. THE ITVENTNTG ,JOUBX-AL. rORTLANB, OHEGOKIIIIDAT, ArjltL 25,, 100?. ft . STOLE MORE THAME i 7 A BANK'S principal , Figure In ; Delaware's : Creates " Scandal Released'Ffom Prisonr ? DOVER, tfeL, April a.-wmim N. Bogg, formerly Wtor 4f the First Na tional iBank ' this city, and who. In 88,. wa convicted of embesxllng 8107,000 flth fund of that Institution. re leased from th Trenton pnltitlry to lay, and resident of Dot ar awaiting with intert bla return homo. Tho n-tfto- wa for flv years, but it wa -ohv muted to four by-TPreskUnt Rooaerolt. V Palawan "nvr, had rMtr .acandat thap. the on which craw oot of th de falcation ef young- Bog-fa,"; It involved a tTpited State Senator, Richard R. Kn- Hey who was twice placed on trial lri tb United State District Court, charged with: improper. uo of. the bank' money; t (aerobe? of the Delaware Stat Leglsla . Jure, Colonel Eteklel Cooper who died in. prison wall serving bis aenUnco, and jeveral other prominent clOxen.. .. Next to -Senator; Kenney, Bogg wa thi.tnoet oonsplcuou figure in the scan- pal.f.; ;: ;; ,:.i-.V;5 ; , ' A. r ' -. ' 'Without hi aid the government never fcould have unraveled the tangled book f tn Dover bank - v He wa a wonder at figure. Th faot that he tol more than the whole capita toete of th tosUtuUou, In r ery few Vear. right junder the noae of the director; and- the National;. Bank JCxamlne?. 1 proof Of hi ability. ' Begg wit regarded a one of the moat remarkable young men In Delaware. HI iyatent Of carrying along balance and deficits without ever getting into a t . f r . - -.'iii. ei .-I . ,. i ' i .1 ii ii i (&d; Things fbjfc the uTableand Their Th retail market are well supplied wtttv' fresh; fish for tomorrow's dinner. Chinook salmon is; selling at 12i cents a jiound, steel head at , 10 cents, catfish 10 cents", black cod 1214 cents, , otrlped bascj; Mi cents, sole iifo cent. . shad! 10 rent, halibut 10 cent a pound and crabs 13 Cent each. . ' ' ' Fine fat hena are selling from 60 cents to (0 cents each. At thin price It 1 about a cheap to eat chicken as beef. ' , A smalt wippiy of California tr&wbr rle are In th market and t re selling at 25 cfnt r boxThfrutt lf.faljrJor.thlf timwof the year. - -. - - In th vegetable line pea are selling ft four pound for cents, celery 10 cents a head, best grade of artichoke sell four, for 25 cents, asparagus three pounds for SS cent's for the Oregon product and t hp- 'best .California two pound for ,9 cenll, string beans 30 cents a pound, to matoes 20 cent A pound, hothouse lettuce 5 cent a head, green peppers 35 cents a pound, fine grape fruit four for 25 cents, New potato are-sold four pounds for' 2f cents. A supply of this year -California cabbage la sold at a cents a pound. THE MARKETS. AH1 advance was noted in the flou mar ket hl morning, the best grade 'being quoted S, cent a barrel higher. ; Butter continues weak and atock are piling! up it an .alarming rate. If Is only a duestlon of. a few days before, there will be a slump- In quotation if the pres ent conditions' keep up.' Prices, however, remain th same today. . . ... Receipts of eggs continue fair, but tke supply continue about . even. . A lot of eggs' are1 being placed In cold storage and other are being shipped ito th Sound and Alaska,- Shipping orders bring it pent." '. x ' 'Poultry remains with aupply and de mand about equal, th market keeping well cleaned up. A ' alight .advance has 'been mad on . peanuts. 4 ; f " : " The trade : wa r.otlAed this mornlhg that an advance of Uo had been made oi Kihgford' atsrch. There are no other changes,.lii .the'' jrocery, lin. J'i' "s' 1 Mohair J coming In plentiful, 22 cent and 2SVi cents being the Quotation. The wool season has opened, 'but as yet there, haa been no recelnts in this city." - A large supply of lamb arrived in th market this morning, and, as 4 odne- - quenoe, there Is a slump In quotation. Lambs are' bringing about c over the quotation onr mutt 6n. The - receipts of beef in the. Chioago markets continue . very slight, and there Is no likelihood of any decline Jn ; prices, some dealer as sarting that; It-will soon go up- again. An advance in bird Is dally expected.. The. Chicago Drgvers Journal reports the beef, situation as fohows: . Kecelpts last week, 44.GOO; a year ago. 67,000. Av erage, weight last week, J80 pound; a year ago, 1041 pounds. ; - JOBBING PRICES. " - t h ' - JOBBIJNO PRICES.' l" GRAIN AND FLOUR. 