Portland evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902, June 28, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    TnB EVENINo 'jOOTAi,' roitTCCTPT OlijOitfiUtiniPAT (TCryE::g3. 19Q2,
But a -Striker Picket
:Went Back to Work,
: :. , - -l ... t - - ; ''
Was Seat to do auard Duty and
dot a Job, Instead.
Th Amalrmte4 '.Woodworkers. vwbo
have' ben locked out sines May J. suf
'. fered a desertion from their ranks this
i Borning, u4 the union la greatly smused
at th way ft happened- ;
-'-'The nfa Bare lea following the tlnse
' honored custom forsworn time of sead-
In pickets to the different mUle to watch
proceeding nd ake daliy report as
. t'tfc war things are going. The men
. : have been taking turn about In perform-
lug this duty. r
' 7Ratrday en'orMneir nureuor, w
had not been about the mills for some
time, strongly urged, the officer to send
; , Mm, a he believed that be would be able
to do them more good than any one else.
jilt arguments were persuasive and he
'', was sent to the Hand mill as a picket.
.'' No aoncr had he arrived there than be
asked sir. Hand u bo noeoeo a gooa man.
; i m nrenneuir mum ut.
' the picket man was Immediately put to
work,. Then he sent word beck, to too
union that ho had struck the best Job In
V the mill, and that the strike had proved
great thin to him. . aiso.seni; wm
that he would continue to act In the ca
pacity of a picket by telling tb other
men that they could tjult If they wanted
. to.' but as far as he Is personally eon
:. oerned ho Intended to stay with his Job.
adding: "It Is the softest snap I over
" The union 'men wero having consider
able mirth over the matter, today, and
" said that they could h5t help out admire
7 his nerve. One ef them said that a man
Hko that should neves bo fired out of the
union,, r,i
.. Chautauqua Plans.
Classes at the Chautauqua convention
this year will be a feature that attracts
i large crowds who Wish' 4o" spend soene
' of their time In study fog under .compe
' tent: And : unusually talented Instructors,
". Tho classes are conducted from I until
U eaoh morning. The music department
!s tn 'Tharge of Wr H. Boyer. - One of
1ho bestr teachers of reading and elocu
tion la the : country - wlU ondttct . that
department Professor a 8. Hajntll. of
Chicago. JW:.C Hawley. dean of WUlnn
' otto. University., who has a wide rt puts
eion as an historian,, "will give 19 studies
In American history, - Professor B. -J,
Hoadey, of Willamette' University, will
superintend the claasea in English and
American' literature. Chart system will
. be weed, and la addition readings wHI
be had from the' .ivarlou authors The
Juveniles will study athletic and 'class
' drills. John Ivy, (iho poet painter, of
vt, Umlini fdl. tta Mruunt anil viva
lessqns to s class 'and also exhibit his
collection. pf .water color paintings. Dr.
, Alexander Blackburn, of the First Bap.
tlch Church.' In this city will be In charge
of tho Bible class. The W, C, ,T. V.
will burro a oep&rtment In "charge of Mrs.
Mcfann and lectures will be given by
. Mrs.. Ada Wallace Vnruh and Mrs. Helen
P. Harford, Woodard, Clarke ft Co
i a h(k MlHAt ft Via r Mm In ImfttMlV
- photography, , having: arranged , a dark
room i. with ..every ;,donvenlenco for . tno
cnenucu mui ana wasnee. in ui
Sunday school 'normal . training depart
ment, James Edmunds, missionary,' for
4 Western Washington, will give a series
' of studies. ' The Junior Blbl class will
be taught by Rev. W. H. ' , Besven, of
Oregon aty. " V "Vv' :
' 'K sumirnr school : may be conducted
during Chautauqua session under the
auspices of one of tho best colleges, at
Gladstone Park, adding greatly to tho at-
f.--. 1 . Ml . I ''
..E.-S. Btolr,enerl agent of the Great
' Northern,' otBsAI!yaaelseo, and Q. J.
