Garden Club Hears Address Early Resident Choir's Cantata On Daffodil Culture Apr. 19 Features Easter Tells of Strange By (ilatdy» lle »te r le e Flaming Objects H A ZE LD A LE - COOPER MOUN Happy Hour Club 0 f Bible Church T A IN — Cooper-Dale Garden Club A AA L H A ZE LD ALE The Choir of the Members will hold a meeting and plant sal«- Asks ■ ' f l t f l l 1 D c I S Hazeldale Bible Church gave a April 19, at the home of Mrs. Vie cantata Sunday Eve. “The Resur Maixner on Livermore Ave., with To Bring Plants rection Story". Mis. Marion Ras Mrs. Hazel Johnson as co-hostess. H A Z E L D A L E — The Hazeldale Mrs. Margaret Weaver will give a talk on Daffodils and Mrs. Happy Hour club met on the eve Kinneman will make the arrange ning of April 6, at the home of Mrs. Flavel Jeldetk. ment The meeting was conducted by Each member is asked to bring a sack lunch and the hostess will Mrs. Mennie Barger. Sixteen mem serve coffee. This will be at 1 p. m. bers and two visitors were present. I Guests were Mrs. Anderson on sharp. Wheeler Ave. and Mrs Ruth Grif- BUY A N I) REM ODEL fetts. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Rasmues- The club voted to hold a plant son, who live on Farmington road sale at the next meeting which near Cooper Crest, have purchased . will be a day meeting with pot the Fricke place on Farmington luck at noon, on April 20, at the road and will do some remodeling home of Mrs. Chas. Remington on before moving. Williamson Ave. All members are asked to bring as many plants to sell as they can. All members are urged to be present as the By-Laws and the constitution is to be voted on. Mrs. Griffetts became a new member. The hostess served refreshments. D A N C E Kinton Grange Music by Melody Ace« APRIL 15 Admission-74c; (Inc. Tax) SOUTH D A K O TA N VISITS Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Matkell this past week was Mrs. Mennie Chesley of EASTER A T FO R T LE W IS Woosley, S. Dakota, who came Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hesterlee motored to Fort Lewis on Friday here by the way of Calif, where April 7 with son Kenneth who re she has also been visiting. ported back to his base and then got a pass and spent Easter with C H IL D R E N ’S EGG H I NT Mr. and Mrs. John Kolibaba his parents. The Hesterlees returned Sunday entertained with an egg hunt on Sunday afternoon for eighteen of night. their children and grandchildren from Portland. ENJOY A TASTY, DELICIOUS MERCHANTS LUNCH D IN E FO R N IN T H Y E A R Mrs. C. A. Garvin ente'tained nine guests April 4 in honor of her daughter Karen’s ninth birthday. Refreshments were served. Open from noon til 1 a. m. Closed Mondays & Tuesdays H. S. Students on Science Junket See and Wonder THE OLD HEIDELBERG Phone 2471 Beaverton ALOHA THEATRE Aloha, Oregon — Phone, Aloha 6401 Free Parking Lot for Our Patrons Wednesday thru Saturday, April 12, 13, 14, 15 “ BORDER LINE“ . Fred McMurray, Claire Trevor "TH E RUGGED O R IO R D A N S" Australian Cast Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, April 16 17, IX MISS GRANT TAKES R ICH M O ND - Ivmt, Wednesday thru Saturday, April 19.20, 21 22 Caulfield, William Holden Ida Lupino Glenn Ford BEAVER THEATRE Beaverton GEORGE BAKE It Phone 4293 Wednesday thru Saturday, April 12, 13, 14, 15 ‘THE SU ND O W NER S", by Technicolor, Robert Preston Cathy Downs “ BORDERLINE", Fred Mac Murray, Claire Trevor Saturday Matinee, “ THE SUND O W NER S" Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, April 16, 17, 18 “ THE INSPECTOR GENERAL", color by Technicolor Danny Kaye, Barbara Bates “ ROSE OF THE YU K O N ” , with Steve Brodie Wednesday thru Saturday, April 19, 20, 21, 22 “ ADAM 'S R IB ", Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn “ BOMBA ON PANTHER'S ISLAN D ". starring Johnny Sheffield It was about 1:30 Sunday after noon, March 