1 Whest-Nominal: - Walla s Walla," 6c; bluestem. t60V4c; valley, 65c. Barley-freed, 'JiJiff23- per ton " 1 Outs NO. - .ljlllwhite,-- ,Ll5i8il.i0j .;: gray, $1 iusl.20, . , '. Flour Best arad". tS.8oiff3.40 per bar ' rl: graham.' $2.0002 8u. -.-.. '. MIUstulTe-Bran, tlf.OO per on; mid. dlins..$19: shorts, 118 50; chop. tlT.W. Hey-Tlmothy, tl21.1: clover, IT.80O S; Oregon wild, hay, Uti par torn i ' BUTTHRi BOGS. POCLTRT. v BuUer-Creamery. 1720c? dlry,-lS l7Hcr tore, 12ytfl4c. .,. Bgg li'io: shipping orders, 16c. 1 " - Cheese Full - cream, twins,- 3QlSfec; Teung. America. 14c. ' Poultry Chickens, mixed, HS09S: ben. . t5$5.50 per do: broilers,' $3 dos; fryer," tt.6ou5 do; duck. 64jfl.50 per dos; tur ey. live. 12c; dressed, lwlfo par lb; geese ) tf'.W per dos. ,t -L. , VEGETABLES AND FRUIT.--.", Potatoes Best Btirbanks, 1.2IKgil,B0 per cental! Arly Rose, $l.2&uLTa per cental. Onloh-2i2.6a ... .'. . . Toroatoe-4l.TS')1 per" crdt' fhV Cattfor. -Kfmt tiu-nip,6C5'76c; carfois, 75c; beet. tl.00-Sl.to per sack; oaulinownr, IWtSd per desen: rerery. HifT&a per rloson; peas, &J t ft lb; asparagus, lUuS! box; rad- ENTIRE CAPITAL vt . .- v " N't. i ' tangle, hi coot bead and qulek judgment under the moat trying circumstance, and bis unerring Judgment of human nature wer wonderful. . ";t '$:j-1tj'.;-4:$f''i& Deserted by, the" men who had profited fey hi violations of the- law and who hd helped to place bus In the position of a criminal Boggtf fled : to South 'America June 1,1877. l' tv" "'V Then tho great defalcation wa discov ered. V fM ( -" " .- , A run w started on the bank, but the Bichardsoa. prominent in th can ning industry her, pur tip money enough to make good the ahortage.-; - r V -: Tiring of i htt 'Enforced ibantahraent. Bogn returned In. th spring of. 18W and gave hlmelf up to th JFederal autbor ltie. " , - i" v - ' ' , With thi ftld .of Bogg, th United; States District Attorney began a vigor oua prosacution of aeveral of' th moat' prominent cttlsen St the ftata. ',V The two trials of Senator Kenney, then a member of the Ignited State Senate, wer full of sensations and dramatw incident. Upon each trial the Jury disagreed. During the Imprisonment of Bogg hi wlff has realded ,m thirsty, nd most of, he. tim baa. been demoted to effort to bring about his release. It was ah who Visited the President and finally obtained a, commutation - Jf tho' sentence. She says -that )e and her husband hav' no definite plana for th future, but that there-are aeveral .position 'open to Bogpt r i ' . lSiiOc; cabbage, Jper ewW tl1.2; .straw- borrlei. .w.v,erce( .u" '" '"um, c lht rttchoke.., ,oer do,-tOOTSc: lettuce. head, per dqs Ite; lettuce, botbous, per bo, n ; a: -r -""-" Oreen fruit Lemon. 3J.50: orange. $313.M per box; banana. 2.253-. pine apples, 15 per do: apple. tL&x&Z per box; dried Jrult,' un-drted, sack or boxes, per pound, 45c; apricots, ll412c; peaches, giSUc; pears, VqSc; prune. Italian, 84c; fln. California blacks. 34o: do white. ic: olura. Pitted. &aso- . L L , . y GROCERIES. NUTS, ETC. Sugar Cube, H .; cruahed. powuered. .4.46 -dry granulated, Lwtr' C. tl.JiB: - solden ft I3.1t: H60 beet. granulated, . set K lb., sack basis:. barrels, luc; half barrels, JBc:. boxes, 60u per 100 lb.K above baala; maple, l&ffltte per pound.- '-..?';;'.'' .- Coftee-Mocha, B28c: ' Java, fAncy, Wmvici , Java, good, )tCit24c; Java, ordi nary. jAfaoc Costs) Rlc fancy. 120.; damf. mem. rood.. Kdnlscf Costa Rica. ordinary, - 10 Vie per. pound; Columbia roast,' ii; Aroucaie s eu-oe use; i-don, $11.13 list ; Cordova, 111:75; Tosemlte, ill. Salt Fine table and dairy, 60s per sack,. 74c: Liverpool, 77c: - Worcester, Wiot Barrels, Worcester, bulk, 120 lbs., fo.76; balea 2 to 10s, per bale, W10. - Honey Fancy white. I43)lfic; light am ber, 121401 .. dark amber, lOgiUc Oraln bags-Calcutta. ta,12t(U6 per 100 for Julv-Auxust. - Nttts-Pnuti wHs,pr pound for rsw, jfl forsstedLeocoanntav.ls two per ooen; , wainuis, tuwutio per pound; pine nuts, 1012Hc: hickory nuts, 7c i ekeatnut, WJbOQS.OO peer drum; Bra si 1 nut. 17cr filbert. 