Portland evening journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1902, May 10, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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VOJj. I. . &0.-.53.
t)AT)fTT A -VTT iAPU'inV , ?'4i3 A fnTTT r A XT .. lir A-TT 1A . 1 OHO ' r
3- J
3:30 EDMION.
' 1 '
No Possible Way
the Rairi of
Probably 40,000, Persons Perished. ahdTesti
t 4
lence May Kill rThousarrds More. J
Souffriere, ' Orr
PARIS, Hay IkThs- Minlitw -of Men"
Sine today, received the following dis
patch from, the commander of too sunt
tntt Suchpt, j date 1 Point; a'PUra, 1 thl
' saorolngt - J
' JHereis aU hf Information obtlnbl
rnrardinj- tha ' eataatropba: t ? J 1
'"l(vwrfl o'eioflic In fha mornlnc th
Vohjano tliiw dot ta-eonslOersbls. voiuma i
of amok and immadiateiy afterward a
pout of flam hot up. , k , ,
"A. moment Jater tha ' anttra town' waa
eetroyJ by flra,'anahlp to th har
bor -were. unmaa ted an4 burned. ,
"Tha rata of rocks Jastad a -quarter ot
, m Hour. ( r i 3 '
, ,"I reached St. PterVa at 1 o'clock In tha
aftefnoon, aarlng a faw.peraona tram tha
hlna f- ' 'fe J? - ;'
',"N; iinn peraon ' waa ytaibto Jn tha
to, which U was Impoealble to anter.
"Numerous corpea lay.near,tho quay, j
. Sanator "A. - Knight, praaldant of tha
MarUalqua Council, who, it was feared,
bad perUhed. sent a dlepatoh from Fort
4 rruM'10ck u rml;lwN this
mornln. t in , which ha saye . Mornerouge
"This Wes hope that, pajrhaps,: rafugees
i from tha stricken , dlstriot mlht bavs
bean able to find succor, there."-
' PARIS. May i.-8lowly- but steadily
tha mwful lata of St. Pierre Is Mh '
: flrlnaoVT ,'iU-stifr'.
Tha government this- morning received
dispatches from sevaral of tha small W
ads 4yin(- close, to tha Ul-tatad MartK
nHU. (lTUiaT UUIWI ..vmttmr'-w-f. r
; ttia J-tatoBrtea-AeMlrtf. BhC !. hasvwBftell
jstry iMe tooajr a mx xouowor , ;
from Martlniqya. - ; v , r-' -v.;.; j.'f'f".
"St. Pierre was destroyed, by, m. ;str-:
ppout and-ilra. ..... : aL.:..
"Only M persons , were rescued, and
these ware taken from a ship In the har
bor. , . -r " .,
"Tho Buohet'came to set provisions.,
"The gunboat will leave today for Mar
tlnique. with -a. full complement-of men.
"AU means of reacue are at your serv
BT. THOMAS, May WJ-The . Panlsh
crulaer Valkyrie haa sailed for St. Pierre
to .render any assistance In her power.
It la feared here that pestilence la al
most certain to follow the Bt Pierre dis
aster, and It will be "yes efora MarO
nlttuo recovers from the blow. ' f
.hi VrbRSB.f5ArBVER.,-. :' "
N9ONi)Mayl0.!1A Central flows die-"
patoh from St. ,Xcia .seya the situation
In .MartlnluoJs worse than ever. . .. i
Othor mountains are txiretlng forth w
arsOons,! iJ'-T "v;rr;
X)T MOLTEN" 'JtodKS.-' ' '
POINT A'FITRE, Island of Quadolotipe,
Miy 10.i-Th olty - ot 8fc Pierre wis 'de
stroyed so 'quickly that no one bad an op-
, portunity to escape. Tne stont reieo o.