19, that Baker sighted the phenomenon. It seemed to he a burning ball, followed by a trail ing tail about 100 feet long of what appeared to be black smoke. He doesn’t know what it wa- and is even reluctant to name it 1 a flying saucer. On April 2. on the front page of i the Sunday Oregonian, George had I his picture printed to illustrate a 1 story on the census enumeration I He relates that he will be 88 next | December 13 and is going strong. Born in Iowa, near what is now Waterloo, in 1862, he left with his parents for Beaverton, at the age of 4. His son, Jesse S„ who ac companied him on his annual trip to renew his subscription, was hoin in 1893, on Kings Lane near Beaverton, in a house that is still standing. As an evidence of his present- day affluence, Baker flashed a $1,000 bill Issued on the Chinese National Republic and on the ba sis of yuans. (Illustration courtesy Oregrtnian) Wholesome Evenings Entertainment For The Whole Family. As Convenient as Your Own Living Room Sunday - Monday April 16, 17 Tue*., Wed., Thurs. April 18, 19, 20 Fri. and Sat. April 21, 22 “ U D V EVE" “ S T A T L K Y ’S H U R R IC A N E ” Richard Woodmark Lynda Darnell “ A SONG IS BO RN’’ "R E D HOT & B LU E” Victor Mature Betty Hutton T H E G REAT LOVER’ Bob Hope Rhonda Flemming “G IL D K R S L E E V K ’S Randolph Scott Dorothy Malone Harold Perry “TH E W ESTERN ER" Gary Cooper Walter Brennan CARTOON* - NEW S CARTOON - NEW S CARTO O N - NEW S CARTOON - N E W S Barbara Stanwyck Henry Fonda TH E N E V A D A N ” Danny Kaye Virginia Mayo GHOS r B EAV ER TO N 4112 E N T R A N C E ON BERTH A-BEA V E R TO N H IG H W AY, N E A R B E A V E R TO N C IT Y L IM ITS BOX O FFIC E O PE N 6;45 P M SHOW A T 7;15 P M W E E K DAYS SA TU R D A Y AND SUNDAY BOX OFFTCE O PE N 6:00 P. M SHOW A T DUSK PINTS QUARTS GALLONS REMEMBER FOR BETTER Q UALITY, IT S Anderson Joins Nat'l Jr. College Honorary Group M ULTNOM AH COLLEGE. Port. | land, Ore. (Special) — James J Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. ; John T Anderson of 4200 8. W. j Dosch Rd and Carl R. Olson. 9335 S. W Taylor, will be inducted into Phi Theta Kappa, national junior | college scholastic honor society, at , Multnomah college on April 12. Anderson, a pre-law student, and Olson a Science student, are two of twelve students elected to mem bership in the society during the spring term. The qualifications for Phi Theta Kappa are comparable to those of Phi Beta Kappa in a j four year university YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY CAKE MIX Betty C rocker Pkg WIENERS Æ V U Oscar M ayer Can C BABY FOOD DOG FOOD Please 1 ■u CLA PP'S GERBER'S 8c each 2 for 23c 11c each Tuesday thru Sunday (Closed M ondays) Hours 7 ,3 0 A M to 9 P. M WOODLAND ACRES GROCERY 4928 W ilson Ave , Beaverton THURSDAY THROUGH MONDAY APRIL 20-24 INCL. actveitoieeC 4 * . . . 4W LIFE, P o s t , Look, Cottier to, Farm Journal . a n ti oh t ie Rexall Radio Show* NBC Sundays, starring PHIL HARRIS & ALICE FAYE Two Identic«! Rexall ProduOV for the Pc«« el Only I + Ic A M I Mi31 A lco-R ex puretest R U B B IN G A LC O H O L No faster-acting Aspirin made. 5 gr. 100 s. Reg. 4 9 c ik ^ e m ^ 2 *5 0 * Petrofol R e g 5 9 c Pin t 2 for p v Lav e n d e r HALF PRICE! JffiL c SHAVE CREAM BATH NEEDS Bubble Bath, Bath Powder, Bath Salts. R eg . $ 1 .0 0 j q * 2 for ea TOOTH PASTE lc 76c s/at TH URSD AY _ CLASSIC LETTERS CA $ 1 .5 0 v alu e ! Reg. $ 1 .5 0 2 for f Lord Baltimore M ilk of M a g n e s ia + C a ra N om e Beauty Program KITS j For oily or for dry (nor mal) skin. Either kit. La v e n d e r Reg. 49c ea. 60c A mouthwash of many* uses. Reg. 69c R eg . 39c Mentholated; brushless or lather type. MINERAL OIL ANTISEPTIC MILK OF MAGNESiA R eg . 39c * 24 single sheets, 24 env., with colorful linings. Six colors. 0 0 $ 1 . 