Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About Jacksonville miner. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1932-1935 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1932)
The Jacksonville Miner of Olympia. Wash., came to the • "Doc’’ H. B. Gillis, .Jacksonville’s o’clock luncheon at the latter’s lower Applegate Saturday, where very own Sawbones, has been dog home in Medford. they expect to take up mining. Mr. ged by the measles of late. That Roundtree, who had been employed Is, his new canine, "Measles,” has by the forest service in Washington been following Its master about for 22 years, mined on the Apple the city In faithful and quite dog gate over 30 years ago. like manner. Doc and Dan Shuss still are wont to shoot deer at every M.Mr and Mrs. Henry Demmer son La Von were visiting friends t * • W vh moved from Euxene to Jack and relative)« on Applegate during • Th«- restaurant which started meeting, and have piled the Nugget Holtville, whore they will make their the holiday vacation. I ji Von re business last week, Tuesday eve dining room high with the hapless turned to OSAC Sunday, where In ning folded its tent and stole away animals. home thiH winter. ♦ ♦ ♦ is a sophomore. * ♦ ♦ ♦ during the night. J. D. Donovan, * S • lessee, declared that, the rumor that. • In observance of their 31st wed • Mrs. Al Piche and non Killy of to Those Who Save Medford were guests of Mrs. • Otis Bin k of Applegate and In Jacksonville people got hungry was ding anniversary Mr. and Mrs. W. Piche's parentH, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ter Hodson and Lee Goodman of lais«- and misleading, and he de H. McDaniel were entertained at this city left this week for Hacka- parted for more fertile territory. It. a one o’clock dinner Sunday at the Hamilton, Sunday. home of their daughter and son- ♦ ♦ ♦ rnore, Calif., to resume their em was reported. in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Luy. * * * • Mr. and Mrs. I'M Itussel of upper doyment with tin- forest service in Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. beetle eradication • L<-e port Jr., accompanied by Applegate entertained frl<-nds and ♦ • ♦ Newell Elliott ami Ben Goldy of William Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Fred neighbors with a dance at their home Thanksgiving. • Mrs. Orval Thomas of Ruch is Ashland, spent the week end camp Luy and Glenn McDaniel. Mr. and There Is No Substitute * • • recovering from an appendicitis ing out at Squaw I-ake. Although Mrs. McDaniel have resided on Ap plegate for the last 27 years, the • Mrs. Edna Pursel and brother, operation performed at the Sacred the boys carne not far from freez for a Savings Account \rt Putney of Medford were guests Heart hospital Monday morning. ing to death the first night of their first four years having been spent at the home of Mrs. Mary Pursel Dr. Harold B Gillis of Jacksonville outing, they report a glorious time, in Jacksonville. ♦ ♦ ♦ START YOURS most of which was spent rowing Is the attending physician. on Little Applegate Sunday. • This has been a busy week of ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ * on the lake. TODAY! social activity for Mrs. E. S. Sev ♦ ♦ ♦ • Robert Beach, son of .Mr. and • Among Applegate children ab Mrs. Vlviun Heat h, lias been suffer sent from school recently as a re • Applegate Grange reports a to erance, who Monday attended a tea Ing this week from flu and ear* sult of flu attacks are Nell Arant tal of $37 as the net proceeds from at the Greater Medford club, which ache, and has been unable to at and Eleanor Thomas at Cnlontown, Its Thanksgiving dance. A large is being reorganized. Tuesday the tend school. Carolyn Benedict at Applegate, and crowd attended, with music fur well known Jacksonville clubwo • • * nished by Merriman’s Night Owls man entertained members of the Carmoletta ln-w|s at Beaver. • * * of Medford, and It Is hoped that local Past Noble Grand club with • Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Copple Thanks • Ixrcal middlemen are said to be the success of this event will be a luncheon and card party, and Medford giving were Mr. and Mrs. I). L. almost able to supply Hie local repeated in the next dance Christ Thursday was a guest of her sis ter, Mrs. R. R. Johnson, at a one Jones and Mr Dunn of Little Ap medicinal demand since the wave mas eve. ♦ ♦ ♦ plegate. of Influenza started a couple weeks * * e • go. Three casks of mountain dew • Two damaged automobiles, one • For rent, housekeeping cabins arrived the other day and the sit of which was driven by George •••• Pierce of Ruch vicinity, resulted 4» Inquire at Lyden House, Jackson- uation is said to be well In hand. vilie. from a wreck near the Applegate ♦ * * * • • • For sale, bronze turkey gobblers store late Thanksgiving night. The ■••• • Louis Buckley, freshman at the suitable for stock Phone Mrs. Miles cars were rounding a curve and Mr. --••• Pierce alleges that the car collid 4» Columbia university in Portland, Cantrail. Jacksonville 22-F-23. * • • ing