Portland evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902, May 20, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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- v
Work Tomorrow. '
k t"nlea th planing mill owner grant
4 3i , bin-boar tar to tha Amalgamated
'- f?oodwarkrs beforetomorrow morning.
th It union rmiatedwUh the building
trade will go on "a strike,' 'and com
aleftly tie dp building operations la this
t- tltf until the matter Is settled. ,
iW lo Intimated that If this- eeft
terted action is not productive of th de-dfisult'7"-'J,ria4f,
Jhe n?derat
tirades Council th central body, mar
s 'gov to th extreme limit by Issuing orders
to hvveiT-al6r' organization In the
: . tty "to Join forces with 'IthT'etrlkere In
ait effort to gain tha coveted fcolnt 1" ' 'r
' t such action Is taken, t wU mean tha
complete paralysle'of every industry la
. FartlaAC " ""' , v1 "
;' At the tneetfng ot tha "teinldiQg Trdoea
Council laat -night, the"' situation was
Carefully gone ever and argument wr
presented befora a. final Ait pn the mat-tea-
was take. 'An 'overwhelming ma
jority ha94ed" fafqr of C JrnJtbetI(S
trfke,f and the IS unions affiliated r
v gven in the following notice," which, has
been Issued by J,' If wtqn, aeoretary
ef 'tha Winding Trades1 Council: , , U
Vfivery carpenter, lather, ' plasterer,
bricklayer, ,f painter,,,,, plumber, tinner,
elpetrtclan,' bridge "anc. atructural Irgn
- worker, bod oacrtea'and i "epneret vman.
and andfue) teama'ter ehlnglfr and
, glaaler la called out tomorrow morning
unless the plarilpg .mill employes, are
granted their demand for, a nine-hour
' Mr.- Iewton. said . this morning;,. . "A
great majority f the men at tha meet
: Irir laee-eilgejl heartily levered the ae-
tloatakan, and the carpentera prehent
particularly urged the' ftereaaity ,ot fW
porting U woodworker 'to the full ex
tertpfftblr"abjltv. J dV foJ aee how
the iHrflta can last for any 'length of
Um andBefiev that it will be settled
this weakf M ""
r "If it should, continue lonfer than wa
aptlclpat,' nothing' will te left .undone;
by the union to win. When w put our
eo Mlfchell wafgrea
County jailer oeo. Mitcneu was gi
surprised at U JQ o'clockjast night, when
answering a rap e,t the Jail doer, to b
confronted by a man charged with mur
der. ' t - . . ti 4
'Although Mr, Mitchell 4a. known, the
late visitor for over' 20 years', he waa
a a9M te aoeeun- for-the -visit laat
night la 4Ue- darkneaa he eeuld not .
wtia It wa and so he aaked :
f'Weil.t-vbo arfr-yot aadrwbat a you
tatr- ;'ii j ii ':
- fDon'ihjro'tt TtnoW ate, llrV Mitchell c I
amNTom McDonald. ; They want me for
killing Cockney" Kicks and I want to
gjve myself tjp."1 y V
;"All right, old man, step inside and X
WlU glv you a good warm bed," answer
ed the ocpmoiodatlng county pfflijla. t
OacDenall, of- Williams, or te, aa the
ptyoe hae him named, was ushered ln
. stdB. pu( Into a cell and the Jailer, In his
pajamas made: run or bed. ..v-.i
t. Journal raporter called orj, Ic(6nald
U ,hla call thU morning' and had quite a
cfiat. With) Mbv The eubjecta touched up
; ou were nearly all foreign to the subject,
aa John Dltchburn, attorney for the pris
oner, had :tdvis4 him to have poshing
ta say to, newspaper meq, McDonaKL
however"Who Tiilew J.hls 'questioner' in
year gone by, volunteered thla state
ment, In the presence ,-of Mr; Mitchell: ' ' '
"While I am obliged tq he aomewhat
guarded In what I to you, I know,
you win not glv me th worst of It.
"In th first place we were all drinking;
more or les j.? 'focknry,' t-ho wff always
Very Quarrelsoma, commenced to, raise a
row and w had , peraonal encounter. In
the dining room. That was how the win
OoV pan Was, broken and th bracket
broken down.' ' "
, l"Theh h said 'I'll kill you' or Til fix
yqu.'.and. ran to th kitchen. H cam
r- pay;li.cen3e
fb 'Postal Telegraph-Cable Company,
08' this city, refines to pay 76 per quarter
license, . levied under the- provisions of
ordinance No. U.7S4, of the City .of Port
land, passed by the Common Council
, September 26, 1090, and approved by th
'Mayor, September 27, 1090.
': $hls fact la made known y the filing
with th City Auditor of a petition by J.
, Alpand, manager of th company,
through W attorney, Fred. jf. Holman,
,. asking he Council to amend . h ordl
sanoe, ! til petitioner state that they are tha
, lekftl sucesrors o( the Pacific Postal Tele
' graph-Cable Company; of Mew Tork,
which was granted a-franchla by th
, Ct of Portland ' under ordinance Hq.