0 0 v a l u e 1 Limit 1 — w h ile stocks lost 3 /arge tubes 9 < rK Limit 3 — w hile stocks l a d __________________ SIN GLE COMPACTS U G G E T T ’S J -U -M -B -O SIZ E CHOCOLATS f Round, loose-powder 0 compacts; choice 6 de- signs. $ 1 . 5 0 v o l., e a . w Plain or almond. Limit 3 bars 7 - Limit 1 — a customer. w ▼ ( white stocks tost O N SALt ON SA LÌ SATURDAY fR lO A * fACiAL ___ T issu e s 7, A A t Elegant “ 8 4 8 0 ’’ SOAP "BUTTERMILK pkg. 300 Box of 6 cakes. Limit 1 box — while stocks lost. Reg. 5 9 c Limit 3 1 8 x 3 2 " Edged W LIB B Y S a f e d g e CLASS TUMBLERS W ashed, bleached. Exceptional £ 633 Etched Sky Rider design — 9 '/a o x. Limit 6 —while stocks last f o r values at Limit 3 for boxes — white stocks tost_________ ----- TEA TOWELS 5 — while stocks la ti You can depend on any Drug Pioduct that beats the name A ll-O cc a sio n GREETING CARDS Box of 21 different cards for every occasion. 2 # 4 |# Reg. $ 1 .0 0 box H elen C ornell HORMONE CREAM 1 % ounce jar. Reg. $ 1 .0 0 f d / 2 for i R e x -M a id Fridoy - Saturday April 14, 15 WOODLAND ACRES cxany/ On his annual revisit to Beaver ton, early this week, George W. Baker, 111 SVV Morrison. Portland, reports having recently seen a strange flaming object knifing through the skies in 'he direction of Beaverton. Filling their minds with the wonders of science, thirty-six BHS student biologists and physicists attended the second annual high school science conference at Lin- field college, March 25. Science students to attend were: Ilene Boge, Kay Bader, Bill Bruce, Carol Burris, Travis Cavens, Ar thur Carpenter, Ruth Dibons, Kent Davidson, Gwendolyn Ellis, Bob Ervin, Don Fibiger, Christine Hes- | terlee, Colleen Gamrath, Melvin I Henson, Don Harbin, Colleen Helm- cke, Donna Jackson, Florence Ja- kohson, Florene Johnson, Evelyn Kolstad, John Larsen, Lynn Liven good, David Palmrose, Sally Peter sen, Diane Schendel, Judy Sharp, I Pat Schlaht, Bill Sargent, Joyce Sulli\'an, Janice Vitko, David Sprin- 1 ger, Janet Wootten, Gene Walters, Darlene Wright, Bernard Young, and Joyce Zeet. Faculty members attending in According to Mrs. Alfred Meyer, cluded Katheryn Ward, biology County Committee Chairman, and teacher; David Porter, elementary Miss Faye Nichols. County Ex science teacher; Ralph Stoffer, tension Agent, the third annual physics teacher. Washington County Homemakers’ Among the interesting exhibits Festival will be held at the Hills shown were a Geiger counter, liv boro Grange Hall on May 5. This ing chick embryos, a cloud cham annual event that draws approx ber, and a planimeter. imately 450 town and rural women Demonstrations given on glass will begin at 10:30 a. m. blowing, evaporation of metals, Cherry Grove unit, headed by ultra-violet light on fluorescent their chairman. Mrs. Vernon Strong, material, and the regeneration of will serve 200 people with a spring a Planaria. luncheon. Tickets have been sold After lunch at the college com among the 600 unit members. mons, the students reported to A feature of the festival will be Melrose chapel to hear a welcome a series of exhibits showing all address by Dr. W. W. Dolan, Dean eight phases of the educational of Linfield, and a talk by Dr. Vin program plus the various activities ton Sneeden, pathologist. Univer of the unit members, headed by sity of Oregon Medical school. j the county chairman, such as Azalea House, Associated Country W O M AN ’S PAG E E D IT O R I Women of the Wdild, Miss Barbara Heywood, daughter The exhibits are as follows: A. C. o f Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nicolai of W. W., Brook wood unit; Azalea Beaverton, has moved to St. Helens House, Harrison-Banks unit; Flow where she has accepted the posi er Arrangement, Tualatin unit; tion of editor of the Woman's Page How to be a Gracious Hostess, Hill on TH E SE N TIN E L-M IST. and Dale unit; Making Drapeiies, On March 22. Miss