Portland evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902, May 26, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    rnm rmiya joTnurAii; ronT&Ainv onEGofr, moctAy,' hay sg, 1902:
r' ?
V.- I !,,' ,. Il I
. ' ' 'i - J 1 L . .
BAttl) aierl5
Portland e- ....v.IO
, t
H '
1 pynM .;
elena .... ...
,4. 5
ItdDMdir, Thursday, maar, uaiuraay j
and Sunday Tacome at -Portland, Bpo- j
.. kan at Seattle Hutt at iiena
Portland . Butta 6. .. -.
Seattl S. Tacoma 1. vv'::,?.
Spokane 20, Helena t.
Probably the largest crowd that ever
assembled on baseball around la Port
land gathered at TwantT-owth vana
Vaughn atreet ;wit4T..''vAi. M m
Could bo estimated by the box office re-
ealpU and reports from down-town sales,
there van about K people present. And
Portland loot
The flay and (round war perfect for
good, fast ban. but the Portlands war
toot -tiara with the gooda." Several
times they bad a chance to do bualneaa.
but Aid not taka advautaa pf It 'Mo
Cloakey bUr t allows aimply ' outplayed
tha Vlgneux ehampiona and won tha
same. .
Whoa fa local man cane to tat la tba
blntlv tba aoora atood 10 to f, and many
thought tbaro waa no chance and left
tha ground to get the prat place on a
ear. Portland aoarly evened thtnca bp.
aowevar, In this Inning They hit hard,
and Mahaffey ateadlad down and pltcbad
eoraathlng Ilka winning ball. Four run
War piled up, but, with tha bases' ruQ.
IWaad flaw out to Mdntyre, and, wih a
btou,. ium srowa (uspersea.
!fh aoorei - ' ,
" AB. R. H.PO. A. E.
Muller. L fc fcsasjsojsag V 1 i W
JJattal, a. a. .............. a
,Van Burea, a. . .........
Anderson, to, ......... ... 4
flupp, r. . ............... 6
vaad. ab .................. a
Maaasay, lb .........
Vlanaua. a. .........
3. Mahagay. p.
flTotala .
. .40
U S7 10 4 I
vvara, id
M&rahall, Jb I
Mclntyr. a A
Zearfoaa, e. 4
Houta, 1. t, S
Maoaky. lb ........... 4
Trtadway. . t .........
Hawlty. p. S
Burna, p. S
Total 46 10 16 27 10 I
- Moor by innlng-a
Butta ...0 I 1 1 I j 1 0-14
PwtlaBd ... ....0 11.1 r l f 4rl
Karnad runa Butta 6, Fortiana X
Two-baa Mta Anderson 1 Hupp,
weeo. jhouu 1.
-Home runa M6Irifvre. Kin.
. Bacrflcel hit Peisal, Van Buren, J.
Doubla play Anderabn to Mahaffey.
Left OB baaaa Portland 12. Butta 10.
Flrat baae on batia Off Haw ley t, oS
Burna 4. off MahaSey 1.
Hit by pltehad bal-By Hawley 1. by
Mahaffay 2. '
Struck out By Hawlay X, by Burn 2,
or aiananeT b.
Hlta Off Hawlav t. off Burn 1.
Tim of cam Two hour and 10 min
Umplra Cunningham.
Thar la no doubt In any ona'a mind but
that . Portland U tha bast baseball town
ln,.thfi Korthwat. Not onty do the peo
ple turn out In larger number, but tha
v'lsltln teanu ar afforded fairer treat
ment by the audiences. If a visiting- team
play rood ball and doea not anew hood-
lamlahnesa. they are entitled to the am
applause as the home team, and if any
thing should b given a shade tha best
of it. Of course, wa all want to sea our
own men carry off the pennant, but It la
the deair of nearly every on to make it
a personal object to try and make tha
visiting taama feel welcome.
At Spokane yeatarday Helen' flrat
. baseman, McOlllIgan. beoame angered at
soma remark mad a to his playing and
deliberately threw a bail Into tba bleach
ers, hitting a spectator. He waa not only
fined by the umpire, but arrested br a
policeman for assault Such work hur
the game.
Summary of Spokane-Helena gams:
j ' 1 I I 1 I I U I
Bpokan ...1 OOIOOOS 7
Helena ....0 0 0 00 0 0 0 11
Earned runs Spokane J, Helena 1 two
base hltaKussell, Sullivan, Keefe. Three
base hits Frary, McLaughUn. Sacriflcs
w-Mu7 j, Kelts, Elsey. MeKevltt I
Howel s, Peeple. Stolen bases Mc
Laughlin 1 Howalls 2, Frary, Russell,
gonahue. Kelly., Double play Kelly to
Elsey. Bases on ball Off WIgga 8. oft
Russell B. Hit by pitched balls Belts,
Sasey. Struck out By Wlgg 4, by Rus-
By winning yMterday game, Seattle
took tha Series from Taeoma. Trouble
earns to follow Mullm whenevr he
nmplret, and Portland ought to thank Its
star that President Lucas assigned Cun
ningham to this city. No fair-minded
person has questioned the little man's de
cisions, which have always been fair.
True, McCloskey "hollered" yesterday a
time or two, but that Is to be expected
If a habit of his.
'Ac the Seattle-Tacoma gam yesterday
th crowd overflowed the field, making it
necessary foe th do lice to take a hand.
Baseman Andrews from th grounds. The
summary: -
, v llllllf II
Seattle ......... ..2 0 0 0 6 0 1 - J
Tacoma,... 0 000 1 0 00 01
-Earned runs Seattle 2. Two-bas hits
awaie, joaooitt, ilurlburt. D. McCarthy.
Left on bases Seattle 2. Taooma 6. Stolen
Dasps-j. - McCarthy, Letcher. Double
WilalVCW-I HfArn a a- " r.
Bonj'JBchwarts to HuHey First base on
pans mcaey a, u. McCarthy S. Struck
nt-HJckey 9 D. McCarthy 5. Passed
ball Smith. Tim of game One hour and
o nimuira, umpire uuuans. t
i The Albany College track team defeated
the Agricultural College track team at
Corvallls at a dual meet Saturday. The
aummaryt ' - . V '
' BO-yard dash-Torbet, A. C. flrBtiWood
cock, O, A. C, second; wire, A. C, third;'
time. 0:5 t-S.