' a6, January 6, 1887.
The reaspna for refusing to. pay the
license are, that the Common Council had
" nq authority,' right or power to pass such
an ordinance, fcor dig the Mayor have the
right to' approve the same; that under
the original franchise no license was re
' quired; that tha" amoTmt n excessive, un
- reasonable, dlaorlmlnattng, null and void,
and If enforced, would deprlv' th com
pany" Of 11 property without due process
of, law. It Is further stated that the an-,
, tidal gross1' receipts br thi company, not
deducting expense for each of th year
isejf.1800, tw!,"oa 1)U"aInVs gone -xluslye-ly
wlthm th City of Portland, and not
laetaALDg anr -baalnaa aae to er from
yoinu without th lutt of Oregon, and
'A V " x ; ' . .'t
lit J , ' T.
ahoulder to the wheel and all pull to
gether, a we lataad doing, we ahall cr
toUil? -aecompllah, the dealred result. Of
course. It will iwork a hardahlp on the
nloh! Ma u ' will have to
suffer along with ail others affected."
O shrdlu topu . tojpu tojpuetaolnputa'opu
Carpenter felt the results of the
strike Jfor"'gdme' time, and fully tOO of
them Aav beea dl fot; paat two
Ve?k PWn to tha.ni'OU fiuoft
Of building activity, due to the uhaettled
oondltlon of labor and capital. To bring
matter WeiMI have -th-di-niU4e
- eehHitd aa -quloklr a potable
wilt t better- for all partle concerned
Is thet atand which' ihey take and Jt
attltudf they assume. They also believe
tbat owl" li a 4arg number of im
portant bulldlnga under uonstructlon, the
aontractora will uai tWiioaWIlyfl'."
ence with the planing mill; ownera tg
have the conflict settled at the very earn
eat date. Contractor r more vitally
interested 4hs-A)tiiiNni.-. excepting
those directly concarndi, and there Is no
doubt buti that they ?11I bring great
pressure to beai fin h natter.
tIf th trouble ;ia not aettled by Friday
It is almost an abaolufa certainty that
the Federated Trade Council will call
out the (umber hauleretne sawmill men
and all $b kwatef front employes. This
would have the effect 1 of completely
crushing not onlyih' ''lumber, but the
building industry,., ii .X dflfic.
Several of the mill owners were seen
this morning; but did not em dlapoaed
to diaous th attuatlon. , Qn of them in
timated .that lie I 'of th oplnioni that
the union are running a gigantic bluff,
and drf 'hot" thtand to "oarf y out ' their
threit, ',1' , '. ,
j, Mr.. Neppach. manager of the Nloolat
Bros, mill, said that th Strike Is not af
fecting them In the least He atated that
they had on about a full force, and that
two unfon men returned o work this
mprning. They purchased stock - in ' the
firm' business, which wa allowed, them
6 en Inducement to have them go to
work. - j
t - f ' K S. " r:
bacK hrandlalifhg'ar Wg''1utcher knife.
Thinking my life was In imminent dan
ger. I seised the rifle, which wa loaded,
and ' as I say.'rihinking 'that be would
jtjll me,?. '5reVii R . dropped and then
there wa so much excitement that I do
not care to say at thla time what occur
red. . I hot 'pureljr tn self-defense and
to, save my ewn lifei1' -
"Well, where have you been these last
10 daysr-as. akd.Y.i,1 )
With a smll th- prisoner answered:
"Do you think I am "rummy' enough to
anawer 'such"a" qiiesltont """ Just put ms
on the East pide an.4. let id go' at that-"
"Didn't you call at Trench' cigar store
about 11 o'clock, th night of be shpot
Ing and ask htm the time of the depar
ture 6f Narthera.i'alup.Jtraln for..' the
Sound T" " , ''
"I should "aay not- I Jut dropped out
of .sight. 4I could have come in, at any
time, but wanted legal ad vce first When
I received this I made -up my mind to
?pma in, I. had nothing to fear and. made
no attempt to leave Portland. Had I
wished. I could have made my 'get
away,' but, with a clear conscience. I
determined t stay and face the music."
Aaked as te hla "reported 'meeting
with Detective Jack Kerrigan on the
Bumald -street bridg last Wednesday
night, MoDonaW said:
'T saw Kerrigan today and am satis
fied that tot I not th man."
While' the prisoner doe not say so. It
Is preauined that he mi "fv? 1
With" some of the Innumerable scow
dwellers on" the east aide of tha river
below the Burnside , street, brjdgei
The case will fiot come up 'in th Mu-J
nlclpal Court, )?ut It is probable that it
will be called In Justice Kraemer'fl court
some time tomorrow. ;- j. ..