- nradley, commercial gnt of the South
ern Railway, also, at Ban Francisco, left
' Portland last night for Seattle. This, was
Mr, Bradley's first trip to Portland and
' v -! rtU T31.I. rlll
. jiff juv yiwTpnui uutnvMcw m..
traTel; out over "tho Great ' Northern to
quest of Information, and expects to have
a, conference t 6eUle with J. C Eden,
ii tho Great , Northern's western trafQo
.manager, ., , .
Joint achedulo of the Ow K. N. Co. and
the VR. & N.. Co. has appeared. Strata
taneoustvT with It come 150 Idaho exeur
stonists,, who -arrived here today from
, Bolser They went down to the seasnoro
en tho T. J. potter, whloh Is now on that
1 ran. ; . ' s . , ' ,
"I; ' " i ' 'i .-,' : -k . , . -. . y .
. Burton Johnson,' tho general freight
agent -bf thWisconsld Central, has wired
General Agent Clock here that he will
be In Tsncoirver. B. C. about July l or
L From there he will go to Seattle, Ta
coma and Portland. Air, Clock will meet
. him at Vancouver and Mr. Johnson will
nmvw a rvnuuiu ircium juijt iu. jur.
V Johnson Is admittedly one of the most
: competent freight trafflo officials In the
United ptfttea. For many-years, and up
y to 1S85, he "was anslstant general freight
' igent of lh Chicago & Northwestern. He
left that,- company to enter' the service
. f tho Wisconsin Ontral. v, ;
f ; Stole Ride, Lost a Leg. c
! W. Houghton; 1 years "OloV of Salt
- yak ,Cty, met wUh aa accident ..which
win cost him his, left leg. -While .beat-
mg his way from Goble to Portland as
x brakebeam paawnger on ihe Northern
fACiflc. be was discovered' at Xlnntota
, tad nut off 4h can Either In falllnr nr
trying: to teboard the car, he fell under
: :he wheels and had his left toot erushed,
which will necessitate the amputation of
Is leg atvthe knea Ho la now at St.
;naceni 'Aospttal, H'- t'H".-
Dr R;; B. Northup
- Treats uocftsafullr jsUI-t-.
':rvcusnd Chronic Diseases
OfT.co: ll Deknm Building.' Third and
n'aahlngton streets Call, for Uteratur.
Pronounce Uncbnstitiooal and
It May Be Withdrawn. C
At 1 a peclal msetlnf held 'reosntiy by
the 'Building Trades Council It was de
cided by small majority of those pres
ent to Impose a fine of tax) upon ,thf
Carpenters' Union, because some of Its
members Insisted tipon working with ma
terial from the boycotted planing mills.
Many of the building trades people are
of tho ljMon -that such action Is un
constitutlonM and; that the. fine will be
withdrawn. -Tb proposition did not meet
with general favor or support, and many
of the most informed, members fought
against It adoption, v-vy,,?, :,
Tho Carpenters' Union, a body.'Be
llares , In boycotting the material from
tho mills, but som of Its members sn-
tertaln different opinions and are work
ing with It The matter Is causing con
siderable contention in the council, and
may lead to some serious developments.
Tb master bunders have won some of
the fcerpenters' over to their aids, ana
this Aeems to be the origin of the
trouble, i, - r ...
flnhnol illrectora HenrV Wittenburg and
Mrs. t: W. Bltton met today and awarded
contracts for wood Xor next yar. Ban
field eV Veysey, M75 eords slab wood for
following- schools: '-'-..Ji:--I'ff
Alnsworthv ; . Brooklyn, W Central,
130; Chapman, - Couch, 1; Falling,
130; , Harrison, IM; . High, .ISO; Holladay,
120; North Central, W; Park, 180: Home
stead. 40; Stephens,' 80: .Bunnyslde, 100;
Thompson,: tau 'Williams-? avenue,' 1;
CUnton-KeHy. 0. "' Th trtlce Is CM and
IS a- cord, according to hauling distance.
ChuTchley Brpthers. were awarded con
tract 'M llOWSI ..J: J.v i ." J i t ;
Alblna Central. Oak Ji; fit ffl; Atkinson,
oak, 60, fir, to; Brooklyn, oak4 it .
