, Jack Giiham, star route carrier, call for a few hours initiation Into into the penitentiary, is his unbounded con "other chance" Is at the bonefact nevertheless the Miners held the will continue in his capacity, with the rigors of education, it was ors* throat ami pocketbook. score at 3-0 for the first five in ceit. He flatters himself to thinly that, if he S. Wilson on the local run to up further ordered. nings In favor of Jacksonville. per Applegate and Sterling Post- There is an old saying—said by behaves himself, gives the warden little ’ roaster "Two bats In I the bush are worth But then the Medford sluggers got ruAMter Hoefs, Hoefs. although notified of the graduates after they have one In the hair' •" said long-tressed to Pitcher Montgomery for a half- expiration of her appointment sev- escaped confinement of school- trouble and kids them into believing his era! Lena yesterday ainng about dusk. dozen bom«) runs with men on, months ago. has remained as houses—that school days are the which plied up 13 runs In two postmaster due to failure of her happiest days of one’s life. So own conception about the great editor, This NRA certainly has brought short Innings while the home boys successor, Lula Saulsbury, to qual Monday several hundred local tots, out the fact lately that there always could add but two tallies. Each they'll be so sympathetic they just can’t ify. Although having received the kids, brats, sons, daughte; young are two aides to every question. nine chalked 17 hits in 33 times appointment under the democratic men, upstarts, young women, snots keep four walls around Mr. Banks. Like falling overboard while out at bat, but most of Medford’s administration for the office, Mrs. and et cetera will get back to the at sea Thor« may bo n lot of roa clouts were for extra bases. Out-i Saulsbury is thought to be await superlatives of life, But try to But no matter how Mr. Banks behaves ns why a person shouldn’t swim fielders for Jacksonville com-: ing results of civil service exami tell them that. that particular weather, but plained bitterly of sore feet when ' nations before assuming duties of And, just to see that more of the now, or how model he becomes as a pris on. drowning is no end worse. the gam«« was over. the office. She is employed in a bored of education are present and Montgomery, however, just about j oner, George Prescott still lies dead in his Medford str-re at present. attentive this year than ever, tho And speaking of NRA, we wonder stole honors for the day when he j district has arranged for Punk grave, an innocent victim of this mode] If Henry Ford Is going to have to fanned famous "Chief’' Mcl^ean his Dunnington and his man Friday, send his Peace Ship Up the Po- first two times at bat. The Indian,! er. Jimmy Guin, to transport the prisoner ’ s murderous heart. The unoffend tomac soon. however, was one of the home book-packing shrimps and shrimp- run smackers In the last frames. ing officer who said “I’m sorry but 1 have eses to and from home, or wherever If you nsk uh which none of you Hoosier Hoffard hurl«*«! for M«*d! It is kids sneak off to when the eve have, we’d nay Henry Ford’s heal- ford and managed to hit almost j a warrant for your husband” to Mrs. Banks ning chores need doing. One route tnney at signing the NRA code Is every Jacksonville player at least! will go as far as Applegate store, last spring had his fate sealed without trial, du« to on« of I i I h old tralta—eelf once. Hoosier had been playing', ,' while another will take in Poor Prices may have been skyrocket centered selfishness, The NRA | outfield but was parked on the Man’s creek (most populous section jury or even warning. From behind the ing lately, commodities going up of Oregon) and the Old Stage wasn't Henry's Idea to start with, mound to sort of even things up. and the market strengthening, but and It gives him n« great avenue It was an interesting game, fans! folds of her skirt came a high-powered rifle fright. George Went, Jacksonville’s dairy through which he can tell the j had a lot of fun Hnd the local boys Professor Coe—at least so be Is bullet that tore him from shoulder to waist man, suffered a severe drop in his called to his face by the bright and would-be automobile I buyer what a were ready to button up their base-j business Wednesday. In fact, great public benefactor he la. bail abilities till next spring. shiny faces of his charges—will be and left him a dead, bleeding mass a few -%.