Past Matrons Of Beaverton Hold Usual Initiation ' i Madge Eliander of Progress. Spring flowers furnished the dec­ orations for the lucheon table and in addition to the regular meeting, the annual Initiation was held with Mrs. Mary Bonlokke, junior past matron, the initiate. Scout Troop Stages Social For Jamboree Trip Expense H> Mm. W. A. Bunnell W EST SLOPE The Boy Scout Troop sponsored by the Valley | Community United Presbyterian A R D E N I 'L l B M E E T IN G Church will hold a program and Beaverton Garden Club will meet box soclai at the cbu;ch on the The Past Matrons club of the Beaverton Order of Eastern Star was entertained recently at a G luncheon held at the home of Mrs. Homer Knauts in Cedar Mills Park. M u H T Brownriwv ^ h-i « man for the party, assisted by M r , road. v BARNES School Notes F A R E W E L L TE A Mrs. Russell Todd u is hostess at h*r home at a 3 to 5 tea honor- lnK Mrs C.eorge Robinson of Fir Orove Lane, who is moving soon to Portland to make her home, after U a.L J h* h° me ° f evening of April 21, using the »vin g in the neighborhood for nine *>lon - funds to help defray the expenses >eara. About 25 former friends and of a scout to be sent to the Scout Myrtle Nelson. Mrs. Iva Summers. Anyone desiring transportation Jamboree at Valley Forge in June, neighbors dropped in to mak. Mrs. Bertha Williams, Beaverton; meet at Beaverton Pharmacy at George Pickard is in charge of *hort visit«. Mrs Marshall Yeager Mrs. R. Haley, Portland; and Mrs. 10 45. the event, and has issued an in- an*$ Mis. V. C. Daniels were as vttatlon to the general public to s>*ting hostesses. i attend. M E M O R IA L F U N D CLANS | It is hoped that a professional Rev- Raymond White was in auctioneer can be secured to sell charge of services Sunday at the the boxes which may be decorated Valley Community Church, in the in any way the maker pleases. The I absence of the pastor. Rev. Arm- | evening is the church’s contribu- itage. Dr. J. Boyd Patterson will tion as one of four money-raising Till the pulpit next Sunday ! projects planned by the troop. M J- Stroup is in charge of the A number of mothers gif the memorial fund for Mrs Armitage. scouts held a rummage sale this who Passed away last week What I week, and a talent program is form the memorial will take, will I planned for early May. be decided upon the return of Rev ------- Armitage about the 23rd of the ROTOTILLER and ROTOETTES featuring Arma - Loy Springs • WARRANTY AGAINST BREAKAGE FOR ONE YEAR HOLLAND FEED STORE 59 S. E. Broadway Beaverton YOUR PRINTING NEEDS Whether Large or Small W ill Receive the Careful Attention of Our Expert Craftsmen. "For Complete Details" i month EASTER V IS IT Interested parties may make do- .. _ . . . . . . natlon8 to the V allev Community J‘ mmy .V , grade spent his Easter vacation Presbyterian Church. corner of in Richmond. Ore., with his grand- Multnomah Club and Brentwood ' parents. roads, Portland 1. The memorial was asked in CANNON BEACH V IS IT place of flowers for the funeral. | ®#’ y Chumbley of the second and donations are already being ' 8ra(le accompanied his parents on received a trip to Cannon Beach Sunday*. GUESTS ON RASTER C A M P F IR E G IR LS H IK E Mr. and Mrs. A. N Wetterborg The Campfire girls took a hike had as Easter guests their son-in- up White's Hill There were ten law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. girls on the hike. The leader was R, E. Hartzog and their grand- Mis Vinson. daughters Janice and I.inda Jo, of RASTER P A R T IE S Tualatin Acres. .. „ . . , Everv loom in Barnes school C H IL D 'S U F F E R S BURNS . . , . , . ,, had room parties in which moth- Sandra Kay Saxton, eighteen I coopenited The firs, IV , „ H AM M ER-HEAD INC ID E N T Mr. Harold Webb of McChesney road was painfully injured Monday afternoon while working on a construction project near Bonne­ ville, when a 1500 pound jack ham­ mer fell, striking him a glancing blow* on the left side of the head, splitting open the metal hat he wore and partially paralyzing him temporarily. The injured man was taken to the hospital at Stevenson where extensive X-Rays were taken, hut no internal injuries we-e found. He was returned to his home for res* and recuperation from shock and severe bruises and cuts. months old dauKht,’ : « f M, anil Mrs. Rex Saxton living west of Beaverton, was painfully burned Thursday evening when she pulled pot of boiling weiners from the stove, spilling the contents over her face, on her chest and left arm. The child was treated for shock and burns at the Dr. Mason office and is being cared for at her home Improvement was noted in her condition