Pri'ca, oak 4.S to 8i.ftr.UJ0! t K
Th remalnlngschools will be supplied
"y''y k -i-w 1 1 : v
Ear JDlckens. seven Tears of age, was
drowned this afternoon tn, th slough la
back water, between Union, avenue and
Washington street' 'His home was at M
East Washington street. ' While at play
on hoard abbv tho water h' lost his
ablanco and fell - Ini '.fBefor bo could
be rnscaed h drownod. Two men reeov
ered the body after lt had been la th
water 15 mlnutea.j',y t
VICTORIA. B. C The Skagway steam
er Dlrlgo ran aahor on Wbaleback rock
near Nanalmo last night' Bhe was got
off at high tide' and beached. ' '
OMAHA, The entire force ot'naobln.
UU of the Union. Pacific shops her war
discharged last, night, . This may precipi
tate a walkout along th whole system.
SEATTLE. Tb Republican - county
convention here yesterday Indorsed tbe
candidacy of Harold Preston for the
United States Benatorshlp,
CHICAGO. Five ; thousand British
Ameriosn cltlsen of Cbioago celebrated
King Edward's Improvement at th First
Regtment Armory on ,Thuraday night
XIVING9TQN. Montrward Burrls,
prominent rancher,, was struck by . light
ning and Instantly, killed here' Thursday
night ' 7- :'. ;
MINNEAFOLlS.i-Chrlstopher Norheck,
who la implicated In the bribery charges
against Mayor Ames, has made a full
confession of his part In th affair. .
LINCOLN, Nb,--wV J, Bryan has an.
nouhced that he. was not Invited to the
recent sTllden. Club banquet .and., that he
wouldn't have gone;. In any .case. . .
BOIBE, Idano. Wm. P. Kissinger, of
Eugan, Oregon, shot; and killed Mrs.
William Garner, and, suicided hr yes
terday. , Th two wer former. lovrs.
1 1
E. J. phort, of gpokane. Is In tho city
for several days.
H. ,Cv Armstrong Is . registered at the
Imperial from Baker City.
Phil Metschan,. Ja., cam: hpm from
Taconaa today to remain a short time.
J. H. Flake, the asaaycr, will leave for
the Coast tonight and expects to be ah
sent two weeks.
Miss-Louise Phllbrick Is attending tho
closing exercises of th Agricultural
College at Corvallls,
Colonel Dunne, Internal Revenue Col
lector, left 1 for 'tb Coast yesterday,
wher he wilt- stay s fw days.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Duncan, of Wal
la Walla, sr In tn city. . Mr. Duncan
Is a prominent business man there.
Miss Rachel ..Hess left last 'Saturday
morning for Seattle to Visit relatives. Bhe
expects to be font' about two months,,
George Orlswold, .of Salem, Is In th
city. He Is, a city alderman there, and
Is in Portland' for: th purpose of In
vestigating the opportunity to secure a
lighting plant for Salem. ' -
Miss , Margaret ixngacr, formerly a
teacher, in the public schools of Portland,
and now teache In a, "conservatory of
wuslo In Chicago, la her on a Vacation.
Ex-Oovernor Z. F. Moody Is hero today
from. The Dalles, and will leave this even
ing for Salem to remain Over Sunday.
Mr. Moody Is interested In tb "( fruit
Industry at 'The Dalles,' owning one of
the largest hnd best oxlltlv ted farms lb
that vicinity. He anticipates a .large
output of fruit from, that region . this
Ted Fuller. "a P ,T. truchman, broke
his leg this morning while engaged in a
friendly tussl With another trunk driv
The accident occurred on . Front
street near JLang 4c Co.'s place of busi-.