'Hammer hrow Morrison. ' XI C.1 first:
Bur'naugh and Jackson, O. A. C, second
and third; distance, M feet and S lnchea
f 100-yard'-dash Torbet, A. C. first:
"Woodcock and Uoores, O. A. C aeeond
and third; time, -:10 4-t ; . !
Half-mil runCrawford, A. , C.J first;
Farra,- Ot A; C, aeeond; Marka, A. C.
third; time. 2:1S. - ' -
Broad jumb-Coates, A. C. first; Bar
naugn, u. a. c. aeeond; Morrison, A. C.,
third; distance, 19 feet ( ftiche. . " v
; U;ajrd tiurdl-Cau adWedeoeiVO,
Crawford A. i.
thl6d;-saai.0:l4. i,.
j Shot putBumauvh and Jackaon, O. A.
C, first aad aacoad; BUywn, A C, third;
dlatance,. fl. Jaafe'i. iil.v
10-yard 4aahCaata, A. C, firat; Far-
ta, O. A. Ki aacosd; Wtr A. Q4 third;
-Dtooaa -throw . . Morriaaa,- A. CL flrat;
Burnauvb and Abraham. O.JL C, 00004
and third; fltttaaeav, W .'teat 1 nvftea.
2e0-yard lmrdla Graya. A. c. - flratj
; Howard and Cat, O. A. aaeoad and
third; time. 0:27 4-6.-
I High Jump Thoaipaon and Bwnaixh.
C M anrt -and. wnd;Wlia4.JaJa,
third; helKht, fert I lnche.
. 220-yard daan Roret. A. Cr flrat; Oata,
V.'JAi. OU.aaeoiMlr -ttaa, t:2J .:wy',j
w5 101a rua-Ctawford. Marka, 1 Prltchard,
A. C, nrat, aaeond and thtrd; tlm.
Pol vault Woodcock, O. A. Brat;.
French. A. C. aeeond; OaUatly, O. A. C
tmra; BMg-tit, tet tncbea. ; nvif
:""'. i.-'i. v W01. Lett P.C.
Vpehnrch 4 '" J.000
oragoB vaty-.,. ........... I ; . 1 el
The Monagrama loat to Oregon City yes
terday in a wall-piayed gam at th Faiia
The two club : appear t m th
meracksu of the ftat Leagua, and gea-
erally put up good ball. The summary:
' II ill !
Oregon City wi.1 f I 1 -Monoarrama
....1 fiBBlS8
Earned runs Ore ron City L Mono
gram L Two-base faitaRapp, Rankin.
First baa on balls Off Whltehous 1.
Struck ast-Br Bait 10, try- Yhltaaous 4.
nit ay pitcnea wo bt & ntM
balls Jdartia 1, Can X. Umptra-Jtackner,
At HOlaboro yesterday the TJpcfcorea
nine of this city defeated th Diamond
W, team of that town by a aeora f 11 te
1 Handsome Jo", Stuttk tormorr of
th Monograms, snnptred Uw gaaaaJ HI
decision met, with i faTor. . "i
Th Fidelity team of this etty won from
th Vancouver rWasn.) nine yesterday
by a scor of I to X It was a hotly on-
tested game, at th end ot th eighth th
cor atandwg to 2. In.th ninth Fidel
ity bunched their tut and piled op two
runs, -winning out.,,, ; ' ;
At Walla Walla yeaterday. Atbaaa tU
down, Rol Brown, who baa been en
gaged 'by th Butte professional team.
being batted all over, th Hounds. Th
cor waa 7 t L .
Th West Ends of Portland proved to b
tha tail-ends at Forest Orove yeaterday,
whin they crosed bats With the Cornelius
team. Th score waa 11 to t, and om
ments on tne gam r unnecessary.
Th first gam of the season at Marah-
Cela waa played yeaterday. when th lo
cal team defeated th Coqwll nine by a
core of 7 to S. It took 10 Innings to -de
cide the gam, and much betting was in
dulged In. .'
Merrill Will Exhibit Many Ram
biers on Thursday.
On. Of th beat evidences of the pros
canty or a firm may be seen m th ex
tent of th aal of It products to ovary
class of peopi. Tie Fred T. Merrill
Company has thu far received several
carload ahipment of Rambler wheels for
the Portland trad. Another consignment
of 450 Rambler will be reoelved by this
firm next Thursday.
A cycle parade will take place from
the Rambler Cyclery on Sixth street on
that day that will be Interesting in every
way, aided as it will b by th addition
of 10 or 13 automobiles, Jve rest's Band
of 12 pieces and a targe number of mount
ed wheelmen. Th parade will also con
tain display of the 4S) Rambler re
ferred to above, amounting ta all to about
16 drayioads.
The Fred T. Merrjll Company la at
present experiencing aom difficulty rn
obtaining a ruaicient aaaber of wheals
for th Portland trad, owing- to th to
ol eased demand In th East this season
Th factories In th East ar working
overtime to meet th demand from all
porta of th country. - That however,
does not aeem to help the situation in
th West, aa th factories seem disposed
to cater to the Eastern trade before con
sidering the trade In the West. This
situation exists In spite of the fact that
the Merrill Company handle one-fourth
of the entire output of th Rambler
The Theaters
The Baker. -The Banker's Daughter
was played to two full housee by the
Stuart company yesterday and was a de
cided aucotes. The work of this aggrega
tion of players la -more enojyed In this
play than any other they have given dur-
ng their Vtay her. Ther la opportunity
for a display of talent that Is reeogniiad
by the entire company and they give th
play with much strength and finish. Th
cast Is excellent throughout and Th Bak
er's Daughter will surely play to good
houses for the remainder ot the week.
Cordraya. At Cordraya the flrat pro
duction ot Too Rich to Marry waa given
yesterday, the matinee performance be
ing out of the usual order with this
house. This Is the play with a. plot that
is so complicated that it becomes lost at
tunes, .There In a variation from the ex
pected that adds Interest to the play,
which abould be seen to be understood.
Too Rich to Mary will be given every
night this week. ,"' -.'O
(Journal 8peclal Service.)