16S16C; fancy be cans. 14ffll4Mrc:r almond, 121i16e. . Coal Oil Cases, 20Vo per gallon: bar rels, 16c; tanks, 14e. u. . Rice, Imperial. Japan Me. L So; No, 1 c; New Orleans, Wo. Salt-Coarse, half ground, 100, per ton, aaa.m; Wis per ton, iJO.ttt. j Beans-Small white, 24c;' large white, lo; plnfi. 2e; bayou, 3c; Umaa, 4f4a HOPS. WOOL' AND HIDES. ' Hops-lH414i4c per bound; contraet, Vally..U914o; Kattera Oregon, 812b. . Sheepskins Shearing. 15020! " short wool, 25035c; medium wool, wwc; icng wool, JC1: each,'. .v.;..-.;.-,, Tallow-Prime, , per pound. awej ' No. t graauMb; 2ate. : v--T .- a. Hides-Dry hide. No. 1, 14 pounds and up, l6i5Ho.Pr pound; dry kip, N. v B to IS pound, 15c; dry calf: No. 1 under B pounds, 16c; dry-gal ted. bull and stag, one-third less than dry Hint: salted hides, steers, aound, 60 pounds and over, .8S9c; BO to 60 pounds, 7tt8e: Under SO pounds and cowa, lev stags and bulla, sound, 50 BV4; kip. sound, ti to 0 pounds. 7e; veal sourtd, .10.; to 14 upundst. 7e: calf, sound! under 10-boundsf 8cr green (unealted), vt per pound less; culls le per pound less; borae hides, salted , .each,, fl.602- dry. each, llpl.50: colta' blde, eaeh 25i)c: goat aklns, common, each, HnfflSc; . An. gora. with- wool on, aacb 35cjifi. , v, -blohBtr-3223c -; ' i-' MEATS AND PROVISIONS, i 5 ? ' Presh Meat Beef, 78c; port, ?7Ho; veal, 78c; mutton, to per lb.;drcsed, per lb. H- - s i , , Hams, bacon, , etc. Portland pack (Western) hams, ISc: picnic, Mio lb; breakfast baco 14t(3lo lb; light sides, 13ttclb; back,; - Ufei2Vo dry alte4 sides? 1H412Vo lb; dried beef setts, 18c; knuckles, ISo per lb: Eastern packed hama under . 18 lbs, lPtct ever 18 lba, 13Vc; fancyriScr picnic, lflc; shouldera, 10c; dry salted sides, unsmoked, -lUicj, breakfast bacon, ltc-, bacon sides, f2e; backs, unsmoked, , Uc; smoked, 12&5; buttsi ti'avie." J77 Salmon CMumbla'f River, ; one-pound tall, .). wo-pound tails, a.W; fancy one- pound flat, 12; Vt-pound fancy flats alS; Alaska Ulls, VSc; two-pound tails 2.0. --l', ! j'n-J.l -.-:"n?-sv -Lard-Kettl leaf. 12iot atcam randard -12; tlsrce -basis.,-i;f-.- ' . ,. 8 BIG TRANSFER. Journal Special ServW) BUTTB, Mnt.( AprU 28,-Thre million dollar Jeed are not ao .cbmmort even In this town of copper fclngs.. One-wa fiTed today, however, In ' the County Clerk' office, and rt borer revenue- atamp to the amountoftl.82a.lt. . . -, -v , Tho deed ovnveyed the -property of the Nipper Consolidated Copper Company of New Jersey to hi Nipper Company of New Tork tdr a consideration of tl. The deed Mrecltes that (he New Jersey cornpany.boUght.from P. jAug. Heinse all of . hta, business and mining properties April t, 11101, that the company dissolved November U, 190L ) . , , ' ; , It state also, that fh New Tork com P&ny took alt of the asset M th com pany in consideration of assuming obli gation . A - Invited to a Suicide. CMABU)TTE.''.4'(i.-JLlln ronmll one of th wealthiest and oldest farmer In Colfax township; near' Rutherfordton, tht state, has? made orenaatlon ta one of the most remarkable auidde on reo- Mr. COtswell bss sent it iiutl iM. ed invitation ,tb friend nd relative m-. :hidf-t'tottMe?T 4 given at hui home on June- lt,-wheri he wU do th Honors at th table for the last time, The dinner will be served at H s'clork, and NEW TODAY. f "-y Joe Nash; 43?i Sixth Street. Call and . Inspect my new market.' -Pork Sausage ...... ......r 80 per pound Beefsteak. .10c per pound Beef roast .......... .80 to lOo per pound Pork chops um.,- lOo per pound Mutton chop ,..,.,... 10c per pound Veal chop ,....V.....W"10o per pound Veal toast ......,.'t..,i-l Pr pound Breakfast bacon . ,.n'c per pound Sugar-cured ham .....l...B'Ao per pound Vlcnlc ham c per pound Best creamery butter ........ .45 per. roll Creamery butter ,.v l0 per roll Dairy .butter ..........85c and 40c per.jotl fnth'uHinlnr m ..........17VM - oarry a large assortment of cheese. -I v.- rnone js at. tl Chicago Pa4to$ Jlouse Market . JOE-fASlfi'lob., tSVfc Bkrtfc at , McEilNNOW'S l74Third Sti Cornstarch, package .,;,...'...r.. 60 Borax, powdered, package ......."-"c Jam and Jellies, each ...,10c Two cans cream Comb honey,.. i,.1. ...Mo ,15o Shrimp ..-n;..........s..