4 V ': r rrr& -gvtet&G jounyjaii PoiiAid)iiEGoywEi)i3T3PAYt jttct n; jloos. GARTENS Should depart bfPub ; :Hc Schoolsr, . Hon. i a Wooahea asksd f The Journal U gv hi Pblte kliMJergs2tuav. trongty, d?c4. tm; nuyingi ' . ', ---.'...' " ' Ai m twig la bant so U th tre bwUneoV :Kmdergann should bpart t our public, sebooj ays.temr,.bnd. h little twl toward th right. , ? The boy I th "father Of the wan. XI should b started Tight, ana kinder garten should b part of our public school system. . . , . J Th girl today la th mother of tb ' nrxt-generation. 8h should ho. trained aright at an aarljr Ag. and kindergar tens should Da part of our pnbtie achool . ayst.y'?..; IV "- '.T'vS fWi a pend thauaaada on ft high school, Vhtch;! thf end of tb iwbhd choo ca reer. j Wa leaya tha beginning to chancy and to oiftea to the gtterv Tet th b glnning Ha mbrejmportant than', th end, W'paopta'ttitnfc'wyMjii should a left to get his own education, and that little Children "ehould t their education at home. That wllj be true when the op- . portunlUe bfllf 9f oqnal t alLBut, In suite of the shallow talk to the con trary, ' they era' not uali: 1 Mea-nwhltal th boy becomes V votr nd too girt a mother, and it lt tha latereet'of th tuta to-ne? thai tb boy an Urt' r educate morally, toentally and physical ly., .Childhood- la the jmpresslonabl age, TV-hat I learned in the early year sticks. Tbejifor, la fbtfjd;tha3f4 Wergeen f-lSfSffS f Jri jS2ll enurso snonsna ta r a1 rhllif frnm flk U Wwflrfcis eUn that 'much Jali Th' Wilil AinAevA Is, mif.li entitled aa the ebittovea'&and,!' !? iMUt 14j! .v'tmnt l i ' If Uhaindetf,8 iflrfb-'fr pMttrte echool aystenM thiioecoaae! Mgr.. m year en aaoM 3O0O if" taxable' propart. But a man ouht to ba'aaluuned to count the. coat t: doing hta' duty by the Uttle Be." ! O-S, ."A, UVtV V . ' 11 - "If la those who have not telaur mad roomy homea who wlU and ought to profit moat by the klndorgajFtaa ayatent ThewK foro, tha laboring men and women should ee.that full vet la polled , for the free kindergarten. - i .j( i- .i I - v. "If the propoaltloif lg txot carried now, thoaa men and women who have hitherto been giving their time and money la aap port of fret klnderrarten Intenda to atop ' . Why should they go oa at their own lxpenaa4a a work which. It will then eenv the people dd pot wantt Get out Vetweta and next Monday and Tot lor he kindergarten." - SHAU1WE EXHIBIT? ' T Bof rd of Trade Js sending .out the following' letter to th' Portland mer chants and producers, la regard to .th Japan Industrial posltloa t be held la Osaka la 1903; . "Gentlemen The Japan, National Bxhi- blUoa will b opened March 1 to July H, : : MJ,, and -a at large number of people from all parts of Asia wlU visit this fair, It wlU alt or d great opportunities for dis playing and advertising American goods. ; ''Fifteen acre of ground will be set aSido for foreign exhibitors, , an4, office fra of charge. - - i . , V "Applications for apace should be for warded not later than July X, 1902,' td th effleo of Chief Commissioner, Fifth In dustrial Exhibition," Tokejo," Japan, with detailed explanation Df exhibit, with plans af machinery, horse power, etc "ExUllrtts.jnust be acnt ,nd arranged between January ft and February JQ,. 103. JHectrto pfarwlU -p. u?l8tid free of charge."'