BAST LAS VEGAS. N. M.. May 26.-
Tha territorial grand Jury returned "a
true bill this morning against XndelactO
Sena Of Tremantina, fyr J-he murder of
his wife, Th murder hf reported to have
Ooourred five months ago,'' and was one
ot ho most brutal in h criminal history
ef the county. Seno killed bis wife by
beating her to death, kicking and pound
ing hr. Her body was completely cover
ed with bruises, and was a mass ot black
and blue marks. When the fury reported
the prisoner was brought ta and th trial
set 'tof next Tuesday) 1 '
ITrarand aeeond
... . 1.'
The Palace in the - fieoson
" 7. . f :.:v,.r i ..V.W A
Jaoqaa Matthowa, King t Scott-land.
r Sir Hjrvr of th Town kePr of th
Orat StaL '
Henry MaJnhe, Duke 1 of Northunder-
tend. ' , :' '-'"-' -n
Carlo da Cary, page and msager to
theKtotv.j'.:;J- 1 t;:
,- Larry, of Sullivan, a reformed rplrata,
now Commodore of the King s Khavey.
'-.'." y:' M- TIME M1DKIQHT. ' ' v"',.,;:
lCtng-Carloe, tny Uthe-llmbed ' &ckty;
m hears a voice in the adjoining
chamber get thee - thither and See
' ""Whether 'tie Northunderland Who
bas obeyed my summons.
Carlos My ilege. I f.. (aside) One fly ba
" '' tn. nr.alt). k r i
1H1U, . .'i.' i' .a .i . .i. .XI. ii.J.L
King (aloneMB Magulr has disobeyed
my orders aye be hasxfeesed -Wll
- laeoette'a stream and oped that pon
. : deroua mouth pt his wMch I have
-r have ordared under lack -and ky ,
, t2X.aU my bray Rep oilcans who, In
eight year have never voted a Re
publican ticket should get to talking,
. whore, oh where would all , Our
.chances bT Hav 2 not bought Sir
Harvey's paper to lie for them and
M "not that enough. Aha band
parrots and nagptea hav I and day
and. flight I'm busy , stopping up
their throat. Com In. .(Eater Car,
los with Maglnne, bake of North
underland. The letter advances,
makes low obeisance to Jaoaue and
attempts to kla his hand. The
- : King pulls, It away, however, and
, hay la angry ton;) .
King-How now, varlet! You're here, ar
you? Teu've found out that when I
any com. It moans com, eh?
Duke Henry Aye, sire. Thane thou art
and Cawdor thou shalt bet No long
er any of the other names I once
did dub the.
Kmg-Aye. I thought Fd ta'en the stif
fening out of thee as did I With
thy- boon exaxipanlon, ' Sir Harvey
' who also once Ilk the did call tne
ugly names and apply to me epithets
of violence but enough. What were
you doing' on th Beat aide tonight T
'- Didn't I tell you not to go anywhere
; unless I sent you? Answer, varlet
what did you In th East when you
should serve your aovoretga ta the
" West come, spit It' out.
Henry Well, slre-tls true but-
Kin g But me no buts. X ahn hear that
thou didst dare to ope that ponder
oua jew of thine and speak ot things
political. Have I not. bidden jron
UMarkey and Reed and Banker and
all the rest to hide, hide, bide and
let th old man WUUam do the talk
Henry Why, sire, J did not speak. Too
wen I understand the purpose of
thy wisdom and that my Ml ere Is
for my own good. I have not apoks
a word political-tla true I wrote
a letter i
King (laughlng)-Aye, a dandy waa ft, to
the Sixth Ward-"our beloved party"
-faith, I laughed me well, that was
a teach of thy old gait Henry But if
thou didst not speak en th East
side, what didst thou T-Say.
Henry Well, sire, in' truth reports had
reached me of much that had been
said by Harry Hotspur Lett, th
cltlcen. Who dared me to reply, and
faith, thou knoweat I oaanot.
hied me forth to Lone Fir Cemetery
to pluck a nice boquct ef proxies.
King Qood we'll need them.
Heary-And also by the moonlight
culled a pleasing bunch of epitaphs
KingEpitaphs! What for?
Henry For our dead issues, sir.
Carlo I hope ft waa a big buncn
Hank, we'U need acme also for our
King-But. hark, Northunderland and
and thankful be thoa carries sou
thy head upon thy shoulders thou
Oldat speak for on did head thee.
Henrr Hear met Who? Ham him!
King Larry of SuUivan, official Pirate.
(Dak Henry turn pale ana leans
aniBst a oortralt of Furntah for
King-Carlos, bid the Flrat enter. (Car
los retires and soon returns wntn tne
bnrlv seaman, who swaggers ap to
the throne and aits on one of Its
Larry Hello, Jack what dy'a want.
KingLarry, my . loyal standby, you re
the ohe galoot m the whole snooting
match that I can truly trust... Na
ture has made -thee aa trans heeeent
glaaa and If BUly Smith doea not
shiver thee into bits, through your
outward self I may forever read thy
Inmost soul. Larry, you're a rip
Larrv Rlxht ybu are. old man. and
many slip when I get peeled.
King Look, now. upon the pale Noth un
der land. Didst thou pot tell me that
thta very eve. acroaa the riven la the
land of Harry Hotspur Lane, tha
citlaen, he, against my orders to him
and all the candidate exoeot the
Old Man and his bodyguard. Sir
Llonell, did ope fala mouth and speak
on things political.
LarryCert, he did; I can't look after
him and also help around to apeak
tor the Old Man In the North End
I'm Just ready to quit, and I would
If I didn't have some plunk up
X must make a play for them. ' .
King What did he say to thee pollti-
; cally? '
Larry-Oh, what he aald waa atl tight-
straight goods but no head to blurt
It out , he aald: "Larry, we're In
the soup." ''''.''.''"v'-'-;-':
King-Well, faithful Larry, stick to him
a little longer and if tot epea again
his mouth before the Idea of June,
! shanghai him thee be trauous
ttmee-rget out. (Exit Larry, aup
portlng Nothundertand, who weeps.)
(A great noise la heard on the atreet
outside; cheer from hahgers-pn, and a
wagon atopa at tha entrance.) : J .y
King-Look out of the window, Caflos-
tbat sounds Ilka a dtlsens' meeting
-what la it?- ": V'
Carlo-(lookmg out of wlndow)-fcltory to
Hanna. sire, tls Sir Harvey M the
Tower home from Washington.
King-Quick, let him In. - r "
(A buoyant, atep la heard epon ' the
stairs, the door ta thrown oven and Btr
Harvey enter with" eager haste, and
kneela at tha throne, kissing the "hand ot
Jack, condescendingly extended to 2m)
: .