Pierre) crater belched forth molten rocks
and ashes for m. space of about 1. min
utes, and the ruin of the city had been
accomplished. Thoso without i shelter
were doubtless burned to death In. their
tracks, and those In building were, ere-,
msiod without power to shield themselves
from the awful vislUtion. All the, Inhab
itants of the city and a district wHhln
four, mttes. were burned to death.: Proba-
Biy eV,UW Ml B,W PWHUM. ywnucM.-'.
' LONDON, :My,10.-rThs: Colonial Omea
thla morning received some details of the
TMoanior srupuoa eu w ; uu vt
' Vincent. :; ', v--- j. : r.
This news comes from the Governor of
Barbadoes, and reads t . .. .
i'Souftriere, on the Island of St, Vin
cent, . erupted violently yesterday, with a
loud report resembling artillery fire.
"The explosion was heard In Barba
dos. ,
"In the afternoon, darkness and thun
der, aocompanled by a strong downpour
sf dust, set In. - ,- - - .
"Barbadoes is ooverea to me exxeni ot
Several Inches this morning." '. . j
A message from th Governor vf -the
Windward Isles was received this morn-.
ing as followsi
Thirty deaths are reported In St.' Via-
of Escape From
Moltep Rock;
theBritish Island, Likeyise in
. 1 Eruption1. ; . .
ent, -but my, Information Is Incomplete.
yr VTha erupuon Is- stilt proceeding. (
i Meeaagea, from , the .Administrator : of
Dominica ay that;: provisions are being
font to), Martinique for the relief of the
survivors.-. ,t T , . .
This is 'the 'first indication'' that tbsro
were survivors. , , ,
W TORK, - May XO. Four hundred
nd fifty .refugees from St . Pierre have
rwvsa Port :de Prance. : - , '
' TbJs good, news was made publio by
the French. Cable Company . hero-today,'
which', has .established communication
arih kk 1-1-- .... .. . ' . ..,
siarunique. j K r
reiugees were Picked ,. up by the
cable company's repair steamer Pcmyer
Quartler. ,v t :.'(-, , y 4
The steamer is preparing to return' to
mediately , to tho vicinity of St Pierre,
and. It I w xpcfc-A, yjt others will be
saved,. Jhe Refugees landed in Fort ds
France are' all -. jreu,-; ,. , ... , , , ,
, PARIS. "May 10,-Th Minuter for. the
Colonies this evening received a dispatch
from' the Secretary ; General of Marti
nique, which puts s, somewhat brighter
light on the situation.' ' v '
It Is dated at Fort de France and reads:
"Th work of clearing the ruins of St.
Pierre has commenced. v 1
"Orders rhaye; been Issued to burn all
corpses to? prevent an epidemic. r '
'The population of the environs of 1st
rwrre arer oeins; ; conveyed to Fort de
.jrcance.;,,-,.;,..;.:, , ,
t'All means possible have b'eeh taken to
provision ; too;1 rescued and reUevs the
wounded.' 4 .! f'
JAsoVyttwoA a sOii af the Iter, Mr.
ofSabosjuwisiis a cadet now sew
w loe u. . M. Indiana In Wmm
h anuian waters." Hi. Vessel called t D
Pierre. Martinique, on April t, 1902, and
. ths younr Sailor sent the..' following ac
count, of lbs UI-fated'iiland to tho
Zettung of Sheboygan, Wis..; which print
ed It in its edition, of May-t Through
the courtesy of , Paul ; Dachsei, formerly
editor of the jSeltung and now bookkeep
er, in the Portland office" of the 8 tar
.Brewery Company, The Journaihas been
furnished' with the following verbatim
translation ; of Cadet Fuerer's account of
his visit rto Bfc ,Pierre: v
' Eany vls beautiful Sunday morning
our squadron bast Anchor tore. We had
a quiet and fln trip. When we went on
deck 'Yl'sjuorlMiai. beaotlfBl a lsw mm
wevr bshetd ta the West Indlss greeted
usv; The Ijorthero part of the Island of
: Martinique, spread out all its scenic beau
Mtles befoc .Tttt: astanished. . eyes. '-. The
fountains, bedecked with luxuriant ..
