I - t 0 -a - U i : MM -"CN r' - ' 1J H HH H Hf t - , I J . ' " ' ; -The man who forget I to advertise ' Is soon ' ' : S forgotten, J. Walter ' :;sThomjsoo,N.y.r v,:: y r? J tXvt, iTtrCTFOJ Yf 4Fr' J v ??C ;A& $ -Aad star-$ J rj J V JJL Vi'XJ V' IVtVt IVJ N tJ sJV:i -Jm MittM-: 1 YsUfy. AV A IVI r 4 I I ll -IV-I ll I : .r, soil, Toronto. Oot. I - t ALL THI PEOPLE .vol. i. : o. 45; '-V. . PBICE FIVE CE3fT9. 1 . .44 Twoi H u hd reel ij 1. Demand ' . Tfa 'Amalf amated Woodworker! bald a bMttnc Uat nlht n3 uhnlmoUly de Hd4 to go on' a trikttala morning, and M- Tult vry mmbr , ot th. unloa TM7.uk for nine-hour day at tht tamo wage which thay bay bean f Mtvlag for 10 boura' wort, and atra con Bdnt that thalr terma -wlli be granted. Tba morning, at tba headquarters' ea UbUihed on Second and JTamhlU atraeta. - the union la receiving much,- eneouraga , mant from other labor organization jn : tha city, aa well aa from aympatblaera of ' the cauae. The following oomfnunlcatton WOODWORKERS' OUT tu received from 'the Fred Swarta mllli "Oentlemen:r Although having received bo official notice of the demands made by V . the union, but being notified by the1 men working for me, and they being members of said union, J grant them their iJ mandsv whicbr are, as J understand the matter, nine hours per day, with the praaent rate of nay. Hoping ' yon wtU succeed In getting .the other mllia to , grant your demands; 1 am, youra .truly. . VFRED SWAJITZ,: William Turner,, architect at the North Pacific Planing MUL also - sent f a -com munlcation encoueaging the union ' In Jt stand, stating that ha expected soon to - assume the responsibilities of superin tendent or. the company, and that ha is ... in' futt sympathy with, the union. "j f The mills affected by the strike are the North Pacific the Hand, Manufacturing . Company, the George Ainslle Company, J.' Martin ft, Co., Nlcolal Bros." and the Universal Sash & Door Company. Gay Co. and the Fred Swarta mill are unionised, having adopted tha nlne - hour system, and are working full-hand'. ' ed today, Both are small mills, but It is the intention to enlarge them soon. These, with the new union mill now being erect : ed on the East Side by Frank Smith & Cv will In a month from now-be-'pre V pared to give employment . to as .many men aa all the other mllia combined, and . for this reason union men are ,not wor , rylng much -ovar the situation. They firmly, believe, however, that all the mill sfwwui grant tnem wnat tney asa in a very .hOlt tlftM.: V". V w- ffi, The union baa a'memberahlp of I0S, sev eral new members being 'initiated 'last night. About (50 men were employed in the mills, therefore all but tg of the men sure out. . At the meeting last night it was de elded to extend mcral support to the laundry workers, and also to assist them as far , as possible , financially If neces sary. . A motion, prevailed also to Im pose a fine of ft upon any member pa tronlslng the laundries until the , strike now on is settled. The laundry driver were censured for .the course they have . pursued during the diffloulties. Some of ' the mills are running with green hands, and one-bf the proprietors said 'that all of them are in operation, but this Is emphatically ' denied by the - leaders of the strike. A' few men are at work; at Nlcolal Brotf.' mill. One of the firm aaid this ' morning;' "There are about 125 men at work in all the mllia today. Of couree 'we are Inconvenienced some by the strike, but we will never grant the nine-hour . day. . We could not this and, compete with' the sawmill working 10 hours a nay ana uviua praciicenjr . int nurao uiu of Work that we are doing. There are plenty of good men w can get la the country, and all the mills will be run-- nlng full-handed again In a few days." ' The union, however, entertain a dlf . fe'rent opinion on the subject. r WORKERS 7;. Th4aundry-worker ar hopeful of win ning their strike id a day or two. , A committee of drivers, acting In tha rapacity of mediators, called at union headquarters yesterday and. endeavored to make arrangement for an early confer an'ce between the striking employes and SUGAR TRUST Not Attempting' to Control the! ' " Cuban Crop. , (Scrippa-McRae -New Association.), WASHINGTON, May L-Prealdent iwf-a . LAUNDRY 1,1 Rlani ngilVI i 1 1 ' M en Nine at.;;'. tha proprietor, v-The matter will come up before the union- today ffftd a Vote 4 taken on the subject us -to what course win, be pursued concerning the confer: liCl -,''!...'