" .' t . .. . . y"';1.
net Including business done for the Gov
ernment of the United States, haa siot
exceeded m any pf said yegr; U.fO, i
''The company states, however,' that It 1-
wllllng.to pay a reasonable license. ,
Maud ifarle Stringham today filed suit
by her attorneysi'-'Bmmon &c Emmons,
George W Mc3rid an ; Murphy, Swett
4 Watts, against the Mutual, Life In
surance Corap'any'of New York, to re
cover J100Q on a policy Issued on the life
of her husband, Leroy Btrlnghamsv. The
policy -was Issued' July 57, 1901, for one
year, and Mr. Strlhgham died W f Port
land July, Ii days afterwards
""It. T. Pierce today, filed ultt la 'he
State Clroult Court against. F. C. Forbes
et a!., to foreclose a mechanje.' Uen on
a house at Fifteenth and Taggart street.
Th amount involved ia $420, attorneys'
f eea and costs. ', k
An adjourned regular meeting of the
Port of Portland Commission will be
held late thla afternoon at e Worcester
block. , Jacaes.Ey Black well, the design
lng engineer pf the drydock,, . W"! !ub
mlt Ala plan, for. seme and receive t,h
board' authority to gg East, in order fct
Inyeatigat other drydocks'. , ",. " "
i Ther will be ; no- gam today .between
PerUand and Butte. it la unnecessary
to sut th rraaon. , w
It present Indication are to be Veiled
on Bunnyalde la going prohibition at the
coming election, and the Republican par
ty in that elevated section of the city,
-non est." . , .v . -r ;v
Last'nlglit a grand rtepubllcan rally
was scheduled to take plaoe aj llgad
hall. By a coincidence, the Prohlbitlonsts
were also billed to proclaim their party
prnclplea in Sharkey's hall, near to where
the Republican were to Spout' the' Re
publican manager had 'engaged a num
ber of stellar kjrtraetions, 'not' the1 least
of whota wr Waldemaf Seton, candidate
foj oftlce, and Collector Ivey, " the "man
from Alaska,
To divert the mind of th hearer irom
broo4ia ever the. mistake of th speak
ers, a eolored quartet, was - engaged tfl
Sing 1 unnyssongs. When th time for the
meeting arrived, and speakers and a few
camp follower filed Into th room, they
found the hou practically empty. t
They waited and watched for some lit
tle Urn but still nobody appeared.;: They
seemed to avoid the place a If it ware a
pestilence. ' . . ;-' '
, Th frigid reception did hot have any
material effect o Collector Ivey, who
wa used. to eold frosts, but the chills
literally ran up and down the backs ef
the other candidates in apprehension of
their impending doeia."M3 ? r t .-
At last the meetlftg wasicalleA off; The
Republicans dispersed and on the Outside
ot the hall some passer-by told them that
all the people were attending the Prohibi
tion rally over In another hall. Further
Investigation disclosed that a good Share
of the audience wa mad up of Repub
lican. , -
A decree wa made In th United State
Circuit COurt thi morning by Judge
Bellinger in a matter affecting the city,
which I favorable to It The action ia
one entitled J. Thorburn Boas, trustee,
plaintiff, versus ; the City of Portland.
Board of .Public Works,, pommon, Coun
cil of said city, p. M Mcl-auchlan,
Chief of Police; ,T. 'C- Devlin, Auditor
of said ctly and clerk of said "Board of
public Works, defendant. V ; ,
The plaintiff Bled his bill to' restrain
h cty- from collecting certain amounts
assessed against the Marquam theater
building property. Judge Bellinger dls
tmeses the bUl for wont of' equity and
orders Judgment against- the plaintiff;
costs of whlth are taxed at" $24.20, Tho
defendants demurrer was susta.lnfSd pre
viously, : and, a .more than six month
have elapsed since, that time, and plain
tiff having railed to. amend h' hill, de
cree is entered against him.
Ohio Ravaged by a
Peculiar Storm at
Noon Today.
(Scripps-McRa News Association.)
CINCINNATI. Ohio, May W.--The most
terriflo rainstorm ever known herew raged
shortly before noon. Willow Run, near
Covington, Ky., rose almost in an Instant
and washed the foundation from' under
a house, which was wrecked. Mr. Geo.
Flelschman and Iter child are dead, and
it is feared others are in the debris.
Four additional deaths were reported
this afternoon from various "sections of
the flooded district ? "k- '' . r "V V s
---V w f '"" f". ' I't
J . -j i . i - " i
City Asked to ' Levy, no Assess-
Ment to jVidlt; 1 '
; ! ' ; :''. -:. ;:. .
A special meeting of the Lewis and
Clark Fair director waa held this after
noon at the secretary' -office. ' Those
present were Director Jl. W., Corbett,
Adolph Wolfe, A. H. Devers, "ftufus ilal
lofy, ohnT. (i'Bhea, tec ; Ff i 'Charles
f.r tadd, Av '!..' Mills, "a. Bates"!. 'H.
gfeteehner; W. tt. i ' " Wheelwright' : F.
presser'and Wl t. Fentonalio W. Y.
Masters and Fred M. Mutkey Of the .City
Council. . . ' ','.- rf l-t . v:'.'
i The meeting was called for tha puspop-s
of ecoramencUng to the City Council tho
passage, of fn ordlnanoe to l carry Into
effect "an art toauthoriae' the City, pf
Portland to appropriate money for "the
Oriental Fair ot pp . heUCat . tft pity of
Portland during the year J-06 '' the ap
propriation is to be mad next January
by leyying a special tag of not to exceed
t taiils on the dollar. ' .
