Pilgrim Pastor Gets Call To Church In Puyallup, Wn. T he R ev E rw in Gerken, pastor o f P ilgrim L utheran Church, an ­ nounces that he has accepted the call to Im m anuel L u th eian Church in P uyallup, W ashington. Pastor G erken received the call about a m onth ago and, though the con- R ev. E rw in Gerken greg atlon ask ed him to reconsider the call, he felt that the Lord w a n ts him to labor in Puyallup. T he con gregation in Puyallup num bers 300 com m un ican ts and over 400 souls. P uyallup is a city of 10,000 east of T acom a and is in a grow ing area like B eaverton. P astor Gerken labored here four and a half years and the Lord has showered his b lessin gs upon Pilgrim . The con gregation grew from 54 com m un ican ts to 153 com ­ m unicants and over 300 souls. Says P astor Gerken: “I have really enjoyed the work at Pilgrim . The people have been w onderful and in teiested in bringing people to the Savior. I m ight also add that the city of B eaverton has been w onderful to us. T hough the ch allen ges here are enorm ous, I feel the ch allenges there also are great and I have the con viction that I should accept th e call to Im m anuel in P u y a l l u p . Many thanks to all for their cooperation and kind nesses to me and to P il­ grim Lutheran." Pastor Gerken will deliver his farew ell address on Sunday. March the 19th, at w hich tim e the ch il­ dren’s class w ill also be confirm ed. H e w ill be installed in P uyallup on the 26th of March. P astor G erken is m arried to W illene, nee K erkm an, and they have two ‘little preachers’, N orm an P aul and D aniel John. T he congregation w ill m eet Sun­ day to call a su ccessor to Rev. Gerken. ÉM ) 1 i Dorcas Society Goes Ahead With Sickbay Project WANT ADS j B E A V E R T O N BinT C om pletely furnished 2 bedroom hom e. B etter see this. See sign i 9th and Main. Call BE. 0603. or B eaverton 4751. W est Slope Branch COOLEY RIN EH ART 9109 S. W. Canyon Road BARNES School Notes M OVIES O F O R EG O N The fifth and sixth grades were shown colored m ovies of th e Ore- i gon coast and cen tral Oregon hy 6p Mrs. Laycock. VFW Auxiliary Plan Social On Mar. 8 IOOF Hall The Ladies A uxiliary to the Bea-1 verton V FW P o st No. 4617 held their regular b usin ess m eetin g at the IOO F hall W ednesday evening Feb. 22. 1950. In itiation of new m em bers was the m ajor b u sin ess o f the evening. | R ep orts of the co m m ittee attend- i Ing the “w elcom e to new citizen s’’ by th e A m ericanization C ouncil of Portland a t th e C ivic Auditorium , Portland, Feb. 22, 1950, w as an | inspiring spectacle. March 8, 1950 a social m eeting will be held at the IOOF hall. The l11strlct P n ,sid en t w ill be a guest. AH m*mb*r9 ar« « rKed to be pres- f’n t- FOR SA L E - ’40 Chev. 5 passenger N EW BABY BOV . good condition throughout. No Mr. and Mrs. L. M yres r e ceiv ed reasonable offer refuse«^ for a new baby boy M onday m orning quick sale. P hon e Beav. 4i79. 6p at five o’clock. FOR S A L E -C lo v e r seed. Phone ______ T R IP S O F IN T E R E S T Tigard 3364. ®P Myron M cCam ley w ent to Hood R iver with his au nt and sister. ATTEN TIO N P atricia. Used m etal flock feeders, chick H e visited his grandparents and | feeders, com m un ity n ests, founts, cousins. also 20 carton s o f 3x5 egg car­ C hristine Olson w ent w ith her tons, 1 oil brooder. 1 briquet fam ily o f the M cLoughiin H ouse brooder. Call Carl. Beaverton in Oregon C ity Saturday. 4397. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. A ndrew w ent to W alport Beach over the week end. SEE R ichard H ager of 1363 8 E A l - 1 B illy Shaw w ent to P u get Island ! den Ave., left M onday m orning | w ith his parent* Sunday. for Condon, Oregon w here he will j NEW ST U D E N T be em ployed by th e S ta te Public j Carol Ann P earson m oved from I W elfare C om m ission. for Los A ngeles. Calif., to enter the I He has been em ployed by that third grade. a gen cy sin ce last A ugust in the NEW FORDS GALORE 'H illsb o ro o ffice and upon leaving j CARS - TRUCKS - PICKUPS VICTIMS O F ILLS hat o ffic e w as given a surprise Mrs Abbot, the first grade teach ­ dinner and