I ACTIVITIES IN CEDAR MILL AREA VOTERS APPROVE $90,000 FOR IMPROVEMENT OF WATER DIST. By Gertrude Pearson CEDAR M IU . Voters of the W olf Creek Highway Water Dis­ trict approved the Board of Com­ missioners proposal of $90,000 in bonds March 10, by a vote of 138 plement supply of mains in the area. The balance of the money will be used for construction of a 12 inch supply main from the reservoir at Cedar Mill and cross mains to dis­ tribute water thus equalizing the supply throughout the district. Gardeners Piay BONNY SLOPE Mrs. Il'ten Hanson Day To Encourage VKMY By VISITO RS Mr and Mrs. Charles McFairen Vicinity's Lawn | had their son Cpl. Floyd McFarren Funds raised will be used to pur­ chase equipment for the school children. , ’ Mtckie McCaffrey" and his Portland Golf Club orchestra will furnish guests with excellent music for dancing. Those preferring Ca nasta will play in the adjoining card room A "Coke ' bar w ill he in operation for the pleasure of the guests. There will be many door prizes and Canasta prizes which have been donated by the local mer­ chants and businessmen It is not necessary for the purchaser of a ticket to be present to be eligible for the drawing of prizes. His name and address will be written on thè ticket stub at time of pur­ chase and returned to the Dance Committee for the drawing. Ticket sales are being handled through the school childien The room selling the most tickets will be treated to a party with refresh­ ments. Doors of the Club will open at 8 p. m. for Canasta and dancing will be from 9 to 12 midnight. BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Fndoy, M arch 17, 1950 liio DR. T. G. HETU, D. D. S. CEDAR H ILLS *At the home of and his friend Mr Murray as Mrs. A. W. Travis, 335 Douglas ' house guests over the week end of has resumed practice in the avenue, the Cedar Hills Garden j March 5th. The young men are stationed at club held its monthly meeting on MANNING BUILDING, BEAVERTON March 8 with 18 members present. Bong. Washington with the l'. S. to 4. Mrs. Stanley Coffey served as Army. Storage reservoirs, one near Ce­ F E A R T H R E E M AN HI LK co-hostess with Mrs Travis. Daf- 1AVO F i t VICTIMS Mrs. Dave Salmon and son K.ilph dar Mill of 500,000 gallon capacity Information concerning the Co­ fadils and lavender iris were used ; were both ill at then home this and a smaller one of 200,000 at in two lovely arrangements to pro­ Bonny Slope, will be built to sup- lumbia Valley Administration was vide the early spring time theme. past week with the flu interpreted through discussion at This was the first meeting of the M S IT ON W E ST RO M » the P T A study club meeting Mon­ Mrs. Laura Lehman of Mulino. YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY new club year. The new officers: day evening at the F. W. Mere- Otegon visited this past week with president, Mrs. John Romero; vice wether home. president, Mrs. J. S. Bailey; sec ^er daughter. Mrs James Lisle, Pros and cons were weighed retary. Mrs. R P.Dawson; treasurer ani* ^er 9>8,er Mrs. A gust Brutke with a general review of the pro­ S P E o ^ Mrs. R. W. Quiett. assumed their , their homes on West Road, A lb er's, Special, posed measure. new duties. BR ID AL SH O W ER The main opposition to the meas­ 2-lb , 4-oz pkg The answers to everyday The retiring officers were presi Mr" Henry Barton was guest of ure was resting of too much power in the hands of a three man boanl dent. Mrs. Payton Reid; vice presi ' honor an,i recipient ot many beau- insurance problems* dent. Mrs. I. B. Griffin; secretary j tiful and useful gifts at a miscel­ of commissioners. CHEERIOS 17c By Leonard Adams pro tern. Mrs. W. L. Shannon. . laneous bridal showei on March 8. TO COORDINATE AIMS at the community club house. treasurer, Mrs. D. R. George ADOLPH'S MEAT Representing various agencies in 1 Winners of the games that were The new committee chairmen 1 the Cedar Mill area Tuesday at a j played during the evening were: TENDERIZER 49c 2 Lbs. meeting in Hillsboro on Farm, were appointed: Membership. Mrs. Mrs. Harry Ketel, Mi- Jack Batke, Home and Rural living were Mrs. C. E. Taft; ptogram, Mrs. D. R. and Mr. Kieth Coon t o m a t o JUICE, 1 J L c L. W. Kingsley, Mrs. A. R. Ringe George; hospitality, Mrs A. YV. There were thirty-six guests Hudson House At the March 11 meeting of Jun Travis; ways and means, Mrs. J. and Mrs. H. R. Johnson. present. Refreshment.