Director Dever, -'Fried -and Fenton
were appointed a- Committee to appear
before the CJty Council . and bring' this
matter up 'before It ,,' ,.;.!
Messrs. Master and Mulkey attended
the meeting hy jnvltatiori ;ahd are In
favor f this act.
At a committee meeting held before
the directors meeting It wa-4ecded to
accept the late Grant; C.' Bushrmll
iruwinir of seal and th making of ths
seglwajf awarded to WlWam Kluihpp,
4h engraver, i- : W -V'i-'-iH.., V.'
"atisene of .thq Fifth, "Ward wlB meet
tonight at Harper', HalU 3W-rint street,
to hear the merit of the Cltlsens' move,
ment' discussed. : Good Mww will be fur
nished,, and a number of fpeaksr wilj, be
present -to present the claims, of those
Who are desirous of curlng to Portland
gnd Multnomah County an- admlnletra
tien pf affairs free from" th Vptangle
(nent of ring rule. Aa cordial Invitation
Is extended to all .Interested in the Clt
Uen' movement to attend tha meeting.
Will vRiparia-Lewiston
Roacf !e to Portiart cl ?
Juat how th bundfng and Jolht- aoci
panoy of thilWlston-Rlparl liaut-
Und, at, j :'th Harriman : banaoot JMt
night i.wlHi.haefl;Portla-id ,1 ajmar
of real publio. interest. .;.'' VbSi sjf: hi
A matter now stand, the Northern
JNf. . jta. J . ojrtH J9$t
a little roundabout, perhaps, but then it
make,ib,a aama rat. thatjhepRjk
N, Company quota. , It 4sn't so Vjyy.
long ago that these two n-wrh cu,V
ting each Dther" throat metaphorically.
Now they hav kissed hd made up, ad
prbpoe ' to- build 'and Jointly operate 'a'
Ilrir 6?' the';beTiefitbf Portlaiif!
In making uch an" arrangement th
matter, simply, rtaolve ltelf qhe u
tioa of glv and takebetween, the. lines
Interested. Mr. Mohler fs out of th dty
today and Obuld net elueidat the mat
ter frpm' hi company' point of vtwt
So, too, Mrt JHeilen, and there ia no one
connected with the Northern. Pclnc ,whp
care to ba quoted, Jn fact, there,' la,a
remarkable desire abroad not to express
any sentiment at all. One gentleman,
who ha mafl a atudy of the queation,
but who shrinks from being quoted, aM
this morning; f A , . .
"I can not see how any line up th
Clearwater and Snake river Jointly oc
cupied hy the JNorthem, Pacify and,, tha
O. R. & N.'.can materlallif .behetlt Pqrt
lahd. Thla true for thg, reason tha,t
aa .I understand K. wheat shlpmenj
from lewiston to Rlparla a &P "han
dled by the O. ,R. & N. through Port
land, and ,f a . -line I Jointly, occupied
by these .Jwo lines, a certoin percentage
of the wheat hlpmepts 1 , poupd to o
to Puget Bound, anyway j. ; , i
"The buainen would thu b divided,
and it seems to 'me that' Puget ' Sound
would draw a considerable amount of
this business, from the Snake. rjv?t -thaj
now.oomte to Portland, The ,.bulldln
of thi II n tp.m appear lo amquh 19
little. Xt . tnerely keeps Portlanders jjulet
for th time being.. It is a little op
thrown out, for that purpose, t,hat taJ)j
Business will continue to be divided ,pn.
the ame ,bi. that It baa bean,., aidT
believe that Fiiget-. Sound ,wll, g.
Hon' harvof it, w uauaf;. Further
more,. I bellev that the Influence of the
Puget Bound clU ,1s sufllcieptly, tr-ong
to prevent such a, the newly pro
posed tewUtori-Riparia line .frprn blng
Wit ,at all,,4,nleas they are, to eap
a goodly .share pf the bualuesj. I may be
wrong, but that' the way the thjng
looks to me,". " .
.... ,w
; 5 i '- lr . r
P.MJT.'Marlay lo Thoma tE.'uteWl. r
lou S and 4, block aiTermmua Ad-
n anion to .Aibtn -..-.... ,......$ I
Gtprk W: Kenny and Calla iny
to tt. M. Roberts, two acYes In sefc-' '
tlon 10, township 1 duth, rang S
east .......r....U.....v.-.---- 300
F. W. Leadbetter And wife ,to Ellen
Kelly, one acre, Mifltnomafc County 1
O. M. Downs and wife" to A. O. Le
gard, two acres sectltm l," township
1 north, range iweet Daniel g.
Southmaye, D. I- 2500
Mrs.. A. BiUrer o-T, ,8,Danlal,,part
Jot 8 and I, blook Subdivision
Proebstel's Addition ...--.' -500
Co-operative Investment, ppmpany to
George M- Pracey,. lot. K block ?.,.r ...
