:i I-. TOC. EVIENTNfr JOTTHNAL, PORTLAND, OREO (TNTVEDNES DAT, JtTIiY 'SVr,,902, . The Commercial Wfeld' j REAL ESTATE 1M" The record WMk shows: for th flrtt half of the Real Estate Transfer. Monday Tuesdav Wednesday e , Total ,M...-i,.4 ............. Building Permit ..896,828 l Monday Tuesday ..8lS,M0 M ... 7.800 (ft Wednesday 0OmfOmowmv .Total .,.,. . Now that there la no boycott on build tug material or any unsettled question pending between woodworker and the nianufacturer of o-called j"unfalr ma terial, and atnoe the tonemeaon plat Ir' kHkta.rra. etc. are o xoellent term wit the contractor building la bound one more to go on. , - " The setback which was given to con- atruotlve work waa a moat senoua w but It U possible-that bunching to gether ..of I BO KANT CONTRACTS ,t.i. deiavad may be overcome ,M tiLt tha ImDedlment J removed. -i ..a ' Annditiona. usually by their own ahar force, bear away all obstruct tlone. Is 1 not an Impossible thing, even now, perhaps, to recover most of the ground that haa been -lost while labor problems nave been working out their m loinflmi Should auoh prove to be tbe ease, under the general law of aver age. l0i will probably be fully a great la the way of building as any previous year, or even greater. . ; -raatarda work waa resumed on tbe wrtrrn-HTORT BTTHJXNGr ' - ta take u the half block on tbe north aide of Oak between Fourth and Fifth h-tflndna- to Henry Welnhard. Mr. Wein- bard.we ready some time Ago to with the bunding, but while the pros- Decks were good for a general strike he hesitated, for the very good reason that he aid not care to get Into any ml-. understanding with the unions. The work on the new Welnhard bulld- Ing will be pushed with all possible ex' pedltlon. The possibilities are that a similar building will be erected adjoining this building at no very distant period. Mr. Welnhard may decide to extend his ' building to a full six stories. There are a great t MANY BUILDINGS owned by Mr. Welnhard In Portland, but he will keep on adding to his list. It seenis, which shows that he Is not afraid to invest In, the City of Portland. His example Is on worthy of emulation by others. , , ' An effort' is making toward the rehabili tattou of the old building at Fourth and Alder, where Vlnce, the market man, made so sensational a turn on hlacredl tors a few montha ago, and left them ' with a choice selection of unpaid bills. This building haa for years been a men ace to ' PUBLIC HEALTH aifl an offense So the: nostrils of the tjtpubllc. ttepalrs are now ,ln progress her un der a permit taken out for 12090. The building Is one reeking with filth, and ahould have been purified long time - since. The site It ocouples la a valuable one, and worthy a nrst-olaa building. Such an on, it would seem, would prove a 'good investment, for the rent should, prove lucratlce. BUILDING PERMITS for pretty fair sums have been Issued the last week which show that the para lysing effect of the recent strike is cer tainly wearing off. Among these the following may be mentioned: James H. Banks, two-story dwelling, East 'Nineteenth and Bast Twenty-first, to cost (3000. It. I Darrow, two-etory dwelling, Han cock and Bast Nineteenth streets; to coat ! 4000. Portland General EHeotrio Company's building at Seventh and Alder streets, to coat -8750O. . i . Portland Wels Beer Bottling Company, one-story dwelling, at Mllwaukle and Ellsworth streets, to cost 2000; 4 Mrs. Dora Miller, two-story dwelling; at Bain and Williams avenue, to cost 13000. jr. B. Harris, six two-story flats at Fourth and Clay, to cost (8,600. THE MARKETS. -p.,. ; Nothing unusual occurred in the local wholesale markets today. There was not a single change In published quotations today. . Peanuts are again on the rampage, and NORTHWEST .NEWS i .. ABERDEEN, Wash. Harry War4e has victimised many merchant here by forged checks. He has disappeared. OCTOEN, truh.-Tbe Amalgamated Su gar Company, embracing the factories at Ogden and Logan. Utah, and L Grande, Or., has been finally formed, with a cap ital of $4,000,000. QUINCT, , Cal,A ' delayed blast in a ' mine at L Porte yeaterday killed Will tarn Hlltman and Robert Sample, the for mer Deing blown to atoms. BOISE, Idaho. Gorernor Hunt has ap pointed W delegate to represent Idaho at the International Mining Congress at Butte, Mont, t ... SEATTLE Iver Tates on Mondar evening In Fall City attempted to mur der bis wife, and committed suicide while drunk. j BEATRICE. Neb.