' V • w a n t àds • LY O N and H E A L Y Baby Grand. Excellent condition and finish. $600. Phone Beaverton 4603. 11 West Coast Telephone Co. Reports Accomplishments Congregational Nazarene Youth Communion Rites Plan Service At Observe Easter Dawn of Easter BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE— Friday, April 7, 1950 Edward Hahn V IS ITIN G TK A U IIK K Among the teachers attending, „ _ , , . „, Funetal services for the Oregon Education Association ! „ FKUner,a' T Z " f° ' EdW“ rd The Easter celebration of Bethel The annlversa,y of the Resur- convention ™d conference held I Hah\ “ l * uule \ i* aveLton' LETTER DETAILS EFFORTS TO KEEP ABREAST FO SA LE —Motorcycle, or trade congregational Church is to start rec(l0n of the Lord Jesus Chris. in Portland this week was Hugh I h<*,d at Macy and Son Fun' for car. Phone Tigard 2435. Rte. eral Horn* in McMinnville, on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock 1 w(1| be observed in the services o f Hasse11 of Springfield. Oregon OF FAST MOVING DEVELOPMENTS IN VICINITY 1. Box 30A, Tigard, Ore. lip March 30 Interment was in Ever- when a Maundy Thursday com- the Beaverton Church of the Naz- " ’ ith his wife and small daugh- , .«union will be observed atene this Easter Sunday. April 9 ‘ V- •*»"■ he was houseguest of his * " e.n S T R A W B E R R Y PLA N TS Mar­ Mr Hahn died March 25 in Port­ COMMUNICATION at that time, it was stated that the Members of the 7th and 8th The Young People of the church bro,her and sister-in-law. Mr. and shalls, for sale. Beaverton 4078. I land. telephone company felt that it was grade chutch school classes under are planning an Easter dawn ser- Mrs Erro1 Ha8sfl> their John- R. Schell. lip ' There was a meeting held o n 1 He was born May 28, 1913, in ------------------------------------------- - I Februarv 17 iqv> with . « I ° nly iair to Prov'dc local service t u direction of M i." Bernice ton vice in Pierson's meadow on the son roat* home, Tuttle, North Dakota. His occu­ oly will read the gospel story of top of Mt Cooper behind the BABY BED. . ,rr. Co „ « 1 “* *"*■ — * pation was a fish cutter. new sell or trade for single bed specialized type of service such as the Crucifixion. This will be follow- Hazeldale school, at 6:15 Following B VBY SHOWER EVENT i . tj a h h „ representatives of the Oregon Pub- extended service was provided. , . , . Surviving ise a son, Edward complete. R. Schell. Ph Beaver- ii _ ed by a baptismal for young people the service breakfast will be served .„_ ^Y7a ,, ilc Utilities Commission, and a rep- who . have completed a special cl iss a 7 a L ‘" 7 7 [ " " j u ' i ™ p i 11 8 l f ' r!i l,rure Eugene Hahn, of Belaire, Texas. This has been and will con “ |ulal class t the home of Herb and Helen Hath surprised her with a baby L ,„ lk A M „ . n P i resentative of The Pacific T. le- tl.iue to fo** the policy of the tele- | onchurch membership Harrison s, tt Hubei shower on the evening of Match *,"d f° ‘ l0 * "* brothers and ters: John, Pettybone. N. D., The service will be completed r a d ka »n A r u iK ic n v / phone A TeleSraPh Co., at which I phone company. It is quite ev­ The Sunday School Easter pro- , 31st. FARM M ACH IN ERY was also present to answer ques- ident, and has been for some when the deacons «ei vo the Lords gram will he presented in a com- The gifts were opened and then Tuttl! N * I) Mr'! T "rrv Tavlor Ford Tractor with plow $850 f*ons and state the company's pol- time, that there is a growing - uppei. m wi e simple and hined Worship service which will the ladles played court whist, with p ortland Mrs Christina C rue Farmall H Tractor $1,000 icy ior iuture development in the need for extended service or quiet, carried out in the candle- begin at 10 15 a. m The pastor Mrs Clarence Buffam - - - Port,and' M™' Christina