- HIM vmpdo TUDbrf VAimcei b aj trtnroifa eo Annnnu i. .r.. . ....
f w .y-y----, vv,.,. vw
I It has been aald the EDera Piano Hons
Is th busiest stor in town. Undoubtedly
wa desarve t b classed a one of the
psteents.' ....
Every detail of the vast business here
receive the moat careful and pa ins tak
ing attention at i the hand of. expert
possessing year' of training and experi
ence in- their respective department '-
Th total number of Instruments sold
during th past 40 days or, rather, dur
ing the past 86 daya (not counting Sun
days) as computed at th office ytstei
dayfl oohsi4erabiyevr four hundred,
aa average ol aeariy twelve a day,.- ....
I This la an increase ot nearly Hf par
Bent over tha big records of last year.
W believe that the GUers Piano House
ksores now.oeU at retail more piano nd
organs, more fine pianos and organs, than
any other concern in the United States.
The development and growth of aaier
FiaRO House i without parallel -in the
history of the piano Industry.
It shows conclusively several things. '
First That EUera Piano Hous is sell
ing th very heat instrument, (or West
ern people miy th best.
Second That Eilere Piano House sells
for ssea than eaa any other dealer or
Titat Vnm V4tri Tfnnmm fa shla
10 exrena easier wrmm ei psiyneni. -wnere (
Fourth That tha people of the -aci i.'
west ar prosperous, ana nave tne wnere-
wrtnat 10 eaeei. sum . w irmuiy inm as-
mands of modern aoclal reulrsaeata and
higber cultura n . .
Portland, as the home office of Filers
Piano House, head the list of sales, of
course. In the subjoined fist are contained
instruments) of. t)h most cWUy kind, not
merely a couple nor merely a dosen or
so, but -carload, upon cariosvds of th
veiry choicest and anost nearly perfect
grand, and upright piano better than
which th most fastidious musician er th
most exeiualv mas ef wealth or muitV
miUionair could not obtain anywhere in
the country. -But here Is the list:
Miss S. Walshl United Makers; C. O.
Moxley, Blagerr Mr. M. FulUlov.
Singer; Msv W. MoConneU. KimbaU;
Mis R. Lyon, Bailey; ROreenberg, Mar
shall; John Corkiah, KhnheJl Mrs. S. B.
Fenny, Bingert Mts Losney, Singer; Mra.
A. A. Newman, -Cbfckenng; Or. Francis
J Freeman, Hlnxe; JJapoleon Arpin, Kim-
ban; Herbert 1 joaea, mnger; Mrs. 1. x.
Tobey, KimbaU; O. a Wortlen, Ciough 4t
Warren; Mrs. H. B. MacNeal. Singer;
Mra Mary Michael, Chickerlng: Mrs. A.
F. Kruecheke, Mtlton; J. w. War-'
nor. Kimball; Caanberland Presbyterian
Church, KimbaU pipe organ; Miss B.
B&btnson, flohuman; Miss Annie Mat
tfcews, Bailey; 3eorge Rasmuaaen, Crown;
f&n KeUaher, Clough A Warren: Miss
Bertha CrbyrStuy vesant : A. Angerman,
Melodeon; 'Airs. xu. uoty, " as. vnuie;
Multnomah Camp Hall AesociaUon. H. M.
Welch, KimbaU' Mra H. S. Seyey, Kim
baU: Mrs. J. T. Wendel. M. M.Cable, Miss
Belva K.Kralp,' Kimball: O. A. Breddl,
Crown;. Henry, M.. Teiupleton. Kimbali;
Mis Florence Hepp. Singer: John F.
rhl- Oeorve H. Lanrford. KimbaU: R.
r. Howaker. Hinse: F.C. Holland, Weber;
aa4 letiiu. vv ,
H. M. Cable; Mra
MIm Orace MuKenny. 1
A. L. Llnebough, 1. Ja. caDie
Kruscheke, H. M Cable; Miss M. U Ai
tenrLelghtl School District No. 84 by
Miss A. L. Shoemaker, Kimball; C. J.
Molsan. Lorlng Blake; Jan.ei it Page,
Weber; Bessie E. Smith. H. M. Cnb.e:
Mra 8. TU Bettla, Mnger: Mra B. J. Cliff,
K-mtnil- c. N. Braasch. Victoria; Mrs.
J. Bur bee.
lam. Bcnumaa; atra. -p'r.t
Mies A. D. Armstrong, KimbaU; Mrs. H.
K. Wrlghtson, Kimball; J. nose, vvnii-
ney; Q. . Haruaui. axuiu".
Catis, Hinse; Mr. W. J. Fcher. Cable:
a Com'pton, Whitney': Jona Toung, khn-
ban; Miss iweiy "Pt r";rS'
Miss Nora Faulkner. Ballet Mrs. C. N.
McLeodT Walraven; fe. E. Gooding, Klm
balhMrs. J. Hi Bumess. CbWkerlns;;
Mr. H. M. Albright, KimbaU : K. T, Piatt,
rsanrsw Ci. Wentworth. Klm-
(l.iyo. ... , -m- gy-. a. Mil.
Mra. C.
Klng-Weleome. thrloe welcooaa my gal
lant pensllnger has thy tnloslon, been
' anccessful brtagest thou the doughJ
Harvey (rising slowly and with a pained
look en hi face) lre, wouiast
doubt thy eervant when did Sir Har
very ever go for dough and miss It?
It pains me that thou ahouldst doubt
mine ability. (WsepsJ
King 'Tls well, forgive me; dry your eyes
and fork over th stun.
(Sir Harvey removes his high hat. takes
from It a false inald top and produce
therefrom a roll of long green.)
Harvey Sir, thua Xirried it through
our streets to avoid the bunco men
and thugs that so Infest this vicious
city. Take It," with Henna's Strict
Injunctions to put tt where 'twill
do most good.
King That will L -Stows the bills In
different pocket about bis person.)
Now you can go. (Exit Harvey,
walking backward.) i
After a tew moments Carlos timidly
approaches the throne and coughing
lightly to attract th King's attention,
Cartoa-rBtr, tor many week I've had -no
wagea In all things I have done
service. Methlnk 'tls nbw high time
for me to see some funds. '
King Carlos, I haven't a Cent. Men who
work for me must do so Cor patriot-
Ism and to be Immortalised on Dan
Malarkey's roll of honor, sou know
I have no funds. .