-I4nden Tree, , the Arabian stallion presented to Oeneral Orant hy th Sultan of Turkey, died here last night of old age. v H was SO year .Old, T.$-(if :7"r.-;.'i' ..MS.,', V-y.yi-' A . ,;;;.,.' ,.i AURLVE flOTES. . The British bark Wynford has been or lered to proceed from Royal Hoads to Portland to load wheat She will probably 'each her in time for July loading, 1 The German ahlp Uta, which left Port, tand In February, arrived out at'Fal wuth, England, 1B0 day e route, v, -: - Sounding bow being mad by the Uni t Unexpected that another o fifths lately numeroua "advances wDl soon b made,, , The trade waa notified this morning of a decline of K en both pure and stand ard Manila rope. No change la reported on alaaX. The poultry market Is much stronger today on account of the very light re ceipts the psst feii . aay, . The demstad for poultry Is very -good for this time of the year. An- advan.se of quotations would not be much1 of a surprise. - i Egg are stUI -scarce, the supply seem ing.to drop off every day They are atUl quoted at too for moat sale. , . . -. GRAIN AND FLOUR. " Wheats-Nominal f Walla " -jWalla, ' Mo; bUiastem, TOei valley,. 7o..-' Barley Feed 82f28 ner ton. . " Oats-No. I white, tU&9l; gray, 1X31 MUlstuffs Bran, tl per ton middlings, ii inoru, coop, . Hay-TtmoUy, (UOK; clover. 17 JOO. BUTTER. EGGS. POULTRT. Butteiv-Creamery, lSUfflc; dairy, ' 1&9 Cheese Full . eream,. twins. 13018Hi louni ADienca, lie. , . hena, HHXffo.OO per dos.; broilers, ' 12.909 (.00; fryers, tvmz.Sb-. ducks. (3.00(63.50 per aos.; turkeys, live, qwmc; ao areasea, mjuso per 10.; geese, H.wf&,wper aos. , 'i VEGETABLES AND FRUIT. . - Potatoes New potatoes. (12S per centaL Onions GaUlornla red, (1.OO01SS, yel low Danvers, (1.60. Tomatoes-412b1.5o per Orate; turnips, KSHLSh: currota. Ma doa. bunches: beets. 25a per dosen bunchee; .. peas, 8H30 per, to.; asparagus, per oca; ran. Uhu im ArML. IfllHlAn - MMa Anions. dos., 12H15c; cabbages, Oregon, ltto per lb.; Oregon strawberries, (Mwio per lb. J Oregon rhubarb, ta per lb.; artichokes, per dos., 4060c; lettuce, neaa. per aos., too; , California green flora,., SSe doaen; asparagus beans, e per. lb-t raspberries, (LIO per crate of at boxes; grapes, Ari- sona, (Z.W per crate. ; Green fruit Lemons, (404,60; oranges, (4O4.G0 per box 1 banana,- pine apples, (3(660 per do.; cherries, 75c$l; K aches. 75!&80o; California plums, (1.&1.E5 x; apricots, 6B80o; musk melons, (3.U per aos.; watermelons, aa.su .pw aoa. . Dried fruit 8ut-drled apples, , sack or boxes, per lb.. oac; evaporated, vrnvtW. Qto: prunes. Italians, tf4c; figs, Calif or. nia blacks, iWSoi do white, (0; plums. pitted, 6o. ' GROCERIES. NTJTS."HTC. Sugar Cube, (476; 'Crushed, (4.75; powdered, ' dry granulated, (4.60; extra. C. (4.10: aolden C. (4.00: beet. eanutated. (4,45 per 100 Iba sack basts: rrels. 10c: half barrets i: boxes, TSOk per 100 lbs., above basis, 140 per lb dis count for prompt cash; maple, 12Va&Uo per pound. rt Coffee Mocha, 23028c: Java, fancy, 266&lc: Jara, good, !W02c; Java, ordi nary, 18a0c; Costa Rica fancy, l(XS20ft; Costa Rica, good. 16llc: Costa Rica, ordinary. 10l2c per bound: Columbia rout, Ui MVHWVti smv. aw, (10.63 list; Cordova. (11.13; Yosemlte, (11. Bail oaies, n, , a, m-so; nn, Fine table and dairy, 60a. per sack. 54c: Liverpool. 64c; Worcester, 86c; Woroeeter, bbls., bulk. (20 lbs., (6.76. Butcoarse, nail grouna, iiM, par ton, (20.10; 90s per ton. ().. , Honey Fancy white, lKJTlSo: light am ber, i2HOlo; dark amber. lOOUo. Grain bags-Calcutta, .((.W? per 100 for July-August. Nuta Peanuts, $tto per pound for raw. (two for roasted; cocoanuta. t&a (0c per dosen; walnuts,' lZeito per pound; Pin nuts, ivauw; nicaory nuts, fe: chestnuts. tSMHti. per drum; Bra- cans. 1414Hc; almonds, 12Vtloc; cocoa- nuts, suo per aos. coal uii vai sea. Sfnu per a-alloa: liar. rels, 16c; tanks, lee. ftlae. ImDeriaL Japan No. L (a: No. t VA01 New Orleans. 