Elisabeth Irving' Addition ' , 1600
Lucinda and F. S. .Felda, executpra, ,
to A. L. Smith, ,320x75' feet, ectlon
6, township 1 souths rang f east, , 3000
Addlo Crn to Kern, n f ,
acres,, section 8, township J, range
1 east 30Q
Security Savings & Trust Company
to A. C, Gruber, .west half of east
two-thtrda. lot t,t d ?l??k -4
Bunnyalde ...,..,. 400
Daniel Rleman and wife to .F. F.
PhUUps, lota 48 and. 50, block 1, Co
rona Park 50
Anna E. I Baoon and husband t
William M. Rupprecht, wet 3f feet
lota-, and U block: Ji Alblpa. 1250
Clara D.3 Meyer ad ,t husband ; , to
WUllam-N. Chambars, lot Ifr aed
IT, block tSriWoodlawn 200
William Masmastefjet aU.to Laura B, ,
Phlillpa, 88xlo feafe'SQ''. street and
8x134 feet Belmont -. Han Hinfw .
teenth ...... ;..t'(0'kUtjM-i''t-JlSCQ
M. C. Moor & Son ouThpa Rob
errs, lot e. block 01t Hy -i BSOO
A- L. Maxwell et aU to Phoanlx Land
' Company, lou 33 -to 40 Jnolualv.
First Electric Addition to'Albina,,.;,- U
k'tC-Fohl and huabandito' Jaoa Mil iU
! r, Iota 11, 12. 13, 14 and 15. bUck W,
! Portsmouth Addition VU.:. 400
p. W. Brice and Wlfe"to D. W.
i WakeflelA flots 1 and 3,. block 20,
I..." : mt ..,.' .
Get your-Title Inevrahcrmnd; Abstracu
to Real Estate from the Title Guarantee
c Trust Co.. Chamber of Commerce. "
i Alice S. Stuart,. 131 Thirteenth tret,
cancer, aged 42. 'f,;;:':'-:: ' ": '"
; Annie Phelps, Hillsboroj aged ..'i
Male San Kee, aged, 44.;,.;. ".';
t. EL Mato, hospital. ''-';-i;''.i --'.,.
! Ah Foou, aged (4. V''-.' ' -1
t Henry Dobsou, po7...-ldBUthtrft
fencer, aged 67. Si i'::):J:J,r i, -j.
j J. H. Slocum, Hlghlandj f.r ad WL
' The Edward Holmam Uadrtak
it Con funeral director and oan
balmr. 280 TamlOll. Phea .607.
J. P. Fintey & Sony Undertaker
knd Embalmer, cocnar Jhird and
Jefferson streets, do 'flral-claM work
and deal honorably with all." ,
. , . ,
'Otto Schumann, monumental and
building work, 204 Thfrd St, Est!
mate on first ctasa workonly. '
iV--- ';' ' ' tn.ini ,'. iy
i Clarke -Brot.f or Flowtra S89 Morv
rlton Street t ,-mti
Nominations for State
n V
ZSefiatbf SWilllBel
'rVoted On. : - 4
ftoWnttletk JU)t . 0nd,rtQnjr n
celJtfi f. cpmmuploayon trom iGbveraor
T-i, SEi-F. ';Jatni that the relgto
of State Ben tor R. p. Inmas, of Mult
nomah County, had been received and
accepted..';-'-,;, -j'..- ,''' ,
"fTh Governor tated tijai the matter of
taiitrttcitbn 'tfs" the manner of election
'"bKf ucVsoV'-hadTH re'ferred.'to'
Attorney-General' D, jRC'ff, ,." Blackburn,
iitd ltc otthd .that thj povf rnor ad. no
authority, Jti ith prep tnetanee tf,.u
(horlB th plaeing of th stamea of the
nominees Soa the official ballot. -Jr l -v
I In view of this fact Odunty Clerk Swet
land". In! irf; to iave the' extra expens
itpfyfflt a4.peplaf'eiectfoh; h4 decided
ballot. They will b datedy from -Jb
fime .when, they were mad aa, that they
Irlll come within the, -provision., of th
hvw - which 5 requires 4 that thay jhall . b
ready 30 days previous to. the dat of th
raneralitelection. -. !: , j,,.
Coupty Clerk Swetland ha referred the
matter 'of Mr, Inman' resignation and
he aeleOUon of ills, successor to several
local attorneys and it la their opinion that
h ease I an original on, no parallel to
It YuCVmg been .recalled or . discovered.
Bids for printing th ballots will be ad
vertised for today. .
i i '-i. i , i 1 1, I, i iii v a -
- -. '." !- r.