-*■ moaned Wendt as The Miner went at the helm, steering the course of The game last Sunday at the to press, he suffered a sharp de The man who announce«! to n sur Medford fairgrounds was the sec seconds after he stopped at the fateful the big red brick schoolhouse atop cline. precipitous descent, a back- Education Knoll, and a battery of prised nation that he had Volun ond of a special double-header to-earth movement and an optical I two high school ma’ams and one tarily rained wages a few yeara ago, benefit Banks home. game for broken-down bill at one and the same time. had shortened hours and had lidd Rogue players. First tilt was be- male—Miss Fenwick. Miss Currin But because Mr. Banks can dramatize ed other workmen’« benefits im | tween Gold Hill and Medford’s Gil- Had the milk peddler been con and Joe Nee will back him up. The mediately was termed the poor I more Lions, who set down the Hill- tent to let the weatherman worry underclasses, or the lower spasms himself and behave—with steel bars and man's champion. But Homehow or ites a week ago. Sunday Gohl Hill about impending rains, the entire of education will be controlled by other It gradually leaked out that came back, after trailing the en affair would not now bo gracing a staff of four also—Mr. and Mrs. cement walls around him — he hopes society Ford plant employes WERN’T get tire gama, te run up an unsur- newspaper columns. But it seems Ray Hunsaker, Mrs. Effie Lewis ting more money. They were get mountable lead In the last inning. will forget why he is there and just why that George likes to have dry hay and Mrs. Mary Norvell. ting LESS. They weren't working Hess of Jacksonville was mounds the winter time and he lacked So next Monday, as someone he should always remain in prison. Feelers i in the fewer hours the newspapers had ! tnnn for Gilmore, and loss of the haystack covers for his summer’s mentioned further up the column, told about—they were being made game was due to errors behind his supply. So, being Ingenious and but which will be mentioned again, already are being sent out for parole. As donate” hours of waiting, labor box. strong, he proceeded to haul straw just to get even with those young effort. Box scores for the MlnerRoguo in the past, Mr. Banks would again make to his haystack. Quite naturally, sters who yelled "yah, Henrietta’’ game follow: he explained later, straw as a rain at the editor all summer. Jackson mockery out of law and order. He probably you doubt us, there's an old catcher is most effective on top of ville’s school doors swing wide to AB R H E that covers the breach. "Just Relnking, as ........ the stack, so he proceeded to as admit nearly three hundred stud 2 1 1 0 can cite a dozen instances where “other” th« man who has worked for C. Kell, 2b cend the heights and scatter straw. ents who will be gladly rushing in 4 0 1 ; him " He’ll tell you the same thing I. Harrington, c He claims the Jackson county side—Just ahead of the stern stares great men of history were held in prisons, 3 1 2 lie told ua that Henry Ford is the Montgomery, p .. ... championship as a straw scatterer, I j and shoulder butts of their parents. 4 1 2 0 (Continued on page two) i.lost heartless slave-driving em- Green. 3b ... .......... . in case you're interested. 4 0 1 0 Schools in other surroundinc ! ployer In this country. Inconsid Hess, cf ......... . .... 3 0 4 1 Fortunately for both Wendt and cities will open one week later, erate, Impulsive, erratic and crltl- grunt and groan show will be back the large herd of cattle he nurses, proving that Jacksonville district McBee, lb 4 1 3 1 < a), he has hypocritically |iosed as Smith. If to the armory again a week from all the straw was not on top of his I No. 1 is ahead in everything. Will 0 0 1 4 the average man’s savior and at Hail, rf Thursday, said Lillard, and will stack when the big movement the man who hissed ‘.truancy, too?” .............. 4 0 2 0 the same time has done as much— continue through the winter sea- < ame. Some still was in an auto please leave the room, or park his if not mor«- than any other big son. Totals ......... -...... 