67a Salmon Columbia River, ene-pounl talis, i.io; iwo-pouna isiis, ve.w, fancy one-pound flats, (LS6; half-pound fancy flats, (1.15; Alaska talis, ti : two-Dound tails, it. Wo, red Beans Small .white. Mc; large white ( l-6c: pink, (0; bayou. iot limaa. 4c. HOPS. WOOL AVID HIUK8. Hops 17ttlSc per pound; contract. 13 14c. WOOl nominal; vatiajr, uwfSC Jfiaat- era oregoni wyuws. HhMDsuins sneaxi na-oneariage, 15492t: short wool, i&aibei medium wool, SOMa; long rnol. uwtuSl each. Tauow rnme, par pounu, ttfte; ISO. and grease, 8HJ( Hidespry hides, No. 1, 1 pound ant 9 to 16 pounds. 15c I 4ry ealf. No. 1 under B pounds, 10ei dry-salted, bulla and stags, one-third less than dry Hint; saltea hides, steers, sound, 40 pound and ov, Sfe&eV BO to to pounds, TH8e: under 50 pounds and cows, Vc; stag and bulla, sound. 69 6HH: kip, sound. IB to,W pounds. To; vaal. sound. 10 to 14 pounds, M 1, A under 10 pounds. He: green funaalted), to r pound less; cuii te per pound lees: hides, salted, each. (L60l: drv. each, (101.90; eolts' hides, each, 550c; goat skins, common, each, lOiSlOc; An- , MEATS AND PROVISIONS. Fresh meat Beef, prime, TflTHo; pork, 7Tfco per lb.: veal, H07tsc; mutton, H C3o. dressed,. 6mo per lb.: cows, oa 7c; bulls, 4060 per lb.; iamb, tWo per Hams, bacon, etc. Portland jpae (Weatern) hams, l4i4fio, plcnip, .JUeT b. Dreasiaai pawn, ivviv iu.; igai siaes, 13fce lb.; backs, - UOUo; dry aalted. aides, UHO) dried bef sett. lo; tnaides ana anucxies, ibo per id.; outside, Mo per lb.; Eastern packed hams under IS lbs., 15c; over 11 lbs., 16c: fancy, ci' picnic Jc; shoulders. breakfast bacon, 16c; bacon Sides, lie: unsmoked, 13c; smoked, 14c; butt si litf: LrS-.KsttIs leaf. 13Uo: ateafn rrtArmA HUfl fAMM ft..-,. . ted State Engineers' tug George H. Men. dell, show that vt mean low tide there Is 20 feet, of water in th outfit channel between Tongue Point and Astoria. Should the channel continue to improve, this course will ba charted as the regular ship way. h v ; .The British ship Cumberland out 84 days from Newcastle, Australia, en route to TaJtal with a cargo of ooaL Twenty five per cent has been paid 'ft'her by the underwriters. , . . ; 1 ' The British ship Tweedsdal Is loaded with wheat and flour at Taooma, deatlned for South Africa,' but Is unable to soil for the want of a full crew.r' ' . Only" U of the ft sealing schooner's will get away from Victoria for Behrlng Sea. It was impossible to secure Indian bunt, er. This is said to be the smallest seal ing fleet from. Victoria for years. v Sadly Shaken. "John, you wr at; your - club last nlghtr ; ; ' . ? ..'"Te.' "' &xrv.-';v'''.."' ' ."By theway, thU Martlniqu eruption ba been going on "for wk or eo, hasn't Itr. .; . . '.'Certainly, my dear. What's the Wear , "Nothing,' except you camejienie Jat night . weeping great sob of fermented grief and declaring, that t Vesuvius, had hurled 60,000.000 of our Joved, one . Into eternity without a moment' warning. Of course, it's air right if you want io mourn th dear departed d seltek Vesuvius pver Into the West .India, and -" n suv tne aoor slammed vicious! i. and ha had gen bens, Baltimore New ft. ; A TALKFEST tJournal Special Service) COPENHAGEN, July I. Feminine leaders ' from many parte of the world are gathered In the Danish capital for the annual meeting of the executive com mittee of ; the International Council of Women, to b ield here dlurlng the next three dayaj Tb. initial session was bsld today , at the b,om of the president Of th Danish Council, Frokeri Hennl For charoer." Mr. Susa Toung Gate was present a the representative of the Na tional Council of Women of the United itatec Y:j' v'.i,:' . V- Among th delegate there 1 much dis cussion concerning the next president of the International council, i Until the elec tion of the incumbent. Mr. May Wright Bewail, the honor had always remained In England and It is reported that a coa lition is afoot, to bring back the presi dency to this Side of the water at the next election.' Two item of business to receive attention at tbe present meet ing are the proposal to form a new co operative committee on internationalism, and a recommendation that international societies be allowed affiliation with the International council. arc m (Journal Special Service.) , PITTSBURG, July . If U Interesting to note on this, .the 147th anniversary of the defeat of the English General, Brad dock, by the French and Indians, that definite steps have been, taken to erect an .appropriate monument to mark ths scene of the engagement, where Washing ton - first displayed the auperb military genius and valor which resulted In' his afterward being chosen to command the American forces in. '76. The monument Is to stand In Kennywood Park, on a site commanding an extensive view of the battleground. 