The 500 vote from .Troutda.1 wer ito-
day legalised by L. E. Harlow, th. Jus
tice of the Peace, wearng, to hla own
signature, and a to the qualifications of
the voter, before County Clerk Swet-
18 - f ..." ' ;
' The stage of the river "today at Port
land I 18 feet, danger line 15 feet; Th
Dalles J7.1 Teef, danger line 40 fee;; Uma
tilla V feet danger line 2i feet; North
port' U.5 !feei danger tine SO feet; We
Satchee (Wash.) 27 feet, danger line 40
eet; Riparia U.l feet; Iewiaton .4 feet,
danger ln 24 feet; Welser 0 6 feet,- dan
ger line JO feet. ' Water :ener the cel
lar on Front street a Ad cover the lower
dock when the Wlllamett river 1 from
to, 18 fee,t. -f . ,'
Thp temperat'ures th' 9rnl,; ver
thV upper Columbiaand thd Bnake river
basli) ange.betwt'n. 38 and 52 degrees,
and, the wAiWr ia rainy., Th tempera
ture will remain ftbouj ftationary dur
ing the next 24 Ijpurs.
Th lower Columbia river at Portland
will come tp a temporary stand at about
Mt? W r Thursday, and o afrout
feet aj The DaUes, . Wednesday. after
which a"iightay ,wiU occur; probably
lasting the remainder' of the week.
; -- - i,v4 ? - .,t:,
i Th. Itlnerarv of Georve E. Chamber
lain, the Dejnoorattq candidate .f or Gov
ernor, ror Xfl wee( ia a iouowb: wai
lowa. May 20,1 E1gn. May W:, j Ontario,
May 23; Vale, May" Mi Athena;! May 23;
PePdWW-Mff f-v Jton, May 23; Wes
ton,. Ma -3; Arilngtoi, May 24; Hepp
ner, -Mar .2- " (
J.iM.i Williamson, and J. C. Moreland
apeak at Huntington, Pendleton, Ante
lope and Hood River this week.
j. fl, .Williamson and, J4 EL Mager
speak at Rainier and Aatoria this week.
The1. Multnomah , Tjoupty candid ta
speatt At- Latoorelle FaUs,J iTroutdale,
Falrview, Montavllla, f Gresham and
Mount Tabor during' th week.
, divorces "Wanted.
I Martha Jane i Counties tpday filed suit
for divorce against 'William H. Countiss.
She allege that has-husband Is a habit
ual drunkard, and i(ha treated, her .In a
true), manner, even o far a to threat
en her -' life.'' They were married' at Ot
lumwa, laVi-July S, 1864.- - :
j tetell twart! ha- brbaght'ult ifor
atVoroe against . Ernest A. Stewart, on
Jha arotrnd f fleaertlon. They were mar
ried In Portland in 18SO. - j
: C'A. 'aWh'eeler,,TlW-story '''eoilkgef Eaai
Thirtieth and Division, 1250. '
Mr. M. Roeder.'one-story cottage. East
Twenty-flfth .ap.Tlbbetts, $1280.
t. Peterson, jjpttage, Madison and
Chaa-nan; MWfi. m- pp!"tf
P, Merell, bArn, Weatl and Washf
Ingtoh, ' tlBOO. fa .?',, .'.' ' ,i:Af
John Storey, cottage, Stanton and Mis
sissippi ji venue, 3700, 1
George Cumber , two-story ' dwelling,
Second and Hall, HBO. ' ' '
) E. p. "W'ood, l-story : cottag. East
Yamhill aid East Thirty-flfth. 13M. "
I W. F. White. tWO-tory dwelling. Twen
tieth and Johnson, $3000. '
' J. Turnbun,l-tor? cottage," Thirty
second and Vaughn, $2500, y
i Minnie Blasertwo-story dwelling. East
Sixteenth' and Ash, 13000. ; .s tSi'iA
: John Enery-f-two-tory brick, Flrat and
Madlon.$po,''rt:-.i-rv . .J-' -1- r
, j .B, Harjsen, r -tor 1wing. East
Twelfth and Broadway. $100. y
i C. C. Peterson,' addition, Eaat Sixteenth
and Ellaworth, $150. PX-? Jr:-j::X.v.ry:
SAN FRANCISCO, 'T Mar f 2o!-What
J. T, Hull, Roaedale, meaale. -
' Catherine, and Mildred Walden, $30 Bast
Taylor, ohickenpox. , - ' - m
Z " " 1 - :-;. -m jm m e j w . -a-r
: .To the mos popular; your.;, woman lo oftland 7Ji
-JournaJ wlll give a ten.cUis trtp to th4 Mensi&t and py
ber expenses down arid back, and her- hotel bflr, while ( there."
To determine her popularity a vote will be taken and the' one
receiving the most vote! will e the trip. Jto o tfitUnz the .
next highest number will be given a trip lasting from Satyr
day trrnon'dayrairfrterThe one who tsr tWrrl to CreHitwtlt -receive
a trip up the lordly Columbia and return, v ; ' '
"fl'j This b a chance for the worthy yoori oihett 1 whe fill
busy places to1 the ilif io taki k vatafloif irlpYf ft will bT
-appreciated; ' '
...... , -,:,
'. ;-. v...v6vi.r:i:--'-':
AS THB ONd T(L TAKB Tlt6 ' !
