Portland evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902, May 31, 1902, Page 13, Image 13

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1 Tff E OREOONN ; : - 1
I Tinas '.Is the Day to - Dowm Its NefarSous I
"Mlnil offir Politics
The. most important thing today is to down the Oregonian's politick. That paper is the tyrant of politics. It
observes neither decency nor truth. It is outside the pale of civilized political warfare.
It has in turn t abused and lip about eve;J)rominent man of every political party. It abused John
H. Mitchell. It yillified George McBride. It hounded Sylvester Pennoyer with every opprobious term in its
extensive vocabulary. It has whipped Republican leaders and the Republican party hither and thither and has
scourged with remorseless lash every man who has ventured to oppose its merciless dictation. " -
It lies about everybody and everything.
It is now lying about CHAMBERLAIN and INMAN.
It has always opposed labor. It has written laborers down. It has treated them , with contempt. It
now has the effrontery to abuse men who have always befriended labor, under the pretense that it is the only
friend of labor. Laboring men, you know tftot the Oregonian has nlVer been your friend. You know that
IT) ' ft: , , -
in its heart it ''''Hpiesyou and despises you. Vou can alwaya be safe in voting for every man the Oregonian
don't want and voting against every man the Oregonian wants. Don't believe anything it says about Cham
berlaiij, or Ihman or anybody else. It has lied about you. It will lie about them. It has abused you. It now ,
abuses them.
It is time to get rid of the Oregonian as a political factor. Put it out of political business, and' then
the good people of this County and State can settle their political differences, with decent respect for each i
other. To its bullying and bro-beating letnyour ballots answer WE ARE FREE MEN, AND WILL NO
The ring is on the run. Keep it on the run. The Ore
gonian knows that the election of Chamberlain and In
,qian and the Citizens' ticket kills its political pull, and
with the pull, its graft. That is the reason it makes a
desperate effort to beat them by lying, hprocrisy " and
money. , trr
Jack, Matthews knows that if his ticket is licked, his
occupation is gone, and his occupation1 is that of political
grafted. It is up to the people to defend themselves
from a squad that the Oregonian itself has called Politi-
k cal Pirates. It does not make them any . better because
the Oregonian has joined them. Rather worse. Jack
Matthews and Harvey Scott thought they had done the
job of installing their Ring by capturing the Convention
and disfranchising Republicans., But they , counted
wrong. They omitted one element, They did not cap
ture the people, and the only hope is to make people be
lieve their lies. This is the evidence that they are oh-the
run." Keep them on the ninH-r--tK--;--.- M'-:
. Since the Oregonian has been, quoting Hanna in this
campaign, rtad what that paper had to say of his advice
'February 28, 1897: . " ; , ;'
"Mr. Hanria, of Ohio, who is intermedling in the af
fairs, of Oregon, seems to thirik that; heknows more
about Tvliat Ve Vanrnd-what we ought:ta dothirrwf
- know ourselves, -r; But we think that the -man whp got
, only a pitiful 47,000', plurality but of the great State of
, Ohio, on the greatest question pf the age,' is not the best I
. kind of evidence.' . t - "
Laboring men will not be deceived by the Oregonian.
They ought to know their own friends better than the
Oregonian can tell them. It is itself an enemy of labor,
and has fought it longer and fiercer than any other in
fluence in Oregon. - It has constantly misrepresented
the labor side of the controversy, in order to discredit it.
It is now misrepresenting its friends in prder to de
ceive you. A paper that will lie about one thing will
lie about another. Let labor, put no confidence in its
archenemy. r . -
When it fights Chamberlain and Inman so bitterlyj do
not believe that it is out of any friendship for labor. It
is for just the opposite reason. It is because it wants
to beat the interests of labor in the interests of Banker
Furnish and the politician Jack Matthews and the Great
Dictator, the Oregonian itself. . ,7 t T V
. Mfr Williams complains that he; hast not been treated
with consideration in the campaign. Oh the contrary,
his age lias protected him. But in his behalf a vicious
fight has, been made on Mr. Inman based on lies out of
whole cloth. -.' " - . y, .
,r Now, the Oregonian falsely charges that Mr. Inman
is seeking the support ot the vicious class; The fact is
enmity Jo those; who Tote , against hinv ; Jack Matthews
is now spending tnoneyJa;tb:N0nli'JE4'fdert:7ttdi
Williams. But it won't go.' i The hypocrisy of this at
tack is tooplaia1 Larrj; Sullivan gives it dead away.
that Jack Matthews and Larry Sullivan are trying to
round up the North 'End for Judge" Williams. To do
this they, promise, in the name of Tddee ' Williams, im-
ho-Tceor mmandhirregomanrsttc pnr to be-
The Oregonian's charge that Mr. Chamberlain uses
his office in any manner whatever tp improperly influence
this election needs no answer. Everybody knows it is
not true. The best proof is the fact that the Oregonian
relied exclusively on Mr. Chamberlain to secure a fair
primary election. It printed his statement that he would
prosecute all attempts at illegal voting and it did so be
cause it knew that he would do it. He makes the same
statement now, and it knows that he will keep his word.
This is the real reason of its savage attack on him yes
terday. The bribers sent out from the separate Furnish
and Matthews headquarters to debauch the election will
find it dangerous work. Mr. Chamberlain wants no
corrupted votes for himself or Inman, and he means thai
none shall be cast for Furnish or Williams.
Jack Matthews has for weeks' been sending emmis
saries into the North End to line it up for Furnish and
Williams. They bullied and threatened and promised.
To cover up their own nefarious business, the Oregonian
untruthfully charges upon Chamberlain and Inman the
very thing its own minions are doing. "This is nothing
but hypocrisy. The purpose is to give Jack Matthews
the power through Larry Sullivan to work a stupendous
graft., rBut it won't work. ? -
Cold blooded Jack Matthews, uses all things for his
purposes. He relies upon reverence for age taJielp him
establish his ring. f He draws upon respectability for the
support of his ring. And all the time he employs the
most disreputable agencies to intrench his ring.' With;
Judge Williams in one hand and Larry Sullivan in the
other, ne appeals to the people to endorse two antagon
his tool , and. instruments andi.while Jt .is Zdehouncing
thieves and thurs in the! niornirig, Jack devotes his even
ings to lining them upu It's a double action jnaacme
tms Aiattnewi King,
The Oregonian's false statements this morning concerning the,; X"
position of our firm leads me to say : . i ,1
That in the panic times Inman, Poulson & Co. were the last , X'
mill owners by a year to reduce wages. ...... .,t
That after the panic, Inman, Poulson & Co. were the first to
raise wages. . . . 5.,
That we employ more men than any concern in Portland and
they have always been satisfied with our treatment of them, -
That we are not now and never have been unfriendly to or v
ganized labor.
That we have entered into no combination with other mill
owners against the unions or union planing mills and do not intend '
to do so. ' '
The Oregonian's representations are false and misleading.
R. D. INMAN. ' w
M M M t M t M M V
' Oeore E. Cluunberlain,' District Attorney, was asked by f
The Journal if he proposes to take any steps providing lor the;
punishment o any who might violate; the election law He ,
said: 1 can do no more than to renew the pledge made prior (
to the primaries, and published in the papers at that time,
-that-iwUL'arrest and-prosecute suayDemocrat, Rut!tc?n..
Socialist, or other person, who may resort to Illegal r:;' "
upon the day of election. 1 and my deputies If ft '
offices ready to attend to any complaint that m "y I f"