-V..: -'.wo Two table peaches -Two table pear ..,. t.....Mt.,23c Two table apflcots ..; ,'.....,25c Creamery Bcitter 45 c Dairy "tter.;...i;.1,JSc and 40c Fresh ranch eggs, 2 dozen 35c l4ll.creaa?;hee8e ...I -15c Halfcrea!j?heese....:..;...,,....Oc 50 Ibt.' lard, compound.,.....,. .S4.7S Best Hams. ...r.....,..;...A;..U ': -- -v Im Grande Creamery, 264 YamhluV O.Rechsteiner -;:v-307Tfcird Street- . ' Between Columbia and Gay. ' .. :'4;H - Dalr j "" Fancy and Staple Groceries ' Tresh Butter, Cream, MUk, Bread, Cakes, Etc. Prlees are low nd quality" of good guaranteed. Hunter'js New Poultry v Store. . ' c ,- -' " Our pecialtyOregon drafsed poultry. Hunter' for butter, ege and cheese, ( Hunter' tor tresh fruits and tabl deli cacies. . - - ' - - - - - .Our Butter is Full Weight Phou Mailt MS; 124 Fifth street, Coal Coal Coal . WESTERN FEED a FUEL CO. Dealers In all kinds of Coal. Coke, Charcoal r - ' . . Try the Famous ROCK SPRINGS COAL liones. Office; 154 North gtn 5t. W. A. Shaw. " " A. S. Shaw Office phono Clay 812; Re Front 114. W. A. SHAW OX Co. REAL ESTATE AMU UJSNKKAL. AUtTI 1U JtLl&KB. ' Money to Loan,' Taxes ' Paid, Abstracts Furnished. Grain, fruit and dairy farms a speolaltyjH Hentlng and collecting. Prop erly laaen enarg 01 tor non-reataenu. ' Farm Lands a Specialty. ' 24S Stark Btreeet. PORTLAND OR. SNAP-COTTAGE ' Furniture, S-room bouse, used 8 weeks; sell at halt price; rent, rio.W; close in; East Side; owner must go East; positive, ly a big bargain, G. H. SMITH SL CO. tot Failing Building. , Telephone Clay 1S. PROPOSALS FOR LUMBER. ... t ';. . 1 v-'--.-,-.-..-' County Court'Multnomah." County, Port land, Oregon, - Sealed bid will be received at 'the office of the Clerk of . the County Court , for Multnomah County until 10 o'clock a. m;, Monday, the 6th day t May, 1902. for furntsbing- and delivering lumber for re pair of the Madison-street and Morrison street brldares. SDeclflcationa far . said lumber are now on file and mav be seen at tne orace 01 tee i;ierx 01 the county Court, i,-v ',. - 1. ; . The successful bidder wlll.be required to promptly execute a formal contract to be approved by th District Attorney of this county, and also to execute and deliver to the Clerk' of the County Court a good and sufficient bond In total th amount of contract price for the faithful per formance of such .contract - All bid must be accompanied by a cer tified check In the amount of 10 per cent of th bid. - Th County Court reserve th right to reject any and all bids. ; By order of the County Court L. O. SWETLAND, Clerk. Portland. April a, 1902. - promptly at 13 o'clock Mr. Cogswell will give hi guests ait opportunity of seeing a man take his own life. t - Just bow Mr. Cogswell will kill himself is not Utd, but it is understood that he will shoot himself at th tabl after the repast ha Veen concluded. Mr.' Cogs well and hi aged wife drove to Ruther ford ton on Wednesday and took fibr oid army pistol to A gunsmith, instructing him to hav tt la flrst-claa order by June tK Those who know Mr. Cogswell say he I equal to the task one ha ha, decided to do. it.-nAugut (M.j Xaunabao Jqu- n.;4;k.;Ki.fe..Hf''t'x. 'V? . . n v K...jLmm ft AaQrav,Tbrt, , "Ht.cajfa -bimel..h. 'Humane Sbng -Just you wait tilt th gam -Jaw; U ott oti'OBg bbrds dnd ee what happen tor hlm."-:;?--;" - -f:-, .' .' "I 1 m niMM V-'-.:,' "Do not delay trying th Peacock flour; you Will, Mver .regret' tt.; .. ...n ..( 1 v , ,r" , ? s - : ' . , -7- w, - . - 0 Advertise your wants iii the paper tfwt goes tt e!l the people PERSONAL8. WANTED To know the whereabout of Harry Stal, formerly from Zumbrot. Minn. Wa working for a lumber com- V pany - In this city . about a month ago. . Wa also engaged 1st the pbotographio :- business In this city prior to that time. ; Mrs. a. J. Ritch.y, Imperial HoteL , 0. M. R0SENDALE, B1.E.&CE. 618 Oregonlan Building. Portland, Or., re ports en mines and mining property of very description. Assays and analyst; lowest rates. Correspondence solicited. .. FOUND. SORREL MARO, marked letter P on left ,'hind quarter: - white face and White hind feet. -Address Scult Place,, CoL Slough. ...' '.- 1 FOR SALEREAL ESTATE. THIRTY-NINE acre land above Oregon City, one-quarter mile from river; pert 't. timber. , some cedar; S8Q0; no agent. A 121, The Journal. . REAL Estate and General Business Agency... D. E. 