T he J acksonville M iner PERSONAL NEWS NOTES Both from Jackson ville and O ver the Hill Lyle, local resident, has been receiving treatment at the Jacksonville sanitarium thia week. • • • • Mrs. Florence Hunsaker attend­ ed u Niirpriae party Saturday eve­ ning a' the home of u friend in Ashlano. • « • • Mr. and M th . Hodges, Jackson­ ville, visited their daughter, M m. Jim Anderson, at a Medford hon- pital, thia week. • • • • Mr. and Mr«. Paul Keller and family on Sterling had uh their guests Thursday of thia week M in . Shin, of Jacksonville. • * • • Mr. an The record discloses that in the 42 towns with complete municipally owned electric plants the tax pay­ ment averages $28.05 per person, POISON OAK SUFFERERS ATTENTION while taking all towns in Minne­ sota the tax rate averages $21.75, which means that the per capita tax is $6.30 more in complete municipal ownership towns than it is in all towns of the state. Thus on both When Applied to Affected Parts Frequently these two prime factors, rates and Will Relieve the Most Obstinate Case taxes, municipal ownership loses out in Minnesota. Fick & Lindley’s Hardware Special Prices PLATES This Man Reads The Miner Cala Poison Oak Cream The Jacksonville Pharmacy Prescriptions a Specialty PHONE 12 Wool Sacks and Twine Garden and Flower Seeds MACARONI, 4 pounds.. SPAGHETTI, 4 pounds 25c 25c Jacksonville Cash Store PHONE 142 WE DELIVER NO MAN’S LAND IN COLORADO By the Louisiana Purchase and by the acquisition of Texas the United States came into possession of most of Colorado, but there are 1500 square miles in the state which technically do not belong to the United States or to any other coun­ try. They were merely overlooked when treaties were made. PROHIBITION INDUSTRY In the year 1931 the prohibition administrators of New York state, 330 in number, raided 455 stills, 6217 speakeasies, 386 night clubs, 171 breweries, 94 cutting plants and 64 drug stores. They seized 122,510 gallons of wine, 1,482,192 gallons of beer and 399,564 gallons of li­ quor, and took in 17,513 prisoners. Tomato and Cabbage Plants Wendt’s Dairy FRESH. HARDY AND HEALTHY Established in 1888 in Jacksonville CABBAGE PLANTS, dozen................. ...10c TOMATO PLANTS, dozen............................ 15c WHEATIES, 2 packages............................... 15c ALL BRANDS MILK, tall can...... ............. 7c Godward ’s Mercantile Co. Where the Miners Bring Their Gold PHONE 74 WE DELIVER Quality Has Stood the Test of Time Rich, Pure, Flavorful Raw Milk Delivered Fresh Every Day OUR MILK DOES STAND COMPARISON Don't Ton Envy Him? SUBSCRIBE TODAY! Join the rapidly swelling list of regular readers ONE YEAR ONE DOLLAR Six Months Fifty Cents ADDRESS BOX 138, JACKSONVILLE