Heywood Glenwood unit: Good Weight for completed her Senior year in jou r-' Oood Health, Sherwood unit nalism at the University of Oregon Care of the skin Tigard McKay and will graduate in June. unit; Care of the H air, Cedar Mill She returned on the Shasta Day- unj t . Streamlining Home Sewing, light Sunday night from Eugene chehalem Mountain unit; Unifying where she spent a pleasant week- Home Furnishings, Fern Hill unit: end as a house guest of the Bob Q jft Wrapping. Rock Creek unit; Fraziers of The Register-Guard. Making Lampshades, Hillside- Kan sas City unit. Food for Ent 'Gaining, Manning- Buxton unit; Comr.iunity Recrea tion. Orenco unit uno (fancer Con trol, Shady Brook un1;. The public is invited to view the exhibits at 10:00 a. m. BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE -Fr.doy, April 14, 1950 Beaverton Rebekah lodge held Its regular meeting at the IOOF hall on Tuesday evening, April 4 It was Friendship night. Each officer was to .invite a guest from another lodge. There were visitors ftom Port land, Tigaid, Hillsboro and Aloh i Poems were read by Mrs. Bollin- gei and Bertha Anderson. Anna Taylor, Faye Saunders and Fran kie Butts were elected as dele gates to the Rebekah Assembly to be held at Astoria in May and | Faye Saunders was recommended as DDP Alternate delepates were Bertha Anderson. Alice Daniels and Emma Bloom. After the business session all adjourned to the dining room for sandwiches, cookies, tea and cof fee under the leadership of Bertha Anderson as chairman and her committee The tables were decorated with white, pink and green crepe paper and daffodills. The guests were presented with little baskets filled | with Easter eggs as favors. Co, Homemakers Festival Plans For Large Crowd ‘‘SOUTH SEA SIN N ER " DEAR W ir E " Joan LUST FOR G OLD" mussen was narrator. “ L ift up your Head", by the choir; "In the Garden", mark 14. 12-25; “ Neath the Olive tree” , by Rev. Mitchell and Catherine Stovl; "Before Pilate" Math:27 19-22; ‘‘What W ill you do With Jesus", by the choir; "Golgotha” John 19: 17- 18; "H e carried the cross by the chair and Audrey Golden soloist; "The crosses" Luke 23. 33-43; "A t Sunset” the choir; "The veil" Luke 23 44-46; "The unveiled Christ” by- Mrs. Prodehl. “ His Hands" a poem; "The Hand that was Wounded" choir; “The Resurrection" Math 28: 1-6; "Hail the Victor” by the choir. MA»sage. "The assured appointment" by Rev. Mitchell. DELEGATES NAMED FOR MAY CONVENTION Household GLOVES Natural latex, sizes 7-9. R”g 7i< 2 r ~ 7 6 c Lord Baltim ore GOLDEN NOTES 10 different lithographed notes, lO e n v s. S T S C - * 5o< 2 for Adrienne COSMETICS 2 identical items. Reg.75c 2 for 76c TOOTH POWD. Briten Am m onialed.6oz.Reg.49c for 50c GYPSY CREAM relieves sunburn. 8 oz. Reg. 59c for 60c for 1.01 COLD CREAM Theatricoi. . .pound, Reg. $1.00 for 16c TOOTH BRUSH Klenzo. .medium size. Reg. 15c BORIC ACID powder or crystals. . 4 oz. Reg. 29c for 30c EYE LOTION Rexall Eyelo. . . . 8 ounce. Reg. 59c for 60c QUIK-SWABS cotton-lipped . . . 1 0 0 ’s. Reg. 27c 2 for 28c NURSER Stork, 8 oz. btl. complete unit. Reg. 35c 2 for 36c WATER BOTTLE Victoria 2-quart. . .Reg. $1.89 2 for 1.90 CREAM DEODORANT Rexall. 1 VS ox. Reg. 50c 2 fOt Stc TINCTURE IODINE u S P .. . . 1 ounce. Reg. 25c 2 for 26c GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES . . . 12 s Reg 35c 2 f o r 36c COUGH DROPS A spirex.......................... Reg. 10c 2 fOC 11C FUNGI-REX for athlete s foot. . 1 VS oz. Reg. 63c 2 fOt 69c ____________________________________Cosmetic Items Subject to Federal H e a r T h e m on NBC E v e r y S u n d a y Eve PHIL HARRIS & ALICE FAYE ¡it — on our ft DEAN'S Roy M o u rc r Pharm acist , GTJ RADIO S H O W J^ e x a ll Phone 3774 BEAVERTON, OREGON BOB’S ICE CREAM IN THE HEART OF BEAVERTON DRUG Ralph Rosenberger Pharmacist FOUNTAIN LUNCHES CANDY