presented w ith a R on ­ er. and Mr. Becker, the principal ton lig h ter by his fellow w orkers Mr H ager is a brother of Mrs were absent because of illne«« February 24 The first grade pu- Opal D ouglass and has m ade his Immediate Delivery pils w ere d ism issed from school, j hom e w ith her the past tw o and D ong trades and term s Get ■ ■ ... | a h a lf years. m y deal la s t - B uy a Ford \ N M AL PIC T U R E S and spend the rest on your The pictures w hich were taken V ISIT E D IN FR ISC O vacation February 7tl. have arrived Feb Mrs. Jam es F en w ick and her 27. a fter a m uch aw aited arrival baby daughter, P atricia, returned Ik em o n stra tio n a n d A p p ra isa l The children are busy ex ch an g­ recently to their hom e on 8 W. PHONE BEAVERTON 3931 Cedar H ills Blvd., after a w eek ’s ing them . ( J a c k I th e T ra ile r Kell> v isit in San F rancisco w ith Mrs. R ita Stone, R eporter F en w ick ’s parents. Pat Garvin, A ssistan t. Public Welfare Worker Leaves For Condon Job TRADER KELLY L U STER W. SCHULTZ XK RIYEs A baby boy w as bom to Mr and Mrs. l i s t e r Schultz i Lois Jel- derks) of M etzger, Feb. 19. at W ilcox M em orial hospital The baby has been named Lester W illiam and w eigh ed in at 7 lb., 9 ounces. Itl R T H D A Y 8 O B SK R V ED A ttendance at Sunday school Feb. 26 w as 66. H elen M cIntosh and Mr. La P ointe observed their birthdays. C hristine H esterlee and Helen M cIntosh sa n g a duet at th s Sunday school hour. Mr. and Mrs. La P ointe of Portland were the guest sp eak ers at the m orning services. Mr. and Mrs. W alter Holm were received in to the church. F ISH NOT BITIN G Mr. and Mrs. Tom iMIler spent last Sunday at Tillam ook fishing but report no luck. H A PPY Albert F. Doughty Funeral services w eer held at Donelson and S ew ells in H illsboro F riday for Albert F. D ough ty, who passed aw ay Feb. 19, a t Camp White. Mr. D oughty is survived by one son Sam uel and tw o gran d dau gh ­ ters. Mr D oughty lived at H azeldale for a number o f years w here he did farm ing. He w as buried w ith m ilitary honors. t ONVALF.SCING Ed Miller is co n v a lescin g at home after undei goin g surgery. B E A V E R THEATRE ¡4 - ? e .♦ Mrs. Vivian Freem an SC HOOL O P E R E T T A The op eretta w hich w as present­ ed by the children from the first to fourth grad e at the Hazeldale school F riday even in g w as well attended. It w as the story o f the lost tarts. -The children were all in costum es. Rev. and Mrs. Joe M itchell en­ tertained w ith a George W ashing­ ton party last Monday evening for the junior boys of Rev. M itchell's Sunday school class, and the jun­ ior girls of Mr». M itchell's clas> G am es w ere played and refresh­ SU N D A Y V ISITO R S V isitin g at the home of Mr. and m ents were served. Mrs. Tom M iller Sunday were Mr. M iller’s sister, Mr. and Mrs S E E MOODX EU..M Herb V elery of Hillsboro, and Mr and Mrs. R. C. Doty, nnd . Mrs. M iller’s cousin, I.ee Lindsley, Mrs. Robert Merrill took several j of Burlingam e. of the you ng folks o f the church to H illsboro on Monday evening \ IS1T PARE.N VS Fet>. 20. to see the film “Reel", show n by the Moody Bible Insti j Mrs. O neta Allen and son Terry visited from Monday to Tuesday tu te at the high school. o f this w eek w ith her parents, Mr and Mrs. O W. H esterlee O V E R N IG H T G U ESTS Mr. and Mrs. Sam uel D oughty J and d aughters R ose and Bernice I w ere over night visitors Friday w ith Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hester- lee. Mrs D ough ty Is a niece of Mr. H esterlee. Bible church m et for an sll d ty m eeting at the hom e of Mrs Joe M itchell Feb. 24 w ith twenty-four present. The m orning w as spent tearing and rolling bandages. Lunch was served at noon. The aftern oon w as devotional and election o f officers. Mrs. W. A H ays w as re-elected president; Mr*. F ran cis M en ill secretary and Mrs. Sid W illiam s. missionary- chairm an. The next m eetin g will be March 24 w ith Mrs. L. Marked. H o m e m a k e r s o f W ashington C ounty are invited to a Hom e C anning Judging School. Monday, March 6, at the Chamber of Com ­ m erce, Hillsboro, b egin ning at 10:30 a. m., sponsored by the county exten sion office. A rrangem ents have been made for Mrs. V ivian Freem an, educa­ tional representative for Kerr G lass com pany, to com e to Hillsboro, esp ecia lly to conduct this school. A dm ission w ill be by one filled Bill Grauer, K lw an is Club pro- to be U3ed in ,b e discussion, C elebrating his birthday in a gram chairm an for the m onth o f i The9e Ja r* wiU not be opened big w ay w as Bill Craig, son of Mr. February presented F. A W illiam s I u"less y ° u wisb questions answ ered and Mrs. P aul Craig. 