f "7 - . .... -.u-j-m , ft' 4 Ver, 34; bank rate, 1 per cent. . . - NEW; YORK, Jun ,-8tertlnf ' e change, lonj, 84J&; abort, 4.8. - Silver bullion, it ; ' , BAN FRANCISCO. June 13. Sterling exabjuige, 60 days, 84.g&; lgbt, IA88. Shipping. " - TIDES AT ASTORIA ' ... ' ttlgn wtr f: a. m, ,.......,i..;...i..;itet i Low water ., ,, ,h .;-,,., ,;,. Cloudy; wind, nortbwectf b cnmoth., 4 ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. ASTORIA June I Left UP at 8 a. ft, eohooner Eldorado and French baric Jaobn,t Ban Pedro. Jun , .IJMJalled,'' barkentlne Eneor, for Portland, -w, ASTORIA, June 13. Arrived, steamer tamarai- j i v,.,? f- y t: v.; (tola. LtONDOWf-Tune . ia.r-Caroi steady; California prompt, 29a 3d; Walla Walla, Us 6d&28 td. English country market faulet. T :.(. s . - . LIVERPOOL. June 13. July closed at la 104d. French country markets dull. . NEW tORg. June il-July closed 78. CHICAaO, Juni ll-July, 72 Corn. July, 63tt6fiL Old oata opened 87; new eats, July, 89. Receipt. 610,000 buobels; augment, 613,000 bushels. , ; SAN FRANCISCO. June It-December. tLUV. Barley, December, 83V4Jf83. Spot whe!, . Barley, feedV ll498X; krewhJi, 57. . Red oata, tU0dil.eS. . These quotation fe f urnlihed by Bol ton, de Ruyter Co., t-t Chamber of Commerce, ground floor; members Chi cago Board ( Trade. v WHEAT. . Often. HlarH. Low. Close. VJLIte I. WWW VvJUVJ. uiy Kept. July ......... -7J4 .38 . .r7H !J7S4 Sept. ..,..,...,.. ;x jJi,, sasU Sept. 17.r -f 11.77 f.7s- vitaa; Ju1y-:;.....Ui:iff.t.,R,r Sept. ... ... 10.38 10.37 lft.8t; miff0 uly 10.55 10.47 14.47 PC 10.W 10.3S 10.80 10.37 the Markets. v , v An advance of a cent was made on the quotations of peanuts tlil mornlnv. Larger receipt of 'meaU. in the local markets lias had a tendency to causo' deollne fri ir!oe. Beef 1 u6ted at T and H eonts, pork 7H and I cenU, Teat f and 8 cents, dretted' mutton I and H cent. No changes appear, in the quo tation of Baatern packed meats, Effg are coming Into tHe market in larger qiianUUea. The quotation stand at 18 cent' a - detetu but a decline Is looked for in" ft few day, r . . The recepits ol ejrtrst heavy snpplle of small splint ohloken eontlnuest and the market 1 completely glottal -Poultry Is eiling today at any old prlo. -'' . ' Butter remain at T7H and 18Uf"cents for the beat creamery. A change in quo tation is expeoUd in the text few" day. ':J . GRAIN AND FLOUR. Wheat-Nominal; Walla Walla, 6c; bfueatem, 7Hc; valley, 7a ! - Barley Feed, $a23 per ton. Oat-No. 1 white, tt.-&gl.S0; gray, tl.24 Ql. IS. Flour Beat trades, KLMei.50 , per bar rel t graham, $2.8O$3.10. ..'MilUtufra Bran, J16.50 per ton; mid dlings, K0; ehorta, $18: chop, 117.50. ( HayTlrnothy 1113; clover. S7:60fi8. BUTTER, EGGS, POULTRT. , ' Butter-Creamery, 1718Hc; dairy, 160 lfet store, tt&Mc flKg 180. ... ' Ctaeese-Full cream, twin, UQUWI Toung America, 14c . .: ' . m . Poultry Chicken. mixed, 44.EOT hens, $44.60 per do; broilers, $2.262.75; Fryers, 13.7Mf4.25 do; duck. 15.25(5.76 per dos; turkeys, live, 12c; dressed, U'ilfio per lb; geesei, 6.7S6.3S. VGCXABLE8 AND FRUIT. otatoea atai uutDanai, jii-w per Mntai; Jfiariy Koasv t fniont-caurornia reo, 11; orep qr sxeji'i Tomatoes-3.2a5iS.H) crate, Mississippi:! -atf..M.4v. 4M Ifht OK. AaxeMS-ai 1 tHA 1 . VM1 JlllJS. fJl)svj,.Wt VCt a Via, fiv.w. ' wsoi L00rl.2S per aack; cauliflower. i54jp4w per i per lb.; aiparagus, 81.25 box: rai-j ishes, per doa. lliSc; green onion, pus., uwvisof caopacea, n.w.nai uuici; Ht lb.r early f"Torlt, ab.r Oregtm trawberrle. H.e1.7S 'J etata C ef U$ Oregon rhubarb, iuo fliti articutkes, r dos. BD&7&Q1 lettued. diead: ec'tiom. 25o; cherries, OctUv; CaJl(otftia plums, $1 box; apricots, $U&V ureen rruit Lmon, 4.u'ii4; oranges, I33.50 per box; bananas, $2.253; pine Apples, f6 per dos. . Dried fruit Sun-dried apples, sac or poxea, per lb., 4-8 5c; evaporated, 12$12ttc; apricots, ums12c; peaches, mile; pears, t9o; prunes. Italians, 8&4c; figs, Callfor, tilA blacks, 84c; do white, set plums, Bitted, 66o. ' . .( GROCERIES. NUTS. BTC3. -' Ugar Cube, 84.75; crushed, 84.75; rahf &n Ant granulated, '84.46 per 100 Jbs ack basis; barrel, loc; kalf barroka, itM; boxes, KM per 100. lb., above basis. 4o per lb. dis count for prompt cash; maple, 32ft$13o par pound. r Coffee-Mocha, K28ot Java fancy, g932c; Java, good, aoVi4c; Java, oral ary, 1820ei Coata Rica fancy,. 104 an Costa Rtea, rood, 1618c; CosU, Rica, ordinary. 