George. winning Carlton, Oregon, and Mrs. Nellie John Deere "L " with mower, Beaverton area. Before stating some similar service in the Port­ it sanctuary of the church. wrtll speak on the subject “The ! first prize Pappas, Lodi. California. plow and cultivator $795 I*1®86 development policies, I would land area. " unda\ morning 'he church will Resurrection Story". Easter music John Deere “ L " with plow $635 like to provide a proper back­ Preliminary engineering and con­ have two identical services, one win characterize this service. STE PH E N A IL K N HIUKI.K Proud grandparents are Mr. and ground. Papec Cutter at 9:30 and the other at ferences between officials of the beginning .. „ An Easter theme will prevail, in Mr. and Mts. Dean Bickle of 115 Mrs P. W. Sheeley of Beaverton In December, 1946, there were Kulter King Garden Tractor so« u . West Coast Telephone Company vi m • UrJl®\ * '! flrS* *e l" ,he Young Peoples' service at 6 30 N. W Cedar street have a brand and Mr. and Mrs. Claire Bickle of Hessel’s Tractor and Equipment telePhones in service in the | and The p acjfic Telephone & Tele- v ce it piesr oo (ipaitm ents wjth Miss May Rawlinson direct- new baby boy Stephen Allen, B'-j Janesville, Wise. Also a great Co.. 125 S. E Morrison St., Port- B? n^ rt° " area; D*c* mb« 20 graph Company of Portland have V'. . . nlee as l*sua *n 1 u' ' r rooms, jnR lb. who arrived at Emanuel hos- grandmother, Mrs. Pearl Ray of -1029; w te e o lei c asses of the The day will be climaxed with pltal the morning of April 5. Portland, Y i December 20, 1949- 2222. The un- years because of the recognition of school are invite“ to come with the dmmatu. presentation of the - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j Riled application development is the eventual need of some sort of | theil P a in ts and attend together ■Challenge of the Cross". This in- FOR S A L E —Four flush vertical as follows: in a family Easter worship Fam- *pirinK dra ma will be given at extended service plan. grain fir inside doors, 26x6.8. December, 1947—1258; December, It has n<*t been in the past nor ilies are invited to attend which­ 7:45, and promises to be a most Have a beautiful clean satin fin- ; 1948 — 793; December, 1949 — 627; will it be in the future the policy ever of the two services is more fitting climax to this day in the I ish coat, $11.50 each. 405 S. W. February, 1950—682. of this company to willfully re­ convenient. Furminjtfoii at Menlo Street Christian calendar. Fairmount Drive, Beaverton, lip ; It may be noted that the reduc- I tard the growth in any areas in Both services will hive the full The pastor. Rev. Leonard C. tion in unfilled orders has not kept which it operates. RASTER SERVICE 10:30 A. M. musical program bv . „ a , „ . , a cordial ,. , invita- . , * , r prepared ..' - the Johnson, extends FOR SA LE —27 foot deluxe trailer. pace with the installation of new choir under their director. Willis . On the contrary, it is no differ- i tion to Beaverton and vicinity to Sermon topic: “ EASTER VICTORY” Must be seen to be appreciated. services due primarily to the fact ent than any business In that it is la d y ' "'bile Mr. Clarence Buffam join in worshipping the Risen Call Beaverton 4216. See at 171 that many people desiring service Hy Professor Paul Selmlze endeavoring to operate economic- ar,anK'nK adequate seating for Christ this glad Easter Sunday at S. E. Second, Beaverton. 