1 r - 1 , . RAILROAD NOTES. The Southern Pacific will run seven extra tralna from now oh until July 1, between Portland and Oregon City, to accommodate the traffic to the Chautau qua Assembly at Gladstone Park. The heat of the sun was so severe on the tracks of the O. R. & N. Company at a point five miles east of The Dalles yesterday as to cause the rails to ex pand. They were moved from their fas tenlngs, causing a derailment The en gtne end two cars bumped aver the ties for a rod or two, but no special Injury was occasioned. This caused one sec tion of the train, due here from the East at 4:30, to come in four hours late. About midnight the other section arrived. The Columbia Southern In 1900 carried only 7590 passengers; In 1901, 20,656, and tor tne nrst aix montha of the present year, 26,877. Freight traffic has increased In a corresponding ratio. c, Preparations are making for the star age of petroleum to be utilized as fuel by the Columbia Southern on its loco motives. A 6000-gallon tank will ba erect ea at Bhanlko and two at Blges. Each of the latter will have a capacity of 10, 0W arallons. and will be made nf rArf. wood. The tanks will be filled and drawn from by the process of gravity, The use or oil as fuel will eo Into efict about juiy id. xne rush for the seaside haa set In. and although the unusually cold season has made the opening of the resorts little. later than usual, atlll there will be more persona who will visit the sea side attractions this year than ever. The O. . ft N. Company's steamer T. J, Potter is making regular trips down river now, and carries large .numbers every trip. The Astoria ft Columbia la carry ing more tnan ever before, and the Southern Pacific la making extra efforts this year to accommodate .seaside re- sprters. Old Story. 1 unoerstantt that the cost of robes will keep quite o, number; of nobles away from King Edward's corona' tion," said Mrs. Darley, . , , 0 The same old story or nothing to wear, commented Mr. Dartey. Detroit rrea press. At the QUt Ball Sign. Fing-My rather had aeven brothers; consequently 1 nave seven uncles. . Pong I don't see how you can tolerate so many. nno it hard enough to put up witn one. jnicago Tribune, NEW TODAY. WE HAVE THE BAROATKa A deslrabltt building- lot, near Eait evii au otnvn irrrr'LB, XIU. : " " .Ea-t'sid'e. ,0t " elMocallty, A oy (-room cottage.. 4 lots. fine garden, fruit and shrubi Of Mount Tabor, 1600. oery; j uat east mwuuiui e-room house, a barn and chicken-house,' lot fOxwa feet: abund ance srult; over 20 varieties of rosea : street improved; sidewalks laid; three blocks east of Union avenue, for 11250. A magnificent home; no place as nlcs or as nns can be found In any part of tnsi. aoa new, witn every modern convenience; rooms, with beautiful grounds, 100x130 feet, for less than yeucao build a duplicate to the house; 40p W, ask you to see this. A beautiful home, 6-room house, cor ner lot. ens block school, convenient to ears, in Park Place, $400. A big snap--8 acres fronting on St feh,nlfar Hne- aJo'n'na; Northern 6 acres, close to Clackamas Station! Will make a lovely home; m. " 10 acres, with splendid f.reom house. good bam and modern fruit ' dryer abundance of every variety , of frult! Hch soli; elegant garden; a big snap; m acres, cleared and in crop; small house and barn; choice variety of fruit line living water; out-near Sandy River' near rtellne of proposed electrie road; .An improved f7-acre place; good house, barn; living water; choice rrufU J. miles west, near Cedar Mills. naW .,A flie 76-acre farm, 44 miiea north. f'JL?f. Vancouver, eTacJe. cletreYand ln .T5T?pf br and other buildings; plenty fruit; lovely creek of . fresh : water the year round - soil rich; crops good; the biggest firnV iug On this Coast; $200. - baIrVi0na.?, t0 " "V '0"'11 0w Money to loan 1 without brokeraira. ' ' 8. H. DUNN, lisy. First street. OH! WHAT WHO NEW: TODAY. ' Butter! Butter! Best Creamery Butter.M.45c and 50c uooa uury m, .35c ana 40c Fresh ranch egxt a doz...... . 