Carlos But, sire. Jack, old boy, let's have
some falrees In these thThgs
Didn't I hear Harvey aay he brought
you money! Didn't I aee him give
it to you?
King (with great amotion) Oh, Carlos,
Carlos snd Is this my reward tor ail
my unselfish labor? What Wouldst
thou believe thine eyes and ears be-
for thou wouldst believe thy King,
lngrate! Begone, go tol (And Cal-
los goes too. Curtain.)
Collector of Internal Reveno Dunne,
some time ago wrote to Washington for
authority to berln moving hla offices from
their present quarters In (he Worcester
bulidlng to bis quarters In th new Fed
eral building. Answer waa somewhat de
layed, and Mr. Dunne wired for the de
sired authority, receiving a message
which reads:
"Ton wlU be instruct ed by letter within
aext few days relative to snoving into
few buUdtng. ,
"Acting Commissioner."
la the meantime Collector Dunne has
a large number of packing cases all ready
to be taken te we new buUalng, which.
aa most readers know, la located In the
sauare bounded by Seventh, Park, Davis
and Everett, for which, by the) way, an
other appropriation of 111,000 waa recently
aade. The bulldla baa beea taidec con
struction for dve or- elx yaara Mr.
Dunae'a offices ta the aw building will
b aix hi number aued are la the north
west corner of the building on the aeeond
floor. ,
Jessie Waddan. saga pamoae.
street. Both -peons. . . .
iibiw - I WIMeVO . All . ' wiii'Vii Vi
Bowman, Angelus; fteuben Camby, Dollj
i. D. KooataTsiaceet J. B. WUaoo, wbr;
Wilbur rurguaon, ginger; Herbert JU
tones, Kimball; Mrs. Josla B. Frost, Vlo
onMra, Media FroebaCeU Victor! W.
i. Ready, falae Queen; E. Slephena,
i, . M. Cable; Walter ,Bollam Victor:
lira M. V. Cavendish, Undelli Andrew
faeobsonr Kimball; Mis-01tve Smith;
Marachal - ASmith; C. A. Buckler, Kim.
baUj Ira wTBaker, KimbaU; C. A. Jack
aon, KimbaU: S. R. Sonneland, Kim bait,
I. 3i Taylor, KimbaU; N. H. Martin, Mar
shall: Oeorge R. Kvana, Favino Wuaan;
H. W. Foreman, Bhr wood; Louis B.
Penny, Fgoinc Queen; Alvin Ormeston,
Keedham; K. B. Lilly, Meed ham; A. 9.
paves, JCimhall: T. C. Benson. H. M.
Cable; D. r. Vans, united Makers; J
; u. w; van, united Makers; J.
ess. Milton; Fred Hadley, Chase;
Cnrtetensitn, Btey; J. F, Lough,
Ul: A. J. Kdson. KimbaU; F Ah-
so. ness.
k. "t3. e
bauah. Kimball: Mrs. R. W. Powell. Whit
ney; F. E. D Kay, Chickerlng; Mari
Bolger. Kimball; Mra B. L. Brown, Kim.,
ball; C. A. Biancbard. Kimball; Chariea
Chaadler. KimbaU; Grace Lougham, Kim
ball; Mis Edith M. Heyes. r&cfcer; Mr.
l.-M.s Weekes. Voee; J, P. Fox. Voee,
Mrs, A. B. (Jberg.- Victoria; Mias Fior
anc Cutton, H. M. Cable; Mrs. J. Hoft-
mrtm n
iumoan; ' nnss &.retcnen K.urtn,
j jr-aber; Mra H. Husted, 'KimbaU; Mis'.
; iat(ila Jlaiey. Kimball; Mrs. C. J. Owen.
j . m. Cable: Mrs. A B. alullay, rerrana
& Votey: Professor T. E. Law son. Kim
baU; Mia Bessie Armstrong; Scbuman;
iofan Clanaon, Kimball; F. Hampton, H.
. Cable; James Evads, Kimball; Georg
L. Cason, Kimbali: Miss Lena Dofflemyer.
Whitney; Mra H B: Tracey Kiinbail;
T. J, rldgeford, Kimball; Albert Berk
man, - Chickerlng; A. Tauscher, H. M,
Cable: P. XK Hemierachott, Kimball; Mra
M. W. Akeyaon, Kimball: Mra. Irene M
Lay, Weber: Mrs. A. O-Donnell, Weber;
T. C. Moody,. Marachal A Smith; C. X.
Tlmsoona, Burdatt: W. W. Wlodle, Kim
baU: Fred Huber, MJltoni'A. W. Stowcll
Weber; Mr. William Elvers, Scbuman;
A. E. Bellnskt, H. M. Cable; Mra E. J.
Steele, Singer; Issachar Bennett, Singer;
Ralph Wrlfht, Echuman.
Cnfortunat delays in the maU prevent
our publishing the Spokane record up 10
data. We Include therefore only a partial
record, a recently announced by our ablo
and effioient manager there, Mr. G. A,
Heidtnger, in tba Spokesman-Review, of
Instruments sold in thirty -live days as fol
lows: Th Brnnot Hall." large Chickerlng
parlor grand, one of the finest Instruments
ever turned Out by Chickerlng ft Bona;
Dr. H. A. Heritage, a prominent vocal
teacher. Vveber, grand for his studio; Mr.
F. J, Wl'.mer, wealthy merchant at
Rosalia, Wash., a beautiful Weber grand:
Mia A. C. Turner, a prominent vocal
teacher of this city, a Weber; MUa H.
MeCrosky, GarneldWash., a Chickerlng:
Miss N. Jackson, Colfax, a Weber; Can.
gregatlonal Church, Almlra.Wash., a Web
er; J. A. Barnett. city, a- Weber and an
Angelus; J. B. reenouRh. a prominent
merchant, MuIJan, Idaho, a Chickerlng;
W. T. Hales, a prominent mining man.
Wallace. Idaho, a Weber: L. J. Harmon,
city, a Chickerlng: August Rutit mi-;-vllle,
Wash., Klmbnll: - J. W. Minnlck.
Cheney, Hinse; A. B. Hanson, Kimball;
Mra H. C. Miller, Colfax. KimbaU; J. A.