11 have not placed their application ally and endeavoring to keep pace botb services. the Church of the Nazarene, of Coneordia Aeademy for service and. when actual con­ with the growth of the areas in The 11 0’<'lo‘’ k service will have FO R SA LE —1940 5 pass. Chev struction of new plant was in which it operates in order to pro- a nursery lor smaller children and Speeial Mnsie liy the Choir coupe. All new 16,000 miles ago. .. , , . ------ -- ------- . . . ------ - 11 T aUddenly Placed thelr ;‘ P- | vide its stock and bond holders babla* $425. Ph. Tigard 2674. ..... Ce*8’ .. ...... ................. plication for service . or desired wlth an adequate return on their The sacrament of baptism will MAUNDY THURSDAY «;0 0 P. M. « FOR SALE OR T R A D E —Double service. be provided for infants and small investment. cement laundry trays $7.00, or Because of this fact and the fact This company will do all in its children in the first service only. Candlelight Communion Service trade for used small wash ba- ' ba* the Beaverton area has de- ^ power ^____ to _ ^ _____ ______^_ provide adequate facilities Adults will be received into the Rev. F. II. krinke. Vacancy Pastor sin. R. E. Morrison. 602 S. W 6. ' eloped so r apidly In the last sev- j for people desiring" service in the fellowship of the church at 9:30 Programs for the series on mar­ (St. Miehaels, !\. Portland) Phone Beaverton 9815 lip i eral Vears. it has been very dif- Beaverton area and to keep pace and young people will be received riage being sponsored hy the ficult for the telephone company with the rapid deVelopment of this at 11 a. m. FU R N AC E and C H IM N E Y cleaned to engineer for future development. area .Friends of Bethel Church who ! Bethel Congregational Church and HID FRIDAY SERVICE 8;00 P. M. Steel brush and vacuum. Work have not so far made their choice *be Brown Trust have been During the years 1947, 1948. and A D scripture guaranteed. W. J. I*ane, phone 1949, plant expenditures were as of church home are cordially in- 1 Prin,ed a"d *re available to any District Manager Rev. Richard Alliiiann, Speaker Portland, EVergreen 11367. lip follows: vited to participate in the worship m,,' ,e8,ed persons. Forest Grove, Oregon (Good Shephard, S. \\ . Portland) The series of lectures and dis­ Central Office j _____ at one of the two services. G E N E R A L CONTRACTOR Small cussions is designed to give in­ * Buildings $ 59.220.00 a C A V homes, duplexes a specialty. Fur­ formation and answer questions of Outside Plant 122,657 00 . . . VOTERS MEETING nish references. Free estimates. those who may be contemplating Write SPENCER. Box 42. Bea­ marriage. Five experts in their , I o plaee a rail for a new pastor Total $181 87700 DARK HORSE SEEN verton. 12p particular field have been secured Monday, \pril 10. 7:30 P. M. In 1948, sufficient central office SURE BET IN RACE to come and present helpful in­ equipment was added to take care formation and guidance. of 1,000 new telephones This equip- 1 Dear Editor: , Mr. Will Drum of the Multnomah ment has been exhausted and the | We will probably be shackled to Sunrise services will be held at County Court of Domestic Rela- company now has on older equip- the West Coast Telephone com- ¡6:45 a. m. at the Village Baptist tions win l)P the first speaker, j ; f ' ment sufficient to provide service pany twenty years from today It Church. V* mi south of Sunset Mondav April 17th, from April O O O Q c o n d i t i o n f01 2000 new applicants. Expected is pleasant, never-the-less to dream Highway on Murray road in the 17 3o untn night, g oo. 47 N. E. Rroadway Beaverton 4463 delivery of this equipment Is Oc- of a phone that is a phone and not ! Cedar Mill Park area. Mr. Drum will be followed by $15 tober. 