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About Jacksonville miner. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1932-1935 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1932)
T he J acksonville M iner Volume 1 q L The Editor Speaking The Marshfield chamber of com merce, In a communication to the Jacksonville, and all other Oregon chamber«, recommends a reduction hy one half In auto license fees and u one-rent Increase In gasoline tax a« a financial counterbalance to tide the highway department over. Dei pile the frequent whereases which introduce the resolution adopted by the «eaport group, the plan seems to meet with the ap proval of many rnotorlHt« and econ omists, who agree that some meth od of raising a given sum must be adhered to for the next few years. And to the harassed motorist who ha« found difficulty in digging up the lump sum for license each year, a 50 per cent cut in fee« holds no small amount of allure, and quite obscure« distaste for an extra «••■nt tax placed on gasoline. Uke the repeal of the state pro- hibition act, any reduction in the annual license fee 1« going to be a mighty welcome Improvement, even if made up by adding to the Iready overburdened gas tax However, taxing gasoline seems to us to be the mo«t equitable and painless method of distributing the highway maintenance and improve ment burden, which in Oregon cer- tainly is nothing to be sneezed at. Jacksonville, Oregon, Friday, December 2, 1932 COUNTY DEEDS 1240 ACRES TO JACKSONVILLE What, Is He Back on the Air Again? Number 49 I SMOKE-EATERS OFFER FEED TO CITY FATHERS Tract, Tenth of Entire Water shed, Given Gratis; Will Be Tax Exempt Stag Smoker Features Cards and Request for January Dance Remuneration Completing a transaction started about four years ago by Council man Punk Dunnington. Monday of Ibis week the Jackson county court delivered to city officials a deed to 1210 acres of timber land tribu- tary to the city reservoir and a por- tion of the loca) watershed, There wan no financial obligation Incur red. the deal being in line with policy of county governments In protecting municipal water source«. The watershed will eventually be fenced by the city, as no trespass ing, grazing of stock, hunting or trapllnes can be permitted In the neighborhood of a municipal reser voir or water source. The 1240 acres, formerly privately owned, had been recovered by Jackson county for taxes and a move start ed by the late County Judge Alex Sparrow to deed the land to this city. The present county judge, C. B. Lamkin, signed the final trans fer pa|>er« this week. The tract comprises about one- tenth of the entire watershed dis trict. Free lunch without the added in ducement of foaming mugs of none of your business, was offered city dads Wednesday evening of this week by the Jacksonville Vounteer Firemen. Palatable sandwiches, tasty tid bits and steaming coffee were serv ed the hungry city council mem bers and other city officials pres- ent. numbering 20 in all, and hi- larity and good fellowship was the principle objective — which was reached, with the aid, possibly, of what has now become almost a le gal luxury in Oregon, it was ru mored. 1 It developed, however, that the free eats were a sort of camou flage on the part of the wily smoke eaters to induce city officials and chamber of commerce members in to a good humor and receptive mood for a suggestion put forward By LLEWELLYN A. BUNKS by the volunteer unit that it be given proceeds from local Saturday night dances during the month of January, commencing New Year’s eve, for the purpose of rehabilita ting a depleted fire fund. In a scurrilous and indecent article published in the Hog “How can you expect us to keep wallow Blatter, their issue of last week. The Jacksonville home (hie!) firsh burning if we hashn’t a red cent to buy matches Miner has been libeled. wish.” volunteered one of the red coats as the meeting progressed We arc reliably informed that the Hogwallow Blatter is toward a more social level. One of published by our contemporary, the Godsend to Jackson County the U. S. hotel mice, which was in Taxpayers Publishing company. They can therefore be held terviewed this morning following the feast, stated that half those jointly responsible with the Hogwallow Blatter for the painful present were calling the others truth they published, or attempted to publish, about The Jack “hies” before the orgy subsided at a late hour. Of course The Miner sonville Miner. will take no responsibility for a But wait! The concensus of opinion among disinterested mouse’s randon statement, and this newspaper’s representative was un- parties (the Miner editor) agree that the article was written abue to be present, worse luck! After thoughtfully munching by Jesus Christ. Stalin. Mussolini. Daniel Webster and Arthur sandwiches, cheese and pickles, and Perry. If there is greater abuse which could be expressed in sipping black coffee, city dads cogi innuendo (ncrts to you), such language has never been brought tated the request with a mixture of heartburn, stomachaches and pleas to our attention or we would already have printed it about our ure and agreed that the proposal was well put, but that the dance contemporaries. had