. ' - off the Board of Trad Jan 17 at t p. m. toi arrange a, dennlt plan ( action. f, making a c real table exhibit from Oregeni and yo r , reapectniUy, : Invited totbd jiretent c"dkaaslst In,. ihla.jihipOrtant Jnat4 ter of keeping Portland ;ana Oregon to th front, : -MASONIC LODGE The Grand Lodge of Oregon, A F.' ana A, !M.wm called tp order by M. TV. ' Grand. Maaur ..MK, Grace at 10 o'clock today In th Maaonlo Temple, and routine boslnesa; occupied the morning. This af ternoon' tho' annual election of offlcert occurred. t y FISHWHEEU DISPUTE. Albut nosa today filed suit In the State Circuit . Court against MyrUe Bee w compel "an accounting to an alleged flshwheel .contract. .. - The whael a Ic es ted In the Columbia 'Hver. It fs claim ed that tha 'defendant has refused to pay over one-half of the profits of the bust nee, which la aatimatad at present t amount to S2S a Say; and that the plain tiff is denied th privilege f going open th premlafla. Th court Is asked to ap point a receiver; compel an accounting, and to taaka ai order, turnlag Abe- prop rtx hack to tlie. owusr"', ,' . " . 1 WHEAT MARKET eAN;t,BANCISCQ,-,June JL Wheat, DR. R, 0. N0RTHRIP OSTEOPATH . ' - - Treat Soooaaftilr AO f r - r C'.T.cet 4l$ Dekura Building, ' TLird and Washington St. CtU for L'teratura-' ' . -.vjaHiinii iL- .vV -rf- ' The song recital lyeo at. Jrarabas' Ball laat night , attracted a iarga and well ploased audience. The concert Opened with a selection -by .tha male quartet Messrs. Boyer, Hogue. Zan and Mont gomery. iTaera. in no coartet 1a: tbaty holding tha -prestige of "tha, and" It vwfl deaerTa4TIjf: aaaf Romao'a lad der .NeldllnaTer). and wera .heartily ap plauded. ,Mias Mary Case then sang, it being her "Brat appearance In Portland. She is a charming girl, and most grace ful. She haa an axcallent 'stage pres ence, and bar appearance was enhanced by ber kpproprlat ' costume of red, which watsdhir "dark jeomplexlon and dainty "iaea. . With th singing of her first ton- .JXylyiBprlng,,,1 by Coeaen) - she1 arouaed interest that In creased 1 with later appearaacea r Her voice bt vara 'contraTtov and saver a syl lable is lost through the range of -snasle. Before th eretilng -waih over'-, th Ui dlonrt'WagfaWy? .taaolaata"'"'wltavT music-Bh sang a -double number. with Mr. Xaa," but aha U, heard best to o1m, as. her . Tote is. not heary enough for th parts of a duet, . Ther ia sympa theUc InDectldn to fter. tones that almost brwoght-itears to 'th" ayes when she sang, 01VMofher MlnT n4 I41 Boy Blua'1 ancorea ah sang a German lullaby and a Scotch ballad. The auartet aang Oft to the Stilly Mghr wltn grand effect and Miss Case gave three aelectiona from Neldllnger. Mr. Zan's rendition of rXsrafer;waa and was ta contrast with th laat song h - gava. . "Where Ere .To 00,5, a beautiful composition br maaet,v jHls tolc may not tare eeaa ltbeet glory, but there la ft op portunity tor criUclata la his delivery, Mis Case gava th . . concluding num WpkvMUat 'Ift tht JdtJ&y , . Men delssohn, that was perfeot sermon In its depth of feeling. The aocompanlst was Mr; Edgar Couraen. and his ability was recognised also-la th applaua giv en the others. -: rt f-' ' ' r r. A I'ROUISD TOWN.' ft8Vcretir ft'VU Clty'BoardrofCh ' tlei W. B.' ttalpoTe 'state that Mrai Um, ; Ww.waa goe, aron? taMW- tng. SML4S. ut,sisuiw oi pt,siimv daaidea Wag1' afflicted .with, btia) is ai laaposurT.'