1012e per pound; Columbia reamt, U; JUrbuckfe's, 81UI list; lion, 810.63 list; Cordova, 8U.U5 Toeemlte, 811. . 'sack, Te UVerpool, T7e; .Wo fiarrela, Worcester, bulk, 821 bales 2 t 10. par, bale, 83. 1- . r &vM - tu. .... ... . lb., W.711; Bait Coarse, bait ground, liws, per ton. fu.Jia; uva per ww fflnw, Honey Fancy white. 14 15c; light am ber, MHOMot dark amber, lOOUo. c Grain bajrsCalcutta, 88.50T76 per 100 tor Juiy-Auguat. - : : ;Nut-Peanuta.' 8W4o per pound for fw. s4jQ-.for . roasted; coeoanuts. 86i3 per - den: walnuts, UUi3o ne; nnd; pine nuts, 10i3Hc; hickory nuts.1 - chestnut. 83.505 per drum;' Bra nuts, 17o; filbert, 16;ic: fancy pa- .JA11U. ..Ihu.. low 1 nun, .47, mwvih MUVtUO. Baane Small White. I14:- lanra Whit. FINANCIAL. Coal uu-tstw,-,! per gallon; bar rel a, 18c; tank. 14e. , w . . " , Rice. Imperial, Japan No. t so; N f, ie: New Orlean. l&Je. ' . - , l-6e; pink. Sc; bayou, 8e; lima, 40. flalmoo Columbia ? Rlvery no-pound lla, 81.85; two-pound taUs.Vi-0; .fancy pound flats, 83; Vy-pound fancy llatsi US; Alaska. talis, ia; twoaaiHailiv hops. Wool and hides. ttops-14M5a per Pound;. contract Wool-Nominal; Valley. UVirfflSa; East ern Oregon. &fri2tta. t- SheepsKln eaeanng. iS09xf short Wool, 153bc; medium wool,' tjtfQc; long V00L WU each. : , T . Tallow Prime, per pound, 404 He; No t and greasa. 8Me3cv , . . .,-- , Hide pry idea. No. I, Id pound and tup. 16l8c-pw poupd; dry kip, N. 1, to 15pound. 15oi flrytalf, NoVl under poand. 16c; dry -salted, bull and stars, cne-thlrd less than dry flint; salted bides, steers, sound, 60 pounds and ovr.-lee: SO 4o CO pounds. 7Vi8c: under BO pounds 8a4 ct 7i .clegs aai kulist couad, f 'v " u v -vs.; Bttc; kip, sound, M to W pound. Tcj taL ound, W M Impound. Te; calf, eound, under 10 pound. ; areen unalted), 1 r Tin hore htdei, salted, each, gi.got- dry. each, ii.iw coi (iiuei, eacn, zoraooe; goat kln,. -common, each, lu15c; An gora, . WHO worn vu. mv(f w.-a. - Mohair ......fc. MEATS AND PROVISIONS. . Fresfa Meata-Becf,, 77WC!- pork. c- veaV' ?4i mutten, 4o per lot ; dressed, t&ko; cow and bulla. i'A'&tlkc; lamina MflJf X.L'H-: , v. Hams, bacon, etc. Portland feacM 13o Ibj back, 12f lo; , dry aalted, side, 124ej dried beef tt7 lioj lmlde and knuckle, 18a- "pw outld., lie per lo.; Eaatein packed hams jundar OI iMj.Miici . ever. 1 uwn 140; fancy, lie; picnic, lie; shoulders, lie) dry salted, side. , , unamoked, 12c; breakfast bacon, I6H0! bacon side, llfto; back, fcnsmoked, , l2Mro; amoked, UMtc; bUtt,illliViO.-iU , ' V Lard-Kttl leaf, tifccl steam rendered. uvo, uerce nsai.., MARINl?;K0TESf . An excuralo corhiJced of the nembers of the Mllwaukie unday' school was mads W Vancouver . yesterday : on ' the steamer Undine, . -, . j The T. J. Potter 'of the O. R. Ce N, Co. Will go on what la known a the Seaside run Jun 28. THls Is from Portland to. 11- waco, Wah.. and. excepting Astoria, she will make no top between here and th beach. 1'liu Haulo, of "tha ,am company. went on her regular run to Astoria Tues day. , '-',v-.'k - B. F. ; Hedges, who ideoeeded If. V, Harrison a short time ago as local agent for the Regulator line, baa .tendered bis resignation, to take) effect as soon as the vacancy can be supplied. Mr. fledge i taking a course tot studies In mechanics and electricity, and states that' the long hours ha has id put in at tbs dock do not give Mnv any tlrri to turiroe- hi atadle. AnV agefttl iupposed''t6 wortt frdm: to 'toVmM -V dsy,,! and' WHh tbat:tnS ther5(' Wf MtW opportuttlty doswen uenis on ins waier-ironi are nopeiui mm it will continue to subside. If there'W'nd eirciaciy . I1UV wwjuirr y- m. mw or er !,;JCMoti. . jlteiOT' tfie'past lor tnis season. F. J. Smith, the 'excursion promoter, baa leased, Matbon'a, J?a,rk..about two miles on this side of Oregon City," for the exclus ive use of excursion parties during the summer. It is described aa a natural park, with dancing platforms, seats pind fully equipped for lighting at night. Washington's .drove, opposite St. Helens, will not be" used by pleasure parties this summer. The French bark General de Bonl was chartered yesterday to load wheat or bar ley at Portland . at tts Bd, which la a slight advance in rate. The British steamship Cymbeline left down yesterday and crossed out to sea at 12 o'clock after a stay of only four days In the river, Before oomlng Hero She was at San Francisco, vthere she remained 18 days