33 5 17 5 trailer several feet beneath his! gum in the waste basket? buHlnossman to bring about the ------------- •------------- Medford Rogues perspiring efforts basking, as trail chaos nnd hardship called the de AB R H ers loaded with straw will, up next K with a renewed vigor Opening up pression, and now, when the NRA 6 2 3 1 and alertness in the ring. Fireman the pile. George, while narrating Is making a Tone effort to counter-. Swanson, 3b 4 1 2 0 Ray Frisble, Medford, took two the incident later, was a bit hazy, act the agencies of unemployment, I Joanls. 2b 4 2 2 2 straight falls from Herman Olson, —or self-conscious—about the act prlM cutting and poor business! Melatati, c 4 2 2 1 Portland, last night in Mack Lil Grade school children living at uating precipitant that was prelim practices, Henry Ford stands out ’’ inary to his plunge. And plunge It j 2 2 1 1 lard's Medford armory wrestling head and shoulders above everyone Haight, ss ....... . .... Steamboat, Squaw lake and other was, said an observer, who let out Conïin, it> Having defeated camps Kerby 3 2 2 2 show. else as a slacker. G. Harrington, rf... 4 1 2 Ö Both times Frisble overpowered remote sections of the upper Ap the first peep in The Miner sane- and Mt. Reuben in scheduled base ball games, the Brush Marine play 3 1 2 0 his assailant with a rapid series of plegate will have new advantages turn. But after all It Is not so very súr Smith, If 3 0 0 0 Sonnenberg butts following some In reaching school this year as a Gravity, said the observer, has ers at Camp Applegate are feeling prising. Any man who came as ’ Sakralda, cf 1 0 1 0 fast, thrilling displays of aggres its peculiarities. It may have been jubilant over the fact that they nenr to bankrupting his dealers as ¡ Green, cf ................ result of a special election held in fnnny that way. but it managed to have acquired the privilege of com sion and unorthodox wrestling Henry did In 1927 certainly would, .33 13 17 7 holds—or punches. The southern the Watkins school district Tues reach un from terra firma, grasp peting in the semi-finals in the dis not feel any obligation to Amari-1 Totals Oregon fireman has been develop day, when free transportation was blond Wendt by the Beat of the trict championship series. Further cans with whom he has had no Score by innings: nants while he lost his toehold and games will be played in Medford business contact at all. While other! Jacksonville ... 200 010 2— 5 ing newer tactics of late, which voted. The district will allow a dollar yanked him downward—face down in the near future to determine manufacturers carried their share Medford 000 076 X—18 got results for him against the a week to each family with chil ward—Into the straw-laden trailer. the district championship. The Jacksonville Miners, during of th«- load when nunlei «•hanges _ tough Swede from up north. Among other incidentals of camp In the main event Harry Deme- dren residing between two and one- Landing with a thud that shattered came, Henry Ford dosed down hls lhe season of nearly five months plants nnd made his dealers should play, have won seven of their 20 tral. one of the cleanest and most half and five miles from school.! his glasses and loosened his tongue, life reported is Company Clerk F. er all the loss nnd hardship. He weekly encounters. The 13 losses scientific wrestlers In the north Twice the amount will be allowed a team standing nearby bolted and D. Meeker’s occupation in things rnn out on them when they needed were early-season results and came west. lost two falls to Al Karasick, families residing over five miles ran. The dairyman, however, man other than baseball. The young his cars and his help. Now he 111 n long series that was broken muchly-booed Russian IJon. when distant. The money may be used aged to pull himself together and. clerk spent three days of strenu wnnts to run out on the govern- only comparatively recently, when Al pushed the referee. Les Weiss, for boarding of children or their: in the effort, gave an effective tug ous traveling to spike camps on th«« homeguards got hold of them onto him and then completed the daily transportation, practically all on the reins, which were tangled the numerous mountain peaks to went when It needs his help. obtain the signatures of the men selves and started chalking up vic-1 dog-pile with a huge leap. Demetral of the