'Sudd. 110 First St. HELP WANTED MALE. FALLENS, Hook tenders, rigging rustlers, buckers, barkers, jackscrew men, skid road men, swampers, boom men, engi neers, firemen, sawyers, ratchet setters, carriage men., edger men, planer men, mill hands, yard men. sailors, boat pull ers, net tenders, fishermen, seiners, car penters, blacksmiths, machinists, rock men, laborers, men with (earns, railroad laborers, wood - choppers, bolt cutters, .farm bands, milkers, cooks, flunkeys. Work for 1,000 men. and women, top wages. Call and see us and name your lob. Canadian Employment Company. 1264 Morrison: branches 247 Burnsme and tl North Third. HAT MANUFACTURERS. HAT' MANUFACTURERS- AND RENO VATORS Only place in Portland for good work: union hatter. Boston Hat Company, 88 Fourth street. ROOMS FOR RENT. FURNISHED ROOMS, for one or two Irentlemen; all conveniences; desirable ocallty. 435 Alder street. For Sale MisceHaoeou. HALL'S safe, standard of "the world; safe sold on easy payment; trade your old sat for a;nefne.' Norrts Safe A Lock Co., Secondhand Stark ts. Furniture wagons, ftwfcs. hacks, coupes; also 200 other vehicles, XfiV t harness, 100 saddles. TomUnson r, HU,, Ml. Washington street. MONEY TO LOAN. .sisSissMew MONEY to Loan on City loU and im- S roved 'farms. .W. A. Shaw A Co., 84 tark Street,- -. "- W. A. HATHAWAY-Monev to loan. 10 Washingtotn Building. Phone Hood 418. MISCELLANEOUS, HIOHEST PRICB oata for men's cast-off - elet hlng and hoejrr tH Hr- 8d; -r Phone Orn 428. Ordsrs iwompUy attended to. PATENT rOR SALE. FOR SALE, at a sacrifice, u interest In a valuable patented asphalt paying pro- nas ueen operated succeseiuuy. Address. Box 121, Journal Vfflce. M ATTORNEYS. Paxton, Beach Simon, 610 Chamber of H. K. Sargent, Oei rat Practice, notary puoiiCf Otfa-ootf' CI bar of commerce. Charles a. Lucas, Hobm 629 Chamber of -. wMHanm, .. . ' ' jt ... . .- Jam Oleaaon, 2 and Mulkey Building, ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR. Oeor( t. Murton, 818 Cham, of Com. Phone Brown 4S& . Bookkeeping, ex pertlng .teaching. AS3AYER AND ANALYST. Paul Baumel, Asaayr and Analytat; gold jARITECT AND E.NQINEER. Fred A. BaJIin, 48 2d st Tel. Oak 7. Ves sels and machinery, of all kind de signed.. BARBERS. Joseph Reidel, 352 Morrison St. ' FuHHOva A Moore, 862 Washington. a V. Ranr, 14 Fifth stmt. , Browning Navajo Herb and Vm Root for pandrfuff and failing hair. 160 1st. O- N. W. Wilson A Co.r9 th , leading barber' supply house, Paalflo Coast. LEWI3-STENQER Barber Supply Co. Orlndlng of sll sharp- edge tool a spe cialty. 161 First St. - BICYCLES. Fred T. Merrill Cycle Co 106-111 eth St. BILLIARD TABLES. The Brunswick-Balk Collsnder Co.. 48 - Third street. BOOTS AND SHOES. A. Prayers, 87 Third street. J. Sanger, Repair Shop, 44S Washington. The Nelson Shoe Store, 43.. North 8d st. Marks Shoe Store, 858 Morrison st near Hrd. Agent Jennes Mu'er Shoe. BRIDGE CONTRACTORS. Smyth A Howard Co., 611 Chamber of .. Commerce. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. John A. Melton, Carpenter and Builder, -807 Stark st.: office and store fixture , built and remodeled, altering' and re ? pairing houses. Phone Main 747.' CAFES. The .U Saloon. 8a Washington street. The Knob Hill Saloon. 641 ' Washington. The Orlenul Cf , 829 - Washington at. ClCAftS AND TOBACCO. Fred Boskowlta, 875 Washington. C Dryfui A garmaiMggi Third ut. - Plata Cigar Storey aai Third mu The Railroad Cigar Store. S3 Wash! sC Read cloiinial CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ; iiave: you A want?, . ww&sjs. - CHIROPODY AND MANICURING. Wn. Deveny and Estell Devray. .801 " AUaky Bid.. Sd and Morrison. A , L. Mitchell, Expert Chiropodist. Knight's Shoe Store, 2BM Wasb. st. Pbon Hood 728. ' ' - . r - CONFECTIONERY.: jkj J. Coll man. Chocolate and Boa Bona, 9v Washington st. W. S- Powell, Candle and Cigars, 420 Washington street. ; . Henry Blumenauer, Manufacturing Con fectioner, 430 Washington L CYCLISTS AND MACHINERY. E. P. Keen an, Columbia, Hartford - and S1983. - , . - Sewing Machine and Bicycles, 838 Mor rison street. CORNICES SKYLIGHTS. Metal Skylights, .Galvanised . iron cor k nlcea J. 