4$c Picnic Ham. 11c Boneless bamsu 12c Lard, 5-ib. pall compound ....50c fMDC TCtfrsaStHM4 ttMiSM(35C Java-Mocha coffee 35c Full Cream Cheese.. ....... ...15c Swiss Cheese........ ..-..35c Oregon Cream Brick, alb...........35c Half cream'cheese................ 10c v Best Sugar-cured Hams, lb. 15c U GRANDE CREAMERY CO, ; 364 Yamhill Street. ' Real Estate on Easy Terms Choice Lots, Close In, at Low Prices. Buy a lot NOW, before prices advance; secure a home, stop paying rent, and be independ ent We will sell you a fine lot within easy walking distance of the center of the cty for $500 and on very easy terms.- All V city con veniences. , 1 Call and investigate. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce, Ground Floor. Fourth St. Side. CORNER LOT, 60x100, and two houses, on Grand av near Hoy t at.; very de slrabls piece of property, yielding- In come of $40 per month; to trade for acreage near Portland; value $50W). Corner lot, 60x100 felvifBd T-rooin modern house, to trade for farm acre age or nice Inside home; value $2600. N. L. ROSENTHAL 4 CO., Room 4. Mulkey Building. PROPOSALS fOR WOODEN DRY DOCK. PORT OF PORTtiAND, 60S Worcester chock, t-ortiano. or. ,n Sealed proposals will be. received nnd opened on July 15. 1908, at 4 p. m., at the aoove omce, tor a noaupg wooden dry dock of live sections, aceordlna; to plans and specifications prepared by Jantea E. Blackweil, consulting engineer, Dexter Horton building, Seattle, Wash., and now on file in the office of the Port of Port- iana. A certified check of $100.00, drawn to the order of the Port of Portland, must accompany the application for vlans. which oheck will be returned Ao the arawer upon the return of the plans nd npoviituaiiuiiB io mo unaersiffnea. (A certified check for $5000.00 must no company each bid, guaranteeing that the bidder will enter into a contract satis factory to the Port of Portland, and give duuu i or tne miiniui perrormance snouid the contract be awarded him. The right to rejeot any or all bids or to waive defects is reserved. . Plans, specifications and gull informa tion can be obtained by applying to this omce, or rso. a uexter Morton building, E. T. C. STEVENS, ' - Clerk of the-oard. .JLX SoU (wtl or wlthoel Blum aaa Ttim. ffV p" IkinffttaoamMit), ExohuuntL Kcatcd, I (or all MachlBi Lfi "en Wiwri OwW P-1 per,- and mUoallaneow TypirrUr Stipplla I wtraoot ciABoa Wydiofh SeasMS S Bsasslct 349 SUrk St., Portland, Or. NOTICE OF SPECIAL STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice is herebv riven that th n,i. dent has called a sueclal-meatlns f h Stockholders of The Willamette Oil Corat any ior juiy ytn, iwn, io De neld at the our 91 i p. ra., at me omce or the Com any, ror me purpose oi authorising a Ing of the prouerty of the Combanv bv iDHuiuuun gi tne curuuraiion ana aiiDH. consolldatlnK with the Standard Rock, Oil and Asphaltum ReApina; Company hi w..j. Curtis. Secy. CLASSIFIED ADS. WANTED. WANTEI First-class School Principal $900. Flak Teachers' Agency, 80 Third street FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. HALF'S safe, standard of ths world; saies a 04 a on easy payments; trade your pld safe for a new one. Norris Sale Lock Co.. 81 First st FOR SALE One-horsej 'DO wer electric motor for sale cheap. Inquire of cash ier, mis omce. PERSONAL. A, E. Devere, tbe specialist In treatment i nalV, scaip. w. b Dakum; phone Red 2819. A "FIRST HONOR' High School grad rlence. - will taah uat, tea; backward uate, teaching experience. pupils.. a. Excellent' references. Address eare Terau reasonable, Tpe Journal. HOUSES FOR RENT. PONALD O. WOODWARD, $4$ Stark st. HELPWANTED MALE. LOGGERS mill and yard mem men and teams wooa-oaoppersi arm handa and ptiiiavr, wuia v KIUUI m and o r au ki inda in and out pt ity rqr men end woman i to-day guarantee en every ticket.. Call and see :pa NADIAN EMPLOTlflCWT liifun CA ttsVt Morrison: braeehea, $47 Buraald and . i North Third, T a w WANTED U boya,A14 or IS years old. for Journal routes. AddIv t Th. office, 28$ TamhlU sL ROOfOiS'FOR BENT. f' 43 ALDER,- eor. lath Nicely furnished :, front rooms; all convenience; suitable tor one or two gentlemen. NICELT FURNISHED ROOMS, light and airy. -No, 1 7th st. vs of phone and THl RflRSriUi it . 