1950 H O T P O IN T Elec. Range a long distance set. It would be The program will Include instru- Dr Adolnhe W einziil on Ai.ril 24th OPEN UNTIL 7:00 P. M. Monday, Tuesday Wednesday Installation of this equipment simply delightful to just pay a bill I mental and vocal music with Rev. Mrs. Maryanne P P May 1st. 5;30 P. M Thursday, Friday. Saturday. Staton on TH O R W ASH ER will require approximately three 1 some month. No toll. Albert Fuller, pastor, as the speak- Rev. William H. Genne May 8th $35. months. The cost of this equipment with IR O N E R As before, the people who would el­ and Mr. C. E. Avery May 15th. and a necessary building addition like to be freed from West Coast Light breakfast will be served W EDGEWOOD GAS RANGE In order to make the lectures as will amount to approximately $75,- ; Tel are the people just outside the at the close of the service. w i’ h Griddle, Like New $54.50 widely available as possible the 000.00. city of Beaverton. By an insidious i The public is invited to attend Church and the E. C. Trust are An extensive cable project, run and mysterious circumstance these the Sunrise service and the reg- F R IG ID A IR E Ref. 5-eu.ft. $44.50 providing them without cost and LADIES' and MEN'S HEM STITCHING ning north on Cedar St., west on j people cannot vote for or against uiar Sunday services at 11 a. m. without advance registration being TH O R AUTOMAGIC W ASHER Walker Rd.. north on Murray Rd the franchise rights of West Coast. W WW~W_W~ ALTERATIO N S BUTTON HOLES required. It is hoped, however, and D ISHW ASHER $85. W|H serve the Cedar Hills, West- Yet they must accept West Coast that those attending will be pres­ IN STALLIN G ZIPPERS FOR DAD S BUTTONS COVERED $35 £a,e’ Marlene Village, McLain Vil- and can bid for no other company G.E. Ref. 6-cu.ft................ ent each of the five nights. lage and Cedar Mill areas in addl- to come in. DRESS M AKING BELTS MADE The meetings will be held In the tion to providing service to the The same efforts will be made as W E S T E R N H O LLY GAS community room of Bethel Congre­ PLAIN SEWING BUCKLES COVERED $35. Bonny Slope area. This cable pro- were made three years ago. T h e . RAN G E with Griddle gational Chuich. High School sen- i ject will also be sufficient in size same thing will appear once more. I lots and graduates looking for­ A SHIRT THAT HOSIERY MENDING to provide for regrades of service There is a dark horse running this I “ YO U R F R IG ID A IR E D E A LE R " ward to marriage Rre invited to Another project is planned for S. little ol race and he is n sure bet. attend without any regard to Mrs. Peter Sarti Watson and 7th Avenues, which j church affiliation. Beaverton, 0:e. will provide necessary cable relief in that area. MULTNOMAH GUESTS In addition to these projects, Mrs. Dorothy Stevens and three other small open wire line exten­ ' children and Mrs. C. J. Stevens of sions will be made to provide ser­ Multnomah were Monday guests of Village Shops - Canyon Road vice for many applicants. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sheets on Outside plant expenditures for Farmington Road. BEAVERTON 4061 1950 will amount to approximately Special Easter Services will be $50.000.00. This makes a total of REAL ESTATE $125.000.00 that will be spent in the \ held at the First Methodist Church Beaverton exchange area. Approx-j of Beaverton at 7:00 a. m. Vt-A. N E A R B EAVER TO N imately $10,000.00 will also be spent ' The Youth Fellowship is spon- CLOSE to bus line. 5 rooms and iQ provjde necessary central office 1 soring an Easter breakfast and bath, garage with 2 sleeping relief in the A loha area. Service. This will be held in the rooms. $7,500. Delivery of equipment to replace basement of the church. the present Aloha centtal office Is j Eugene U m b from Cascade Col-i N EW M ODERN F IV E ROOMS ajso scheduled for delivery in Oc- lege in Portland will speak The j H ARDW OOD floors, auto, heat. tober. Approximately six weeks youth will furnish special music, fireplace, large garage, utility wil) be needed for this installation At the Morning Worship Hour, ] room, beautiful lawn and trees Additional central office equip- 11:00 a. m., the pastor will speak $10.700. ment will be ordered in 1950 for on the theme "Christ is Risen". delivery in 1951 to add to the pres The choir, under the direction of IN B EAVER TO N ent Beaverton central office equip Mr Wesley Bertrand, will sing the j F IV E ROOMS. 