The Jacksonville Minar I Py« 3 PERSONAL NEWS NOTES ! und son Jerry will resume their j school work in the seventh and ninth grade». The trio will be ac­ companied by their guest, Donald 1 linker, nephew ot Mrs. McMahon, who ban »pent the la»t month here and who will remain In Vancouver Among tin» larg« number of Ap • A number of stockman of the [ for a «hort tim« before returning plsgnte people employed in the lower Applegate «action are en- ¡to New Haven, Conn. Rogue River valley fruit harvw»t gaged In a bit of work ut Itonamour • Guests entertained ut the home •re th« following from Rueb Ever- at present which varie» »lightly of Mrs Li-on Offenbacher this week •tt Havenar, <'«<11 Alien, Dick Fra from the annual routine. Having are her nlHter», Misses Oleta and xier and Mr». Edwin llecry. IcuHed 1U acre» of paature land Norma Jean Hauber of New Hope, and her niece. Ml»» Winifred Blev­ • Mra. Wnlter lliirdell mid two from th« government, the men ar« ins of Hanta Rosa. Ml»» Blevins, children and mother. Mr» Al enclosing th« property with u barb­ who celebrated her eleventh birth Boon«, of JnckNonvllln vlnlted at wire fence. The»» working on the day Wednesday, will remain here th« home of Mra. Ml leu Cnntrall fence arc lance and Leon Offen- Tor another two weeks. Monday. barber. Cliff Smith. Ray Offen bâcher nnd Edward and Alford • Tuesday Mr» L J. Combent and • A group of Ruch people spend Rubli. Mr». C. II. Dunnlngton vlnlted Mr». Ing Sunday picnicking nnd swim 8. WILon and Mr». Margaret mlng on Illg Applegate were Mrs • Tuesday night the Anderson Lewi», who are both in the Sa-1 Louisa Ray and sons bob. Wilt nnd butte lookout was able to talk di­ cred Heart hospital In Medford. Mathew. Mrs Edward Rubli; Mr. rectly to the Star ranger »ration and Mrs. Gene Mee; Mr and M th over a private lino, having prev­ • Mr. V. E. Austin of Weed, Calif.,1 THE ENTIRE FURNITURE STOCK OF THE M. F. & H. CO. WILL BE SOLD lined th« Sterling line and A. Schafer of Klamath Fall» Art Paltnor; Miss Mollie Ruy and iously guest. Miss Mabel Mickey of Port through Jacksonville Jainnn Carrol »pent several day» thl» week in IN A GREAT SALE TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR OWN STOCK land. Elmer Htoke». und Mr and of Medford with hl» group of Brush Crescent city and Coquille. Marine» that day completed exten­ Mrs. Everett Womack • Mrs, Kleth Caldwell of Port­ sion of the Wagner line from the land, who has been visiting Mrs. • Delmer Smith of Willow Hprlnks brlckplle to Anderson butte. Mary Norvell and family for the »pent Sunday n» a gue«t of U hi I h •nd Bill Htriiubn The boy» devoted • The Blcnvenue brother» noon past week, returned to her home) Wise Southern Oregon people will plan NOW to secure the day to u fishing trip which, will have a well completed at their Wednesday with her husband and their furniture needs while this great disposal event is daughter Helen !>•<> who have been after all, they «aid wu» mad« only homo on Ib-aver creek. Although underway ... It is truly extraordinary to find RE­ they have reached bedrock at a visiting In California. tor the fun of it. depth of 20 feet, the men expect DUCTIONS when PRICES ARE GOING UP—that’s • Archie Wont 1» another of the to excavate an additional eight • Mr». Thoma» Keene and family' exactly what you will find here when you visit our moved to Medford recently. Wyn ­ Brush Mnrinen who 1» diligently foot, great clean-up of this M. F. & H. Co. stock. ona Reen« 1» employed a» »witch­ »winging a pitchfork during hl» board operator at the Medford ho-1 The regular stock bf the Medford Furniture and Hard­ Tester of San Fran ­ wook’» vacation. • ^rH ,t,,n j cisco 1« »pending some time_ ai ___ the tel. ware company—reflecting the high quality always • W R Brandenburg of Pasacbna home of her «Inter In law, Mr». Cliff maintained by this old established Medford firm—will • Paul lie»» and Ray Hun»aker and hl» al»ter, Ml»» Grace llrnn Smith, where »he al»o 1» vl«ltlng are employed In the park service j be literally SLASHED to BEDROCK in a great disposal denhurg. who 1» employed In the her »on». Bob and Bill Hyde, at Crater lake. sale. A portion of the Main floor and the entire Second health department of the Ix>» An gelon schools, were in the Apple • Mr" Cantrall returned • Mrs. Carol Table of Medford floor will be occupied by the John Cupp Furniture gate a few day» ago seeking a ,'“r,7 ,b,M to San Francisco. visited at the C. C. Chitwood ho;ne store —that means that the present merchandise MUST Mock ranch Th« two expressed h"v>°K "l>«nt part of the Hummer Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Table BE SOLD AT ONCE and we are pricing EVERYTHING their aatlNfactlon with southern a‘ th" hom“ of Mr. and Mr». Mile« wan the former Miss Clara May, to SELL . . . These savings can’t be made later with Oregon and mentioned that Call-!( anlral*' who resided with Mr. and Mra. G. fornla people steadily are becom advancing markets! W. God ward. • Mr Rudolph Peck of Medford Ing more Interented In Oregon. was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. • Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lewis and • Applegato people wore sorry to George Demmer Sunday. non Robert, and Robert Sweeney. hear of the death of Charles Lake, • Miss Grace V. Pearce, whose Roy Jones, Fern Cherryholms, Peg­ old-time mountaineer and prospec­ parents wore pioneer settlers of gy I^wrence and Mrs. Ethel Jones tor, which occurred at his horn« at the Applegate valley and who haa of Central Point went fishing and Clnnfbar a short time ago. Death •pent the last year in Seattle, has picnicking on the Applegate Sun- cam« suddenly as a result of heart returned to the old home on the day. trouble, and California authorities Jacksonvllle-Ruch highway for a For any social error obliging • Mr. and Mr». Ben Coffman and ! who have been staying there, went • Mrs. Lilia Haskins and son went from Yreka took charge of the visit with relatives and friends. to Medford Wednesday, where they enough to die, Emily would no body Mr Lak' was a well known family have returned from Dia I home Thursday. character around Clnnlbar for • Mr». Tom Mee 1» entertaining mond lake, and expect to move to • Rev. and Mrs. S. H. Jones and spent the day as guests of Mrs. doubt be glad to do a Post mor­ i yenrs and It Is said that he owned » group of relatives from Seattle Medford soon. Haskins* niece, Mrs. John Cantrall. tem.—Weston Leader. son Malcolm returned home from half of the property at the old re thl» week, Including her mother, • Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Van I their vacation Thursday. sort. Mr». Dan Nel»on; Mr«. Brldgea Galder and Jack Newel), who have nnd daughter Elaine, and Mra. • Doris Clark, who became ill at • Mrs E. It. Jones returned to her resided In Jacksonville for the past Barker. Sunday the group enjoyed home at the F. C. Preston ranch eight months, left Tuesday for her home Monday, was taken to picnicking tn the Ashland park. Hundny. after having undergone an Twin Falls, Idaho. | the Community hospital in Medford operation at the Community hos­ • late Port Jr., who haa achieved tbe following day and was operated • Miss Betty Puhi of Medford is. pital several weeks ago. fame on the Applegate for flivver- visiting at the Clarence Kasshafer on for appendicitis. Ing over nnd about the mountain» FROM YOUR POULTRY • William Harlow, CCC worker, a» well a» f .“.'»r ’".