neas..-.";5 ':.:S:;.ff-,ti::;-J:'
ir'jii' i ' 1 i ' . ' i ' i -1 , T -- '"' ' '
Germany has of late years greatly; in-
cmsed her facilUIee U th glv-maklBg
tin, and has overshadowed France m
quanuty of product,' at least -
ossmn eriver
A great row hag been Urr4 U th
MonUvina school dhrtrfcf!'oVrv'th'i last
school election. It is alleged that In
stead of a secret ballot; being Uken for
the office of Director and Clerk, that
those present at tb tatfr. called for th
ayas and noes on the slngl candidate
for tbe two offices, and they were elected
by acclamation. It Is .alleged by promi
nent uxpayers of th district .that they
had no notice of any such mHbod home
taken for th election of th school. f
fleer and cprfiejimntly they were unabl
to vot.,, ri-V T-Kf4
Th oronositloa of th director glvlag
each teacher a present of flop at th clos
of tho terra . laalso causing; dlssnon
among residents of h district . They
claim that tho Directors had ,o legal
right to throw away th district's money
la any such manner, and they , propose
to ae. whthr xh ,8800- gives away can,
not be collected from th director by
process of law. r. r..f, 4t
Counsel has been retained by several ,
of th residents of the, district and they
say that tb matter will b pushed to th
finish. A., prominent resident of th dis
trict In speaking of th matter, said that
h thought th action of tha director
was all wrong, as th district could, not
vry Well par h money. , Ha claimed
that Just boeauso property i Is . mgh now
and taxes ar coming In at a lively, rat
ther s no reason to believe that 4 will
always remain so. He argued that per
haps in th, near future the district may
nMd that 1800..,. , .' -; ; ,(.
; Meetlo bl Stockholderiii,
The Vstockhotder of th Mississippi
a vetu; Building Assodatloa held a meet
ing Wednesday evening, when tht rcnti
ly called for bids for the building of th
association's haH wer discussed. Th told
of Contractor Clark being th lowest gub
mltted, It U expected that h wlU rclv.
th contract, which will not fa let for
svral ',weks yet ) Presldnt M-. E
Thompson wanted a shoft time to nabl
th committee to get more funds, At th
mtjng It was reported that th boys In
th neighborhood had damaged tb base
ment excavation and a .number ' pf, the
members of th aeeoclatjon went t th
sit And built a fnc around the, plao
Thursday to prevent further damag. , ,
Roadway Bein; Repaired.
Th Portland, City Oregon Ballway
Company , has a large fore of men at
wOrk today repairing the bavoo don by
th lat fire. A tresUe 18 ft in width
is being, built for , o approach to ta
burned , bridge. , The county ' also has
a forc'of men and a pU driver which
has about eompleted th driving of . th
pile which will support th. brldg
decking. It to expected tbai Jhe bridge
will be ready for us in about two weeks.
' : V? 'VI J"'-? ! 1 lib t U
For Tank Removal. '
A petition to being circulated among the
business tnen of th East Bide to the
vicinity of tho Standard ,011 Company's
tanks, asking for their removal by th
City Council. Th petition alleges that
th, tanks are a, menace to th property
of th petitioners. The petlUon Is re
ceiving numerous signatures. , ; , , ; ,t '
H. R. Davis, th University Park gro
cer,.! confined to his bora as tha re
sult of a serious Illness. ' ' , . v :
A 13-pound boy was born to th wife
of. . Harlow Con, proprietor, of th : St,
Johns sawmill. - A
Mrs.- Milton Underwood, of MoMlnn
vlllei Is visitor at the realdenoe of
Wdrk has commenced on th Tammany
group. In Eastern Oregon, whloh was reJ
cently acquired by SeatUe capitalists. XV
to the. purpose of this company to drtv
500 or 00 feet on the ledge, wher at
least too feet 'or depth will b attained.
All work will bo on tb vein, as It Is not
ncssay''tb'Xrosout;.i,-!r:i v?