.ae-- Is knowa-. to .possess property In CwMfusai. worth $6600. . N. C Oviatt;'ot.!' f -acootntant la Sher iff Fraaier'aQlQce.' states that up t data 1421 blarclcV Ug' hav. bea. disposed of by the cbunty.. It U aot .llkety that any aelauree -of - whoa will aa made at this term of ffioa, 'That task will b toft to tto next Uherlft, .jU ,4 ' ' M. W. " Tlroreson, - of . lavtnWOrth, Jtaa.. aas written t Mayor. Bow. In quiring for th whereabouu f bis son, Andrew, from. whom ha. has not hoard elnce laat April, Thoresoft U HT years old, llght.halr, tall and Weighs 1 pounds ; Th Central W. a T, tlnion met this afternoon- at Taylor Street M. B. Church and the rtower- Mission prorram was given by Mr puts. An latere ting address waa given by MraJ Ada Unrug. " Isaac D!Ubn,")b.l5.r'wf' 1 'believed t have been drowned last week, near Xo pas Island. Puget Sound, waa well known la this city, having formerly been Jo cated here as, a pastor and for a num ber ef years as th .editor of th Paclflo Christian .Advocate, He spent SO years lit the ministry In this stata and was placed'' on the sujwiranuated 'list' about three weak ago. , 'Henry Austin Adams, th promldent Catholic lecturer, delivered tls first ad. dress last eight at the Baker Theatre to,.a larga aadlanc that gave marked attention to hi dlsoourse on the life of this 'great Englishman, Cardinal New man, kis watery f th tasidenta and influences' of th life of this great man were interesting, yet not so much so as his comment upon them. He Is an excellent 'eoeaken. and will b heard all week WL. analects! that will prove as In tor estlcg aa the .first, IHls theme tonight la "Th Middle Ages." ; MORGAN IN LONDON. - (Scrlppa-MoBa News Association.) - LONTJON,. 'June - 11-Piarpoat MdrgaA arrived per1 ttiia morning, tit nenieu that his mlsRlon had anything to o"Wlth . Vital Qfntiet!a r vir-f-.-r' r. r J, leth.rofflCr Uenef haa lust Usjied msrrepcxi xor auty. waioa is uiii)ri, w roliffws : ' Tjlrths-iale, - B;r femaJ. U. Deaths-Male, M; females. IS. Fifty-nine ' .Vw. . A . . . ' .. . .L.a.a ortne oocaasea wersona.wero marrieo. MARRIAGE UCENSEST s ; Harry Moore, SJ,' Rosa Jonneoh, 1. William W. Banks, S; Sthal E. Pike, sas. , . . 7 HEALTEf REPORT ; Effle Gardon, .480 Jefferson j searletlna. - 17. S. Hend, Couch and Park streets; smallDbx,' j ,v,3-Vr: B.' Croua;' W Montana avenae; amall- POX. . r i. t Mr Aa Ceeteel, TJntverslty Park; diphtheria. ; : . iulta Petarsont T ttast fifteenth; ery sipelas. .. ''''.'..,. ; Oertrud Hotoaa, Beattl, smallpox. jEdgar . Wrthmuir, f$ t Svententh street scarlet-fever. ' . ' t q. V,, Wright, H4 Fourth. masle,t;j Mrs. J. Hlcka, 5a Fremont, mumpa-VT, Helen r White, 8UI Borthwlck, chicken pa.' DEATHS; rt III ' r V-tS- Gaorg.. "Wold,: bounty .Kospltsj. . lung trouble, aged-ta. i . David Hunter Cuntjr Hoapltal, heart dlses agedTtt.-' ' v- ; Laurrey- Carey,.lT Caruthers, cerebral congestion aged t monthA ; Anna Bchopp. 3M First, heart dlseasa, aged- 61 ... V- ' Oaorge :'Betison, ' 'Portsmouth, heart failure, aged 83. ' Charles Shurmaa, 454 Seventh street sppandldtls. aged C. - - 1 ' v " ' -" M'i. ' Ti Edward' Holaaaa CndertaJt tats Ca fnnwra ttMraetara aaut am balasers. S80 Yamhill.. Fhoae 60?. ...;-(t MfeKajaHBaantesatwMaaNBawassasSaBta ' '-'C- .