‘’""¿ “'“t I home here ‘his week ____ 'T ____ ______ • Mrs. Dora Saltmarsh spent Mon­ putting Uncle Sam a I ARE YOURS IF YOU FEED who sustained severe burns on his _ — John ------ Dunnlngton -------- - ---- and day at Medford, where she was a face and hands ns n result of a new road» to the acid teat, at-' • , Mra. annotine explosion three weeks ago. ialned new honors Friday. when be < daughter Margaret, who have been guest of Mrs. Jennie Charley. was able to leave the Sacred drove his red bug to Perks pas­ visiting here, left Wednesday for ture Not Including a government Portland, where Margaret will com­ • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Straube mot­ H-art hospital and rotUril to his truck, his was the first car to plete her nurse’s training. ored to the Dead Indian country home on Big Applegate last week reach that place. The young ad­ H« drives to Camp Applegate every on business a few days ago. venturer was accompanied by • E. J. Applegate of Klamath oth«r day for treatment. Maurice Byrne and Donald Baker, Fall» visited hl» sinter, Mr». C. C. who 1» visiting here from New Chitwood, last Saturday. Haven. Conn. I«ee was the first to reach Tallowbox by auto almost a • Mr». Jack Evans of Medford and Ml»» Myrtle Evan», superintendent year ago. of Kansan City, Mo., public schools, • Fire, the cause of which Is un­ was a guest at the F. W. Clogston known. destroyed a garage and home this week. granary on the ranch of Mrs. Alice POUNDS Rexford below the Applegate store • Mrs. Kenneth Bigham and son, of Portland are visiting their aunt, i Friday night. Although her auto- mobile and other possessions were I Mrs. 9. Wilson. Just the Thing for SOLD BY saved, grain and corn, besides j • Word has been received that School Wear! shakes and a few tools, burned. the old Abbott house on the corner I • Mrs. B. B. McMahon, who haa of California and Fourth streets! Cor. 6th and Bartlett Phone 260 remainod on the Applegate since will be remodeled and made into 105 West Main July 10. will return to Vancouver a modern apartment house. Monday, where her daughter Janet • Mr. and Mrs. W. Welch of Klam­ JOHN CUPP i) / loth from Jacksonville and Over the llili Announces the Purchase of the FURNITURE STOCK of the MEDFORD FURNITURE & HARDWARE COMPANY r | 'HE JOHN CUPP Furniture Store will soon occupy the entire Second floor and a portion of the Main floor at the M. F. & H. building at Bartlett and Sixth streets in Medford, SALE STARTS 8 A. M. SATURDAY, SEPT. 2 ! JOHN CUPP FURNITURE STORE Furniture Prices Are Advancing—Plan to Buy and Save Now! MR. POULTRYMAN— Maximum Profits Oxfords DELROGUE S2.25 HU^”ED Try It—You’ll Stick By It! Monarch Seed & Feed Co. Campbell Clo. Co. ath Falls are visiting her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Seldon, Ogle. • Mrs. E. Ferguson, registered nurBe of Medford, is employed atj the Jacksonville sanitarium. Mrs.! Jim Lyttell and son Raymond Lee, ne Home Grocery “SERVES YOU RIGHT” Our Stock of 608 EAST MAIN, MEDFORD SCHOOL SUPPLIES PHONE 743 cc OFFICE STATIONERY & SUPPLY CO A Cheerful Little Earful” “YOUR OFFICE BOY” Is the Will Be More Complete Than Ever I Aero»» from Rialto Theater, Medford i l°l $ Glad News from Friend Wife to Hungry Poppa That a . . . BLESSED EVENT Bowman’s Famous Is About to Happen . . . We Mean, a Swell Meal Is Coming Up the Home Grocery Way . . . FLAVORFUL, FRESH, VARIED AND ALWAYS ECONOMICAL! PERMANENT LADIES! YOU’LL LIKE THIS!! A Lustrous Wave You Can Manage I I AND UP —for hair that has never taken a permanent successfully, we advise American Beauty Permanents. They produce a truly lustrous wave, beautiful and lasting. Telephone 57. New NRA hoyrs will be from eight till six. BOWMAN’S BARBER SHOP and BEAUTY PARLOR PHONE 57 105 WEST MAIN, MEDFORD - r' ? « CALL 743 FOR FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Prompt, Dependable and Convenient ! STORE CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY—LABOR DAY!