The crosscut on th Maynower. near
th Gflilcondav Sumpter, has out th hif
ledge at a depth of about 18$ feet , To get
that depth the tunnel had to b driven
83S feet which work has Jen.tn progre
this winter, under the supervision of
B. Fryer. Wednesday th ledge had been
orosscut a dlstanc of U feet, witnout
any evidence at the further wall being
found.'".- .?-."-'",' MK$'1 H-VS
Edward Butte, Jr., has onimncd
work on the Justice- group, near- th
Cracker-Oregon. A crosscut will p,wtr
n to tap th ledg at a' depth f about
ISO feet , Th dvlopmnt work doh
ther last season consisted -ot a shaft,
which was sunk on tb ledg, proving
width and fair valuss, Av1
Assays from the new shoot struck la
Granite Mountain, adjoining th Califor
nia, averag 158.68 across th faoe of th
dirt Sine th or was struck th drift
had been pressed forward with . nrjyr
and values hav been Increasing till th
prent It is expected this shoot Will
broaden Into a large ore body with depth,
as that indication to found on th pres
ent fimnr vl, '' '. r ii ,
. -; MARINE NOTES; . ; J
- '". - r-i ' " -, -' " '
Th lighthouso tender Mansanlta left
yesterday, on hr Alaska trip. 'v- f Jf
Work Of endeavoring to rals th Gray
Eagle, whloh ran on a rock In th Clack
amas rapids, was la progress all day yes
terday, but nothing was- accomplished.
Tb pumps being need ar too email,' and
th company' has nt to Portland for a
urg fore. pumjtiisii;-f!Jis t
Th .tender '. Marguerite,' with ' Captain
Day,- U.. a Ughtbous i Inspctofj on
board.! Is at - Astoria-taking th balance
of 'supplies and, will lea v for. Alaska
by July.
Steam Veasef Inspectors " Edwards and
Fuller Inspected the steamer Ixmls at
Voaberg City,- and ; the - steamer Amel
lne at Tttlamook.". and' report' them la
good condition. '' "'"; ; ;"' v l
JtifryKi ii''' ii ii i i i ' Vi in i mm ayt-a.
Tb professional ' beggar doesn't kppr-' i
ctat a Uttl ohang In th'wathr. i
Mrs, 0.;H. : Xanttock and
Nastt -;. r0f- -
Mrs S9
W. F.'Beed has thotd from Untvrslty
V. a . t . i . .5 " rr t-t1
M.,,V, UicL'' "Portsmouth; has re
turned frem a trip to tb Hood River
country. H brought a lot of straw-
berries back with him.
Th children 'of the University - Park
MethodUt Buniay School gsv on 'los
cream social . .ppostt . tbs churcn jrrj.
nay. . ; J':" J ''4"! A S r-
. Roy Glass, craduato of th Stat Unl'
verslty ' "at HEusena returned bom
last' JMondayjV-J..':.i.;
Th Walton jtaaOy hav moved! taty
their handsamo.' new residenoo opposlt
th Portsmouth station.
Mis Zlla' Lewis, of University Park,
has roturned frOm Forest Orov, wharf
She attended -'Pacific' University.
Tbs tTnlvrslty Park Epworth tAagu
mat' lat evening at th residence ' of
B. J. Rand, and anloved a eoclal time.
Refreshments wer served.
th new Artisan's hall st Portsmoo.tl
Is" being rapidly completed. , Th .hew
building to on of the most handsom on
tb Peninsula..-' '
Th McClur family hav moved . to
University Park) from th West Bide,
Mr. - McClur has purchased th prop-
family from the Home Land Company,
R. B Hoyt, conductor on th Port,
land Railway Company, will mov Ms
family into his own rsldac at uni.
vwslty Park.S,;;: . ., -
Th Walbv 'famllv hav moved td
Seattle from University Park. Mr. Wal
bv has sectirM mnloymcnt in ' th
Sound clty r;J'; ' ' ' "
.Cojn'iMllL near St Johns, has Urn
perarlly shut down, on account of '. the
scarcity of , higs.." The -management ex
A larg number of applications ar n
lng;Telvifr ;UW accommodation.- of
pupUs whowUl ,rtnd.tbe winter, term
' Haset' CawklnK.1 reoorted lit with th
-1 - -
Th ball team of Fidelity i-odge. No.
A. a V. W. will go to Gtodston Park toi
morrow afternoon to compete with the
Oregon City team,, A fare of. 10 ceqU
each way has been secured from th Ore
gon City Transportation, Company.