- of sand­ ior and Junior Reserves of Cedar T. Trixler; publicity, Mrs. P. M. Coordination of aims for county wiches. wedding cake coffee and Mill Local, officers were elected \ Postlethwaite; historian, Mrs. Pay- projects was under discussion. RAISED DONUTS punch were served. as follows: Billy Bennett, president: ton Reid and Northwest Gardens Place Order in Advance Mrs. Adolph Bat ke was hostess S H O W T R E A T S K ID D IE S EVERY FRIDAY publication, Mrs. D. S. Gilchrist. Dolores Shaper, secretary; and . QUESTION; We are planning for the party. The P T A show Friday night at Dennis Berger, reporter. to trade out car in on a new It was decided that the club Large Choice of Candies - Easter Special the schoolhouse was credited as a one and I ’d like to know if our Mrs. W. A. Price is in charge of ; should participate in one of the present liability insurance pol­ treat for children of the commun­ flower shows being sopnsored by the regular Reserves, Mrs. May I Tuesday thru Sunday (Closed M ondays) icy will cover the new car when ity. Ringe the beginning Reserves, and ‘ the Journal, either in the May we get it. Do we have to notify A travel picture and cartoons Hours 7 ;3 0 A M. to 9 P. M . Mrs. Beulah Ringe the Juniors. show or autumn show. the insurance company of the constituted the show with pop, pop­ The Reserves study unit is "The change? A resolution to obsetve ‘‘F Day" corn and cup cakes as refresh­ Live Oak Tree” which is the story in the area of Cedar Hills was ments. A N S W E R ; Your present policy B O NN Y SLOPE Miss Jean of the Karm en Union. The begin- | adopted. On "F Day" which is to will protect you for thirty days be the first reasonably dry week Batke daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ners are continuing the unit "Birds after you change cars but you end day in March, residents will Adolph Batke became the bride of Are Good Neighbors.” The Juniors should contact your insurance 4928 W ilson A v e ., Beaverton be asked to fertilize their lawns. Mr. Keith Coon, son of Mr. and study is "Faith, Hope, and Parity," agent about changing the policy a study of the basic economics. as soon as you get your new Members of the club ordered Mrs. Robert Coon on Friday. March car. plants of the new petunia, “ Fire 3. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barton were Chief” . Each member plans to use this new petunia somewhere in her their attendants. The young folks have both been | CEDAR M ILL- Alan Starr, 6 garden this summer. • I f you will address your own insurance questions to this o f­ yrs., son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold A fter a discussion concerning residents o f this community for fice, we'll try to give you the Starr of McDaniel road suffered a the types of meetings the members several years, attending and grad­ at the correct answers and there will punctured lung Monday, March 6, of the club preferred, a poll was uating from Bonny Slope school. be no eharge or obligation of Mrs. Coon graduated from Bea­ while attending school at St. taken by the program chairman, any kind. Helen’s Hall. Mrs. D. R. George, to help her verton high school last May. A classmate thrust a sharpened plan the meetings for the coming j They are now living in Portland. BEAVERTON, OREGON — MARCH 15 26 pencil point into his chest, ap­ year. The next meeting of the club parently hitting an unprotected Rev. Emrick, as an outstanding basketball star at the "Personal Insurance Service" area with great enough force to will be held on April 12 at the University of Pittsburgh under the coacliing of the famous Phone 3831 Any Time home of Mrs. A L. Tebault, 335 hit the lung. Dr Carlson, was rated one of the best basketball players 73 Broadway, Beaverton Following X-rays at a Portland S. Cedar Hills Boulevard. in the U. S In 1938, feeling the catl to preach, he