-: J. P. Finlcy & i 6onj " Undertaker and Embalmcrav - comr. .Third ; and UfTrsort street, do flrrt-claar Work and deal honorably with ftll, ' -""" . skaawssaSBlaiiissawiaBassa ,' ' "Otto 8chumann monumgntal and building, work, 204 Third St. Est I. mate on first class workonly. Passports,Pacific Cable arid jsthrrifBillf C6hsidereaS$Sc (Journal Special Servlc-i -, . v WASHINGTON, June lWTh tanat today passed unanimously the Houn. bUl authorising the granting wf paarports to sltlssns of Porto Rlco-n4 th Ipptnea - '';)V' : ' '" Th Hous took" np th"Coriisi "IU construction of 1th Pacific cabl by -'th government Richardson oppoaed it, ta vortg h Commercial Cable Co., which asks no subaldyi, Under ifous oommlt-f te It Was- deolded t take up th Philip pin civil government bill June IS and to conclude debate , thereon June J5. 0 In the Senate this afternoon Fair banks spoke In avpr , of., th, Panama rout when th Isthmian bill was taken up. H Waa onndnt that pertcot, titt could be obtained. . , . rait Chlf MctaucWan received A 'dispatch today from .the chief of .th Evanstqtt Wyo.Y police, announcing th "arrest that f George McCray., wanUd bar for Obtaining money by false pretenses from th WlUamtt OU Company. i The local police have been tracing Mc Cray up for about three weeka- As soon a reaulsltlon papers can .b made, put J Detecuv Henry For wui d sent east to bring th iugttv hack,, 1 ul H u.-i f 't -YlT j"3 (IurnaU Special flervlT.)ia.I )o 'NiSW IOBK, jIn.llp-;A;Botpn IW dloatai is.aendlcc 4pert -tojCapscrt Bering Be, to investlgataove- placer e poaiut containing tin, sample of which run as high a M per cent, - The deposits worn discovered last talL. "': ' Th syndicate proposes to erect a smel ter an Pugct Sound. " - m m lost (Scrtppa-McRa News Assoc la tloa) , ) PEXJBIA, UL. June U.Th worst storm for M years 'raged her for four hour last night and this morning, t Seven lives are known.' to have bean lost, and untold damage ha been dona' Wirea ar dawn in all directions., LIFE; SENTENCE. v(Bcripps-Mcvfte News Association.) LUCA, XUly, June lL-Bandit. Musso Uno waa today sentenoed to 1U Unpris-. onment. CITY COUNCIL i At an adjourned session of .th City Council hold today, preliminary, steps wer taken toward a much-needed im provement of some of th city street. , Councilman Mulkey Introduced a reaxv lutloa to improve First, Seoond,- Third, Fourth, Fifth sad Sixth straets with; ce ment sidewalks and stene curb.. Th Improvement of Sixth la ta astetd from Irvlngtoa to Taylor, Fifth from Glisan to Jefferson, and the remainder Of those named from" Davis to Jefferson, . The resolutions wera referred The Auditor was instructed U ask th City Attorney for an opinion if th work I vonld'ha'wbvis'WirHfS bonding-ajctwetaaaV "7rre?frrumftnv-",ubrt)rtrtd' sTCTft tlons for the permanent improvement on Th mehibera-thln. went InboK arbonimlt- . weni 1 in w.ar commit- -ceaslde? iectrio I tee of the Mrbol it flight franqfilsa. At the. meeting of th Batarn altar or der yesterday morning. It waa annaunceJ that 199 ot .tb A. 6.. U, . W. delegate wer member of th order of Eastern Star, and a motion carried that they be given the privileges of the order while her, and a number wer present at tb afternoon meeting. ' ?