Th frr swimming baths hav , been
towd tO Supple' shipyard, wher they
have bean assembled. Mr.- Buppl say
that If tha county, will not allow the
baths to b floated alongside the Mor
rison. tret bridge that, h wiU moor
then outside ojC.hbi. yard.
Th ton ' Fir Monument Association
will hold a meeting- tomorrow at 8 p. m.
at 4 Grand avenue. Jt, la expected that
th reports . f romcth sollclng commit
tes wUl b rwelvedi, .
' A. J. Ilelntsv employed at th Southern
Paclshopiimralt Sld. broke an
arm on day last week -wIlU tor- dis
pute with aaothr watohman. Ho t get
ting bettor. f,i f x r :i
It. 3. Gardner, of Engine No. 7, who
was badly burned about, th fac In th
fir on th West Sld Tuesday vn
tag, to convalescing. -' - i
: Ubert Hall, employed at' th O, R. lb N.
ticket pfflcf son pf.H,! Bi Hall,, tho Veil
known' East Brae huvd ware Iman, Is con
fined to the St. Vincent' Hospital.
Mrs. A. W. Whltmer -and family left
thla morning to spend th summer la
their cottage at Seavlew. T ;
: A dance will be given this evening by
Multnomah Camp, Nc'-W, Woodmen 'of
the World, at their now hall .on East
Sixth street
8. A. Manning, the hard war man.
has returned from a short business trip
to Salem.
Th- ladles of 8t Dvlrs Church will
serve refreshments at Hawthorn Park on
July 4 for the benefit . of . tne. -church.
Ther iwlll ,ib rbusloob-rthBast. Bid
Orchestra' from :8 to-.t
t E. -Ja Gorretson, of (Tacom, la in the
city -and. called on Secretary. Moor, of
th -. Board of . Tradei ' jresterday," - Mr.
Gorretson noticed the aampl of 'gypsum
on ; Mr Moor' desltx and aatd : that a
Taooma firm makes an Imitation marble
from gypsum. As gypsum can b pro'
bund for 8S per ton. and marbls.ls worth
810ft pert ton, Mr, Moor vwill, go to T.
coma .and se whether he. ran tnak a
deal wlthythai,.nrm.:;;rflsif y.
District Attorney- Georg - j&v Cimher-
lain ha returned not tru Information In
favor of A Hoober, charged, with secur
ing the signature of on C. L. Schoen
feldt as indorwr of a'' 836 ''jChck;T drawn
On th Commercial National Bank of In
dependence, Kan. It wa charged that
Hoober did not hav any' mean In the
bank, but It seems that such was not-th
cas. i,V'.'iT "
Good rains hav occurred during th
last If hours in the Northern states from
the Rocky Mountains .eastward to th
Mississippi River. Wt jf th Rocky
Mountains fair weathr prvalls. With
temperatures generally slightly below th
normal. . ' .i.i.?!-;';,1-'.-. :,
rTh Indications are for faU W-ther In
this district Sunday. ti't&j-.V-.'t'i,-. "v
WilUam Hum, Eagla- CUff. heart fU
ure, aged u.
George Easton, u 8Vnth trt spinal
meningitis, aged u.
4-.-; i , ' i m .it i w -f.-.y.,-. -5s
Th Edward Holsaam Uadsrtasv
imc C fnnral dlrtor amd xa
halmrs. 880 Yamhill. Faoma 507.
. J.kP. Flhley t 8on, Undortakort
and tmbatmer.f corner Third and
doffertdn streets, do flr-clasg vork
ana aeat nonorably wltrt ell.
r: Otto Schumann.' irionuinentaP and
building wdrk, 204Thlrd 8t. , Ct.
mate on first clan workonly. ; v ' f
Clark Bros, foe Pfaweri. 28 Mori
rion Street
11 a-;.i -a' - - -: -. '".--'.. - i- V.X.'. ff - . .r 'it. X i . j..- Tj s. - V . ''"'J ..'?.. , I f ,
i .l'li ' J'.: it'. . fir
Journal Vacation Trip.
