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About Jacksonville miner. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1932-1935 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1932)
The Jacksonville Miner The Jacksonville Miner ASSEMBLE THESE GAYNOR-FARRELL Published SCENES AND GET FREE TICKETS JACKSONVILLE. OREGON Weekly at This FUNNY World By R. CLAY CHAPPELL VIEWS A noise arose in the orchestra as of OTHER PEOPLE Cut out and put together the pieces below. They represent scenes from the leader drew across the intes three Janet Gaynor-Charles Farrell pictures: “Delicious,” "The First tines of the agile cat the tail of the Kntered as »«eond-elass matter February 19. 1931 Year” and "Tess of the Storm Country.” After assembling the three To tlie Editor: j at the poet office at Jaeksontille. Oregon. under scenes, paste them on cardboard, and then identify the picture from noble horse. In the Inst Issue of your pnp<^ the act of March 3. 1879. which each scene has been taken. FIRST 10 CORRECT SOLUTIONS you had an article regarding the John. 5:3: "Here lay a great presented either to postoffice box 138 or the Nugget confectionery will price of turnon fee of the city water LEONARD HALL..................... Editor and Publisher multitude of Impotent people, receive a FREE TICKET to see "Tess of the Storm Country” showing asking I In» people to meet the city MAUDE POOL..................................Applegate Editor of blind, halt, withered, waiting at the Fox Craterian in Medford Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. council and express their views re for the moving of the water." Addreei All Communications to Boa 138 garding the same. Subscription Rates, in Advance: (>h well, we’ll have beer by next As I am a wider user the year One Year.............. $1.00 8ix Months................ 50c summer anyway. around and never have had tny Headquarters: water turned off unless I was un THE NUGGET CONFECTIONERY able to puy my rent and It was or Telephone 162 dered turned off by the council un til I could puy same. Now If people can’t puy >1.75 a month for water how <an they pay j $5 turnon fee and their back water Now that the fanatical tee totalers have been soundly rent In addition? | I believe it would be far better spanked perhaps the misocap- By JOHN BYRNE and the city would receive more nists will take a tumble. remuneration if they would make a Ill fares the land, and threatening It Is rumored that the threatened reduction on the year-round water ills a prey. damage suit against Tin* Jackson users, A $5 turn on foe Is a fine and Where wealth accumulates and ville Minor is merely another sub tax on the people and now is the men decay. sidized press frumeup. the Idea time to reduce taxes if there ever —Goldsmith. being for Banks to collect $50,000 was one. from The Miner and then to split If the people got a rebate on 50-50 with Leonard Hall. water by keeping It on 12 months Uncle Sam was out $190,000 it would be an inducement, where last year on dead congressman. Local mines are providing lot« of if they had to pay $5 to have It Wonder how much he was out employment and are showing a fine turned on It would be quite an In on live ones. yield of rheumatism, flu ami pneu ducement to leave It off. Five dol monia luit little, if any. gout lars will buy quite a hill of grocer- THE OLD COW WHICH HAS 1 les in these times. BEEN SUPPLYING THE MILK OF I people who have tnnd.ETAOINNU But every rose has Its thorn HUMAN KINDNESS. HAS JUST And another example, to people as the fellow said when he paid ABOUT GONE DRY. who have houses to rent: If they for his mother-in-law's funeral. are unrented for a month It will Surgeon: My dear sir. I must We know a dear old lady whose cost $5 to have the water turned tell you I am afraid you are going lot has been one of unrelenting toll on. In these depression times the on a very long journey. and poverty and sacrifice and yet house would rent from $5 to $10 Sick Congressman: Alright. Doc. she always has a pleasant smile a month. If the renter stays i don't forget to fill out my mileage a cheerful word, an optimistic out- month and moves out. how Is JiJ blank. look, strewing her pathway with over going to make hls Interest taxes and upkeep? happiness and joy. Mr. Samuel Insull is making People are not going to live In a gracious bow to America. If How rich is «he! How splendid a town where they can't get water he was a small fry he would and It would be a poor ad for a to grow old like that' not need so much grease. We city with half of the house« In It also believe the Greeks are as unoccupied. susceptible to palm greasing as Anyone owning real estate for Americans. an Investment would ha handicap ped both in sale value aixl rentals (Continued from page one) The stockmen pay their taxes This is a groat country. Blit If Banks were children of our own And take a back seat brain, and were neither suggested taxes and expenditure« are In While the court weighs the evidence creased further, what will I m * the nor dictated by any other person. And the butcher weighs the meat. slogan then? Maybe It will talk « e about the climate. And if you think we overstepped WHEELING WEST VIRGINIA A CITIZEN our license when we took a jab at WAS SOME LOAD. BUT NOTHING the involved Dally News editor, put COMPARED TO A MULE CARRY credit where credit is due and heap • Professor and Mr«. I xmls (’ ING EVERYTHING WEST OF By MAUDE POOL the blame on our shoulders. Our Cady and son Theodore of Moscow, THE MISSISSIPPI! parodies on Banks' grotesque dra Idaho, arrived Wednesday of la«t niatics were premeditated and we week at the home of