-.,' The installation of the worthy mat rons .of .the new order .under dispensa tion, was held yesterday, . after nootv, and officers for the nutngtyear. vere' after wards elected. The new officers are prlnclpaHy , tb V former, ones I advanced. Thev" are to be 1 lnatalfed tbmArrowf iOrand worthy matron, Mrs.; iAe .Town Son, of TJallasi associat , grand worthy triatrOtti' Mf. ,Ilelen )P,( Gtatch, .Of' Salem; grand, patron, Darwin Brlatow, of Cot- tage 3rov: associate grand patron, C. P. Wiegand-' of; Portland; grand secretary. Mrs: Vary J8eotf Uyera ot Th Dalles; krand treasurer,' Mrs. Bay flherwln, of Ashland': 'grand conductresa, Mrs. Delia Houston, of Portland; associate - grand eatvductressi lairs; -Thomas V, Ryan, of Oregon dry.' The remaining Offices are fllled bf appointment after the installa tion ."which . look place this afternoon. This morning th rcutln btatnes session was continued. ..s. ;- v.,.,;- .- y. , .. - I IH ,..ii n A' ' im wtAintKi? :, v .,:!;'-rawwt: Light thunderstorm hav again e curred at Los Angeles and - San Clego and thunder atorma ar , als reported In Southern Utah, Iowa aad - Northern Illinois, .- wi-lwi' The pressure! has JlmlnishedS In the North Paclflo .states . and .th . aondltlons am, again somewhat, unsettled, hut no rain ( has falleo fat that secOon- during tha laat hours.w..'?-v? ?.t The IndlckMon are for generally fair weather in this district Thursday, with n' narked (Chang In temperature. ',-,''t ' " if- Pbrecast OfllciaL ' .! ii The new Blrectory lust isauid by the Columbia Telephone Company shows that company o am arswiar , . piiEliilliifcislt Days at the 4 Just Think! Ten happy( blissful .U9. iwiy;i).-. heat and ''iiwtXittliltlMtin of "city-" ,jurhrnct''j weathen Tende-, lihtful, t cai;e-frce day at 6ld .Ofce vvjo$e; JNeze ; Drrincss to, the 'eye, ano saw And best' of "all, wwilr i not, hayito' skimpaton for weeks on short allowance in order to enjoy tt, for , r. m The journal Pays AH-the Bills... ' To Che fnost popular youns woman- in Portland Th jJouiroar wllf 'glv a ten, days trip to the seaside and pay her expenses down and back, and her hotel bill while there. To rfetermlrie h poptilartty a vote will be taken and the one reeelvln: the most votes will ert the' trip. The 'one gettlnr the next hlghestnumbcr WlU be tlven a trip lastlnf from Satur day to Mondayrall free. The one who Is third in. the list will receive a trip' up the lordly Columbia and return. ., - This Is chance for the worthy yoifnjr women - Who till' busy places In the city to t 1 d-jtt! i - 1 dgi7a , .n ' fi- - (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) WAbHINQTON, June-U Th beet u gar'men m the Senate ar much elated at tha revelations mada'sT' ht?r her, president at the Stat aprt 'Assow elation, befor the Senhto .ooninsltt On relation with Cuba, to the effeee that h had been employed by th CubanmlU' tary gcvernmeijf to assist in th work of preparing s tariff for th Island. Al tar expense of th government, ne had circu lated many documents, h testified. Ta beet men Ulk "fir itart!Tirrff "Investiga tion a te the wy Wo4 aTet InsuUir funds and proposing a suspension f th reclprod bill until Inanlry.can hd mada . in. um I I li ' BEEF mi (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) , NEW ORLEANS. Jun U.