Margaret H. Singleton and husband
to F. B, Hoenal. lots 22. 83, 24, 25,
hlock 67. Peninsular add ...f .100
University Park Co. to Park Land -
Co lot L 8. 8. hlock 71. University
Park 750
Sheriff If or University Park, Co.) to
Park tend Co., parcel land Unl- .
verslty Park 19762
H, IB. Noble t al. to W. H. Wilton,
lot 8, block 83, Central Alhlna ....... ,309
Catherine Stewart to E. M. Palton,
east lots 8. 8, hlock 66. Couch
addition ......'..... 1
Jan Jamlsoh to Candacs Files, lot
U, block , Farrell's 2nd add....... 4-1
Wnt 'C, Kerron and wife to F. J.t
Dunbar, north Mi ot southwest K
Sec, 12, T, 1, 8. R. t E....k....: 1
C. A. Babcock and wife to E. s. Bab-,
cock, lot 8, a H lot 8. block 11,
Whtson's addition ..' ., t
Joseph Menth to Louie I Anderson,
lot 8, block 8, Rosedal 81630
G. O. Rickey t ux to Pleasant Val-
ley Union Church Association,
church sit, Caleb and Alice Rickey
Lulu E. Honner to I. D. Ubby, lot
. block 21. Highland ,
8. A. '.Walton and. wife to sane, lot
4, block 10, Portsmouth ............
James Dickson and wife to Louise
Multnomah Realty Association to A.
J. Jless, lot , block B, Willamette
addition ........
Masonic Trustees to E. K. McClure,
lot T. hlock 80, Cemetery, $20.
C. H. Preseott to Mary C. Hill, west .
half lot 4; east half Jot 8, block 14,
John.Irvtng'a Addition,..'.....;.....! ISO
Daniel B, Bush and wif to A. R,
Draper, lots 8 and 1 block 5, Stor-
ey Addition ......................... 2008
E. B. Babcock "to -C' A. Babcock, . '
north half lot t, hlock IV Watson'g , . .
Addition 1
Kat BW; MoOuir i to. Roberf H. ' .
Thomas, loU 1, and 18, block 1,
Sast Portland ......................... 1000
rrf Xf Hattraan t al. to "William: -Hatch;
west halt block U St Johns 2TB
Mary B. Northup, lot f, block T. v
City lr..lv.'.,'V......'...,..,.r,,,'J:. . 2
.';- i mi i ii ii ttim " x-' '-
Get rour Title Insurance and Abstracts
to Real Estate from the Title Guarantee
A Trust Co., Chamber of Commerce. ' .
Msfthe Train Passed Alohz; f
He Dad nea a brakeman on the G
1- - Railroad,' but owing to Injures
ceived in tb service he had been given
a less haiardous position as station gnt
at a smalt place on tha line of the road.
His entire wardrob consisted of op suit
One coupon every day. Six couponstwill
be given for a week's, paid in advance sub
scription; twenty-six votes will be given for
a month's paid in advance subscription,
and seventy-eight votes will be given for
every three months' paid in advance sub- "
scription. ,
of clothes, and he was patiently awaiting
the next payday to get the .sljerewltnal
to purchase another.
The fast mall and expra, which was
dyt at midnight, was reported four hours
late, so he thought' he could' get In a
pretty fair night's rest j by, setUnghls
alarm clock about an hour ahead of .the
tim when Jfte train was, Ukely to com
a he needed- jlittlo tim to perform, the
only duty required Of1 blin, Vhi, to see
that the sack ot pail was properly, hook
ed, on tbe crane, so. that the' extending
arm of th fast malt car would securely.
eaten, it as tne train went ny, i .