1 tattoh, shoe, l Jthelr fairest morning
rdressA :-;The ''peiitoV were surrounded ,by
wwte CHWd-vells -Ss by i nlght-capV
ui vuier tropic i trees increased
the ptctWesquenese of the scene. iThe
tevel portions of the" lalahd have the ap
poaranco of a checker-board quilt on ac
count of the sugar cane fields being laid
Out In exsct squares. As every separate
field has different shade of color, It
looks from the distance as though the
slopes were ooyared. with a huge quilt '
v The valleys sre very fertOe and abound
,1a lbs choicest specimens of tropical veg
etation; The pretty white cottages peak
out so lovely from the dense green; as
though they would convey to us a friend
ly good-morning." From time to time we
could catch a glimpse of tho great high,
way which connects the two principal
eltles of wralsJnd;l;f;",
The Island is the best cuIUvated in the
West ladles. Vt"'y !;?"
Ererythlng proves the great Industry of
tho inhabitants, clrcumspeotlon and strict
control by the govenlmsnt.:
The Inhabitants ara chiefly negroes.
The Island belongs to France which has
ruled It for years and has managed to
secure , ths .Island , front , all rapacious
itsigbrfcM,H;'.r.Xv.'.! .
The harbors' are very well defended and
a ehlef rendesvous. of . the French fleet.
This is especially true of Fort de France.
St Pierre U the main commercial point
Tho Inhshltsts , number . about 175,000,
mostly negroes or mulattoea. . ......
'. Ths ocean is Very deep here, even doss
to ,the shorey'i 'JsW
Getting Up in the
Morning for Breakfast
-;' Tho merry Zulu who gathers, his food
.- from the trm hu littla um for laundry.
' But the "today7' oitisen - of Portland
MUST have It And that of the very best
ir you . are t exacting m tne matter oi
laundry, you make a mistake If
! you don't -
end Fours ,tt tbf y-aS i"K
Main offkw 251 S, E. Water SU
I roy
West Side office 303 Wathlngto. St..
" Pbones-Orafon Kst UL Columbia MKk
' The only tault with
He Never Worked ;and
(Journal' Special Service.)
pussiea over tne mysterious muruer vt
Frank Bloonsa, a political leader, among
the naturalised dtisens In the Williams
burg section of Brooklyn. The police be
lieve that he was a victim of the Mafla.
Two shots wene nred at the Italian, on
priggs avenue, and two men 'w ers seen
running away. . . ,v :'t
Diconia. who was 0 years old and jved
with his wife and three children at 640
Driggs avenue, was a power la a pollUcal
way. Be was generally a Democrat And
was about to swing foil his side a consid
embls:folltfwtng: t ', ".t?;'
" Hs was never known to work, but llVed
comfortably and spent most of his time
at a political club, '
.0 ... .
LISBON, May 10. Archer Huntington,;
the son ot Collls P. Hunting-ton, recently
bought the rare library of the Marquis do
Jeres for a million francs. ' ...
Hs intends to present It to the United
8tates government to be incorporated In
the Congressional library. . c ; j
In the Jeres library each manuscript
has literary interest rather than histori
cal importance. Among them are) many
of Cervantes' manuscripts and first edi
tions, .;; , ,v " ;
(Journal Special Servtoe.) . ; .
TOLEDO, My 10. Mayor & M. Jones,
who is. also President of ths Board of
Police Commissioners, today refused to
surrender the Police Department to the
new Board Of Police Commissioners cre
ated by an act of the Legislature end
approved by Governor Nash. i ,
A demand was made . upon ' him by
President Kniseley' of the new beard and
the 'Mayor positively refused, to grant
the request or recognise the authority of
the new board, -vi vi ,' v
. He takes the broad ground that there
is no authority superior to the will of the
people and he refuses to recognise the
right of the legislature to oust a board
elected by the voters of the city. Sens,,
tlonsil developments are expected,;" . fl 4
- (Journal 8pecial Service.) V1 '
RACINE, Wis.. May tt.-Ftftjr Italian
laborers employed by the Milwaukee rail-.
road made murderous attacks last night
on Mls Nellie Brown and Mrs.. Sarah
Bums and fought so desperately against
capture that only; two were caught, after
the Sheriff had aliased them with an au
tomobile. Ths two prisoners were lodged
in -jail .arter Tunninc tae gauouet ot -a
mob bent on summary Justlsa. v .