C. Kappua city, Kimball; M R. Davis. 8t.
John, Kimball: 'Wm. Tanlclce, KaHspell,
Mopt.. a Whitney; H. P. Green. Colfax,
Weser aros.: C. E. Davidson, city. Singer;
Mr. O. E. Iffln. city, Mason & Hamlin
piano; J.W. L". RohlnBon, Oakeedals, Kim
ball piano; M. T. Johnson, Oakpsdale,
Kimball piano; I. W. Mathews, Water
villa Wash., Crown piano; G. B. Stock
Ins;, of Eureka News Co.. Republic,Wash.,
Hinte; L. W. Adams, city. Hinse piano;
E. JR. Sheldon, Colfax, Weber piano; J
P. Ledbetter, Rosalia. , Sherwood ulnnw
Isaac Whiptler, Wilson Crek, Kimball
pieno; C. H. Williams, Mullan, Idaho,
KimbaU piano; C. G. Garretson. editor
newspaper, Harr)nrton, Kimball piano: C.
C. Hammerly, editor newspaper. Atmlra.
Kimball plana: J. E. Crosby, city, Weber;
Wm. Baldwin, Freeman, ghonlnger; Mrs.
C. Highberger, city, KimbaU : H. J. Ham.
lfn, City, piano; Mrs. P. Ijefevre, Kimball;
His Home County, Says
J. J. Coleman, for
J. J. Coleman, a prominent insurance
man of this city, has returned from
trip throughout Eastern Oregon. Mr.
Coleman said to The Journal:
"I prodlct that George E. Chamberlain
will crosB the Cascade Range out ot
Eastern Oregon with at) least 2,000 major
ity. I base this prediction upon my ob
servations throughout the counties of
Eastern Oregon.
'I predict that George E. Chamberlain
will carry Umatilla County. I personally
visited Pendleton, Milton, Athena,
Adams, Helix and Echo, points dlstrtbut
ed well throughout the County, and I find
the condition such as to warrant the
forecast I art now giving you.
"It Is a remarkable movement such as I
have never before witnessed In Oregon. It
goee without saying that the vaUey coun
ties will be loyal to Mr. Chamberlain, so
that If Multnomah County be even a
stand-off, Mr. Chamberlain wilt be elect
ed Governor. However, It la fair to as
sume that Multnomah County will do
better than that, and give him a major
(Journal Special Service.!
BAKER CITY, May 26,-The lnter-aehol-astlc
field meet of Eastern Oregon will
take place this afternoon. Teams from
Pendleton and this city wUl compete. Toe
program Is ad follows: One hundred-yard
dash, hammer throw, broad Jump, half
mile bicycle race, 200-yard dash, high
Jump, 120-yard hurdle race, one-mil bl
oral race, pole vault. 410-yard dash, shot
put, SSO-yard run, 220-yard hurdle, relay
race. Both teams are well trained and
in prim condition.
BAKER CITT. May 26,-The Eastern
Oregon oratorical contest will take place
at the opera house thls-eventng. ' Frank-
Mitchell, Winn of .th John's gold medal
last February,, will represent thie Hy
The Pendleton man baa not yet been
ascertained .',,. .!.'
Arrivisi. mill H IrCK I illflll-T
ra. M. n. Mnlheien. Khnhan: Henry
Grepy,. Kimball: L. Appel, St. John. Kim
baU ;James McFall, Aimira, Klmballi
Harvey Lee Diamond, Klmballr Father
Do Malche, Tekoa, Kimball; Mrs. U HUL
Colfax. Kimball; C. MillerColfax, Kim.
V."1'..- ci H"ntr, Monarch ova aa; J, R.
Harding. Kimball organ l Mrs. L D. Da
vis. Weber plane: Mrs. C.jJE. Thy ng, Kim
ball piano; Mra Herbert Wiley, Sherwood
Piano; Mrs. B. F. Davis, Kimball organ;
W. A. C. Girls' A A.. Chickerlng organ;
Mrs. Ida 8. Hawey. Kimball piano; Mia
Mary Oliver, Chickerlng piano; F. A. Gore,
Kimball organ; C. Hi n ton, Weser piano;
Mr. P. A, Tinnel, Sherwood blano; F.
H. Skinner, Chickerlng piano: Mra W O.
Nogler, Whitney piano; Carmel German
M. E. Church, KimbaU organ; -Wn.
nonamaaar, BBerwooa piano.
This list, as will be noted( also include
a large number ef very costly Instru
ments; te (act. It hs been claimed that
Ellen Piano House, Spokane, sells a larg
er percentage of very costly pianos than
any of th other thro store and with
th going to piece of erstwhile promi
nent dealers In that field, the phenomenal
record made at Spokane dtrrtng the past
two years wilt be left far la the rear ta
day t com. . Watch the onward course
of HUer Piano House, Spokane.
It was lat last Fan when the first In
strument waa sold by Filers Piano House,
fian Francisco. It waa first decided to
commence ta. San Francisco In a very
modest way. and accordingly the enter
prise waa started in , very large and
roomy quarters on th aeoead floor of th
Bishop building on Market street. But it
was simply a matter of a few weeks be
fore 'these quarters became inadequate,
and then tha present specious salesroom
at CS3 Market street, opposite the Lotta
fountain, in Ua very heart Of San Fran
cisco, were occupied. The record at San
Francisco, under Mr. - Pommer's able
management, speake for itself a repe
tition of the glorious record of the older
store op north. Her Is the forty day
sale list of Saa Francisco aad Sacra'
mento: , ,
Mrs. H, Waller, " Stodart : Mrs. L. B.
Ha skins, Whitney: Mr. J. L. Armstrong,
Entry ; Mr. F. E- Coatea. Kimball; Mra
3. It Strong. Whitney: Mra J. a FaUt
enhfim, Lelcht; Mra W. G. Hunnewetl,
Sterling; Mr. M. P Vanhorn, Kimball;.
Mrs. A. Anderson, B to gee; Geo. Somerset,
Bear Bros.; P. R. GUssman, Singer; Mis
E. Foley. Kimball; W. CTLyon, Singer;
Mary E. Cummlnga, KimbaU: Ml K.