'C. Bayer, 20 Second at. CREAMERIES. La Grande Creamery Company, butter, egg and ebeese, 264 Yamhill at. Phone, Or. Main T70.' . - . Arlington Creamery, butter, eggs, cheese, etc., 2U7 Burnslde st. COAL AND WOOU. Oregon Fuel Co., dealers in all kinds of coal and wood, 844 Morrison. Banneld-Veysey Fuel Co., dry flat wood, 80 Id st. Phone Main 3S3 and Col. 871 DECORATORS. Hi- - Pi Chrlstensen, -wall- paper, an! painter, 141 0th street, corner Aider. '-i 1 B, H. Moorehouse a Co,, wall papers, 807 Washington street. DENTISTS. 8." M." Hamb'y, "ISTdTS., room 9 Wash Ington bldg. Washington and 4th st. Thsodor 8. Thomson, 6041 Washington bldg.. Washington and 4th sts. Phone Hood 414. J . ... i P. 8. LA NO WORTHY, Room 7 and 8 Benson Building, ZtlVi Morrison street. near Fifth. Hlckey a Hlckey, rooms 817 to 810 Dekum bid., Sd and Wash. sts. Phone South 01. . DRESSMAKERS. Miss LoughliiC l4Lewls bldg. Mrs. E. J. Oliver, Millinery Parlors, room 406 Uaoleay bldg. DRUGGI8T8. O. P. t, Plummer, 200-282 84 street. t - Row a Martin, 6th and Wash sts. Frank J. Streibig, 848 Wash. tret. Laut-Davl Drug Co., 176 8d at. Phone 648 DANDRUFF CURE. R. Shields, 46 Third St. N. Herpiclde, in dividual application or by tbe bottle. ELECTRIC WO RKS PORTLAND .Electrical Works-Office, 893 . Washington Jit, Wester SSlectrio- Works, 80S.. Wash, at. OPTICIAN. D a Oengrtch, th leading graduate op- ucian, uj xaiuuiit mu PHYSICfANS AND SURGEONS. Dr. Amelia Zlegler, 602 Marquam Bldg. Dr. Cora C . Talbott, is years' expert- no. in diseases m women, writ or oaii. 808 Salmon at ELECTRICIANS. ARTHUR T. WALKER, Room 81, Cam- Dnage -outlaw, rnone Kea sm, neei dence Pink 1261. Mrs. C. S. Fery, 861 H Morrison at ENGRAVERS. Hlcks-Chatten Engraving Co., Morrison, between 1st and 2d sts. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. CANADIAN Employment Bureau, Z28 Morrison street Phone Grant 23L 1 Oregon Employment Co.. 227 Burnsld at ACME Imp. Bureau, 185 Morrison Help free to employer. Phone North 83U. CoL 837. FINANCIAL, 83U),0()0 to loan at 8 and 6 per cent M. Beck. 821 Morrison st Wn. FURRIERS. The flllverfield Fur Mfg. Co., son street 285 Morrl- GA8 SUPPLIES. Pad no Specialty and Oa Lamp Co., 848 Morrison street .. GROCERS. JTBresser A Co.. 0Washr stniet. Owen H, Serple A Co.. Fancy Groceries, 868 Morrlaon tret F. 8. Godfrey, and Burnsld. Family Grocery. Sixth leleDhon Black 2932. HAI RDR ESsiNG, MANICURING. Paris, flglr "fitorT"808 Wash. St., up-to-date hair dressers. --' ROSENTHAL SISTERS - Wlg-maklng and manicuring. 160 Fifth St Phone Hood 814.. HAY AND GRAIN. WiS. Lauther, 110 North 3rd street, lime, shingles, and cement HOTELS. Cosmopolitan Hotel and Cafe. 61 North Third street, corner Davis. .'.,? ;., Hotel Belvedere,. European plan. Fourth and Alder streets. Esmond Hotel. Rates: European, 60c to gl.W per day. Front and Morrison st. Merchants Hotel. Rates, fl.09 a day up ward. Third and Davis streets. HOUSE FURNISHERS. Home Furnisher Furniture, Carpets. Parlor Goods, Stoves, etc. See 1, Oev - urt A Son. 178-170 First. 218-228 Yam- hilt. JSotn j-nones 00. INSURANCE. O. Rosenblatt room 120-223 BherUx-k bldg-. .td and Oak st. Phone. Main. UL Puffer! Surgard a Co., BlWash. st i ' - PRINTER AND STATIONERY. J. ft. Roger. Job printing. 828 Morrison, TEAS AND COFFEE. Haines Te Store, Fsmou Mistletoe Teaw . am b ep.. rHM, . , . 1 ; , , . ., v- v . TICKET OFFCIES. OVKrEaND - TICKET OFFlf-K " Via X antra itreevw wTT-y.?.J0apo)n. JEWELERS. Balding Bros., Diamonds, Watches, etow 46 Third street. ' . Th L. C. Henrtcbsen Co.; jeweler ad optloiop. 884 Waahington street. , . , Th O. tTettkemper Co., maBufacturing jewelers, ts Morrtsoa st . John A. Beck, .wetchet, diamonds, ate.. 807 Morrison street. . " . mi . k t'''- . "4 anderburg Watch House, 140H td at LAUNDRIES, Clean Towels Dally, Comb, brush, soi t 81 per month. Novelty Supply Co st N. Ninth st. Tel. 410. . ' "77" LIVERY STABLEST Burnsld Uvery Stables, corner Fourth and Burnsld at. Phone Or. Black WL Frailer A McLean Livery Stable. Both . phone 90. j.No. SOtt to 06 6th. street. y MA8SAQE. W. H. Faulkner,-room 18 8S1H Morrison street. . v .' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. FLUTE, Guitar, Mandolin and Banjo in struction, Prof.E. A. Smith, res, 854 , Twelfth. Phone Brown 696-, . Fisher Muslo Store. Evarythlngf in Ifuale. Phone, Red 888. -1W Third SL, OSTEOPATH. L, B. Smith. Parlor, room 408 Oregon!) building. ; LADIES TAILORING. LADIES' tailor-made suit: ' fancy em , broldered ,ahd applique dreew and trimming. Stephen's, kit Alder St i PATENT MECICINg. Bprmg(rim MedaoTne SSTili Allsky -building.' w , vt- 1. . . MONUMENTS. Otto Schumann, monumental and hulld Ing work. 204 Third st. Estimates on first class work and stoca only, - . . PAWN BROKErtts, ... Unci Henry. 48 North Thbr strMt, Portland Loan Office, Dan Marx, pres., 74 Third at, near Oak. Phono Brown 478. Unole Myers, Jeweler, ltf trd t ...;.'' . P'A N08, -: v -. Soul BroaTplotto CC W Washing top St Slier' Piano House. Hlfh-Qrad Pino and Organ, ssi Washington. BU ' Piano for sal or rant 78 Third St. H. Slnshtlmer. PHOTOGRAPHERS. E. W. Moore, Crayon and Oil Portrait. Third and, Washington St. ) PLUMBERS. Taylor a Btanten, plumbing e.nd atean fltUng. 88 Blxtr treet . , REAL ESTATE Lehman Loan and Colleotloa Agency. 708 - Chamber of Commerc. - J. F. Compton. Phone Blaek 820. 202 waanington Bt - The King Real EoUte AssocUtloa 728 V. nana bar of Commeroe. E. F. Riley, 808 Chamber ef Commerce. Chas. H. Korell, real estate and mortgage loan. vi waanlngtoo, Main 008., R. H. DUNN, real estate and financial agent, mo. i4ft jnrst street, jroruana. uregon. .'-v.f.. .s.f- . RESTAURANTS. Morris' Lunch and Coffe HoasMW . Balow imperial Hotel. . 1 - , 1 n in -i New Port Restaurant and Oytr Hon, 68 Third and 887 Pin Sf. Btrou' Restaurant, 828 Washington Billy Coffee Hou . tt TqmhU Bt City Chop House and Reitaurant, 18 Third RUBBER STAMPS AND STENCILS. Cha. E. PotUr V Co., mfr. rubber umpa, aeal. steacils. ttt Falling Bio. ORIENTAL , SHbOTINQ' GALLERY The latest quartlscope view, 88 Sd st 8TORAGE AND TRANSFER. croTpiclt " "nfflce SaTphSt., bet. Stark end was;; paon otm. piano ana. rurm tur moved and packsd 'for hipping: commodious ft re-proof brick warehouse; Front and Clay ata. v. ',-. 4 . Furniture, Piano and 8af Mo-ring and Packer. Charle M. Oleeov . 128 First street WALL PAPER. Ernest Miller a Co. Wallpaper and de. oration. 127 First St. BANKS. CANADIAN BANK OP COMMERCE With Which Is amalgamated THE BANK. OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. cfpltal paid up 8.WW.W0 Reserve . Auou.oou Transacts-a General Bnnklnsr Business. SA.V1NOB BANK DEPARTMENT , Accounts opened for sum of 810 and up rds and interact allowed on minimum monthly balances. Rates on appUeatloa 244 WASHINGTON ST., -. . . 7 E. A. WYLD, Manager. Collection, made at all polnta on favor. .1,1, terms. juv v. . u ivallable "n Kurope . and , the , . Eastern B,sieht Exchange and .Telegraphic Trans. f era sold OO New xora, wasnmgron, cni ao stHLouls, Denver, pmaha7 Saa CSgO, bi. . -Hma nnlnta In nMn. $$Su IdahoMonuna and Brftiah Exchange aOld 0.1-onaon, Parts, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kung. .. - ufBfHANTS NATIONAL BANK s MERCHAiN i OREGON. - r FRANK WATSON -i"- --President K. ?ORAM,.,.....,vTic-Preeident w HOYT....;....-....iv..i;..Cashier ricn : W. HOYT. ........ Attntan cashier TRANSACTS A OBNERAJ. BANKING Tnterest pal on Urn depoaftav 1 v i'JTT.X litters of Credit Issued avalL .li- ifl all port t th world. 1 bcollertio apeclalty. , . Gold , dust LONDON 4b AN FRAMCTSCO BANK. Chamber ( wmmirci. Duuaing, frmra Head office, 68 Old Broad street, f-dndon. This bank transact a general banking business, maaes loans, accounts diii ana ISBues letter of credit available for trav eler and the . purchase e merchandue In any city of the world. Deal In for eign and domestic exchange jj-tmv ,in-!"' a!- marae. Aingrt UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK- Transaccs u"nw numm uBin x Drafts avallabl lr all cttis of th. 5 United BUte and Europe, President .,,.,...lTiaiII WCKUWart Vtee-President ........... ..JACXB KAMM Cash.' F. C, MII.LhU .,.H Help WantedLpor Lin ...ij.... to ' Employment Wanted, per Lis... to For Rent, per Line Wanted. Roems; per Lime a Personals, per Use ....,,... 80 For 8ale, per Lin so . Coatract Rates ea AppUoatiosw 1 east SOUTH I ill; '8. i i UaDAt trifth srua 1 Leave. 1 ' , I Street. : ' lOVERLAND 'ex 8:ttp a (PRCS9 TRAINS, s .. , . ifor i Balem, Roae- Arrive. 7:45 a m . 