'nor. salmon: SIS' rant rooms, transient solicited. Phone Red UM. -. :v -:- -it - - 1 TemhUl; transient solicited. TeL Brown SSI. ' r... ; . . - '., FURNISHED. ROOMS-Bath, tel. tSS Yamhill, near cor, West Park. Phone ureen tzs. : ..... THE BURBANK. $34 Tamhill-Well-fur- nisnea tront rooms and board; also table board. THE LOCRWOOD, $51H Morrison St.- r urnianea rooms; transient, rnone ure- gon ooutn us. GOOD, "clean; unfurnished rooms, $1.50 to $3 seen per month, at. 631 Hood St. MANHATTAN COURT Brick building; steam beat, newly furnished. Slltt Star. krtc THE CASTLE $71 Wash.; rooms for gen- . uemen; iranaieni. xei. wum nx. " n c'uM RV O YA NT. MRS. STEVENS, ths leadlna- Palmist and Clairvoyant, gives reliable advice on all affairs of lite; readings, 6O0. 221 Vi Mor- ruon su. v ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER. Fred A. Ballln, 43 2d st Tel. Oak 7. Ves sels ana meeunery o( an una ae sifueo. . ATTDRNEY8. Paxton, Beach A Blmon, 610 Chamber of VVOUBITMi . , James 61eaon,; I and t Mulkey Building. A88AYER AND ANALYST. Paul Baumel, Assayer and Analyslst; goia oust nought, zzg stark at. BARBERS. Joseph Reldel, goa Morrison st. BATH8. Snowden Bathrooms, tmt Wash . room L vsyor piuul massage ana eieoiria treatments. BARBERS' SUPPLIES. LSWlS-STENGalR Barber Supply Co. Qrtndlng ot all sharp edge touts a ape ICYCLI3. Frea T. Merrill Cycle Co., 100-111 th su B00T8 AND 8H0E8. A. Dreyers, 67 Third st J. Sanger, Repair Shop. 449 Washington. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. John A. Melton. nnun) uid builder. $07 Stark at; office and store fixtures built and remodeled, altering and re pawn- houses. 'Phone Main 747. JROPODY AND MAN iC U R I NO. I Mltohftll, Expert Chiropodist Knight s puua oiore, iaft wasninaton st. ruooi nooa 72$. CONFECTIONERY. J. Coftman, Chocolates and Bon Bona, v tvaamngton at. W. J. Powell. Candlea and Claars. 420 Washington st CYCLI8T8 AND MACHINERY. Sewing Machine and Bicycles, 83$ Mor- ,uu linn, CORNICES SKYLIGHTS. Metal Skylights. Galvanised Iron Cor nices, j. c. Bayer. 266 Second st COAL AND WOOD. Oregon Fuel Co., dealers In all klnda of ootu ana woea, sm Morrison st Banfleld-Veysey Fuel Co.. dry flat wood, sv iiuru si, room juain an ana coi. via. DENTISTS. 8. M. Hamby, D. p, 8., room 8 Wash ington ttidg., Washington and 4th sts. Theodore 8. Thompson, 60-61 Washington gmg., vvaamngioa ana J) our in sts. -none uooa ti4. P. 8. Langworthy, rooms 7 and 8 Benson Building," m Morrison street near - c u in. DRUGGISTS. O. P. S. Plumcer, 260-26$ Third St Row ft Martin, Sixth and Washington. Frank J. Strelblg. $4$ Washington st i 1 1.....,.. Laus-Davls Drug Co., 175 $d st Phone 641 ELECTRIC WORK8. Portland Electrical WoriteOmce. 893 Wa urilno-tnn aa ' I Western Electric Works, t(M Wash, st FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. REAL Estate and General Business Agency, v. tu. ouaa. ust irst Bt HAT ''MANUFACTU HERS. HAT MANUFACTURERS AND RHNO YAiuno-uuiy piao in Portland for good work: union hatters. Boston Hat Company, $$ Fourth atreet; phone Black loo. ENGRAVERS. Hlcks-Chatten graving'coinpayTTif?! rison, between First and Second sts. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Oregon Employment Co., 227 Burnslde st. FURRIERS. The SHverfleld Fur Mfg. Co., 285 Morri son mu GROCERS. F. Dresser ft Co.. 340-842 Washington st HAIRDRES8ING. MANICURING, Parts Hair Store. $08 Washington .. Rosenthal Bisters -wig-making and man icuring, iw in at. nooa (14. HOTELS. Hotel Betvederet European plan. Fourth muu ajuw vta HAY AND GRAIN.,, W. a Lauthera, U0 North Third at. Urn. sjningiaa auu v.vuuiuu HOUSE FURNISHERS. Home - Furnisher Furniture, CarnetBL rnvi k,vt, w.v.. pro 1. usv- See I. Gev- ok Hon, lih-lli rtrst Z18-22S Tarn- UL uotn pnones cut. INSURANCE. Buffer. Burgard ft Co., 261 Washington at MASSAGE. -.