Davis, Doll; H. C Cusens, Shattingcr;
N. KaUscber. Kimball; Mrs. 8. Kahn,
Kimball; A. T. Jones, Lelcht; Mrs. T,
Corbett, Singer; J. G. Hoyt, Grovteea;
J. J, McManus, Sherwood; Mrs. Chas.
Gruah. U-Mott: H. W. Bennett, Emer
son; Mr, Vragnlzan, KimbaU: Mra. M.
Lostbom, Demorest; Mrs. J. Robertson,
Kimball; Mra UranLNeedham; D. L. D.
Junck, KimbaU; Dr. W. D. Clark. Singer;
C. T. Snow, Demorest; Chas. Berg, Dem
orect; J. C. Williams, Bchu nan; Mra M.
F, Betts, Whitney: F. H. Kach, Draper;
Mr. M Court nisah, Morris Bros.; W. L
Beauchamp. Crown; W. H Morris, Kim
baU; John Valpey, Kimball; J. W. Cun
ningham. Steger; Mr. P. Gambia,
Hinse; Jennie E. Hunt, Hale Bros.: W.
L. Canham. Lelcht; Mrs. Geo. McKay,
Singer; G. 9 warts, Whitney; Mra. W. H.
Colby, KimbaU; Mr. H. C. Harrison,
KimbaU: Mra. W. H. Landrtgan, Bll
born; Hugo Metsner, Milton; 8. Miller,
Boardraan A Grav: Cbes. Freeman. Dra-
per; W. C. Wrenshall. Chickerlng; R. W. I
Gibson, Milton; S. E. Merslck. Singer;
C. C. Jeseen. Doll; R. H. Robb, Bailey; 1
Frank Morris, Crown; F. W. Johnson,
Kimball: Mra. Bertha. A. Haald. Kim.
ball; L Blaln, Queen organ; H. P. Laur
Itsen. Kimball: H. C. Best, Bllhorn; J. A.
I.angstroth. KimbaU; L. A. Peterson.
Hasleton: E. F. Crane. Crown: Mra Ed
Oreeg, KimbaU; Miss H. Merrni. Kim-
bail; 3. T. wiuiams. Leicnt; miss Minni
Everett. Kimball: NeTlie Bennett. Sterer;
G. Klarmann, Kimball: Miss Nancy Mc
Laughlin, Kimball; H. C. L. Tonjes,
Kimball: . A. Tlmra, Kimball: H. M.
Hall. Kimball and Pianola; H. H. Low
en thai, Kimball; Mis. N. M. Coulter,
Hlnze; Mrs. 8. -Levy. Sherwood; A. L.
Reed, Steger j G. P. Karpel, Lelcht; Mr.
" 1 -
In Two Churches Wefe Attended
by Q. A. R. Veterans.
Two church aervloea were attended by
veteran of the Grand Army of the Re
pubUc yeaterday. About 10 members of
th Oread -Army war wre - -at - the
Flrat Unitarian Church. A feature of the
program waa a violin nolo by Mr. Sher
man Brown, which waa artlstioally ren
dered. Rev. George Creawell Cressey delivered
an address from the text "I cam not to
bring peaos on earth, but a sword." Hla
entire address waa baaed on hla first
sentence.. - :,..,f.,
Throughout the centuries tha. Chris
tian sword naa been drawn m behalf of
that peace which wo believe shall one
day dawn upon earth, the peace of uni
versal liberty. Justice and righteousness,
the reflection of the Inward peace of the
He concluded his address with, "We
appreciate your achievements and only
In th existence of our peace loving Re
public today, puissant, prosperous, free,
but also In the dismal fancy of what
might have been, had you faltered and
The; other patriotic aervtce was bald
last night at the First Christian Church.
Auditorium Hall. The Singing of a
chorus of 20 voices, - under the direction
of Professor W. F. Werachkul, waa ad
mired by all.
Rev, J. F, Ghormley apokd on "The
Meaning and Cost of American Liberty."
Mr. Ghormley started out by explaining
the word "Liberty," and then paid a
tribute to the veterans of the Rebellion
of both aides. At the conclusion of hla
lecture, the veterans arose and aang "My
Country Tls of Thee," and made a
tending vote to thank Mr. Ghormley for
hla addresa
Memorial services were held ta the
Boya Bngade yesterday afternoon, un
der the auspice of Ben Butler Post, O.
A. R. Rev, Mr. Dreer, who had been a
slave before the Ctrl! War, delivered an
address In which he thanked tha nation
for what they bad done for the colored
men. Songs were render ea oy -a onoru
of trained voices from , .the Bunnyald
Congregational churchea '
Last evening patriotic aervloea were
held In tha Sunnyside Methou Church,
under the auspices of Sumner Post G. A.
R and Sumner Relief Corps. Ben Butler
Post. of-Sunnyslde also attended. Rev.
H. B. Slworthy delivered an appropriate
sermon. ' .
(Journal Special Service.) .. ,
SALEM,. Or., 'May An ex-$oartct
named' Harry Wright, "who 1 supposed
to be In Portland, I wanted here for
stealing a buggy, harness and Jteam last
Thursday. It hi believed that he sold It
to some dealer near the union depot la
rwtland; Chief Glbaen haa asked the
Portland 'authorltlee to arrest and hold
Wrlght.-'. - Wfer .
Subscriptions recevMd for Th Journal
at aay of J. a. Rich' eigajr atore.
of iUp-to-Date
Piano Selling
..n .
- JTlW9 1 UK A I If 1 1TU.
Carrt T. Lundborg. Sherwood 1 - Mra
Thoa Matthew. Bchutnan; Mra P. M,
Phillip. Kimball: W. D Brown,- Milton;
W. M. Prineo, Milton; Jaa Morrison.
Weser; VV b. Gibson. Kimball; Joe. Mi
randa, Steger; Mra Maude Hartley,
Steger; L. Reiche, Honolulu. HUhorn;
Mra P Kearney,. Sherwood;- F. Wsg
asloi. Sherwood; Jsanlo McNeU. Wluu
ney; Wm. WcKensie, Bchuman; Mra L.
Relche. Kimball: Mra A. M. Keen, Stiat
tinger; Mrs, M. B, Tabw" L Molt : W. H.
Metf KimbaU; A. O. Harraa Klraballt
Mraf E,fr Br Flecher, Lelcht; John W.
Maddrtil, Bhattlnger: Charle Zelner.
Kimball; Mrs. F. J. Harrington, Kim ball 1
Mra H. Nlohola, StngerWIUIam Murry.