-.. -.-"?. .',. ' i -ii'', ' ' ' la probable -that a meeting wUl be bald , thia afternoon, by the ,un4on and. a conference between the opposing, factions flaky result tomorrow, at which soma final Hnderttandlng is likely to be bad. ' : " - The proprietor have shown a disposi tion to meet the union as a body, but the leader of the atrike wish their exec utive board to attend to all matters of this nature.' 'The'1 unlorf 'la leaving nothing undone tor win oflt thrthe; struggle' now on, the girls . working aa Industriously as the i 'MK Wurmt, ot the Opera laundry, stat d this morning ' thot.the t proprietors haw acted-fair with employe all along; that the differences were left to be ad-; Justed by a committee, and the employes placed; tha matter in the hande of the Federated Trades. FHe tald that they had rot. held Weekly - conferences " with the rmployes,' prior to" the strike, as report ed. t "tVe! are filling our laundries with nviteiflW xpci to get along ' all Ijlghf Borne of the restaurants using pa per napkins and oil cloths are doing so to favor "us' until we get on our feet, aa it r The Portland . Lumbering A Macufaor tvirlng Company's mill, whose' employes to. tba, number of 160 went out on a strike yesterday, atarted'Vp this morning with a force of U men, the most et whorA are the company s " proprietors and clerks. The wnlon employes say that the com pany offered them all aorta of Induce menti to go to work this mornlhg, but Stnt dJclIne fa' recognise .rgranisad) labor. The steamer Aberdeen was unable to complete loading lumber at the mfTi arTd left .this mdrhlng' with a ' half cargo, 'longshoremen refusing to work at .the company's dock until the men's terms ar granted, r? ' --;;'' , The proprietors are standing firm and says, that they will : never recognise the unfoni Eimployea are' confident of win- litrlng, however, and believe that steps will be- taken in a very short time to effect sTstUemht;''',',:-. " Groups of' union- men have been near the mill, all day watching operations, and comparing notes. ' ARRESTED Since the . Laundry Workers' Associa tion declared a strike. Manager GUUland of the Union "Laundry, which is one of tha largest . establishments in Portland, has had his Share of troubles. ' All of his union employes walked out, and he tried to .supplant them ( with per sons who were ' willing to work Sit the old, scale.' " Jt waa" , not bard -to secure this 'Class of labor;, but in many in 'btancc person : who agreed to take strikers', places were persuaded to quit their Jobs and Join the ranks of those who war out , . ! i Many could not be convinced that they ware doing labor a wrong, and now the strikers' ar becoming disorderly. Last night Martin Tulllaon wai arrest ed, for. throwing a beer bottle at a non union manas he was leaving -nork, and this morning Mr. ' GUUland swore out three more warrants for the arrest of strikers, on charge of assault and bat-tary.--- v v. ' The police will, b on hand at the laun dry tonight, to see that .no further dis turbances occur. . ' Havemeyer of the sugar trust appeared before the Senate Cuban relations com mittee today. ' when Inquiry , was begun Into the question as to tha amount ' of Cuban sugar owned and controlled by th trust. v He said th trust now owns about 10 days' supply of Cuban sugar, and denied that ' the trust - bad been buying up or seeking to control a large proportion of tha Cuban sugar crap. 1 Hours THE SAWMLL SITUATION STRIKERS Caught With a Camera ' ; Very embarrassing indeed. But f awkward positions like this are relieved 1 p! much distress by the consciousness I of correctly Jaundned skirts, etc. You ; tend yours to the - " ,1 ' mv i SrHtnnrx i y r West Side office 308 Washlngtoo St. Mttaorgoa JBaat 1 3 J I; , ' los mm They Witnessed the .Always. Beautiful: Floral Paraded. tScrlppa-McRae New Association.) . LOS ANGELES,' Cal, May l.-Tha an nual fiesta celebration opened thla morn ing! with an Elks' comic parade. S ' The streeta.'were gorgeously decorated.' The biennial congress of the "National federation 1 Of ; Woniea'a ,Cluba!, opened this morning with a meeting of the ad Vlsory . eounclL t ; ! .c, :''; 1 :: ' Its first session waa heldv this: after noon, Mrs. ' Kebecca Douglass Lowe of Georgia presiding, i -s ..