-.. iwMjib " . -"n aiiTT niaaii aage, eiecmc ireaimenia. twit First st LAUNDRIES, asssasayafcaassasgevyaps',a; esu Clean Towels Dal! llv. Comb, brush, aoap, Noveltr Siinnlii r jlZ per month. RAILROAD ,?TIME TABLES AstOflO & ColllsTlbial ' ' . 7 WIUII1UIU y in vci , mini uuu iwUe DEPOT FIFTH- Leave. AND I STREETS. Arrives. For Mavrers. Rain. ier, Cla tskanle, Weat- porLeiifton, Asto ria, Warrenton, Fla vel, Hammond, Fort 1:00 AM. U :10 AM. w evens, uearnart ra., seaside, Astoria ana easnore Ex press, Dally. Astoria Ex Dress. 7:00 P.M. 1:30 P.M. :40 P.M. Dally, ex. Saturday. Portland .Seaside Express. Saturday only. Ticket office. 256 Morrison street and I Union Depot. - J. C. MAYO, General Passenger Agent. ! Astoria, Or. - PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Tokobama and Hongkong, caning at Kobe. Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking frelsht via connectins steamers for Me nlla. Port Arthur and Vladlvoatook. Vnr ntM and full Information call OO or addreas oinolala or agents 01 ins u. R. N. Co. i JEWELERS. Diamonds, Watches, eta, 4S Third st. Ths L. C. Henrlchsen Co., Jewelers and opticians, xh waaningtea sc. The O. Heltkemper Co., manufacturing jewelers, zsu jaornson su MONEY TO LOAN. MONET to Loan on City lota and lm- provea terms, w. A. tsoaw m wo ees eiara mcreeu - MONEY LOANED on furniture, planoa, eic m. Morrison au W. A HATHAWAY Money to loan. It .jsWashingtotn Building. Phone Hood 411 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. manaolin anTPTsanTo 'ln- struction. Prof. U. A. Smith, residence ma iweiim. Phone Brown 606. PATENT FOR SALE. FOR SALE, at a sacrifice, H interest la a valuable patented asphalt paving pro- cess; nas been operatea suceeaafuUy, Journal omce. PAWN BROKERS. UaeBEeyrerUhTrJTT Portland Loan Office. Dan Marx. nran. 74 Third st, near Oak. Phone Brown 473. Unci Myers, Jeweler. 14$ Third st PHOTOGRAPHERS. E." w Moore," crayon and oil portrait intra ana wasauucion sib. REAL ESTATE. The King Real Batata Association. 723 Chamber oi commerce ; Chaa H. Koretl, real estate and mortgage loana. soi waaninaon. aaain sss. M0NUMENT8. Otto Schumann, monumental and build ing- worn, dm inira si. umaiee on nrst-ciasa wora and atoox only. RESTAURANTS. Morris Lunch and Coffee House. Below imperial Hotel. Btrouse's Restaurant 229 Washington st City Chop House and Restaurant 18 Third St, N. 6IGN WRITER. Jessie Waddell, Sign Writer, 269H Taylor street. -none tiooa no. -oruano. 8L0T MACHINES. All styles; repairing; DhonorraDhs. rec ores, uranscon Washington st ords. TranscontlBsntal Maohlae Co., 848 8TORAGE AND TRANSFER. C O, Pick, office 88 First St. bet Stark and Oak: Dbona && Pianos and furni. ture moved and packed for shipping; commodious fireproof brick warehouse. runt tuu v-iajr lo. Furniture, Piano and Safe Moving and Packer.' naxi lea M. Olsen, 12$ First street TYPEWRITERS. The Smith-Premier Typewriter, 122 Third street Ail maaea ot typewriters for rent.- Supplies for all machines. L, & M. Aiexanaer c to., agenia. TICKET OFFICES. ClanWtnKSce7TSoTf i iv 4fw vf ou iwui,)m TRUNk FACTORY. l7 etc. Harris Trunk Co.. trunks, valises, satch. J.M Morrison Ht. WALL PAPER. H. P. Chrlstenaen, wall papers, and painter. 141 eeventn st., corner Alder. Ernest Miller Co., wall paper and dec orations, ui r irai si. WIN1 DEPOT. THE. COLUMBU8 California Wine De. pot r lAJraii, rrui. aii Kinas Wine, sg glass, r wMwmt m bim vigan. Headquarters for cooks, waiters and bartenders. 148 Fourth st Or. phone Main 751. BANKS. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE With which Is amalgamated thu WANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA.' Capital paid up , $8,000,000 .as AAA yvA.t Reserve ...... Vli;." t.:. oav t BANK DEPARTMENT Accounts opened for sume of $10 and up. wards, and' interest allowed on minimum monthly balances. , Rstes on application. M Washington st T ADD ft TITTON, MANKKKB Transact a general bankimr business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections mane si an points en favor- I able terms, l-oners oi crri issued avail able in r.uiw ... Diaies, Sight exchnnge and telegraphic trans fers sold on New Tork. Washington. Chi at Tau s. Denver. Om,h. o Francisco and various point In Oregon. Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. tM . . ' Exchange sold pn London, Paris, BerUn, Frankfort and Hong Kong. , , - MEBCHANTS-RNATjrONAJkBANK J. Frank Wo -".President R. L, Durham Vice-President R. W. oy ...... cashier n.. W Hon ...... Asslaiant r-. -t.i TRANSACTS AENpERAL BACKING' United fettates IMprtsltary. rtMfta and letters Of credit taanal ..n. able to all parts ot the World. ... Colieononsa sppymny. vrum ousf nought LONDON ft SAFRANCISCQ BANK; ; Chamber of Jtmmeroy . Building Third : d office. 65 Old Broad street T.nj This bank transact a arenera! banking buslnese, makes loan, discounts bells and Issues letters of credit-available for rmv. I.n and the surchasa of m.rrliiani.. L. an city ef the world. ela In orelvn and domestics exchange.. - . , " interest p"'d on lime aepnslte m -OUT; nip ;UIIIS ; Without Change of Cart . BETWXEJ4 ,M 1 4, AND RUN OVER CHICAGO NORTH WESTERN RYS TIME-70 Hours to Chicago A. C. BARKER, " ' t Oeneral Agent, 4J. ft N. W. ftailway, ' 4 153 Third SU Portland, Oreorj; EAST SOUTH I Depot Fifth and I I I Streeta ' Arm). . JOVERLAND EX- fPRK83 TRAINS.h:48aa Leave. 1:80 p a ror saTem. Roe-l burg.Ashland. 8aa- 8:80 a ra ramento. ; oa-den.!!! a aa ama raoctsco, sao-i 4 aye, J-Xs Angeles, SI Paso. New Or leans and the East At Wo o d b u rn (dally excent Sun aay, morning train connects WHS train ior air. ABfel. km. verton. B r o w n a-i i lie, Bpnngfleid, d Natron, anai Albany Local fori c Aneei ana Mil. Werton. Albany passenger . 4oo p m 7:80 a m l!4:60 pm "19:18 ft tsg 5:60 p as JorvaIII Diu,nrt Bhertdaa passeagerf ls:ss m na Dauy. HDaUy ezoept Sunday. i.Reb5w ticket en ssle between Per-i iini fA'Zvm,nU.,BO Freneieeo. Net rKa I" " nf at-claas and SM seoond-elaaeL ' doSS not '"'"d' oieeper; flrst-eiae te mmI tickets to Kastern pqlat an t fWff?- ilmo. JAPAN. CHINA? HONO-e hYi'V nd AusTRAtlA. , Can be eb. tainad at Ticket Office, No, 884, oerne Weehlngton and Third. TAMHIti, DIVISION. Paaeenger Depot foot ef Jefferson SV. ' f??v2 Portland dally 7:80 a. m.. U:80,, 1:651 J25-.4 40- :2S P- - Daily ex cept Sunday, 8:30, 8:4 , a, not. UM P m. Sunday only, a. nv , Arrive Ppitiand dally. 8:10, 10:60 a. t 1:88. 8:W, 4:80, 8:18, :J, 18. m. Iball except Sunday. 8:81 8:80. ISrfo a. m.: ex---' fept Monday, 18:40 a, m-j Sunday only, lo.uo a. m. Leave for Dallas dally eaaept Sunday. 8:06 p. m. Arrive Portland 8:88 a. sn. Passenger train leavea Dallas for Alrile Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridavs at 8:68 P- m. Returns Tuesdays and Saturdays -cjccepi Dunaay, .. :j V. A. SCHTLLINO, Oty Ticket Agent. W. EL COMAN. Frelsht and Paaaanawa Agent ? TIME C4RD 0FTRAINS POR-TUANO ' Denart. ArrtvaL. ; ' North Coast LI ml ted... 1:00 p. m. : s. cs Twin Citr ExDress... .11:80 n. as. KJ0 svtn. t Kansas City and Bt ' lm ,v iouia opeciai ....... s:za a. m. unv s Puget Sound Limited. ;, to, t 8;4Ap. as, i Take the Pus-et Sound Llmltad o-' . uiympia, tsoutn xena ana unyi jaaroor ointa. Ail train oauy. voa ally to Taooma and Seattle , trasa ' Thref through to the at PORMID CHICAGO I OlOOOtM. tHASM I 0 i. AaotTRIOHPACmCV "k , - - Y v THREE DRAINS DAILY, i FOR AU POINTS EAST AsateMraPsiTA1' 255 Morrison gtreet. vv Portland, Or. 1 - mm I I'M" 1. 13 UNION DEPOT. Leave, Arrree, p CICA06-PORtLANJ !: t-WpsjTi. SPECIAL. Daily Uaily -For the East via. Hunt- ( Ington. , " . ( SPOKANE-FLY." ' OSTnT J' ' For Eastsrq Washing. Daily all( ,, ' ton. Walla Walla, Lewj , " " , laton, Coeur d'Alene and v , . V i Ot Northern points. ; -.r t- ? ATLANTIC EXPRESS 6:60 put" l 'l6asa ' For the Best via Hunt- Dally : Dally inyton. - .r . OCEAN AND, RIVER BCHEPtTLg. FOR SAN FRAN Front Ains. worth SS. Oen. W. Elder June I, II, at, .sr. '- Deck SS. Columbia 8'.oo pm June v. 19, vo. FOir-AWRll" an! way points, eonnsouni with atr. for Ilwaoo am North Beach, str. Hae- salo, asb street ooex. fOR CORVAiLIS and way '.' polnta, ateamer Ruth, Ash street dock. (Water permitting.) OR DAYT 6fTOr-.roB City and TamhlU River Dolnta. str. Modoo. Ash treet dock. ' (Water permitting ) I'M P mm 1:00 Dot 1 1 -M ue" Dally ' ILally r-v lax Bun laabua mat 1 1 "Ti ant. I 00 p. Man., ' Tum., tf UeiL. : 'ihunt, Frlj t. TT5 am ) ."n Tui.... j TKr i 1 48 ti. . ICKET OFFirf?, ton. 'i - w. a. MAi.itA.tfl, Manager, I V1 iuiui au i ana r