Kimball organ; W. R, Thompson, Kim
ball piano; Mra J. Robertson,. L. Mett; El
D.: Van Pelt. Kimball: UT A. Cramer,
Kimball; Emll Pa Veechl Kimball ; Mra
M. Rodrlgues, Helnse; E. B. . Brings.
Hlnser A. Von Tlenan wanes Steger;
Mra Hoy Earhar. Kimball; M. 8. Vass,
Whitney, Mra Thomas Blckmer. Hinse;
L. C Porter, - Dunham; Mrs. M. Yesle.
Steger; Ed Arndt. AntioeU; Mr. Holland,
Kimball; Mrs. jT H. Bake. KimbaU; Mra.
8. Bums, Stelnway; Mra Jamea A Fee
ney. Singer; Mra. Hall, Fischer; J. F,
MaUory, Demoreot; O. T. Miller, Bcfau
man; W. G.- Hutson. Whitney; H. -W.
West, - KimbaU; jT M. Ray. Nugent;
Isaiah Hartman. KimbaU i Mr. May IB.
Cochrane. Kimball; Mia Peart OUmera,
KimbaU; Mis H. Nsuert. kimbali; J. H.
Willlama Kimball; W. 8. Burr, Kimball;
Ed Johnson, D0I1: Mis Jennie Ltttle,
Needhaia; Mr, w. A. Herrch, Easarson;
J. C. Graham, A Hon; Miss Nancy
Thompson, Lelcht: John Kmg, Mdham; '
XXT U Uw4. 1 U - II . iru..
baU; O, B. Ackerman, Be human; Carrie
Hagjltte, Hinse: W. 8. Stona Schurosn;
H. W. Lyon, Need ham; Miss A. Smith.
Doll: Mra IL A. Kay. Padae Qoees: J, :
MoCienegan, KimbaU: Mra. J. P. Shield,
Singer : Joseph J. Pipes, Kimball; Mra
T. A. White, KimbaU; Salvador A Emtio
Agras, Draper Bros,; C 8. Hall. Kiss
ball; J. P. Gray, Raven at Bacon; F. D,
El well. Pianola; C. Mirk, Sherwood: W.
F. Jamea M tt & Organ; 8. C East--wood,
Kimball organ; John Matte, i. ,
Lowd; O. W. Dunn, Lelcht; G. E. Mllnesw
Risinger, Slngar: J. H. Hartwig, Gil mas;
C. P. Jeffreys, Klmbail; B. Enright, MU
ton; J. L Hayward, Milton; John Arton,
Kimball; Frank Pertraa. Peartea EJee-
trio; K. Huppert Bchmman; L. Baboeck.
Enright, Bailey; O. Castro, Milton; J. C
Baldwin. 8chumaa:W. C Baker, Kim
ball: J. F. Jordan, Whitney and Aagelust
aufij. rtouse, j. iou; j. anern. tvimoaii;
G. N. Goodhouae, Prlnee; W. G. Hummel- ;
well, Paclfte Quean; M. H. Thompooa.
KimbaU; G. P. - Bimpaooi "Pemmer-.
Ellers" piano; J. H. MUler. MUton: Llllio
Lelnenger, Draper; . Thompson, PaciA
Oneen: John Raedv. Hinca: . It- DaW-
son, Kimball; A. A. Lewiav Crows; A. J.
Sella, Kimball; C Morser, Singer; L.
Johnson. KimbaU; John W. Glaaa, tgor
The list do not Inorude a alngle In-.
atrument sold and shipped to many ef the
leading dealers throughout th West at
They ar simply Instrument Mid at re
tail by the Eilera Piano otorea
We are, of course, delighted with thje
substantial proof of Eklara Piano House
superiority. .aa record eertasnly are
a hanl n t lnAnrmnimntm of All InWmma.t.
and our methods, and convincing proofs
that with oar strictly modem and np-to- '.
Bpaoo forbid any special anaosmeement
reaardinsr thr man attraetlva oKarinaa
1 now on' our retaU salesrooms floor. Suf-
nee tt to say that her ar concert grand.
parior granoa Daoy granaa ana quarter
grand, orchestral uprights.
llor or
cottage uprights the famous Weber bsby
upngnra, tne (Jnicaenng small uoiomai
uprlghta th new lsXg Kimball Porttaa -upright,
pip organa, reed organ, chapei
and school parlor styles, tittle folding or
gans for missionaries and camping par
ties. Every want In muaical Instruments
Is hero supplied. Remember th atreet
number, 851 Washington atreet, opposite
Cordrajr. Jheater. to
The Baker Theatre.-. - - '
Geo. L. Baker, Manager, Phones Oregoa
North 1076. Columbia 60S.
Another success I Th RALPR STTJARTI
TER," tonight and 'the remainder of the
week, with a matinee Saturday.
Never-changing prices .Night. ISO, So
SSc, tOo; afternoon, 10c 16a, t&o, i
Nxt wek "Th SUvar King. ,.. 2
Cord ray's Theatre
Starting Sunday matinee, May 25, at l:tt '
p m, and all the week, with usual Sat
urday matinee, th acme of ' all great
comedies, "TOO RICH TO MARRY," a '
fantastic musical comedy, by - Edward, .
Owlngs Towne, presented by an ail-star
east. Original trappings and muslo,
Usual prices Evening. IS and SOU
matinee. Ko to all parte of house. :
242-248 Burnslde.
Louis Damtnascli .
Ooodnougn building, 16S and
170 6th street. Opposite poet
office. .
Cold Lunches. SchHU beer on draught ;
Klamath Hot Springs
Ed son Broa, Proprletora '
Beswfck, Slaklyou Cotinty, CaL
Finest Ashing, hunting and health re
aort on the Coaat. -
Climate perfect; no winds, no fog, aa
dusty roads.
Trout Ashing unsurpased. - .
Hot. swimming, steaaa, sulphur aa4
mud hatha .. - . . , - .
Rates Sa.oo to $ J.50 per day. ' ,
910.00 to $14.00 per week. : , ;. ' "
Full partlculara upon application. ' '
Coal Coal Coal
Dealera ' m all kinds of. , ' ' '
Coal. Coke. Charcoal
' ' Try the Famous " ,
Both ,
Office: 134 NorCi fth St,
miss.a-s. jorcens::n
Importer and Dealer ta 5
Fine French Rl-try
291 Morrison St.," ttv?