--Th Fed- cfat Qraad Jory which ha been invests gating th alleged beet tat, wa dis charged today at noon, no Indictment h.vig been returned, aa 41 was n4bt t gt tnfbrmstlon desired from .witnesses. 'i. i i i - , i i i i ir -i v Election Officers 'Scarxe:" - Sohool Clerk Allen Is finding son) dli- (loulty In -securing a force f oompetent judges and slerka for tha school election to ba held In this city Monday.-, Tb judgea and clerks must b residents ef th wards in which th tvotea ar east, aad must be taxpayrs.:-.Buslnesa men a a rule avoid tali tug ibe iWaad It makes the task of finding othe qualified person to not all the harder. .If Allen. worked all day yesUrdajr.on.tn 1 and th total will-not be computed unfc thl afternoon. Woman can serve. . Thee,r Si. ward in the city, and. the taw reaulre that a polling place shall be established In each. rt ii lis inn i 1 1 i PROVEN Here's the Plari' take vacation trip. "" tyuiH.it j'jh !- -u.ki.-s bit and' i Marty mW njW b)i ocaiehar ' One director ,Uf t flecUd' to, succeed J, V, eeelf, thd present ncumhenL WK Ked fs V candidate .for re-election, Kls opponent 1 V, W. Brethcrton, tax agent of th Southern .faclfla Railroad Com panyt who residence is .on th Cast sid. - . - : , , t Th Question of taking the f re klnie'r gartan schools Into,' tha system will also b. voted upon at this election. . 1 . . A STR1K1NQ PICTURE. By special request of th management of fh- whR Conar;rin en fh. oocasipfli of i th , passage 'oIt. tho Salley ;tert through th Cascade Locks and tha rap Ida with tb delegate to th A, a tf. W. conventlc on' board, an onasually sxosi. lent picturs wa takea Th versx was donf by; Use Brother of Warren data This ptotur shoaid -ho a pleasing aouve nir fv th delegatas to taka to - tlxtr Eastern homes. '' Special views wr taken at The Dalle and off' board ih steamer by 3.1. Brill of Portland who Is on of th tmort promising of th matnr ph. tographars f .the mr'''--'' ni. f.i n I hr-V'f,, v ( uet Promolionsv.- i . Fro' mSaa- Franeisc. 'comes thJ an. nowncantent of th pramottoft of the fol lowing afnotal of th Soutttern Facfflc: ; Chart jr. 'Wilder, to b aasistent audi tr f th Paclflo ystem. , - . ' -David W. Hornsburg. to b freight ud Its f the Paclflo( system, , ' -, Henry B. . Lincoln, to b- -assistant frlghf Auditor of the Paclflo' system. - ' i . " i - - : .police record; John j. Crest and Roy Alton, arrested for breaking nic. a boxcar and stealing OuahtJty o( shoes, pleaded guilty . In the Polio Court i thi afternoon and war given .10 and: eight months, respectively, tnT.thounty'JalL..;-,'U:i.-:;.;-'-'.'f4v'' . Jilll .DaUji'.was .givea 10. daya'la.th county fail, and fined 1200 for having cor caln la his possession, W.ii'j';-'V'?"'' 5 Jennio U. Lawtcn. swore out a warrant and Conditions ;I VOTE P0R ; , At, ;r vfASTrnlorttTAWTrrli f, Journal Vacation Trip. Win a9C foWr h arregff of het'iovf. h: Roedi-Orta'tharga of'threatentalf "to km. Th man is tryinr to fore th"ro mw Of lirtareoetv Bis attahttoas.; ' i Th c4' of ' Mary William, 'wbtte. charged with' her coloi associate, Btny WaddSli; with YoDbfng'' an VBaat India named Louis Samuels, was again eonOn ud. wddll wa Sentenced W Says lata vestardav afternoon SHRINERSELCa OFFICERS. " . . --ilin ill I ii mi i- .". V, '-f-- (Journal Special , neryloe.) ,' , - , BAN