50x 100 lot. fire­ ment. , joyous Easter message. place, nicely landscaped, close in, Contrary to general belief, tele- 1 All are Invited to worship, % garage, $6,000. phone central office equipment ------- cannot be obtained immediately CAN YO N ROAD B APTISTS H A — 3 M ILES B E A VE R TO N Up0n placing an order. Twelve to Easter will be observed with MM M ODERN 4 room house, also guest Qr jg months is necessary foi special music and worship, at 11 house, large chic. hs„ double gar- the manufacture and delivery of a. m. Sunday, in the Canyon Road | age $12,500. t h l s equipment. Baptist Church, 1600 N. E. Canyon j Telephone central office equip- Road, just east of Beaverton. TW O ACRES ment is engineered and manufac- The pas|or. Rev. Russell B. M ODERN HOME $6,500. tured to fit certain operating con- Thomas, will preach on, "The ditions in certain exchanges. It is Power of His Resurrection." His IN B E A VE R TO N seldom that conditions in two sep- subject for 7:45 p. m. will be, "The FOUR ROOMS and bath, 'i acre, arate exchanges are the same. Easter Symbolism of Baptism." garage, refrigerator, range, and Adequate trunking facilities and and the Baptistry of the church KEG. T. M. heater $4.000.—$850 down. to„ outiets to other points will be will be used for the first time for J. J. McMAHON added as needed. the administration of this ordi- R E A L E S TA TE — INSURANCE At the meeting on February 17, nance. 85 Broadway, Beaverton a discussion of extended service A cordial welcome Is extended to Phone 2744 11 was entered into by the group and. everybody. ______________________ A l last! The Van Heusen Century . . . a shirt with a miracle collar that can’t wrin­ your DOLLARS kle yet is free o f starch anti must buy HAPPINESS wonderfully soft. It’s uoven in one piece . . . has no lining , . . True, we must spend the larger por. to wrinkle. Even fold line is tion of our weekly earnings for the every woven in so it can’t he folded day necessities But that part o f living wrong. And the rest of the we call happiness comes from the sense shirt lives up to the collar . . . of security achieved through family life, with flawless Van Heusen which means a home, a car a pleasant tailoring throughout. vacation, the ability to enjoy comfort S i S s f S S ; *“• ,6M; — •* ~ PILiiimi LUTHERAN CHURCH Marriage Series Programs Await Interested Youth KCA 1 /CK 5 )A T Village Baptist Church Presents Morning Service Used Appliances FLORENCE'S SEWING CENTER We Specialize In . . . EASTER w o n ’t wrinkle . . . ever M cG EO R G E . . for Appliances Young People Of Methodist Group Sponsor Service Domestic Sewing Machines Sales and Service EASTER LILIES SHORT, HEAVY, BUSHY PLANTS The Ideal Easter Gift J . $1-75 up We Deliver We Feature - - Van Hausen CENTURY SHIRT RATH'S BLACK HAW K HAMS The Finest of Eastern Hams Half or Whole - - ICE CREAM Arden's Brick And these, in their turn are to be most readily achieved through regular savings. We urge you to come in and start a aav. Ings account. Whatever you deposit glows as the seed planted in soil, for savings deposits earn generous interest COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON 8848 S. W. CANYON ROAD Member Federal Deposi Insurance Corporation AT WEST SLOPE WEIBY'S Beaverton 4597 P S Poll Parrot Shoe Money G ive n With All Purchases BEAVERTON - LB 69c THE PERFECT DESSERT" and Flavor - Fresh FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE MILLER'S - OPEN SUNDAYS Qualify Foods We Deliver Beaverton 3661 BR 7960 Watson Street at Farmington Road