j, dtoaharglng . about the same amount of cargo as she left here. From Portland the vessel goes t Victoria; B. C to enter the drydock, and from tbere Witt proceed to Vancouver to load a cargo of oats for South Africa. American vessels carrying Amerioan products to foreign markets are rapidly increasing on the Paciflo Coast. The Amerlcail barkentlney having a capacity for carrying isw.000 feet of lumber, has been chartered to load lumber at Port land for the Orient, and will arrive here In July. Other American lumber car riers plying on tW Pacific Coast are tbr Eldorado, the Quickstep, the Tam O'Shanter. the Gleanor, the Reast, the Ltxsle Vance, the Churchill and the fred J. Wood. The steamer Volga, which baa been laid up for repairs tmt several, dajys, went into comm.lsaton again, this morning. Since (he opening of the flahlng season she ha proketT down oonatantiy fori some reason Uii;atiihi.iStok.i to il t r?it ; H P Clnh jThere jSd to be a rather che SfotofH HUb-ortf hltatlons In the old LcWon Stolk Exoh-"club' that bivunf e- yi trltfciam oil AM' beadaVpf thIc, nii- m ii? iu m . .iii & peared denoubcinar "certain . scandalous societies" which verc believed to Jiold meetings for the,nurppiBe;(f ridiculing re Ilglbn. Soon after; jMblH waa .Introduced in the House of Lord for the purpose of suppressing them, but it was rejected oft the ground. that it rnlgh't lead to per secution., t There bad bean a great deal of money made fust then on the -Stock Exchange, and these clubs were one of the means Whereof efcm-wtoked'Und licentious men got jrid of. hejr, gain. They were popularly -called "he!l-re ciubc." Thair members -rekhorr :i Bf" rSseUdonyims such as Pluto, tho Old Dragon, the King t Tartarus, Lady Envy and Lady Odm ofrah. They, showed their contempt for vry thing sacredbr awful by such de vices as that of burning sulphur at their meeting.' 1 80 inach discomfort will men incur for th ake of doing something outrageous! . r " ' ,; Many were the stories that went about concerning these H.j F,fVtib.r It Was irequeniiy reiatea tnat auer annking a more than ordinarily horribl toast, : somt you nc; man, would fall down dead. Once it was caid that; av circle drank boiluir Bcaltheen (a mltture bf hotter and whis ky), before a roaring Are. so that "the marrow melting in their wicked bones, they fell down dead upon the floor." .: ' At their wakes there waf an Unaccount able smell of brimstone, so that the very horses refused to draW their hearses. For when , these clubs had had their day In London, the idea migrated to Dublin, wherd It was taken up witb. embellish ment. Many other stories concerting them are told 1 Ireland evei to $hls flay, and especially "of the large, black eat that presided at tbv .board, and was always helped first ... . .. . . . i - K Kaunitt in America. . The great minister of Austria in the llth century, Prmcd Kaunltx, immortaUxed by Louise' Muhlbach'c historical novel, "Jo seph II. and His Court," has a descendant In the United fetatCsv Some' of the family emigrated : to 8 weden. wbtOa. . JTrcncis i. ascended the throne, of Austria, and the cam ' ka Relied .wiU A C Instead -of K..' Louie r.tiabniU' at. NuVlTt JCbambera treat was bens la Sweden about 85 years ago and -came to 4hls.ountry when mall boy. H1 dlsOauish4 rnostor sas h ony man In Auatriev and possibly m aU lwparfiWhC wa priyUeged to brusk Vbia teetk t th dinner-UW of royalty. HU voir trllnd-vld oase, filled With cold : Inatrumctftst W., set before hum at the end U the meal for the cleani- lng and polishing of his incisor, oanlne and molars, and Inferior rank dareo to leave tbs. table until b bad 4flnished the Job. New Tork Pr., x, , ,.. T, ' HIQHEST PAID MAIL CARRIER " 'The bigness' of our ccmitryii is empha sised every now and then by soma'' obi secure governmental routine.. Away off in the Philippines we are delivering mall in canoe-llke boat, and, on the other band,. a contract, was let last week lot carrying the mail, in Alaska by do Sled. r The successful biddef was Oscaf1 Flsb, and his route lies between Eagle and Val ues, a distance of 414 mUes. He makes two trip a month, and receives neatly ll&flO a trip, or 835,000 a year. Only 300 pounds are carried per trip, and this I usually mad up of letters, and newspapers. Postofflce Department official say that the sum paid to Fish Is very reasonable when It is considered tha he makes the trip by dog sledge, and that he has the most dangerous routs of any mall carrier lm the world. 