-:ff. .;.. v,i I y Addresses of - welcome . were : made by Governor . Gage. .; Mayor .Snyder,. v Mrs. Chester P. Dorland, state president; Mrs. Kata Bulkey .of lOakland, and Mr. . Jo siah Evans CoWles, president of the bl ennial board.'"- : President' Lowe responded. s Greeting' from fraternal delegates and raporta: of committees followed. Tonight there -will ' be a reception at the Women's Club house. - . . - : . The funeral of the late Richard 8. Per kins took s place from - the family resi dence. No. 665 Flanders street, at I O'clock this afternoon. Bev. Wilson offi ciated, and! 'the interment was In River view cemetery. Many old friends of the once hearty and rugged "Dick" Perkins were present to pay their last respects, to th,eir friend. " REPUBLICANS FILE TICKET Herbert C. Smith, Secretary of the State Central Republican Committee, filed the county ticket; in the offloe of the County . Clerk - They state, ticket ls: filed With the Secretary of State and the city ticket with the City Auditor. The Citi zens' ticket was filed several days ago. f 5 (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) . CALCUTTA, May 1. A disastrous tor nado swept over Dacca and vicinity to day. Several villages were razed and 416 per sons killed. . r All crops were completely ruined.' ; 4 Dacca Is about 130 miles northeast of here. .. . ,' . . . ; (Scrlpps-McRae New Association.) WASHINGTON, May 1. -Secretary Hay today received a cablegram from the United States Ambassador to Italy to the effect that he had conferred with the Prime Minister concerning the Imprisoned American officer, and bad been assured that they would be released shortly. (Scrlpps-McRae New Association.) KEWANEE, Ills.. May 1.-A carriage containing C. A. Butters. E. A. Em.ery, Blanche Harding and Margaret Keeler, was struck by a Burlington train early this morning. AH four of the occupants ot the carriage were instantly killed. . PROBING THINGS (Journal 8peclal Service.) WASHINGTON, May l.-Tho Honae thia morning agreed to the Burleson bill calling on the Secretary of War for copies of all orders bearing upon th campaign In Samar, specifically so far aa they ra lata to th campaign-directed by General Emltft. r-r ' A dmllar resolution was agreed to by the Senate. ' . , s pm inn Tha Board of County Commissioners met this morning and made an order raising the pay of all laborer on the county road. Th new schedule Is as follows: ' i ' Man and team, US0; supervisors, UK- laborers, 3 per day. ' The chanawVtskes ftt frnm snd after todays " v mm niirs run 1 ra 1 in KILLED i . (Journal Special- Service.) . ROSEBURO, .Or Mag. L Acting Dep. uty Marshal Frank Reed fatally shot T C Owens In the back of the head early this morning -.'5 . . Reed recognised in Owens the d'escrlp tion of a man wanted at Eugene for the larceny of an overcoat. In attempting to escape Reed shot to. ward Owen with fatal results. Owen died at 10 iW this forenoon with out regaining - consciousness. A postmortem examination will be held tnis afternoon.: ,, i, v .Owens was formerly; a school teacher at Myrtle Creek, aged about 21 years and irarrled. ' C, ' - Reed, who surrendered to the Sheriff, say he did not mean-to .kill Owens, but ahot toward the ground and the bullet glanced upward, atriklng Owens In tne LMb4 W -tll: U4f , " i '. ' -.4. i - - New Secretary Intro duced IntoOfiice Today. (Bcrlppa-McRag News Association.) WASHINGTON, Mari.-Congrssman Wm. Moody, of Massachusetts, this morn ing took the oath of office as Secretary of the Navy. f. Those present - were1 . his predecessor, John D. Longt a number of Massachus- j tjtts CongreBsmen, : department officials and others. ' , Long was first to congratulate th nan secretary. v " Wrote the; Oration of Mr. Furnish. (Journal Special Service.) i PEN0LETONl' Or.f May1I.