FRANCISCO, Jua lWTh lmpe rial 9ouncfl of -Mysti Shrnjer today looted penry ,Cf. Alkn of . Omaha Impe rT Fotantat. All th other officers war promoted" to -thg 'ncxt ; higher poaitlon. Frank C, Rotindy of Chicago .was slt4 IntssiVt OrtTna,it BIRTHS. To Mrs, XtylandJ3 McCluBg,! fth and Oaa hoy?. l' . ; To alrt. Mrs. Orani Cala,-ihpUal, v To Mrs. Gotlleb Xlaahlan n First, a To '-:Arj'timyVJiim avanw,. a 1mj.r i?BWLoiisa permits; Fred Frtt,; repair, Secoad Burn- fde; $45001 A M. , Lusure, on-story honsa, XCast j xwnty-nrst ana Eiisworta: iwn, :. v Oregon Telephon Company, repairs. West Park and AMwt.tWOa.:.;,.-. Abb Pace;, cottage, Oidoa f and A. streets,' HOW. l.X? ... , A, .Strong -storyj cijttag. East Ash and Seventetot&;tl60&- Dk Thomas ' Darling, 1-story .nous,' East Wth and; Belmont, ilJO. ; , School District No. 1. addition, $20,000. ' Oregon Telephon ' Co.,- building, SL Ahaumy!-nnd-;thiai4exiir ?.i f-j x !; aaafotd amith, tory lltng; Sast J2tb and Bast mr t2K -i-ii : Ok . K. Relger, s-story dwlling. Xast Seventh and llamoahvl $UtKk.4- - ! ? v' L Roberts, tHftory house. Park and Montgomery $3Mf "y.'vt. rva-f ' r..V:' ft'-:-'.,;. "iV i. ;N-i; vf: - .:. ,,Ji,-- -- . . "r. : !i ": tt r . - ,p, - - -f ",fr. T " .s-'v..- i' Who Will GetiThis: Trip? VWHV NOT CHOICE? 4 ivl J s , ' i 4i -,'js.hj. 1 Fill out the Coupon, tend U . ,lnv talk, to your friends who read THE JOURNAL and uX thent f0,wprt:; for; your;; workWH 3wttIV' wllllftit YOU SEND YOUR CHOICE and youMr b repaid . for your trouble many times, The '.Journal - -Pays All. the Bills ' One coupotl eivary day. Six coupons wlU be given : lor a week's pal J In ad- Vance anbscrlptlonj twen XyAx vote will be given . tor a month's paid to ad- -vahce subscription, and Mventylht .votes will be riven for entity three month's paid la advance , subscription, I f ?w ;ax: aj tst hs :rEl tatesUfer OS- $s 'A Jt9 ! 'i.'ui s f wT wtwoS fl, C. Cruson to Katharta Tremblay. y i lots IS and li Mock V ISsadow Parh$ ISs L. A Plks t ux to Lola M. Pttr lot ana 'a, toooh a, Faradto v sttag-i.-.'-",, 'r TltW Ouaraate A Trust Cwmpany to Wllhebnin Catanar, 11 S, Waaai $V North Xivlngtoa Sberllt to O; W. h fjrf Ba -Rosa Lea, BorthwaM of aoatton 1 .'..townataltTj'Bfik.':an'''Mlin Fmma Goldsmith and hslr to a anS jr. Oo1dmlth,!lof L f 4 , htoclt " II, CtoMsrnlth'. Ad41Uon,..r4sS' Portland Trut Company of Ofagoa to Jesat S.: Sortoa, Wt V .aa4 I ' block asS,' Couch's AdHtKWl.... COT, Northern Counti.Jthvestxant Com-, ,. --pny to Wiillaa abaehy. wsst half viArtw i fnrfoa . ' tMl-rfWMW'i.WMW'Wt .$2 1 Oct your TIU Insurance and Abstract to Real jsstate irom me ijivw uiw a. Trust Co., cnannoav ot wsnaw. - , RIVL BUIXET1N. . . . Th rtvr is faniag at. other nalntg la Oregon and WashlngtM aaoept at Part Jaa4W'foroa of- th VeeaJ vecther bureau 1 that tb river at Portland ant Th Da WW Stowly tle dvrftoW remainder, of th week; th tTr at lot ' land robs4!y reaching f f set by next gatnrday anoTT,ft t Tha Dallas by . naxt Friday afternoon. ah stag f tha river at Portland "to. , day l S fat; Th Dalle, $3A feeM Vmatia,- $0A Northport, fasti Wenatche, feti Blparla; 1$ feet Lewlston. lift let; Wir tM fast.' - WANTED; S-Mri and women to tocate ea gome lesant Umber land. 4i CmI.mJIiI MmM-tlffltfvf Sllttffltfaa 2 rflinieditcly., ot Faiiig UUx-