4 He ls several time been given up for dead by residents of Valdec Cnd, Ea gle, but so far has always managed: to reach the end of his Journey, although sometimes Overdue and occasionally very much battered up. He has fallen down precipices, got tnlxedvp on avalanche, arid has been starved and froat-bltten, but Is still happy in risking bis lonely life Harper's .Weekly. Washington Tales. fTf Aeard a ctory on Representative Bartlett's father -which ought to be told in these -parish Asserted Representative Roberts)' ad Massachusetts. . 4 -i"Thl man -was . long a judge on the Gitorgial bdnob nd highly respected by a wjidO'Clrcls of people. In a murder trial be came ti eharg to the jury in wHlcb h lqttently and vividly laid down the law as toithe folly of carrying pistols. It seems that the defendant had gone out for a walk, became engaged In a. fuss With the deceased, drew hi pistol and fired the fatal shot, "The details of the shooting, a well a th law bearing thereon, were rehearsed by Judge Bartlett, who told bow. the de fendant's pistol had been In his hip pock et, .bow he put his hand back tbere In ang'er, and how he drew the pistol forth. He was Illustrating by vigorous gestures, but right in the midst of. the. charge, .as Judge Bartlett put his hand back to his hip pocket by wy ot demonstration, a pistol dropped therefrom and fell with a thump upon the floor. "The scene in the court room can be imagined. There was a stillness, the while the Judge flushed with embarrassment. " 'Mr. Clerk,' be exclaimed, as soon as he bad recovered, 'put me down on the book aa fined 850 for carrying a weapon.' " -Washington Post Attorney-General Knox Is inclined, to resent the reputation which he I getting for beinsr a matt of strife. He is being alluded to by newspapers as an official who love a fight for fight's sake, especi ally since he began his war- on the beet trust The President who appreciate a joks, and remembers the remarks made by Tammany Hall men in 1900 about his inclination to smash things, now regular ly alludes to Mr. Knox as the extremist In the Cabinet, and says that a sotter, cautious president is needed to keep th attorney-general within bounds. As a matter of fact the attorney-general shrinks from a contest and would rathei avoid one than get embroiled in court, but after the fight is on he always mac ages to keep bis side well to the front New tork Herald. Delegate Rodney ot New Mexico, whose NEW TODAY. 1 BestMSiar Cured! I Hams I4g Buy ySQt gutter before the cdvaacc. Best cWamcr)t..i 40c end 49c Qood tAfryrtJ......r. ........JSC Fresh ranch et( doz oc Picnic barns , M lie toneless hams...... c Lard, s-lb. pall 6c 60c Tea ....35c Java-Mocha coffee ...Jc tliU's picnic pickles..., 4 for ajc SATURDAY IS CHICKEN DAY i$t lb. LA GRANDE CREAMERY CO. j .. , 364 Yamhill Street. i, jsi 10s Third Street, S3 Between Washington and Stark. , WC RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES.- 100 lbs. Bast Granulated Sugar.. ...... 84.83 Fresh Ranch Eggs .......20c Albert Roche Sardines ,...,..c Blue Label, can, specials... ...26o Flgprune Cereal ..........,.......20o Sago and Tapioca....,.......,..,......... Jo packages uoid uust ...1M orden's Eagle Milk ,.lfo Singapore Pineapples ........ gnnmp. irg ste .................. .....we ShrimD. laree alee 10q I lb. can Pure Leaf Lard ......S5c 7 iba.' Rolled Oat .8&o 1 lb. Glass Jar Chipped Beef.,......, ....25a Oregon phone Main 14; Columbia 72c O MCHSTEINEII 307ThirdC .-.:--: price list ; ffi 7 bare Owl Soafr ....25c 7 bars Golden Star ...... ....m.-..28o 7ar Lenox Soap .......... .v . . I 4 .35' i lb Arbuckie's or Lion Cone........ISo 3 canC Oysters .v.. .i...tSc 8 eanc DevUtd Ham, f cititta IS 1 good Mop Handle, 3 package Cora Btarob ...a,i..c 8 package COmzUmie Order delivered te all part of the city free of' charge; ' . " - GOOD 8-ROOMHpVSE AND LOT...TV -room nouse, euxiw lot ,..,. K-Q 160-acr farnv euO fruit treea., V4 80 acres, house and barn. .......... SS4 3 lota, quarter blpck, Wooiwtoek..... 