T he J acksonville M iner YOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT IN JACKSONVILLE Twenty-One Up-to-Date Merchants Ready to Serve You Thriftily Mr. and Mrs. George Ellis of Vem C. Gorst, son Wilbur and Tom Lomax of Seattle are still tak- Medford moved to their placer ing out ore samples from their claim on Little Applegate a short mine on Forest creek. time ago. WHERE THE CROWDS GATHER EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT THE Jacksonville Dance From 9 to 2 ADMISSION 75c—AFTER 12 O’CLOCK 50c H. H. F arley , Floor Manager WE HAVE BEEN CONSTANTLY INCREASING OUR STOCK —If there should happen to be any item in the Drug or Stationery line we don't have, we'll be glad to get it for you. Whether You Wish to Buy or Not—Come in. Look Over Our Stock and Get Acquainted The Jacksonville Pharmacy Prescriptions a Specialty PHONE 12 SOUND HORN FOR CURB SERVICE THE NUGGET Sandwiches, Fountain Drinks, Candy, Cigars Barber Shop and Pool Hall in Connection HEADQUARTERS FOR T he J acksonville M iner PHONE 162 THE JACKSONVILLE ANTIQUE SHOP OFFERS The Most Novel and Fascinating Collection on the Pacific Coast Open Evenings—Come in Anytime Many Attractive Offen To Be Found Here Jacksonville with his host Monday of this week puzzling onlookers with shining Central American li­ cense plates on their auto. They Although Jacksonville is not the largest city in the state as it once was it has been staging a slow, steady and certain comeback in recent years. Already the most im­ portant comhiunity historically for hundreds of miles, it is making def­ inite progress toward the commer­ cial prominence it so rightfully de­ serves and, despite general condi­ tions, has advanced steadily in the past several seasons. New îe&idents are constantly moving here, palatial homes are being built and more are being planned. Tourists are flocking into the museum and antique shops in ever increasing numbers. The two most prominent quartz mines ad­ jacent to the city are preparing for more intense activity and indica­ tions point to early start and com­ pletion of the new water suuply Eroject for Jacksonville. And in eeping with all this the city’s mer­ chants are offering even better than usual attractions for residents and week-end shoppers of the sur­ rounding trade territory. Jackson­ ville and Applegate people are learning that the best bargains and greatest savings are made close to home—pastures are not greener far away now and never were. Besides offering unique features and interesting characteristics com­ mon nowhere else on the Pacific coast, the local business institutions give service, quality iad conven­ ience that cannot be duplicated. They all reflect the most priceless virtue of small towns—friendliness, cordiality and lack of congestion. There is a definite pleasure to be gotten from spending time and money with friends known for years. There is a great satisfac­ tion in receiving individual atten­ tion from merchants and knowing to whom one’s money is going. And there is immense relaxation in es­ caping the hurry and bustle of larger cities, the crowded shops and difficulties of parking. The Jacksonville merchants listed on this page take this opportunity of extending their invitation to readers to come in and see for themselves what complete stocks and varied lines are offered at their very door. They invite you to prove | to your own satisfaction substantial savings are offered every day of the year and to take advantage of ample parking space while shop­ ping. They are making a particular bid for your trade. You wouldn’t go to the milkhouse for butter if it were on the table. Remember—you can get what you want in Jackson­ ville. purchased dynamite, but not for unother revolution in the southern country—they are going to shoot h well on Hughes* place near Talent. LEONARD’S CAFE Fountain Service DANCE AT JACKSONVILLE AND DINE AT LEONARD’S Private Dining Rooms Under Construction A COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS Home-Made Sausage That's Hard to Beat Jacksonville Meat Market TOM DUNNINGTON, Proprietor PHONE 53 FOR YOUR NEEDS IN GENERALMERCHANDISE The Jacksonville Cash Store Is Ready to Serve You PHONE 142 WE DELIVER We Have a Complete, Fresh Supply of Garden Seeds In Bulk and Packages We Stock an Array of Work Shoes, Overalls, Ladies* Hose, Etc. GODWARD’S MERCANTILE CO. Where the Miners Bring Their Gold WE DELIVER PHONE 74 ANNOYED WITH AMATEURS GARDEN TOOLS Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Garden Hose and Blacksmith Coal Soft Steel—Paints and Oils Coleman’s Hardware WE SELL FOR CASH PHONE 13 Brite brothers, mining on the R. Hargis place along the bed of Rich gulch, were troubled with amateur panning fever Sunday, three of the addicts approaching the unguarded premises. Names of the trio have been withheld but it is known they bothered the old timers no end try­ ing to learn the exact wobble to give a pan of dirt so as not to throw away the large gold, if any. After scooping up enough gravel to change the creek course they gave up attempts to get a color “all by themselves” and went back to the world they knew. • S & W CANNED GOODS FORMAY, the new shortening, 1 pound.... 20c STRAIGHT PEABERRY COFFEE, lb.... 28c All Kinds of GARDEN SEEDS in Packages Bake Pan Free with Package Bisquick Flour Basket Grocery P hone 52 W e D eliver HERE FROM PANAMA FOR PARTS AND SERVICE ON FORDSON TRACTORS See Jackson County's Exclusive Fordson Agents Dunnington & Manning George Pfiefer, recently from the Canal Zone, where he worked with G. B. Hughes, brother of Robert in the Applegate country, was in V.J. BEACH Jacksonville's Jeweler G un S ights M ade S pecial Harold B. Gillis PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , Office in Jacksonville Sanitarium P hone 282 Hours—Mon., Wed., Fri., 9-12 6-9 Every Evening J acksonville Phone Jacksonville 81 U. S. APEX AND GLORITONE RADIOS IN A COMPLETE RANGE OF PRICES TO FIT YOUR NEEDS The U. S. Line Includes Pentode and Multi-Mu Tubes, Tone Control, Full Vision Dial and Superheterodyne Chassis For Demonstrations See RAY COLEMAN At Coleman's Hardware, Jacksonville FICK & LINDLEY’S HARDWARE Dealers—Medford P hone 300—131 W est M ain