already been turned over to Ihe world admires a battler who meets his foe in the the Grants Pass orchestra which open—and admits his word and check are no good either, The furnishes music. meeting, which was held in world also admires a battler who cleans his own teeth before the The chamber of commerce room in sniffing at the halitosis of his fellow citizens. (the historic hotel, broke up about And. we believe, that great grand jury—the people—will midnight. It was pointed out by observers that the commerce cham agree that when you throw a stone into a pack of hounds the bers were an ideal location for feeds and confabs, as the four walls one that yelps is the one that is hit. had housed a president, lodged a 'Ibis being the fact, further appeal to a district attorney frightened drummer and witnessed who has already proved himself worthy of the vote of approval the suicide of another, and were i quite prepared for anything which given him in the recent election, will be useless, as doubtless i might have happened when a group the D. A. has sense enough to realize there is no libel in an of good-natured males congregated therein. Active Operation of Old Town Underway The other afternoon we chanced to listen to someone chaw up an The Jacksonville Gold Mining otherwise good microphone and dis company, optional lessees of the turb a lot of peaceful ether warn ing we Americans of the great Rus- Old Town mine here and operators of the new gold mill on Jackson sian menace. creek, have started full-time opera Somehow, In the past few years, tion of their holding and have been we have been unable to work up working a crew ranging from three to five men developing and releas much enthusiasm or concern for the Russian menace which supjxjh - ing additional ore to feed the mill. The mill Itself, which has been edly threatens the very pillars of equipped with a regrlnder and two our households here on the other plates, concentrating table and as aide of the globe. And, we might add, we were quite surprised to say offlcn, has been operating con tinuously the past few months and learn, from the speaker, that the great streams of tailings have be great Inland power deliberately gun to line banks of Jackson creek canned the present world wide de pression no aH to pave the way for with a new evidence of mineral ac tivity Concentrates are being ship unrest and dissatisfaction In the ped to outside smelters and it is ex I'nlted State« and make conversion of America to the communist faith pected free milling gold will aver age about 20 per cent of the total certain. (Boy. trot out our biggest recovery and loudest boo! I The Mining company, with W. M Barrie as president and L. Hough We really believe that any per ton as general manager, both of son, giving five minutes’ real Seattle, has iro ported Paul Bundy thought to the depression, will of that city as engineer and as agree that our own government has sayor. had as much to do with disturbing About the only break In the prosperity as any other. And doubt i «mooth routine of the mill and Its less they will agree too that Amer operation since continuous run was ican businessmen and financiers lave been about as unscrupulous inaugurated ha« been in connection with water to be charged the com and hoggish as any others on the pany. which consume« about 50,000 globe. gallons of the local product every Once Too Often “Have You a Little Libel in Your Home?” 30 days. The city charter, accord article which doesn’t even mention the complainant’s name. We believe it would be a good ing to Mayor Hartman, makes no Merely another breakdown of justice simply because a rav idea for the United State« to clean provision for commercial rates to her own «kirt« before she goes ing editor found a shoe that fitted him and got self-conscious. large consumers, and it will be dif blaming Russia, or any other na ficult to offer the mill discrimina ________________________ — _ ---------- ——————— tion. for business stagnation. tory rates until the charter is amended, it Is believed. There has BANKRUPT CASH STORE STEVE AND CAP OFFER A gentle tap on the door these It looks a« though Peoria Bill been Rome misunderstanding be days usually mean« that some am INTO RECEIVER ’ S SALE LUMBERJACK PROGRAM Gates, John Mann. Ernest Scott. lt ween the officials of the company bitious youngster has called to sell President Hoover and all other and the city council. It was learn tuberculosis Christmas seals and The Jacksonville Cash store, "Steve” Stephenson and “Cap” Dastards will have to move over ed, the former supposing that when thus boost the sale ability of his and make room for a country editor I the city promised to furnish water which was plunged into voluntary Overmyer. Medford’s pair of mer school, as well as to show that he who has been promoted to their for the operation the Inference was bankruptcy about two months ago, chandising lumbermen, have been is doing his bit toward helping suf will be sold out to the bare walls offering radio fans one of the most group through Brother Banks’ con there would be no charge. fering humanity. t commencing today. Friday, at 10 talked-of programs over the local i structive “Once in a While” col It was pointed out that no