Monday, but recovery is expected to be slow. Mi Saxton is a Beaverton mail carrier. GUEST A T LUNCHEON Mrs. Norton Peck was a lunch­ eon guest in Portland Wednesday, of Miss Francis Urban, field sec­ retary of the American Home Economics Association. GONE U N T IL MAY Norton Peck left Tuesday morn­ ing on an extended business trip which will take him to New York and Texas. He plans to return late in May. LE G A L NOTICES Call Beaverton 2321 THE BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE School Present Hilarious Play Apr. 22 Carnival P R IN C IP A L 'S ILLNESS J. E. Becker, principal of Barnes school, was absent Friday. April 7 due to illness. T R IP TO SEASIDE SUNSET V A L L E Y SCHOOL , Bill Bailey of the fourth grade hilarious one act comedy play, went with his mother, brother and guiet Home Wedding", under the relatives to Seaside. They left Kii- direction of Mrs Frank Jeffries day and returned Sunday. will be enacted by local talent VISITS G R A N D P A K K N T S April 22 in conjunction with a car- Yvonne Dallman. of the fourth nival and entertainment evening at , grade, went with her parents to Sunset \ alloy School. Carlton. Ore., to visit her grand- 1 Several musical numbers are parents. Mr. anil Mrs B Wahiel planned plus many carnival eteut.- C AR TO O N IST CO NTEST auch aM * f >od bar. games of skill, Diane Abbott of the fourth grade country store, wnite elephant auc- won a ticket to the Oregon Jour- ,ion* fortune telling and fish pond nal junior cartoonist contest Sat-! Mis Gordon Ingram, chairman of the carnival issues an invitation urday. for all to attend the event begin­ U NCLE DONALD'S l.OSS ning at 8 p m. p ob Pettingel of the third grade. Proceeds ftom the evening will received as an Easter gift from b|g parents, three baby ducks, two he used to purchase chairs for Sunset Vallev School. of whicb belong to his brother The boys named (bem H nev. Dew ey and Luey. E A STE R F A M IL Y DAY „ , ,, „ „ . Mr. and Mrs. H O. Myers, who recently moved to this section from Klamath Falls were hosts at a family reunion at their home for Easter Sunday. Gathering at the Myers home for the day were their son. and daughter-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Myers and children Nona, Darwin, and Bobby of Tacoma; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hammond of Salem; Miss Jeanette Lowe, of Ogden, Utah; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Myers and daughter Lora Lee of Portland: Mr. and Mrs. W. A r, . . . ... „ Bunnell of West Slope, and Mr. ... _ , . . . . . . and Mrs. Sam Coon of Portland. 'For Favorable Impressions" BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE SHORTY 100 ' ; wool, sices lu ta 4t. l a v e l ) st>!in«( Ken lit • f ul new colors— wine, green, «re y . brown trupiral worsteds. '»9 .9 3 . 16 Values Virgin a noi Ione m ats In red. creen. I ■ I W * n > . M a rk , beige. H etc. In th* latest sprint styles. A ■ b I Large Site 1 0 0 n o kU • ■at fM uni t M l in a prtea > >;t will like HU'r wool. to p a ;. All Women s Coats \ wool. t>reys, blacks, t w e e d s , brown«. other col­ ors. < oats that win really malie ) oii look slim. Values to 39.9*. sires 38 tw 44. ar . U J are $260 « • 4/5 QT. 1 % 2 SAVE Gabardine 25 onl>. s|/e* 8 to 16. I 9 t > ‘• o d . HeautlfaffN styled In the popular built To th - ne-k r 19 « designs. \n all year *•••»» 5* .ill season wearing. K. fa r 19 " All 104»', WfMil. I .at est * 1 ) les at a •»? Red. belge, ffrren. grey, blar aad other colors. * salite undisputed ant where at this price. s a c r ific e Jf SINGER DRESS CO. C A R D OF T H A N K S I wish to thank my friends for their expressions of sympathy and : floral offerings in my recent be­ reavement, the onó P H O N E «911 Saturday Special MIXED COLORS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE MAX'S SHEET METAL 091 S. W Erickson Phone Beaverton 3071 Straight Bourbon Whiskey • 86 Proof National Distillers Products Corp., N. Y. Doz. Doz. OPEN SUNDAYS HEATING i 716 S. W . M ORRISON BETWEEN BROADWAY l PARK PHONE BE 3756 Over Knight'« Sho* Sfora( a co u n ty - WANT ADS FO R R E N T 2 room cottage with bath, partly furnished, electricity and water. $47.50 per month. Ph Tigard 3369 12p Sharkskin coats h im 8 CTTCR 9 Named Varieties GREAT STRAIGHT BOURBON A P A R T M E N T to rent with out­ side entrance and garage. Call Beaverton 2505 12 m th e re Large Flowering Type to a g l SAVE New Covert Coats » « k , Gladiola Bulbs GABARDINI: SUITS V alu e« to 19.9* 100'; wool covert**. K IV Ä — f leeren, and other V 0 0 m a teria l«; red. m a0 Q green. *:ra>. pink. M Mark. navy. A ll M beautiful new «p ria s mat«. In