hl« parents. I sit by the evening fireside Three friends hath man along life’s Mr. and Mrs. T 8. Cady of Jack have m> apology to offer. journey’s jog: Secure in the companionship «onvllle hill, for the Thanksgiving w. 0 His mother, money and his dog. Of the leaping flames that abide holidays. Mrs. Cady was taken III Human nature certainly is a pe There in the oaken logs. culiar thing And. if you want a while enroute here but recovered With good beef selling for glaring example, ask any relief sufficiently to be taken home the three cents on the hoof, beef worker. They’ll tell you Americans first of this week, the trip being steak will not be over 20 cents I hear the rain—its gentle drops give are wont to send billions to the far made necessary by the fact that a pound this winter. Me a feeling of gladness and joy corners of the earth while their Prof. Cady Is a member of the fac ulty of the University of Idaho and At just being able to live neighbors starve. UNCLE SAM IS PRETTY BAD could not be spared from hls work. And meet evert day as it comes. LY HAMSTRUNG. BUT HIS HEAD I And. of course, they rather enjoy QUARTERS ARE SAFE IN WALL —if they are among the more for STREET. I watch the bright sparks fly away; tunate—the spectacle of others be With them my thoughts soar upward ing in much poorer circumstances. Card Shark (shoving in his To the things I may accomplish some day For, were there no |>oor, there stack): How much is your hand could be no rich! worth? If only I work and keep courage. Meat Cutter: I have been selling it all day for 30 cents a pound. • Mrs. O. C. Dorothy entertained I see the smoke spirals as they entwine and the Kill Kare Klub Wednesday af Themselves into intricate patterns Lives there a man with heart so ternoon to a quilting party. Thej That in some peculiar way combine dead hoste«« had a quilt prepared in the Who never to his wife hath said. With the peace that can come in life. frame and each member was a«- NIGHTS “Yes, my dear, but you don’t un signed to a square for her plate. derstand.” Much progress was made toward I hover closer as the flame with the completion of the quilt. After nee Burns down to a bed of coals; CHARLEY HOOVER IS NOW dles and thimbles were discarded MAKING A SCREEN TEST OF I dream dreams just the same for the afternoon, guests assembled | HIS BULL-BOA. As the last spark fades away. in the dining room where they par-; took of dainty refreshments served It takes a lot of optimism to at by Mrs. Dorothy, who was assi«ted ; assuage the pangs of hunger. by Mrs. Art I>avis. Those present were Mesdames B. Cody, L. J. Com- Some people are just waking up best. Harold Reed, Clinton Dunning to the fact that there is class dis ton, James Littell Jr. and Miss Car MEDFORD By CHARLES HARR tinction in America. They evidently i men Dorothy. never tried to clean their shoes * * 4> The story goes, so I've been told. on the front steps of a millionaire. • The Burdell, Burdell and Burdell In Jacksonville near here Mother and Father Ix>de Gold Min It is about time to send over The citizens were very bold. ing company, unlimited, resumed another commission to see how operations this week on the Bur As they were full of beer. the Russians are getting along. We dell property in this city. Constable have not been able to recognize Burdell. president and kingfish of I them, and I am afraid our friends They hauled a cannon in the street, the outfit, promised your news- ! will not be able to recognize us at And loaded it with vim. i paper the first dollar’s worth of J the end of four more years of pros- dust recovered from the former And rushing to a hardware store perity. "Gopher” hole In payment of a sub They filled it to the brim. scription, and should Officer Mike OLD MOTHER NATURE HAS fail to deliver, there may be new i BEEN GIVING THE HILLS A Marcela 50c and 75c Of nuts and bolts they used galore arrangements at the B., B. & B. Io-1 GOOD BATH. THE GOLD GLEAN Reset 35c And some few nails and stones; cation before the next issue goes J ERS WILL BE ENABLED TO Finger Waves, Wet 35c, to press. And they possessed a thing of war SCRATCH A HEALTHY ITCH. Dry 50c ♦ * ♦ To break the redmen’s bones. Shampoos, Shingle Bob 35c, Send in your subscription today, j One of the minions of the law Others 50c was seen scurrying toward Medicated or Soapless, They touched it off with drunken cheers Medford with a five-point buck 35c Extra Anri loudly did it boom. on the running board. Said Hot Oil Shampoo, $1.00 They say the old hotel bears yet buck met his fate at the horns Lovalon Rinse 25c of another monarch of the for A crack across one room. Henna Rinse 50c est, subscribing to the law of Cleansing Facial 50c PHYSICIAN and survival of the fittest. Regular Facial, $1 and up Next morning glass upon the street SURGEON Eyebrow and Lash Dye 75c From every window pane It has finally been conceded by Manicure 50c Did crunch beneath a drunkard’s feet; the best of authority that the Lord Arch 35c Office in Jacksonville is not responsible for our present Hair Cuts 35c It really was a shame. Sanitarium economic condition. Hours—Mon., Wed., Frl„ 9-12 We all admit those times were fine 6-9 Every Evening • Doran Gaddy of Jacksonville is But yet we must agree residing on Applegate, making his PHONE JACKSONVILLE 81 The present days are better far home with H. J. Hodges of Ruch, 105 West Main Medford Than any drunken spree. whom he will join in prospecting. STATIC • • The Editor Speaking MY FIRESIDE Dance Every WEDNESDAY SATURDAY DREAMLAND LEST WE FORGET Announcing New Low Prices on Beauty Work! PERMANENTS $2.50 $4 $5.50 I Harold B. Gillis Bowman’s Barber and Beauty Shop