families having decided on tn the mess. Save for a stiff neck from land on the payroll. He was equally as To us It appears this way: Back lories. V. J. Beach has been busi- had made Karasick pat the mat cooperation in taking the children ing thereon, a pair of broken long getting the money to the men In 1928 and 1929 when Henry Ford ness manager of the nine this sum- after a long seige with a stopover each day, however. As a result of the district’s de glasses, a nervous team and straw- after it had arrived in camp. Spike announced wage Increases he was mer, with Punk Dunnington aiding wristlock from which there was no doing something spectacular. He in the coaching. No team captain escape, and the second fall was cision, children are attending this filled ears and mouth. Mr. Wendt camps are located at Fir Glade, awarded to Karasick when he gain year who were obliged to remain was none the worse for his encoun- i i Steve’s peak. Windy peak. Ander was a figure, a leader. But today, was ever elected. son butte. Star Ranger station. Sil Mothballs will accompany the ed a Boston crab advantage over out of school last term. Nearly all ter. a hurried Inventory revealed. when everyone Is hacking up the horsehide prowess Demetral. Karasick and Demetral voters of the district turned out Yesterday Vlv Beach, the local' ver fork and a survey gang is lo government by signing up with the Jacksonville NRA. Henry would be Just another through the winter, but doubtless had differences in ideas of clean ¡for Tuesday’s election, where not: watch-stopper and glass-fixer, was' cated on Red mountain. Bud Barree, 77-year-old prospec busy with a blowtorch and glass volunteer. Nothing spectacular In will be brushed aside again early wrestling, and the Greek won the ¡one dissenting vote was cast, „^fcthnt. No columns of free advertis- next Hpring when the home talent crowd, although Karasick, as usual,, i Watkins school opened Monday,! cutters fixing up another set of: tor and musician of Carbury visit- Just gets that warm-weather urge to won the match. no outstanding praise. with an enrollment of 10, and the ia“mp’len,rwhile,'Mra.''lW^ndt!lhas|^ c^m'’ s»nday and chatted with J^^Wbne of the patriots. romp and play. Clowning, or rather, mixing it ¡attendance mark was expected to'been noted with the odor of lini- the boys about things in general. ------------------ •------------------- with the referee and arguing with reach well Into the twenties by the, ment clinging suspiciously about I Mr. Barree is somewhat of a sculp- I tor. having a collection of 50 musi So Henry, always a bit too much • Mrs. John Hackert returned the gallery, was one of the hilar «nd of the week. The building is I her hands. like our recent L. A. Banks when Sunday from Los Angeles, where ious highlights of the main event, full and the report comes that the' So if Jacksonvillians see the head cal instruments which he has it comes to politics and public mat she has been visiting her mother. I which was a real exhibition. children are sitting on everything man of Went’s dairy driving along carved from native wood. ters, holds back, refuses to sign • Miss Katherine A. Bathurst of Promoter Lillard announced that but the floor, a rocking chair from his route with head turning to the NR A. Thus, he again stands Seattle visited Miss Alice Hoefs, : wrestling will be suspended next jone of the homes having been put neither the right nor the left, they are not the only ones who clutch out head and shoulders from the Jacksonville postmastor, early this week, due to a special fight card to into use. Mrs. Inn Purcel. one of will know it is due to a stiff neck at straws, said Wendt last night as crowd, although in n different dlr- week. .Miss Bothurst flew down be staged at the Elks picnic Thurs the county’s outstanding teachers, and not to haughtiness. Which all he stiff-necked his way through a (Continued on page two) from the northern city. day, which he will handle. The is employed again this term. ¡goes to prove that drowning men| crowd at Amy’s dining palace. Wendt Falls Like Ton of Hay While Horses Run Away Frisbie Takes Kid Olson in Surprise Burst of Training Watkins Pupils Given Transportation Fees S’MATTER POP- Ambrose Follows Maw’s Instructions 5 I Applegate Marines To Try for District Baseball Title Soon By C. M. PAYNE