writ a. m., according to announcement station. KMED, Since this week includes the time umn. ten or verbal agreement in this | made by H. D. Feary. receiver, and The Economy Lumberjacks, as limit for selling the seals in the connection had been made, and that A. W. Hubbs, well known merchan schools. Applegate children sallied the musical troupe Is known, dis If you have ever wondered wheth-l city officials are powerless to grant forth bright and early Monday dising man and sales specialist, who I turbs the ether every Tuesday night er the venerable (?) senator-pub- free water service, which in any will be in charge of the clearance. | from 7 till 7:30 p. m.. and in addi morning supplied with the cheerful lisher-ruhbor check writer uses hla event would be very unlikely, as After a few weeks of being pad tion to rendering many old-time red stamps which have waged their imagination when condemning vic the local government depends al- locked, creditors decided that the favorites, feature request numbers. winning fight since 1907. Beaver tim« in his (in)famotis column, |most entirely on this source of rev pupils are showing added interest get this: According to Llewellyn, enue. The city agreed, however, to complete stock of dry goods, groc “Judging from the replies we as a result of a contest to deter eries and fixtures must be sold, The Miner 1« published, guided and furnish ample water whenever get.” said Stephenson, “our pro mine which individual can sell the edited by the Tribune! He even | available, making no mention of lock, stock and barrel, and for the gram is well liked and enjoyed by most seals. past week Hubbs has been busy many.” "Cap” Overmyer. the newer went so far as to say that last' rates or charges. The bright little stamps typify I arranging stocks for quick disposal week’s "Once Too Often" parody At present the mining company at bankrupt prices. "Everything In , member of the Economy Lumber ing America’s battle against tuber I on hi« own spoutings was written owes the city about $132 water company, which just this week ob- culosis, even tho simple in appear by a Tribune employe and placed In rent, $25 of which is for turn-on the store must go, regardless of ! served a formal opening in its new ance. have caused much effort and this paper because It was not "fin fee, the mill being located outside price.” stated Mr. Hubbs yesterday I location. North Pacific highway in study in their production. The skill as he added the finishing touches Medford, is a retired army officer ancially responsible.” the regular water district. of prominent American artists is to the merchandise. ! of 33 years’ service, a former buddy employed each year to picture on The sale, which opens promptly I to ‘Steve” and now business part- If you have been rending The nt 10 a. m. this morning, will con- I ’ner because “southern Oregon has a space less than an inch square Miner lately, you probably noticed tinue until every saleable article nnMt“dlm^e'‘and‘Jlmore’to“offer that which symbolizes a definite that this paper directly opposed the and fixture is disposed of. ________ j n way of the joy of vjng than idea. The seal for 1932. depicting Tribune during the election, and children whose voices are raised in has made one or two jabs at it since ‘any place in the United States Mrs. song in the hope of their continued rhe Big Ballot. Now just what do First distribution to the needy of cided upon at a meeting of orga IOvermyer and 1 have visited, which protection, is expressive of the pro Hu think? canned fruit prepared by the nu nization committee heads held re Includes some 20,000 miles of gress since the first decorative I search.” merous community organizations cently. stamps of 1907 to 1911 which por For the benefit of any who might I late In the summer has been start- i A bridge over an irrigation ditch trayed a holly wreath extremely have swallowed Llewellyn’s latest ed In the Applegate. was repaired, and the road was • Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Caster of vague in its purpose. deduction, we’d like to inform you Three families at Missouri Flat, widened, improvements much need I Phoenix spent the latter part of the emphatically that the Medford Mall said to be destitute, received a sup ed on this brief stretch of road for week with Applegate people. They Tribune does not have, and has lily equivalent to the amount of la a long time. were guests Thanksgiving at the • Mr. and Mrs. James O’Brien and never had. any interest in this pii-| bor the men of the families ex home of Mrs. Caster’s parents. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack O’Brien and son per. You can take our word for it j pended on the road leading up the • Grace Bradshaw of Corvallis was and Mrs. R. H. Burelson. on Thomp Donald were entertained on Thanks when wp «ay all puns hurled at Mr. I bill to the Applegate school house. a guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Per-1 son creek, and Friday night they giving day at the home of Mr. and This system of relief work was de noil Saturday. were guests at the J. A. West home. I Mrs. Everett Miller in Medford. (Continued on page two) Applegate Children Sell Christmas Seals Canned Fruit for Road Work Given