left the Hospital he is at home under ob­ basketball floor for the pulpit. His ministry has been in demand from Coast to Coast. servation. A gala evening of fun has been Mrs. Emrick is an accomplished pianist anil is an artist planned by the Raleigh School PTA on the Solo-Vox which she will play nightly. K ev. R ohm and D oroth y E m rick in sponsoring a Canasta and Danc­ ing party at the Portland Golf S E R V IC E S EA C H N IG H T E X C E P T S A T U R D A Y , 7 ;3 0 P M Club on Monday, March the 20th. All teachers, parents and their LE O N A R D C. JO H N S O N , Pastor friends are urged to attend and make the patty a huge success. Tlm ixmfmm / WOODLAND BUCKWHEAT SO 38 lo Pencil Thrust To Chest Punctures Lung In Accident WOODLAND ACRES CASH GROCERY REVIVAL SERVICES Church of The Nazarene Leonard Adams Peg,g, J Raleigh PTA To Play Canasta At Dance March 20 Community Club Approves Plans Of School Park ^Mortuary W E. PEGG C ED AR M IL L A film "Books and People” and a talk by Miss W E IB Y 'S .................... Easter Fashion Headquarters Norma Lee Peck of the Portland Public Library expla.ned proced- 1 *«« ures in bookmobile library service through the courtesy of "Friends of Library" to community club j 'V members Wednesday evening. Also on the program was an act * presented by four Portland high ■Y ,/\ ■ school boys. Imitations and musi­ cal numbers were included. , 1 vVfMî Three of the group were from j Washington high school, their tal­ ents consisted of playing a Ba- j soon, Clarinet and piano. The ! fourth member was a Cleveland j high school student, adept at fe­ ! V i- male impersonation and pantomime Objects of the community club as contained in the constitution />' - I/Ì. — 0 Candy Suckers were read in opening the business 0 Bang Guns i meeting. Approval of proposed I plans for the park area of the 0 Marbles 0 Balloons school ground was unanimous. with your purchases F. W. Meiewether asked for re- I cruits to help plant.evergreen trees ! on the outlying edges of the park Saturday afternoon. He explained general plans for laying out the area for recreational purposes. Advisability of seeking an under­ pass or overpass at Sunset Boule­ vard and Murray Rd. was mention- | ed, to be referred to the Civic and Industry Committee. Landscaping progress made this far for Sunset Valley school in- 1 eludes paper plans to be recom­ mended to the school board. A scholarship was voted to send a j I-H boy or girl from this area to summer school. A. Spring's Delight Refreshments and a social hour j climaxed the evening. in Two-Tone Wm. SPEARS X, cute as a bunny... .¿iS w lg IWlffSTii Your community mortician since 1910 Phone 3411 BEAVERTON, OREGON /M FREE! % FREE! C . M ilita ry Straps . . For the little gents D. Baby's Feet Need care too — - REGISTER BV A P R IL 18 It has been called to attention that voters may register until April 18 to vote in the primary election March 10 as originally stated was the deadline for candidates filing for offices. C O R N E LL C LCB M E ETIN G Cornell Club was entertained Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. N T. Stevens at her home on Mc­ Daniel road. On March 22, Mrs. John Chris­ tensen will be hostess. VISUAL All» PROGRAM "Visual Aid" will be included as program mnterial at the PTA meet­ ing Thursday evening March 23 at the school house. Election of officers will be held during the business meeting which will begin at 8 p. m promptly. SALMON O R SPAG H E TTI Leedy Grange will again demon­ strate It's culinary finesse Satur­ day evening by serving another of it’s special dinners. A choice of salmon or spaghetti 1 will be offered with a ' Mr. Jones" atmosphere at 99c Everyone is welcome. !■ 1 B. Patent Party Surprise A hit w ith a tiny miss • — Ä . 2L E. A Crepe Dandy . . W ill come in handy Styled and Priced Right COME I N . . . SEE OUR 349 595 PolNParrot SHOES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS ^ m -TESTED TO GIVE YOU REAL VALUE I «Uk ,* ACRES Farm Union Jr.'s Elect Officers Mar. 11 Meeting Coon-Batke Wed In Simple Rites; Live In Portland m P S. Ask for your Poll Parrot shoe money 1^4*-w v‘ ’ — »