5W 3580 acre fine) timber . land, solid -body, near railroad. .......ts.so par cat Big -list of filial bar?liis"ffee, . Uiik Morriaaa ct swecc M,y fund-br good stoeJ i esbaustlesc, re lated, tblc incident Jin th cloakroom, yce terdcy:-: ' ?H I:- ' H - ' -i h was 4runJ,tBr6g, JVett ja couple of years ao," be said, "whan our traia ctojpped an eating place tor dbv nr The n Oman Who kept the place wa abxieua to spread adpund her the cultur ed habit of bef -aecUon. "Will yoU plsas glv me a knife for. my pleT caid one of the men eating din ner. - M . "Wc don't eat pi with a knife here,' replied jtba wbman, quite verely. ";,Tben,'..lndatB. remarked the cow boy, quite unabashed, 'will you please get me an axT t'Washlng ton Post. A coda provision that the masculine in oude all gander except where such con struction . would be absurd or unreason able U held, la re Madox (Md.), ulh. A. 888, not to entitle a woman to admis sion to the bar under the provision that ''any male cltlsen" having certain quali fications shall be co admitted. CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR 'ADOPTION. IX CHILDREN FOR ADOPTION-Boys and girls from I month to 8 years, to be given on trial of three months or long er. Address Superintendent Oregon Children's Homo Society at W,Mr- ,' quam Building, or call up phone Union Kit " WANTED Six good boys on the Bast Side for Journal routes. Apply 288 lam-, bill, Journal office. FOR SALE MISCELLANKOU8- UALL'B safe, standard of the warld; aafea sold ea easy payments; trade your old safe for a new one, N orris Bats Lock Co.. 91 Flrt t. FOR BALK One-horsepower electrto motor for sal cheap. Inquire ot cash ier, thla office, . , 1 J , 1 1, 1 -I I 1 ifn. ,f, n '1 , if 1 FOR 8ALE.Rubbef-tIred buggy, ahnest new. or, escbancf; for s. dauble-aoated spring wagon,.., ft9BH;uTS POS. , , WAtTEUlJA.'goyd 'toUslne-as oeportuflltV ifoc a, llvevj energetic man- with- e, few Address Box 10 Tb Journal. - ) ) 1 hi . a n ) 1 .11 i, 1 111 11 LOST. 68TiTr plnceiMsi7RirgoTd' chain and hook attached, in case. Find er please return te Journal office. PER80NAL. FREE FREEHatndseme home savings banks at the Security Saving ft Trust Company: only a limited number to re loaned; call and aak for on of uioo bank. 28 Morrison st. A. E. Devere, the specialist in treatment of hair and scalp. 500 The Dekum; - phone Red 2840. MDME. H. B. BL.iV Dermatoloa-ist mi sage, electrlo treatments. 1934 First st MADAM JOHNSTON, Clairvoyant, tells pas 1, present ana future; lue rename, ovc; aauy. zu. lltn st. Snowden Batbroomki C60H Wash., room 1. Vapor., baths, massage and electrlo treatment. CLAIRVOYANT. MKft STBVBNS. the leading Palmist and . Clairvoyant, give reliable adylce on all affair of life; readings, 40c. 221 V Mor rison st. ROOM AND BOARD. , jSEA8T"" ANlf ENPlVasant . front reoma, with board; ga, bath; telephone Blue 846. ... ROOM 8 FOR RENT." 438 ALDER, cor. 13th Nloely furnUfaed front rooms; all .conveniences; suitable for one or two gentlemen. a. THE R088-3UVfe lsn, cor. Salmon; ele gant rooms; transient solicited. Phons Red 1891. FURNISHED ROOMS 181 Vfc 1st St. cor. Yamhill; transient solicited. Tel. Brown 3t i ni -lit mr ri H. i. .i i i mi THB GRAND New management: Ught, m, cam, m xamnui; isi. FURNISHED ROOMS-Batb. tel. 388 f amhill,- near cor. West Park. Phone " Green 628. ' - - ....... ...1 .-I i- n. ...Mil. -., , . THB BURBANK, 334 TambllU-WeU-f ur nlshed, front rooms., and -board ; also ' table board Jl ... ; I mil of titmravkln tiroisfe.iwms; A ton SouOi .! f J THB METROPOLE-Kw management 863 Stark; light airy rooms; reasonable. MANHATTAN COPpT-Brick tmlldlng; steam heat, newly furnished. U Stark. THE CA8TLE-373 Wash.; rooms for gen tlemen; transient. . Tel. South 781. HELP WANTED MALE. LOGOS R8; mill and yard men: men and teams; wood-choppers; (asm hands and milkers; work of all kinds in and out of city for men and women; 30-day guarantee on every ticket Call and See CANADIAN EMPLOTitNJ AGNCT 226V Morrison; branch. 341 T Burnsidc an4, .. , Nortk Third. CONTRACTORS. yJSirS. CAMPBEUT carpenter and puiiaer; repirwv., buliaer; npur phone Front U0&. cint tret; MISCELLANEOUS. HIGHEST PRICE paltffor men's cast-off clothing and shoe. T8H N. 3d. Phone Green 428. Order promptly attended to. PATENT FOR SALE. FOR BALE, at a aerlfice, H Interest In a valuable patented asphalt paving pro cess; baa been operated aocoeas fully. Addre Box 121. Journal office. 4"rr WINE DEPOT. r - - -w...ii i ..i. , u THE CK3LUMBUB California Mrin re , 5. P. Lorstl, Prop. All kind wine, 6c aTass. Fins wine, liquors end cigar. Headquarters for cock, wallers end bartenaere. - m, mu wr, pnene Main 761. -; . . . BAWBEWy UilLltt. LBWISKNapCUrW Co roripdineT of aU srp edge tool a pe- BRIDGE CONTRACTORS? gmytb dTHsrard Cc,-i CAamberci Commerce. ' '-f a ' tv TECHNICALS SCHOOLfl 4TOinSYERt6WAL CopnTtSSe Sobools. Boranton.' Panna. Bdgar Faulk, SIGN WRITER. .