Journal Vacation Tflp;
.Th -Youpf Man'-JlpmjMcan ,CIift a
South PortiandewiW a1v,an1-e'V'"'J,r,
In the Park ofr; enark fdL WU
streets, tonight. . Address will he n-ad
hy Geo. Wiiiaa and t MColylf,
Xeoaorlo'e , band; will furnish- thr muslo
for the occasion and the Hoo Doo quartet
wll.. dlsoours some ,of 4 Jthiy , favorite
songs. Sea'8 for the aocoainiodatlon of
tboaan people h been previded. (91
Richard Mllnar,. aged year, died yes.
terday at St. VlnoenV hoapiul of ap
pendlotti. He ra-th aoa of Mr.-aad
Mrs; A? Mllnar.'-.',;. r: , , n -. ,
Presideni BeaeB. ef the iBoard Of Trad;
has received an litvltatton fromtHe May-or.-aldenntn
and cltlsen" -f Victoria.
B.C. tQ fttend the anniversary 'of Queen
Victoria1 btrthdiy "next reek.
. The Weather Bureau : apot to start
moving In to the nw Oovernrnent build,
na; a week from Baturda"' Tbl" offlbe
will be very hard to rhov' owtng't th
many electrical "foetfitiiieatsj
fhecornrnittee put for ubCrtpiibn to
the Portland-Alaska' Transportation Com pany
report that1 stock 1a selling Hke hot
cakes, nearly all 0 Stock haying eeh
iibcrlbed already; V""., : , "t".-
Oeorge Klldowfand FrankHltach nr
the two union men who returned to work
yesterday at Wlcoiar'BroTi.ptaHlng mill,
having" made Investment In. otne of the
stock of the concern ,; .When the noon
hour came, however, tbey quit their po
sitions, stating that they eould endur
the, strain no longer vntll the strike ta
declared offJ Oae of them ald: "Th
took I aubscrjbed for can go. I won't
work there any longer until thla thing
Is settled.-'" " M ' '
The Amalgams fed "Woodworkers are
finding Ume In connection' with 'their
many trouble Xp tRake prepa-W0" f9t
the grand ha'1 which they intend to give
next Saturday evening n Arlpn Hall.
Nearly - 3800 - ticket have already been
sold. , The proceeds go to the' strike fund.
Business AgemV Andrpsj ot the Laun
dry Worker' Union, has secured office
room at 2M Third street, where he will
look put for tha interest of the Organi
sation.. . -
T. Boott Brooke todhv hoot tfi Tan-v
nan M.-Btth'fariri at falrVfcw for A
000. The sale Was made bV the exeoutor,
W. M. Ladd. The bid Waa 10 per cent
more than a? former one. -'' v f -
"Volcanoes covering a distance of 600
mile ' tretoV through ' the republic of
Cogta Blca Nicaragua. Salvador and
Guatemala, ah ;ottt 9 5 of theitt' are In
activity," said Professor Davidson the
otherday. ", "Th generap rang trend
west-nprthwest, an4 In fJlcaragua, Balvaf
dor-and Guatemala is" altuated only about
twenty-five to thirty mile from, the eea.
The peak rtse.)tp att eyayon;t pf; .ooo
feet, the average height of the raiige be
ing about W00 feett j
"One of the heaviest eruptions recorded
In this district was that ot Mount Con
pegulna, at the northwest, point of Nlcar
sjfFye5kinihj. gulf of foneoa.
In,. January,v1835, It . was in eruption for,
fqur days and the sky wa so dark In
the daytm that lantern , hd to b
used. Th ashessjpread over an area of
needy 1000 m(leaf and reached aa far a
famafoa, In tM West ladle. Th ter
Hfloinolse waa, heard.' fa-into Mexico) and
rtin4reti-..o ntile iha poutfawea,f. A
vessel at sea was enveloped in ashes and
could not make ' out her position, and
pumice covered the adjacent gulf and
the aea to a depth ''ft .three; tee , t
"Guatemala ha beno ghaken , many
time by earthquake that bav accom
panied voloflnlo activity. Th capital.
Guatemala City, was first built close tin
ker the northeast lde of the volcano
Agua and Fuego, and wa overwhelmed
by an eruption. Rebuilt upon the same
site, the capital wa again destroyed and
the third time It waa moved several mile
toward th northeast. But again th
treinblor came along and Swelling were
wrecked, tiie capital wa then estab
lished where .jit rTow.v away ffoin the
volcano. Agua. .... ' - , , ;
"Thi volcano Is 1..O0O feet above sea
(evel, with other adjacent peak and vor
eanoe Teaohlng- to an altltud of 14,400
feet. The city of Quesaltenango, or what .1
remain of It, lie under th northweat
flank of Jh fteestetii part 'of Jhe range."
about .TS miles' from Guatemala. It t
much Closer to th volcano than Guate
mala la, and. tha pak adjacent tp Que-,
kaWmango rl to an 'altitude of about
12,600 feet. . - - . j- J .