-Tha people oi tnis place are interested in the.launch lng of the oratorluJiL venture of Mf. J Furnish, as he goes upon tba public plat form to make his initial appearance as a pellblnder Ct is bruited about the nueuis iiihi nraii reiusea even 10 consider the proposition that ho- go upon the stump and attempt to convey his views to the people through the medium of oratory. It is known here tha't the Republican State Central. Committee in sisted that It was essential that he ap pear at various points, especially In Western Oregon, and It Was arranged that ; Judge John J. Balleray, a distin guished Jurist of thjs city, write his Speech, .and that. Mr. Furnish go along with State Senator Charle w. Fulton of Astoria and give It to the people. This program was- forced upon the shrinking banker, who 1 much mora familiar with clipping coupons and study ing mortgage files than he is with the art that made Demosthenes and Cicero famous. Judge Balleray wrote the speech, which,' let it bo said, is not long and will consume enly a few minutes. and now it la understood that Mr. Fur. nlsh IS giving it to the voters of Western Oregon as the product of his own brain. ; In connection with this, the comment is going the rounds of that' streets here that, if , Judge Balleray writes his speeches, perhaps the same ' gentleman will write his 'messages and other state papers. If this be true as a prediction, then those state papers will probably be much better written than they otherwise would be. MAKING FINAL SURVEY. PresldeYit Lytle, of the Columbia South era, stated today that the preliminary survey, of the extension from Shaniko to Bend, a distance of 100 mile,, having been completed, the work of making the final survey was begun Monday.'. President Lytl says that the hardest tyu-t of the work will lie for the first 30 miles, where the line will leave the plateau and go info the Hay Creek district Here some tunnel and. a considerable quantity of rock work will need to be done. After this I accomplished, the remainder of th work will prove comparatively easy. "I think our extension will be ready for the complete operation of train about April 1, next year," aald President Lytle. SUICIDE (Scrlpps-McRa New Association.) WTTHEVILLE, Va.i May, L Frank OhMer of to Angele suicided in a rail way car her laat night with carbobo i acid. GETTING ON ! VERY NICELY ', (Scrippa-McRae News Association.) - - HEX LOO. - Honana. May l The Queen's condition this morning 1 satis factory. , , ' , I . ' , i BALLERAY lllTlfffiO BeefTrustTenaciously Clinging to Robber ; Prices. (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) CHICAGO, May LDesplte g fall of from 15 to M cent in the price of beef of the lioof, the price of dressed beef shows no change' today. Tha government attorney is still reticent this morning as, to the date of filing the bill against the packers and removed some of the uncertainty regarding the probability bf filing the bill at all, when Dlstriat Ajuorne Bethea admitted that the bill may be sent to Attorney-General Knox (tor his, approval before It Is filed. MANY SHOT BY SOLDIERS fflcrlpps-McRae' News Association.) COrENHAGEN, May l.-Reports of a revolt of the entire , labor population In the district between Moscow and Vladi mir, Central Russia, has been received here. . IMany were killed and wounded ln the encounters between the troops and work Ingmen. It has been a day of sorrow for Russia. Many outbreaks have occurred In other sections. : Savage Asked Not to Attend Celebration. (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) at tempt a monster celebration on the Fourth of July In coiinetlon with the cer emony of laying the keel of the big bat tleship Nebraska o b built by tha Moran Bros., shipbuilders, of thia city. Among' those' .of the . distinguished guests who have accepted invitations to be present Is Govrhor Savage ot Nebras ka, who Will dllver an address at the lay tng ot tha.kel et the nhlp namd In honor of bis stat. But the arrangements for the celebra tion are nt to be. concluded without some friction.' - I The Wstern Central Ijibor Union of America and (he Federation of Labor last night passed resolutions bitterly de nouncing Moran Bros., and advised Gov ernor Savage not to come, as his -visit would be considered an Insult to organ ised labor. The Morans are characterized as the enemies of organUd labor. A WATER CURE COURTMARTIAL (Scrlpps-McRae News Association.) WASHINGTON, May l.