-V-.K.,' Jle Wla" SI gw-Writer; fosu Taylor treetT Phone Hood 7S Portland." . TEAS AND COFFEE. Hatnea' Tea Store, Famous tfth St. epp. Pewteepec-i MlutorTeev mi f$ t i me. AdveftiM your wants In ' paper thst coed' t ail the people; M - i Attorneys. Paxton, BeachnsTBTmonTsiO Chamber of Commerea. It;..- Charle A. Lucas, room S2J Chamber ot Commerce. . Jame Oleajon. 8 and 3 Mulkey Building. ASSAYER AND ANALY8T. Paul Baumel. Asaayer and Analyslat; . gold dust bought 328 Stark t BOOTS AND SHOES. A. Dreyers, 7 Third St. J, Sanger. Repair Shop. 44 Washington. Marks Shoe Stere, 863 Morrison St., near 3d. Agents Jenness Miller Shoes. BILLIARD TABLES. - - - -mr. i . ,i. ... v in.., ,ii., i w - The Brunswick-Bailee Colfonder C'o -Third ct. -:-t--."--" CHIROPODY AND MANICURING. Wm. Deveny and Estell Deveny, 801 ' Allsky Bulg., Third and Morrison. L. Mitchell, Expert Chiropodist Knight's Shoe Store, &4 Washington at. Phone .Hood 138. CONFECTIONERY. A. J. Coffman, Chocolate and Bon Bon, 350 Washington t. "W. J. Powell, ' Candle and Cigars. 420 Washington st Menry Blumenauer, Manufacturing Con fectioner, 430 Washington st CIGARS AND TOBACCO. The Railroad Cigar Store. 834 Wash. t CYCLISTS AND MACHINERY. X. P. Keenan, Columbia. Hartford and Vidntte Bicycle, First st Phone Red 1863, . ... Sewing Machine and Bicycles, 335 Mor rison Btraot. : CORNICES'SKYLIOHTS. . Metal Skylights GalVan'tsVd Iron Cor ' nice, i. C. Bayer,-iitilt Second at i, "CREAMERIES. La Grande Creamery Company,- butter, r egg and cheese, m Tanaaill St Phone , Oregon Mala 770. ' Arlington Creamery butter, egg, cheese, etc., 307 Burnsid st . COAL AND WOOD. Oregon Fuel Co., dealers In all kinds ot coal and wood, 344 Morrison t Banfleld-VeySet Fuel Co., dry flat wood, . 80 Third at Phone Main 353 and Col. 373. . DECORATORS E, H. Moorehouss A Co., wall papers, 307 , MIIIU lllli PU . DENTI8T8. I. M. Hamby. D. D. room 8 wasn- Ington Bldg., Washington an nd 4th sts. Theodore 8. Thompson, 80-51 Washington Bldg., Washington and Fourth sts. Phone Hood IIV P. B. Langworthy, rooms 7 and 8 Benson Building, 29M Morrison street, near Fifth. i DRESSMAKERS. Mr. E. J. Oliver, Millinery Parlor, room 40f Maoleay Bldg. DRUGGISTS. CP. S. Plumaier, 300-2C3 Third st Rows Martin, Sixth and Washington. Frank J. Strelblg, 313 Washington st. t Laue-Davls Drug1 Co., 175 3d St. Phone 848. ELECTRIC WORKS. Portland Electrical Wassingtoa t Works-Office, 3 Western Electric Works, 305H Wash. st. 4- HAT MANUFACTURERS. HAT MANUFACTURERS AND RENO VATORS Only plae in Portland for good work: union batter. Boston Hat Company, 83 Fourth street j phone Biaok 1832. " PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Dr. Cora C. Talbot t 18 years' experteno In disease ot women. Writ or call, 308 Salmon at 1 ELECTRICIANS. v !t Arthur T. Walker, room II Cambridge Building. Phone Red 2X4. Reeldence. , Pink 1261. , i . . ..il Hi i. . I i. j, ENGRAVERS, Hicks-Chatten Engraving Company, Mor rison, between First and Second, sts. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, Oregon Employment Co., 227 Burnsid at. Acrnet Employment Bureau, 15 Morrison. Help free to employers. Phone North 1381. Columbia 287. FINANCIAL. 3300.000 to loan at 6 and per cent Wm. Beck, 821 Morrison t FURRIER8. ThTsTlverneld Fur Mfg. Con 285 son Bt. i Morrl- GROCER8. F. Dresser Al Co,, 340-342 Washington st. ' 1 1 m Owen H. Serple & Co.. Fancy Groceries. 363 Morrison st ' HAIRDRESSINQ, MANICURING. Paris Hair Store. 808 Washington st.TupT to-date hair dresser. Rosenthal Sister Wig-making and maa . ten vitttt mt w.. oi. HAY AND GRAIN. W. 8. Lauther, 110 North Third t.. Lime" HOTELS. Hotel Belvedere. European plan. Fourth and Alder sts. Esmond Hotel. Rates: European. 50c to .31.50 per day. Front and Morrison sts. HOUSE FURNISHERS. Some Furnisher Furniture. Carpt, Parlor. Goods, Stoves, etc. See I. ir urts t Sons. 173-175 First, 219-225 Yam hill. Both phones 304. INSURANCE. Buffer, Burgard Co".. 251 Washington t "V : SLOT MACHINES. - ii .tvlee: repairing; phonograph, reo ir..n.rmt lnenral Mirh irtm ft . i . ora. . . . w Wahlngton t . Th klihasn Statloaery CrMorrison uet. . VI .v,-. Jmea-R. Swing," Bookeller.' T. L C. A. ?BldgVia I Fsurtb. t. Portiand. ' FOR SALE REAL .ESTATE. REAL ' ' Estate end .General Business Agendy.