the latest «ty le «. M/,e» 8-18. l* “ » t wid„ p„hli, hearing which Un- toted for emtahlish- n»e«it ,,f a ,. established. For the weeds, it {lie s them <*ne more week before they, too, I’Ome under the-*tern surveillance • f the law*. CHEAPER Jointly Present Student Recital The proof Is that we have been In this same location for 16 years und lens of thousands of women liave bought their suits and coals here year after year and are still buying. We have the suit or eoat you want at a price that will please you. such notice must be published for two weeks before enactment, weeds o f Washington county have one more week to la* uncontrolled, according to county judge, Herman D. Kerk- m—i EASIER W. Raschow GET THE SAVINCS GET MORE FOR YOUR MONEY CET MORE STYLE AND BETTER MATERIALS CET THE BENEFIT OF OUR HUGE BUYINC POWER CET THE BEST VALUES FOR YOUR MONEY BECAUSE WE ARE THE LARCEST UPSTAIRS SUIT & COAT COMPANY IN THE NORTHWEST CO. WEEDS HAVE ONE WEEK BEFORE ACTION USB The mothers for the third grade were Mrs. Brinks and Mis. O il-, A D V E R TIS E M E N T FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by School District No. 48, Washing­ ton County, Oregon, at the C. E. Mason Grade School Building un­ til 8 p. m. Tuesday, May 9, 1950 lor the furnishing of foui school l u i l l C I / * T l W i r h o r C .buses for School District No. 48 '■¥ | U 5 I C ■ Condolences are being extended Washington County, Oregon, and | to Mrs. Edward Morris of 837 will then and there be opened and , Spencer Ave., whose father, Was- read aloud. Bids received after the | sily Raschow, died April 3 at Prov- time set for opening will not be considered. W E ST SLOPE Mrs. Norton ‘ ld‘‘ nr<* Ho*P‘tal ln Portland. Specifications and forms of con- Peck, local piano teacher, will pre- Funeral services were conducted tract documents may be obtained sent her pupils in her first public " ednesday, Api il 5, at k inley s at the office of Errol Hassell, C. recital at the Merle Davies school Rose * I'apel and the body wa* E. Mason Grade School, Beaverton, on Thursday evening April 13, he- HPn* *° Miles City, Mont., for com- Oregon. School District No. 48 re- j ginning at 7:30. The group of j mitment. serves the right to reject any or young students has been rehears ^ r- Haschkow, who made his all bids, and to waive informalities, ing for some time for the event hom,‘ part of the lime with Mis. No bidder may withdraw his bid and a fine program is to be offer Morris, left six other children: after the hour set for the opening pd. Mrs. Ruthann McKenzie, violin Mrs Alice Minkoff, Mrs. Jeanne theieof or before award of con- teacher, will also present three Morton, Mrs. Dora Bersagel, John, George and Edward Raschkow. tract unless said award Is delayed pupils during the evening. for a period exceeding 30 days. Mrs. Peck’s students listed on Errol Hassell, Clerk the program are Kathleen Mc­ School District No. 48 Kenzie, Mary MacDonald. Faye Washington County, Ore Grant. Carolyn Runes. Carole Sup First publication: April 14. Ransoms. Sharron Ward. Gnrv Second publication: April 21. Runes, Patty Jean Gunnestrup. ■ j Kenneth McKpnzie, Georgia Ann . Gunnestrup, Carl Lee Ransome, j Karlyn Mattsson. Jane Stratford. I Robert Grant. Douglas Ward. , I Marylee Cavens and David Ward , Pupils presented by Mrs. Mc- j Kenzie will be Sharron Ward. Janice Vinson and David Carl. Janice will he accompanied by her mother, Mrs. W. L Vinson, on the piano, and Mrs. Peck will accom­ pany Sharron Ward and David Carl A two-piano concerto, prepared by Roger Peck, a student of Joyce Enright, will he played by Roger and his mother. Three other two- piano numbers will be given by Jane Stratford and Karlyn Mat­ tsson; Marylee Cavens and Mrs. Peck. David Ward and Mis. Peck Friday. April 14, 1950 FOR REMODELING ì( ù U f HOME! \ mothers we*. Mrs Kauffman and Mrs Cornwell Thf> second grade mothers NVPtv Mls LeBault Mrs | Morton Mls Karah and Mrs pl0Orfr,, | Mrs. Mullany and Mrs. Whisman ! fifth. Mrs Watt son. The sixth room mother, who is Mrs. Brown, was ill and could not he there hut she sent cookies For seventh and eighth were Mrs. Daniels and Mrs Platte The mothers brought cakes and articles for making hats in a con- test for the best styles. Cay Bur- ehett of the eighth and Jimmy j Moore of the 7th won. NEW 7 I’ll G RAD E Patty Kramer, who came from Sacramento, Calif., enrolled in the seventh grade of Barnes sehool Monday, April 10. Rita Stone, reporter. - 1. The Famous Wesco Guaran­ tee 2. Engineered Installation 3. Finest Workmanship MILLER'S BEAVERTON Quality Foods We Deliver Beaverton 3661 BR 7960 Watson Street at Farmington Road