I "The actiyjty efjthe eastern, portintt
' ' " " i , . W j . 4 , " -
.- -jbv " v ekka
Six coupons wilt be jfivep S
iorXweelt'l odd ; In , ad-.
vance supsf nptoni
ty-slx votes wiU be gHren
for a month's, paid In adt
vance- subscription, and
seventy-eight votes will-
be glveit fori- every , three g
month's paid in advance
he volcanl'o range in Guatemala 1 fcf ih
volcano Chlngo, fltuated '' cdmpara
tlvely little, known -part 6f the country;
Chlrlge overieAs fc Cakl f)0Ua, Vhi?
s surrounded by volcanoes that stretchy
to the Borth-nbrthwest." la over li,W "
feet Jn elevation, but there are no town
ef any lihporfanc near ft, '"Aji! tntrt-'
ng fact about Moint;Conseguina Is that'
the height of ta done appearA-from olf
and present measurements,' to have drop- '
ped from $, ,$. f nearly 10 fet.'
? ''Ndw; whyhnakel ahoiftd "b ot
such frequent 'occurrence and o dla
trbua In'1 thtetr" nature- itf'th5 -rt 'of.
citirtral-merlfa 1 a niysfry wclwrthrtr
are unable to explain." Tq the ee-fuajt 9k
server after readlag tH hpv. th Idea
will . probably present tael - thf-N
earthquakea are oloaly Jl(d wlth, O ,
eruption of many volcaooe eUready .
ready- Htded-o, Inf-amuoh as th shook
being aqeompahied, .bs tjie , eruption, the -eruption.
a the can:! the hock; but
thla were, the cae namly. that vol
canlc eruptions eauaed arthouakes, bow
Is It that earthqyakea re unknown in
the vicinity Of Vesuvius, Aetna and other
giwat vplcapoe la,'4Uereni-artT-t th,
world. We have earthquake shocks , In
San Franolaco, ut; hav w ny vol
canoe near theralf " , ;
"A i, matter of fact, arthe.uakea, Tor
all we know, may or-y "hot be oaused
hy ivolcanlo erupUone. but.w thi PPlnf
scientists have up to the present oen
unabl to lay dewnnr.fSnlte rula"
recently tested the1 lMlUvns to roualo
of1 each ofth anlmala' W the toologioar
garden of Qermahy. : ;Th lnHaww ef
th violin was greatest on the "puma.
Whose mood changed rapidly a th na
ture of the muslo, changed, pecomlnf
verv much exoltad and nervou when
,ilV.t. nUvi-jl : Wnlvie shbWrfd
han'apprecla'tlve'lptereat, lion and lj&a
I aWin-i luinor' Wt4 unconeeM- .
ed hnd-mohkeyk SuAmM1
propo'alUon1 tj thj Port tf conftruct ia
line pf ' -alfyraye Jlong th saaterh lit
toral of tha Bed Sea. The railway mile
age ,ofrk;Hnl-rop;iJJ45 P35 12S458
age of Turkey "In Ehirope 1' But 1,$
nd in Aala Minor 1.560. Nfa railway ef
any length In Turkoy at present bl
to meet operating expense ana usw
charge unless- sided by the state subsi
dies. Companies that have mad the ex
periment, have beefl( forced to" compro
mise With their bondholder.. 'v
The Britlh government has Juat ..com
pleted th survey ot the Engllah.secttan
of Lake Victoria Hyanita, in Central
Africa, for .the establishment of a steam
er rvto on tlJirlak In .cpantotlqn wth,
the Uganda railway, which ha recently
been completed, ' The lake l tuddd With
island of varying sizes, many of them
densely populated
'I.' VAT
.. 'MD i - -.' "'?? : !"
Germany' eldest amy veteran baa Jttt
celebrated hi 100th birthday at bis homa
near Osnahruck ; He Is a master buna
n.mi wiimaVer and JolnedT the
Thirteenth lWtphana.nraniry regi
ment in 152Z. , . i 4 1. S "i
j Canada ha offered an arch to,;Ixnd?n
or the street decoration. 1 8nw-cappi4 '
mountalna block ot ic ana tmDi-a m
the reuurati of the Dominion. Westmin
ster council ts considering the offer, which .
has been made through 1-ord Strathcona.
To secure a prompt dispatch of business
.t.tuTwu war office has don away
with the chair used by the Junior of-
ficUil t D ocoununts aesartment, as -wHt
rhoe .provided hrth .waitta;
room. Tha result la atated to be most
succeful.-'i ;VZ'-1 I P
In Formosa recently k battalion; of ol
illera comnletelv 'nrotected from mos--
qultoe for 161 days, during the malarial
season, escaped, tha - disease entirely,
whereaa,. there were 259 case of -malaria
place and during the ame length of
time.: ...... , -
Brother Dickey's Philosophy, i
Hit's n y hone' opinion dat denv blaei
soota on de aun I oaused, by d. Here. .
after pitchla de nigger In. 1 ,
tt .de ummrtime. 'tnongst a jsuuua
race, call tr preach la fur, mo freqnent,
dan calls ter plow. ')
Solomon had mo' wives dam would fiU
up a dty, en yet, after all, he dt?d wld
dapepla. - , . '.
We cash ell kinds eJ cbecka,M-oee7
Mh4? and brdUTerent, et all horrt of
th day and night, Including Sunday