- B. Budl. ld First St. ' Classified Advertising c JIAVEYOUAV?, JEWELER8. Balding Brds., Diamond, Watches, etc., 40 Third Bt Tbs L. C. Henrjchsen Co. Jeweler and optician. 384 Washington t Th G. Heltkemper Co., manufacturing Jewelers. 280 Morrison st John - A. Beck, watches, diamonds, etc., 207 Morrison at LAUNDRIES. Clean TowI Dally. Comb, brush, soap, 31 Mr month. Novelty Supply Co., 40 48 N. Nlntb t. TeL 41a LI V E R Y 8TABL E8. Frasier & McLean Livery Stable. Both phone 80. No. 208 to 208 Fifth st MASSAGE. W-(ft Faulkner, room 16, 351 MorrUon MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Flute, guitar, mandolin and banjo in struction. Prof. E. A. Smith, residence 254 Twelfth. Phone Brown m. Fisher Music Store. Everything in music. Phone Red 62. 180 Third su LADIES' TAILORING. Ladles' tailor-made suits; fancy embroid ered and applique dresses and trimming. Stephan's. 29 Alder st MONUMENTS. Otto Schumann, monumental and build ing work, 204 Third St., Estimate on lirat-clas work and stock, only. PAWN BROKERS. Unci Henry, 43 North third t Portland Lon Offloe, pan Marx, prop., 74 Third (., near Oak. Phone Brown 473. Uncle Myers. Jeweler. 143 Third st PIANOS. Soule Bros. Piano Co., 338 Washington st PHOTOGRAPH ER8. E. W." Moore, crayon and oil portraits. . xniru ana vvasmngton sis. PLUMBERS. Taylor A Stanton, plumbing and steam . fitting. . 83 Sixth st REAL ESTATE. Lehman Loan and Collection Agency. 708 Chamber of Commerce. , J. F. Compton. Phone Black 828. 303 Washington st The King Real Estate Association. 723 Chamber of Commerce. . E. F. Riley, 608 Chamber of Commerce. . i Cbas. IL Korell, real estate and mortgage loans. 251 Washington. Main 688. RE8TAURANT8. Morris' Lunch and Coffee House. Below imperial Hotel, Strouse's Restaurant 229 Washington St. City Chop House and Restaurant, 13 Third St., N. . ORIENTAL SHOOTING GALLERY. Ths latest quartiscope views, 83 Third st. STORAGE AND ' TRANSFER C. 0. pick.nlcerF7rt Cbt Stark and Oak; phone 596. Piano and furni ture moved and packed for shipping; commodious fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Clay sts. Furniture, Piano and Safe Moving and Packer. Charles M. Olsen, 128 First street. TYPEWRITERS. Th Smith-Premier Typewriter. 122 Third street. All makes of typewriters for rent. Supplies fort all machine. JU A TICKET offices. THREE TRAINS DAILY f ; Overland Ticket Office. 140 Third st; 3 FOR ALL POINTS EAST to 320 saved to all points. rvi tM rwi. ' TAILORS. UNION DEPOT. f Lesv. I Arrive. r ' ' . omCAGb-PORTLAND 9:0it am 4.80 pm -" We call for. clean, press and deliver one tJUC bpeciau " Daily DaUy ' wL?-et or 1100 montn- 433 For ths East vis Hunt- . ' . Washington st Ington.- . Jjm .' Bon Ton Tailoring Co.. 84 Third St.. oppq- SPOKANE - 8-P Djt" . ' alt. Chamber of Commerce. . , l ffg jrSl DfcUy f Hi7'e JUilS"M, ATLAlmCPREi: 8:Ed pm 8:10 cof' " '. , '?.?,VL-.il iMorri,ln f; For th East via Huat- Dally - Dally , ; J-.- .WALL-PAPER. jngton. , J .. , ,t , i fTrViste OCEAN AND . BIVEB.JsCHKPTjXBY.yf f painter. 141 Seventh st. corner Alder. FOi baN FRAN- From 1 1 1' j i '" . . CISCO AlnS f ! Ernest Miller & Co.. wall paper and dec- 8S. ColumDia- worth orations. 127 First st. April 7, 17, 37. t " .Dock ? '"' .. - , - i .i 6S. Geo. W. E4dr- 8:00 pm - - j ! ' - - - AprU 3. 13, 23. T ' srlj - ' BANKS. FOR ASTORIA . nd 8:od pnv ' 5:00 par -'' " 1 way points, conneettng Dally Dally - ' ' CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE with str. for Ilwaco and ex Sun Sua , With which Is amalgamated North Beach, str. Has-Sat 19 , THB BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, salo. Ash street dock. p m ' Capital paid up .000.000 roit"CORVALLlS and T:46am" 6.00 pnT Scii 'fffi'SSF. . 'r War- ', Account, opened ?of 110 and 'up- gggLL .Lf ... " . ward and Interest allowed on minimum FOR DAYTON, .Oregon 7:00 am 3.00 pm -monthly balances. Rates on application. City nd Tarnhlll Rlvr Tu.. Mon... . Su Washington st points, str. JKodoe. Ash Thur, Ved- , , 244 WaM ' E. A WTLD. Manager. Street dock. Sat Frt , , . " (Water permitting.) ; ' i '1. ADD A TILTON, HANKKKS - Transact a general banking buslneaa. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collection made at all point on favor able term. Letters of credit Issued avail able In Europe and the Eastern Stages. " Sight exchange and telegraphic trans fers sold on New York. Washington. Chi cago. St. Louis, Denver, Omaha, San' Francisco and various points in Oregon, Washington. Idaho, Montana and British Exchange sold on London, Pari, Berlin, Frankfort end Hong Kong. "erchaWTdNAoI'r.BANK- j Frank Watson ..... R L. Durham T." UilVl Vice-President Cashier - u..t Atftn ro. TRANSACTS A'GENERAL BANKING inter United State Depositary. Drsfts and letter of credit Issued avall able to all parts of the .world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought LONDON ft StmfTED,ClSC BA? Chamber oCommu.ldln, Third Head office, 68 Old Broad street. London. This bank transacts a general banking business, makes loans, discounts bills and Issues letters of credit available .for trav iter and the purchase of merchandise in any city of the world. Deals In foreign and domestic exchange lntrt ttsld on tlm deposits. . nwr V. a. Macrae, Mcnager. MONEY TO LOAN. a vw MONET to Loan ion city mtc end tm- previ btarl ra Tarroa. a h &.u tark Street. W A. HATHA v A i -money to loan.. 18 "washlngtotn Building. Phon Hood 413. CARPENTERS ANO BUiLPERSi JShSA. Melton. Carpenter and BulldC 8uT Stark t.; office) and tor fixture t"i''t nl remodeled. lt.rlng nd re tailing bous.s. 1 hone Vaia UV HAT Help Waated. set Wasted, km,. Ue T C Caatract nf e aaplieatlei. VIA SOUTH Depot Fifth and I Street. Leave. inwej OVERLAND EX-i 8:30 p m TRAINS, ior Baiem, ttou burg, Ashland. Bao- 8:30 a m rarnento. . Ocdea 7:0 . . San Francisco, Mo- Java, los Angeles JD1 Peso. New Or ' 'K-'' f . 'rlv:i.-,i leans and th East At Wood burn (dally exoent Bun- day), morning train connects with train! ror ml AnxeL Sil ver ton. Brown-! Villa Rnn.fl.A and ; Natron, and Albany Local fori Mt. Angel and 811- verton. 4:00 p m 7:80 a m 114:50 pm Albany nasaenrer 10:1 a M 5:50 pa uorvallis passenger nneriaan passenger lis:zs a m Da" y. IIDally except Sunday. Rebate tickets on Sale between Port, land. Sacramento and San Francisco. Net rates 317.80 flrt-clss snd 814 second-elass. Beeond-clas Includes sleeper; flrst-olC does not. . Rate and tickets to Eastern point and ? f Also JAPAN. CHINA. HONO LtJLtj and. AUSTRALIA. Can b ob- talned at Ticket Office, No. 354, cornet Wellington and Third. - - ' i 1 TAMHILL DIVISION. ' " Passenger Depot, foot ot Jeffsrsoa St, Ljavs Portland daily 7:20 a. m.. 11:10, . 1:6S1 . . 40 8:24. 1.80 p. m. Daily ex cept Buml.y, 6:30, 9:40 a. m., 8:05. 11:21 p. m. Sunday only, 3am.' 1:86. 3:10. 4:30, 6:15. 1:44?, lOp. m. Dallil except Sunday, 6:35, 8:30. 10:58 a. m.; ex- cept Monday. U:40 a. m.; Sunday only, 10.06 a. m. , fl Leave for Dallas dally exeept Sundsn 8:05 p. m. Arrive Portland 3:30 a. m. Passenger train leSves Dallas for" Alrlle Mondays, Wednesdays snd Fridays at tiff P-, m- .Returns Tuesdays and Saturdays.' Except Sunday. ' , . V. A. SCHILLING, City Ticket Agent. W. K, COM AN, . Freight and PasMngei Agent . -. i 'in inn. In''..' : iW TIME CARD rl OF TRAINS PORTLAND j Denart ArrlVCi North Coast Limited.. .1:00 p. m. T:00 a. nw Twin City Expr....ll:80p. m. 1:30p.m. Kansas City and Bt. liouis epeciai i:s.m. ix.iv v w i Puget Sound Limited. . : l iau m. 4:45 p. at : Take the Puget Sound Limited for Olympic, South Bend and Gray's Harbor . point. All train dally. Four . train daily to Tacoma and Seattle. . Three through to the East ; ' AD. CHARLTON.' 'V Asst. General Pass, Agt. ' 358 Morrison tret Portland d. tjre. TICKET OFFICE. Third and Washing ton. Telephone, Mala 713. Portland & Asiatic STEAMSHIP CO.; t For Yokohama and Hongkong, catling at Kobe. Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamer for Ms--nlla. Port Arthur and Vladlvoatook. ,'; For rate and full information call ea or address officials or agent of th O. R N.'.CO.' . - V. .... Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. r DEPOT FIFTH"" Leaves, j AND I STREETS. Arrive Till Pl.JB"."! " ii.. r'l.tvliiuite.West ria.Varrenton. Fla- 8:00 A.M. vcl, Hammona, r-ort Iflteven. Gearhart Pk.. Soasld Astoria 11:10 Alt land , -weasnora x. press, uaiiy.. Astoria Exprcds, Dally. :8 P.M. 7:00 P.M. "Ticket office. 2S Morrison street end Union Depot.. t,!..-. ant lr C. MA XV. vnriiw-. - - - Astoria, Or. - 1 ' . . ARCHITECT ANDENOIER. Fred A. UJPl?SS2: el vna imsswimj, lgned. - ' ' - - BARBERS. joiepnrRldV8'orriOB tl C V. Hsri Fifth... tre-t' riCYCL! tred X ISfl umct. 1 I I W OCDIN. SrtASUI j I liftt soufr. IO j JPP .1