Th alarm' clock,- of course, Upon this
occasion failed to work, and h was
awakened by the- shrieking of . the whis
tle 'of the locomotive as it -warned tho
station of the coming Of the train. . He
Jumped. Tor ths-sack and his trousers,
grabbed -both, ruhed out on the plat
form, made an accurate throw, and whist
away sped th train. . H turned to pick
up 'his trousers, . when be found that he
had thrown them, on the crane, and they
had gone In; place of tho malt ' As to
whether or not be' dressed in the mall
sack but enough said. ,' :
Dueling amonr' the- students f at Jena
has heeA forbidden bv th vice chancellor
of the university;1 who has ajso broken
up th collegO'-renctng-olub.'. tpfcf&rf
Two of three great British battleship
to be laid down this year are to be named
Commonwealth . and Dominion. : In. eora
pllment to Australia' and Canada respec
tively; i't:.r-'rMW
Much stir and disappointment has been
caused In New Zealand labor Circles by
th refusal " ot the colony's .arbitration
court to grant preference to trad union
ists Ur Its last two 'awards. '
The' experiment Ot - Marketing Jersey
sweet potatoes In London Is made by a
New Jersey "grower, who . has ' shipped
threO lotv one W sawdust, on In fancy
wrappers and onO loos Itr th barrels.
. All the officer - of - the Ostend - mail
steamers hav bed ordered to learn the
Morse telegraph -alphabet so that they
may be able ro work th wireless tele
graph apparatus 'on board, their vessels
In case of. need. " " ' , ,. t ,
But eight states do not now require ox.
amihatlons by a state board of those who
wish to practice medicine. They ar Ar
kanaas, Colorado, .Kentucky, Michigan,
Nebraska,, Nevada, South Dakota and,
Tennessee. . 1 ' ' ,
: .i i ii"-i i in i" t i ii fi, r .v.
"Eminent Statesman Weil, at course w
can i leu aooui inai unni arter tn rail
elections. Chicago Tribun. I v ,
Tfl0ll ii iiyii oo ;
To the- most popular
vomit? Wnmn in - Pnrt
Journal will give -a
ten days trip to the sea
side and pay her ex
perms down and back,
and her - hotel bill- while
there. To determine her
popularity a vofeVivill be
taken and the one receiv
ing . the most votes, will '
get the trip; The one j
getting' the nexthiihesl
number will be rfven. a
, trip lasting from Saturday
to Monday, all free, v The
one who ft" third In "the "
list will received trip up
the lordly Columbia and
This is a chance for the
worthy yo'untf women,
who fill busy places in the
city to , take a vacation
s JUt,X15th.
Found in Text and Now In New York
r They'8ettl a 8cientlfff Doubt.
A pair of tusks from a mammoth that
Hve4 at least 50,000 and lOBsbly 100.000
year , ago has just been received at th
American Museum : of Natural History
from Victoria, Tex,. where i they wer
found In an old rjver-bed deposlti-
The, particularly Interesting thing about
them la that they ar th largest even
found. Professor Lucas, curator of th
National Museum at Washington, as au
thortty for that statement ,
The larger of the two tusks measured
on the outside curve is' IS feet and som
Inches In' length. The estimated height
of the mammoth to which they belonged
is thirteen feet. Jumbo was 11 feet high.
. Another comparison which gives som
notion, of the site ot th mammoth is
with th skcletpn of th mastodon that
was found tn a peat bog near NewbUrgh,
and is th largest complete fossil skele
ton In the American Museum, in this
city. The tusks of that skeleton, wblih
curve out over the alsl and are about
the first thing noticed by the visitor to
that part of th museum, ar only nine
feet long. ,
The mammoth tusks just received wer
found in a deposit contemporary with '
th 1c age. Although one Ivory, they,
are now completely petrified, and on xi
them Is badly weathered. A portion ot
the skull was found with them, and this
Is being built up with a plaster skull to -show,
when exhibited, th sic and snap
of the origin. New. Tork Sun. ,
-7 Those Bubbles. '
: Rodrtck The Stat ' of i Texas' remind
me of a portrait studio. ,
Van Albert & what way t
Rodrlck Why. ; so many, peopl gel
'donln on down there-Judge. r
Come toMe?
-- v ; -i- - ..' ';'." i ;.. ; " ., s
i .. If you are tick from any v
cause and have.; failed,; to get'
relief,; come; .right away.' I will
hot charge you fox1, a consulta
tion. Vital Science willycure
you, most likely - ;
v' r 818-821 Abington Building. ' '.
, ' i I 1 '