with him was on the wrong spent the Thanksgiving vacation GARTER AND SHIRTS •“‘th his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. • Miss Leap McKee returned to side of the road. Pre-Shrunk —Guaranteed * * * SUSPENDER SETS kBll< kley her home on Big Applegate Friday, Perfect Fitting In Christmas Box 0 Mr and Mrs. George Beeman * • * having spent a short convalescence • Included among Xpph gate bear period at the home of her grand have returned to their home at Co catchers recently are Fred Hoff mother. Mrs. D. W. Beebe, at Agate, lusa after spending a few weeks man. Frank Dawson, Glenn Salt following an appendicitis operation. visiting the latter’s parents, Mr. •••-- NECKTIES BOTANY WOOL and Mrs. J. A. West. Shortly before -•••• • • • marsh. Clifton Childers and Leon •••- FLANNEL ROBES ard McKee. • Alfred Norris, who had been thefr departure, Mr. Beeman was 100 Per Cent Wool Flannel • « • spending some time at his Tule honored with a surprise birthday ••••- in Fancy Patterns • Thursday night the Jacksonville Lake homestead, returned here party on which he Is said to have '•••• GARTERS chapter of Eastern Star was to Monday to start work on the Haight received the customary treatment ■•••• • •••• have held Its regular meeting for mine. Ills daughters have been at bestowed upon birthday victims. ♦ ♦ ♦ the purpose of electing officers for tending the local school this sea FANCY SWEATERS son. pie coming year • Mrs. W. D Peckham of Apple ••••• MEN’S SOCKS Slipover Styles, Latest Colors ♦ ♦ ♦ * • * gate received word recently of the Three Pair in Fancy Box • Twenty-six head of mules and • Jacksonville Grange was spon election of her nephew. Ray H. Tal horses are being wintered at the soring a free cooking school by the bot. 33. of Pueblo. Col., to the office ■•••• Sid Hansen ranch on Big Apple Crown flour company here Wednes of lieutenant governor. Mr. Talbot, COAT SWEATERS HANDKERCHIEFS gate. The animals are owned by day and Thursday afternoons of who was serving in the house of Heather Mixtures this week. The Thursday evening representatives at the time of his and TIE SETS Siskiyou National forest men. • * * In Fancy Christmas Box finale was to have been observed election, will move to Denver. Mr. ••••« • H. Gunderson. Ja< ksonvlllian with a card party and social after and Mrs. Talbot are anticipating 50c a visit to southern Oregon next who has been prospecting and min noon. WOOL-LINED * * * summer. ing for quartz variety gold on Star NECK SCARFS DRIVING GLOVES • * * gulch this season, spent a day In O A man was seen running down the street the other day. As it was • Bill Bishop, alias "Kid” and Medford on business Tuesday. * • * not raining, meal time or runnfng- “Bish,” has bepn so seriously 111 «••• • The Ladles' Aid society of the to-a fire time, an investigation was with influenza the paBt week, ac «••• Jacksonville Presbyterian church launched Immediately, but the sub cording to friends who know him planned to have Its allday bazaar ject outran his Investigators, who quite well, that he has been unable and sale In the local church. Lun were interested only to the point of to hold his own in a minor argu We Give S & H Green Trading Stamps ment, much less whip enough am walking right fast. cheon was to have been served. MEDFORD • * * * « • bition into shape to touch on na tional topics of grave moment. • Hi Roundtree and son Clinton • Mrs. Ike Dunford of Medford and PERSONAL NEWS NOTES Both from /'acfasorwille and Over the 11 ill PROSPERITY COMES FASTER REGULARLY • Farmers and Fruitgrowers Bank GIVE MEN THINGS TO WEAR 59c $1.25 $1.45 $1 25c 50c 75c 25c and 50c $6.95 59c and 75c $1.95 and $2.50 $1.75 to $3.45 $1 to $2.95 $1.25 DEPT. STORE THE JACKSONVILLE CASH STORE TO BE SOLD AT ONCE ------------- -SAYS THE RECEIVER-------------- SALE STARTS FRIDAY AT 10 A. M. AND WILL CONTINUE UNTIL ALL STOCK AND FIXTURES ARE SOLD A NEW LOW PRICE ON EVERY ITEM Fixtures Will Be Sold in One Lot or Separately THE NEW LOW PRICES SET FOR THIS BANKRUPT STOCK SHOULD INTEREST EVERY THRIFTY SHOPPER IN JACKSONVILLE AND VICINITY DRY GOODS SPECIALS 200 Pair Women’s Pumps. . ,$1.49 I Lot Men’s Work Shirts.......... 49c I lot Ladies Quality Knit Vests . 25c Dresses, 1 lot.................................... 39c Dresses, I lot.................................... 59c Men’s Shoes, I lot........................ $1.98 Men’s Shoes, I lot........................ $2.45 Blankets, I lot.................................. 98c SHOP EARLY While SELECTIONS ARE GOOD This Stock Offers Wonderful Values in Groceries, Dishes, Glassware, Dry Goods, Notions Shoes and Men’s Furnishings Dresses and Blankets OPEN SATURDAY EVE GROCERY SPECIALS Knight’s Catsup, I 4-oz. bottle, ,12c I gal. Tea Garden Syrup.......... 98c K-C Baking Powder, 25-oz........... 19c Bagley Stand. Pack Pears, No. 2 x /2 tin............................................ 13c Amaizo Gloss Starch........................ 7c Blue Jacket Sardines..................... 4c DOORS OPEN FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 10 A. M.