-The War De partment has detailed a court-martial, of which General Fred Grant, will be presi dent, to try the case of Eaward Glenn, waa was accused by recent witnesses be fore the Senate Philippines court, of hav ing administered the water cure to the President of Igbaras. - The trial will be c6nducted under direct ordera of the President. - . STEAMER LINE. At a special meeting of the steamship committee of the" Board of Trade this .afternoon, it was finally decided to in corporate a company to run a steamship 1 line to Alaska. 1 The secretary was in structed'' to communicate with various) steamship companies as to whether they have any available boats to charter. It waa also decided that Judge Seneca Smith should form the general plan of the proposed company and draw up in corporation papers for ,the Portland & Alaska (Trading Company. It Is highly probable that the Board of Trade wiir empower Alexander Kuntz to go to Alaska and boom up trade there for Portland merchants. WILL MEET OWNERS About 270 laundry workers met this af ternoon and 'appointed a ' committee to meet and confer wtih the proprietors to morrow morning a 10-o'clock, at tha spe cial "muest of the latter. FIREMEN PAID TODAY. Members of the city Are) department received their salaries tor April today. Chief Dave Campbell made the rounds, paying out 395.6& .": .'."1 WHEAT MARKET. Wheat Markets' Q CHICAGO, May l-Wheat, IVaOTSHa.' ' MANN ABBOTT PRINTERS 92 SECOND STREET MX - Batween Stark and Oaty ( - WOODARD, the tamous it I k irn vBath:r; Cabinet Sale Ht The best ceneral system tonic. V WW TESTiriONlALS her H sa Brth caUnet in the smmm , one ssoath radioed my weight eleven pounds." W. "Mrs. e.J.5uipl.r,i6B Tenth SU, Portland. Or. j WOODAIU), CLARKE Sh CO. ' ,.V -vfourtii Ud WMUngtea Strtatt.;-.--.;1--' -.J--V v &?e Comforts of Cooking' by Gas appeal to everybody- but' OAS 8TOVB i8.eo WE AgB NORTHWESTERN DISTRIBUTERS OF Prembrid. Poco Cameras H ' .... i i .' , . Deaigrt can obtain 'them from us at FACTORY PRICES. j for IHugtrated Catalotno. . BIu mauier-Fr p in k Drug: Company fVHOLESAIE AND "' OtD ENTUCKY M 1 : Fatvorlte 1 ;? C ' CLUB lad BLUMAUER & HOCH, Sole Distr&&tcrs - u VVlKjleaaJaUauoraiHjagarWer. lOa-UOFoiir it. , Banfield-Veysey Fuel Co. SLAB Get your orders in early and give your wood a chance Office: No. 80 Third Street. Ore. Phone, Main 353. Columbia, 373.; No More Drepdof the Dental Chdr V New York Dental Parlors ' 4th and Morrisor. Sts., Portland, Oro. i . , No Pain Full Set Teeth extracted? and. filled absolutely without pain, but eur late scientific . thod applied to the gums.- No sleep-producing agents or cocaine. , -Theaeare the only dental parlors In Portland having patented appli es and Ingredients to eatract. All and apply gold erowna and porcelain "the laast'paTa'. Xroai natural teeth, and warranted 10 years. WiUfe' J ! hour: &30 to &0O Sundaya fiO to 2X)9. ' ' o GARDN ER WANTED (Scripps-McBa News 4socIaUon.(; .? WASHINGTON, May AtVTho " Senat Philippines committee today decided to ask Secretary of War Cable for an order to; Major Cornelius 'Gardner, Civil Gov ernor bf. Talabas , Province, to start for tha United States as soon as- possible. It la desired to secure Ms - tantlmony In CLARKE (21 CO. n iTU aP ' a ri i sV i rTc ' t SPECIAL TOR 10 DAYS $ 5 Cabinet for $350 $10 Cabinet for $6.50 -V; A $9 book of instrctlons with each. Greatest known remedy for Obesity, Rheumatism, Colds, .NerVOUSneSS- kidnv mnA I luMtmnlilH mtf the Economy o tnis method Is even more im portant NOW Is a good tisM t iaslc lata ta natter. J- . j..:, - NOW Is tin time to discard ubM, coal carry lof. woo4 chopping aad bard labor from your kitchen. , . wa-. j r -' ruruana vas Company 5th and Yamhill Sta Portland, Or. 4tt i IMPORTING DRUGGISTS. HOME ojp:s.whiskey i 1 American Whiskey sT:-.-y.r"i"Jt'.i.li ( ' i '.J jf 1 ft.. -i STRICTLY WHOLESALE SHOE HOUSE A complete line , of : PACKARD'S SHOES for men, also the well knova PURITAN in fire styles. 'A complete line of Shoes for Women; Misses, Child-.' ren. Boys and Youths, : constantly, oa hand. Send for catalogue, or will have our representative call on you. t 'v i, Krausse & Prince,'; ; 87-89 first Street, POftTLAND, ORE, WOOD to dry. PORTLAND, OR No Gas Teeth $5.00 relation to the' cruelties Inflicted ' tipos Filipino as testified to, by.teeent Wit nessea,..' , L ' '" J'SlbwIy Recovering.; (Scripps-McBae News Assorlatlon ) NEW YORK. May l.-Arcl.l!s hop C rigan is recovering slowly. J-np has left bis luns, . a . if ,w f I il " ' J k '4' ,4