1 burg.Ashlaod, 8ac-l l:w a n ramento. Oa-den. , San Francisco, Mo- - Jve, x.0 Angeiea : El Paso. New Or-l - lean and the E11L I At Wqod burn (dally except Sun day), morning train , (connect with train iror Mt Angel, 811 verton. Brown- rv 1 1 1 e, SprlngOeld, - lang - matron, ana (Albany Local , for Mt. Angel, and. Sfl verton 4;M p m 7:80 a m 4:Wpra Alban v nassenser -orvaiiia passenger i6 60 p m Hheridan passengeri ia;za a m 4 I2:f uMtT. 1"V1 lO IO00(N.snAd I lill souTa t Dally. (iDaily except Sunday. 1 Rebate tickets on sale between Port land, Sacramento and San Francisco. Net rates tl7.80 (Irst-clara and t!4 second-class. n Second-class Includes sleeper; tlrst-claa -does not v ..... Rate and ticket to Eastern point and Europe. Also JAPAN. CHINA. HONO LULU and AUSTRALIA. , ; Can be 00- a talned at Ticket Office, Ko. 1W, corner ' Wfahlngton and Third, YAMHILL DIVISION. Passer.ger Depot foot of Jefferson St s ' Leave Portland dally 7:20 a. to., - 12:80, ? 1:56, 8:25. 4:40, 8:88. 8.30 p. m. llly ex-. cept Sunday, l;8, 9:40 a. m., 5:06. 11:30 p. m. Sunday only, 8 , m. ..,., Arrive Pott land dally. 8:80, 18:68 1:36, 8;M. 4:30, 4:15, 7:J, 10 p. m. Dally , except Sunday, :35. 1:30. 10:60 a. nxt ex ' cept Monday, 12:40 a., m,; Sunday only, -1006 a. m. Leave for Dallas daily except Sunday. 8:05 p. m. Arrtv Portland 8:30 a. m. v i Passenger train loaves Dallas for Atrll ' Monday i Wednesdays and Fridays at 8:68 -'-i p. m. Returns Tuesdays and Saturdays,:-.;: Except Sunday. . 1. V. A. SCHILLING.- R. B. MILLER, .' City Tkt. Agt Gen. Frt a Para. Agf .; TIME CARD " OF TRAINS PORTLAND : Overmnd Express ....... 2:00 pm 7:98 an Twin City, St. Lonl a Kan. City Special 11:30 pro 7:48 pDJ Puget Sound Limited for Bnuth Bend, Oiyi1 . k - , ' Harbor. Oiympla, Ta- " ;: ' coma and Seattle 8:85 am 5:80 pis) Two trains daily to Spokane, Butt. Helena., Minneapolis, St .Paul and th 'juast a n iuitnii Asst. General Pass. Agt; 1U Morrison street , Peruana, ore. Ohmtm, IJiioiriiHE UfaORPAClFIC THREE TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST mw&w I " rJ MXiit . UNION DEPOT. j Leave. Arrive i CHTCAGd-PORTLAND :00 am' 4:30 pm 8PECIAU - Daily ' Dally . ;, For th -Saetvta Hunt ington. - , 6pOKANE""FTiYERr" 6:15 pm litm For Eastern Washing- Dally Dally . ton, Walla Walla, Lew iston. Coeur d'AIene and at. Northern point. J ATLANTIC EXPRESS; ls:50pm 8:10 am For the East via Hunt Dally . Daily Ington. - - ; OCEXN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR BAN FRAN . From ' CISCO. , Ains- ' SS. Columbia-- worth 5-Pm April 7, 17, 87. - Dock- 8S. Geo. XV. Elder 8.00 pm April 2. 13, ' for" "asTSria and's: pm i-oi pm ' way points, eonneotlng Daily Dally with str. for Ilwaco and ex Sun eX Sun North Beach, str. Has- aat. 10 ' i : :' '.' aalo, Ash street dock, p m. FOR CdnVAttlS and t :45 am i:pni way points, j steamer Mon.. . Tuea, Ruth, Ash street dock. wed Thurs., . (Water permitting.) Frt Sat ' , FOR DAYTON, Oregon 7:00 sinT 3:00pnT City and Yamhill River Tues., Mon., ,.;- points, str. Modoc . Ash Thur., Wed., street dock. Sat. . ' Frt- (Water permitting.) .';-'- . TICKET OFFICE, Third and Washing ton. Telephone. Main 7U. a s ' PORTLAND is ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. , -For Yokohama and Hongkong, calling at Kobe, Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via) connecting steamers for Ma nila, Port Arthur and Vladlvostock. ,. ' For rate and full information call onr r address official' or agent of th O. R. A N. Co. . ). STATIONERY. The Kilham Stationery Co., 267 Morrlsoa. a. . . . :,, -. , . ..... . . mmm, -,-.V -H-" "-S "S"' r!-' James R. Ewlng. Bookseller, T M. C A. . Bld, 100 Fourth St., Portland. . . 8L0T MACHINE. All style 5 repairing; phonographs, re'? oraa, 1 ranseoncinemai atacnine -o oe . W ubington St TAILORS W eall for, elean, press andTTeTiver one .. suit eacn w.ex ior per anuoiit. m . Washington St . . . . , , Bon Tort Tailoring Co.. 8 Third U 8PP, tnamoer 01 vomawra. TRUNK FACTORY. JfawbT'rrunif Co., t f unkTva HmsaTi'Tt' ..-li ei. etc., Morrison at. TYPEWRITERS. The Bmlth-l'remler Typewriter. 1 a tw treet All diikm 01 inr"w 1 rent. .Supplies tor all rna.-tilii-. L. . M. Allxandur A Co.. agent. TECHNICAL SCHOOL. evbouia, fccraoian, f .Mis .4ki; a . .:1;;:;m::..