4708 McMil­ of the U. S. F orestry D epartm ent j about tbeir contents. Your jar will lan Ave., w ho w as six y ears old at last W ednesday’s regular m eet- be returned to you. on Feb. 23. D uring the afternoon. , ing. W illiam s showed the club Mrs. Freem an su g g ests that you Bill en tertain ed a group of h is i m em ber, an educational sound brinK Jar9 about w hicb Vou w ish friends, in clu d in g Gerald and Jim - m ov,e Qn w ild gam e hfe o f the to brag on either their appearance m y Shultz, R obert and Bruce Tate. U n|ted sta teg Thp pictureg sh o w ed , °r « avor or’ !»hout w hicb >'ou P at March. Clifford M cD uffy and (he departm ent s effo rts toward I have questions. T his m eeting, w here M icky Burdle. m aintain in g l balan tw een w ild each a tten d in g will have an op- R efresh m en ts w ere planned to | gam e and feed. The film w as en- portunity to practice judging of suit the m ascu lin e tastes and were | th u siastically acclaim ed for the the filled Jars and will participate on th e h earty side, w ith milk superb photography show ing ex- in the “question & answ er forum ” shakes, C oney Islands and birth­ trem e close up sh ots of som e of i wil1 ,ast about l ' j h ouis. day cake. the m ost tim id birds ami an im als I T h is prom ises to he the best op- T here were m ore festiv ities in ! in their natural habitat. p ortun ity this year, for hom e­ store for the birthday boy, how ­ P ie sid e n t Marble Cook called m akers to receive all the new est ever. for after dinner a fam ily upon the m em bership for a w hole- inform ation about current research party honored the occasion. j hearted effo rt tow ards perfect at- on hom e food preservation enabl­ P resent for th is w ere his m ater­ | tendance at m eetin gs for the ing you to more quickly and easily nal grandparents, Mr. and Mis. m onth of March and April. Cook ach iev e com plete su ccess and sa t­ O. M. H inkley of G resham , his ¡ntro(juce(j j Freem an Sersanous, isfa ctio n with your finished prod­ paternal grandm other. Mrs. Delia K iw anis D istrict Governor, who ucts. C raig of P ortland, his aunt and droppe(j ¡n for an unofficial visit, uncle. Mr. and Mrs. A lb eit Ott of Leonard Adam s donated the door Sunnyside and their tw o ch ild ien , prjze jor jj , js w eek. S ersanou s drew Arloene and D ouglas. the tick et from the box held by " , , , . Bob Gales. Tom G raf w as the lucky Q U ILTIN G S E SSIO N winner. .. a pair of pruning shears, Several of the m em bers of Pil- w hich will be put to good use on grim Lutheran L adies Aid gathered hjg w eeping w illow tree at the hom e o f Mrs. W. J. N lcoll, For the ev en in g en tertain m en t F riends are cooperating w ith the February 23, for a quilting party. m usjc com m ittee chairm an A. D. B eaverton D orcas w elfare Society The Aid has q uiltin g as one of G eorge presented P auline D rew of in effo rts to m aintain a lending their projects this year. B eaverton who san g tw o son gs for supply of sick io o m needs. At pres­ P ot luck lunch w as served at the c)ub Qne of the son gs w as ent a w heel chair and a hos­ noon. dedicated to her father, C harles pital bed is on loan. A m ong recent donations to the Drew, who w as present as a guest. Bill Grauer gave her a little pres­ supply is a N avy ad ju stab le bed w hich needs legs and a w heel ent, a zippered purse. I. R. M etzler is program chair- chair. Mrs. H. E. F arris of 4024 FO R SA L E —9x12 A m erican Orlen- man for the m onth o f March. He N. E. 33rd PI. P ortland offered the tal rug. good condition. *25 148 hfts Qn gchPdule som e v