1 ,n-r..!
it is thatthert Is no troable to "work out". the puzzle.
i r
Some time during last night on early
this morning burglars forced an entrance
to, ihe bAUdlng occupied by the City
Laundry, on North Fourth, street and
breaking Into the safe took I the contents
amounting1 to about 1300, ,v,
.'V Detective Cordano was) detailed on the
caas; and' he is satisfied that the safe
crackers are amateurs In that line. The
safe la an old-fashioned one and could al
most be broken into , With a sUck of
wood. All the burglars had to do was to
knock off the knob with a hammer, and
complete the Job by disarranging the
combination with a steel punch. Then
the door could be swunc open with ease.
Whoever did the Job were very deliber
ate In their movements, as they evident
ly counted over the -money, -and divided
it before leaving, the building. This U
mads evident by the fact that they leit
a .bad dollar on the floor. In speaking of
the case Detective 'Cordano said:
,. 'I think tramps did the work. The
sledge hammer used in "breaking. Into the
safe was stolen front tho O. R. A N. car
shops on the East Side, as was probably
the other tools I found beside the safe.
It is hardly likely ..; that a professional
safe-cracker would carry this heavy out
fit this far, when It would be Just as
easy to get chm nearer the scene of the
burglary. -V-. "
"It was simply an accident that the
burglars hit upon last night as the time
for the robbery. I don't believe In the
theory that some one familiar with the
place had a hand In It but still X may be
wrong. Usually there is very little money
left over night in the safe, but this being
pay day, yesterday's collections were not
banked." . - V
No arrests have been made.
' It Is probable that' Henry E , Dosch,
commissioner-general from Oregon to
four, great expositions, will be appointed
director-general of (hp Lewis and 'Clark
Exposition. He Is thought to be favored
by President Corbett and many of the
directors of the Exposition, , .
There are no avowed candidates for ths
place, but several names have been sug
gested. ,;, ' . t wi in,,, ijfcj.
, M'ls said that Mr. Dosch hss tnade no
efforts , to secure . the . appointment; but
several sitiseas have suggested bis name
and. urged his capabilities to the directors.
On iTuesday afternoon i at f : .o'clock
the ladies' reading circle of tho People's
Cbrlstian-. Union (applied t Christianity)
will hold a sesskm at tho home of Mrs.
Bowers. AM North Twenty-first street.
toiririL' 11:
t. . ssjssssjissssiwsBsSa
' ) '
. 3
Npvy Proceed to Own j
: Germany.
, (Journal Special Cable.)
BERLIN, May 10.-John D. Rockefeller
is financing, the latest monopollstio ln
vaslon of Europe from America, Involv
ing an Immediate payment of $50,000,000 to
acquire plants and a capitalisation of
many millions more. It Is now conceded
that he is back of the Virginia, North
Carolina Chemical Company whose plan
It Is to secure possession of all the Ger
man potash fields.
MAY 20
(Scripsp-McRae News Association.)
LISBON, May 10. A Lorenso Marques
dispatch says that the Boers are certain
to agree to the British terms of peace,
and that a proclamation to this effect
has been set for May 20.
Rejoicing is being arranged for at D
lagoa Bay. .
Prices $3 to $3.50 Per
Head in Montana.
. (Journal Special Service.)
CHINOOK, Mont, May 10.-A sheep
deal of huge proportions was concluded
this week when M. P. Jones bought 40O
head ot wethers from Sam Williamson.
The band Is composed of one. two, and
ttree-year-oldsv and tha price' was HOI
for ? yearlings ' and 5 UO for twos and
threes. The sbeep are to be delivered on
May 15. ' -'.'
v .1 1
three glasiers in the employ of Nlcolai
Bros.,' ths planing mill men. walked out
yesterday in sympathy with tho union
strtkera " -tVt'c-!
, The; cement . workers organised a union
this week,' and started out with. a-strong
membership. vr'r;"r , ;. X t
The" blacksmith employes wUl erganlss
a union smmetlmer nexa week.' nve are
compelled to take this step,' said one of
the men this, morning. Of or self-proteo
tkn. It is. neoessary that wa should do
something to; make a stand-off for, tho
high-prices how. oharged-or'sverythlng
we buy."' f - . '
nan in
i . 1 ,i . in
Days Horc. N
Soda Drinks
LILAC Sundae
LILAC Sangaree
LfLAC Ice Cream Soda
LILAC Cream Frappe
Woodard, Clarke & Co.
&e iSUMM E
..j! r ' ; " ' - '
f " ..
; oT s.TW.-.f-
OAS STOVB- tij.ee.
Eastman Kodaks
20 per cent off
published prices
Blumauer?Frank Drup; Co.)
.... 1. ....... ; x ... ,.
VVholteaJe LtoOr sjU
', c . i. .i'
BanfieW-Veysey Fuef Co.
Cet your orders in early and give your wool
a chance
Office: No. 80 Third 8troot.
Ore. Phono, Main 363. Columbia,
No More Dread
New York Dental Parlors
4th and Morrison
m 1111 cl PUTTS
No Pain n3i NoUas
Full Set of
' Teeth extracted sad SUed absolutely without pala, but ear ato sttsaOSO
: ssethoA applied te the gums. No sleep-producing asente sr teoaine, .
These are the only lental parlors la rertlaad haviag patented ?n
anees and lagredlents to extract ail and 'apply peld oxowas and perriia
srewna uadeeetable trosa aataral teeth, and warranted for 10 yaasa. VfUav
tlenrc: 8i30 to &00SuaUy 5i30 to IsOO. .hvy ;
at. i .
CHICJLOO, May 10.-Th8 government's
bill of complaint agatnat the meat-packers'
combine 'arrived from 'Washington
this tnomlnif. ftr.l v :tl be r.'.cS at (o'clock
thla af lernouu,
Royal Lilac
. rilVomt!Flowsr. '
1J CIS 02.
- R 5 E-AtS O N ;
1 J. . oj . . '.-titr-(fcA1.- i'ari""
AsWe from the economy, tho Utt',,
at... u V.l.l. BS. Slim S
JidHaH Labor from your kitchen y
sjMuMappoaltoyouv .
. . 1
SUIT f VlWUU inn IV , , ,
3taeYsjnbiaSunPortlsn,Or. )
The Brownie, No. f,list $ik.... Soc
The Brownie No. a, list $a.oo..,$i.oo 4
The Panorama. Ust $10.00 .$&.oo .
and th
New Plate Camera, list $25joo,.Smm ,
Wholesale and toportlaz Drujjlst.
American Whiskey -
HOCH, ; Sole DhtrDrtcrS
if . . ... . ', ...... 1 ',. ..I.' ' j;
, 1 of t
Qgw Dealer. I Oo-1101
0 Fourth :
A complete line ol .FACZAItiyS.
SHOES for men alto the koowi
PURITAN in five styles. 'A coapleto
line of Shoes for Women. 4lMei,'ChUd
rexu Boys and ;youthlcontantlr . on
hand." Send for catalogue, or will ha ;
our representative call on you. '.
Krausse SPrihoDt)
8789 first Street. ?.. PCJTLAN3, CSs)
to dry.
nn ir a vn AT)
373. rVIs sWKXW As Vi
of the Dental Chair
Sts Portland, Ore. 7 ' s 's
Teeth S5.00
1", t.V
MAnrra adho'
U L 4 ii i
" . . ?
m - ss - .- ,-tt