ery interest- bed. Mr. and Mrs. M illiken, also of Murray A \e ., B eaverton. a ¡ng speakers with tim ely topics of Portland, provided the w heelchair. after 5 p. m _____ ^ interest Tw o of th e se are Austin “The len d in gs from our supply W A N T E D Salesm an, full or part I F legel on CVA and P resident \ \ .1 are not to be thou ght of as charity. tim e. C ooley - R inehart. W est ter G iersbach of P a cific U niversity. It Is a coop erative plan for the b en efit of the com m unity. W e w el­ Slope Branch, 9109 S. W. Canyon com e your help and w ill try to 6p L A D IE S AID C H A N G E Rd. B E acon 0603. The next m eetin g of P ilgrim an sw er your requ ests,” stated Mrs. Ladies Aid w ill be at th e W. J. F lorence Sandberg, originator of N ieoll home, 510 S. W. F airm ount ;bc plan. A COZY HOME 1 bedroom hom e on Xj acre. Ce. D rive, Beaverton, March 9, 10 a. m.. ! --------- foundation. You w ill buy this. instead of the regular date, March S ee sign at 575 S. E. 9th off 16. Lombard. $4,500 cash or $5,000 Im p oitan t b usiness, so le t’s all be there. ea sy term s. Lads Make Real Forestry Expert Birthday Feast Talks To «¡warns On Hearty Treats Shows Sound Film BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE -Frid ay, March 3, 1950 Home Makers At Women's Missionary Society Elects Judging School Officers; Next Meeting March 24 H A ZELD A LE W ooten s Mis­ E N T E R T A IN S S B O \ G I R L S May Brag A Bit sionary S ociety of the HazeId.ilo H O U R CLUB H azeldale H appy Hour club m eetin g w as held Feb. 23 w ith Mrs. Lily G arvin. Ten mem bers w ere present. The m eetin g w as conducted hy th e vice president, Mrs. Mildred T ausher in the absence of the president, M innie Berger, who was 111 . Several m em bers turned in quilt blocks. W hen the blocks are all in the club w ill tie out a quilt to have on hand in case of em er­ gency. The next m eetin g will be an eve­ ning m eeting, Thursday, M aich 9, w ith Mrs. M arian H ansing. Beaverton j | i Wednesday thru Saturday, March 1, 2, 3, 4 T H R E E FACES W EST" “ M Y GAL SAL" Satuiday Matinee - "THREE FACES W E ST ” j | Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, March 5, 6, 7 "C H RISTO PH ER COLUM BUS * R EM O D ELIN G Mr. and Mrs. A1 Jelderks are I rem odeling and painting their kit- | chen this week "BA G D A D * Wednesday thru Saturday, March 8, 9, 10, 11 "M OLLY X" VISITING V isitin g over the week end at Mr. and Mrs. L. M arkell w as their daughter and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs Mel Harbert o f Astoria. "DANCING IN THE DARK * BACON HA PORK STEAK u. 43c Leivn and Meaty Phone 4293 LB. 39c E astern Sliced SUGAR CURED RIB STEAK LB 69c S elect Quality LUNCH MEAT ,„ 49c SHANK END BUTT END CENTER SLICES Cut Thick GROUND BEEF,.,, 45c LB. 39c LB. 49c Ea. 40c Ground LINK SAUSAGE, „49c Each or BABY FOOD POTATO CHIPS Gerber's, Strained or Junior Doz. Williams - Large Size Hunt's Yellow Cling Halves or Slices 2 Vi size tin 2 for5 5 Smith's 2V2 size tm 18' 2 for35 MARGARINE A ll Sweet With Coupon . STRAWBERRIES Pictsweet Frozen Pkg............. PORK & BEANS APPLES w V 3 BUTTER Made With Sweet Creom SURE-FINE Guaranteed to Please CHEESE Lb Brick TERESI'S RED BAG Ground to Your Liking C H B Prepared 12oz jar 69 Utoh Pascal Bunch 79‘ MUSTARD 3 10 Bunches For Your Fresh Salads NEW POTATOES 45c DOZ 35 CATSUP MAYONNAISE Hunt's 14-oz Bottle BEST FOODS PINT JAR 35c QUART JAR 69c 29c 3 L. 25 GRADE "A A " LARGE Dole's or Del Monte GRAPEFRUIT Arizona Seedless We R eserve R ight 6.30 to B I*. M. 10 to '• S und ay « Phone Beaverton 4158 /A / To Limit Q uantities r * e ’ N 0 E *p J H O M E Phone B e a v e rto n 4158 CENTER O W N E O * / A S f t € c t ~ S H * O ■ r P P f M ' G O Q for 3 Lbs 14 ■ ~ rTERES1 F00I j C ^ DRY ONIONS Prices Effective — Thurs., Fri., and Sat., March 2, 3, 4 V-8's - 6's ^ fc ■ 9 Gr. Onions, Radishes EGGS PINEAPPLE JUICE 13S LB. BAG CELERY Borden's Chateau COFFEE 25 U S. No 2 Deschutes LB. 50 3 Lb Tin 69 15 ,2 Lbs For POTATOES BLUE MT SHORTENING . .... ® DELICIOUS | 46-oz Tin ............ Hourly H om e Made Armour's Star Assorted PEACHES Fresh c F A /re * * . > Phone Beaverton 4158