i Candidate Urges Registration of Eligible Voters HUNTING & FISHING Around D id ja h ear about the fella who rushed into the local tack le store early one m orning and hurriedly selected a j a r of salm on eggs and a few spinners. “T h e Chinooks are ju m ping in the m outh of Jo h n s o n Creek and I ’m sure gonna get me a few," he stated. T h is determ ined a n g ler really did tie into a big one and fought it long and hard in the swift, muddy w a te r only to find a t the end of th e b attle th a t it was not a C hinook but a 12 lb. carp. "W e ll son", he declared "th e old lunker really gave me a tu ssle and from now on I'm gonna have a lot more fun with ’em .......... " Know w h atch a mean. -* L. T. W a td , candid ate fo r the D em ocra tic nom ination for Con­ gress from the f ir s t congressional district, reports th a t a survey shows th a t there are thousands of citizens in his d is trict who a re not registered to vote. He urges all eligible citizens to reg ister in older to b e tte r b a l a n c e t h e v o t i n g stre n g th of the te rrito ry outside o f M ultnomah cou nty on m any state issues. W ard urges unregistered citizens to c o n t a c t their hometown news­ papers to secure the nam es of R e ­ publican and D em o cra tic county chairm en, both o f whom will be able to fu rnish m a te ria l which out­ lines the policies of the respective parties so th a t they m ay be able to d eterm ine in which party they may choose to re gister. " W h e th e r you re g iste r Republi- can or D em ocratic, the m ain thing is to reg ister so th a t you m ay have a voice in your g ov ernm ent,” says Ward. " T h e right to vote is one of our fu nd a m enta l rights, the exercise of which will help pre­ serve th a t rig h t," he says. Junior College In C ity Includes 13 Of This Area In a nsw er to letters requesting inform ation on the e stablishm ent of fa rm ponds for th e cu ltivation of fish fo r table, sport, or com ­ m ercial purposes: W rite to the U. S. D ep artm ent o f Agriculture, W a shing ton, D. C.. for F a r m e r s Bulletin No. 1983. titled “F a r m F is h Ponds.” Consult the G am e Commission before ta k in g any definite steps in this direction however as they have a ruling on this and the ponds m ust be co n ­ stru cted in a m a n n e r so th a t fish th erein do not o r will not ever have a cce ss to open waters. In each of the following editions of "H u n tin g and F ish in g A roun d ” we shall endeavor to cover a few of Oregon's lesser known ang ling possibilities th a t fill in the gap be­ tween the seasons on the more popular gam e fish. j P e rh a p s the hom liest and most despised of our less preferred specie is the carp, he really tops the list. Many a y ou ng ster while angling for pan fish, has come home with a tale o f woe about the big one that broke his little cane pole and got away. Aside from all the unpleasant SH A N ’T S E E S T R O M B O L I If residents of McM innville hope to see “S tro m bo li,” th e y ’ll have to travel to do so. The T E L E P H O N E R E G I S T E R offers inform ation th a t the local th e a te r m a n a g e r has turned thumbs down on the much discussed film, against which m any and sundry groups, org anizations and individ­ uals have put the hex because of the e x tr a -cu r ricu la r io m a n ce of the leading lady. lean Into a most interesting story the other nite while a tte n d ­ ing a m eeting o f one o f Oregon's popular Rod and Gun Clubs. H. E . Leighto n of Elsie, Oregon while rounding up some stra y c a t ­ tle on his ranch in the Humbug Creek a re a stumbled onto a 400 lb. black bear. " T h e brute loomed up over a clump o f b la ck b erry bushes and I let him have it with my 22 right between the eyes; he fell like a sack of potatoes drop­ ped from th e E m p ire S ta te build­ ing.” declared Leighton. Mute evi­ dence o f the bear fa c ts was the b ea r skin displayed on the clu b ­ house wall and sure enough the neat little 22 calibre puncture in the head measured evenly from the hole to eith er eye. N ice shoutin'. An excellent showing of outdoor pictures depleting “Celilo Salmon c a tc h e s ” and "A ng ling in bounti­ ful A lask a w aters ” topped the eve­ n ing ’s en te rta in m e n t at the B e a ­ verto n Rod and Gun club Feb. 17. A f te r the movies the group was entertained by " R i c k e y ” an exceptionally clever D o b e r m a n P in c e r owned by Mr. and Mrs. J . G ilm er T o rran ce , of the W est Slope P h a r m a c y . More on R ic k e y 's ach iev em en t as a prizewinner In a la te r edition. See ya next week. Almost forgot to ask y a ! ! ! H a s anybody ever cau gh t a three-spined s 'i r k l e b a c k ? Music Major In College Serves Religious Event High Grades Win Honor Roll List For 57 Students About To Enter A rterial Roads L E W I S AN O C I i A R K C O L L E G E , P ortland , M arch 2, (Sp ecial) 1'u m edical student W alter Payne, Jr., was one o f 57 students named to the fall te rm honor roll, registrar W illia m Nn ria announced thi - week. T o qualify for honor grades a T h a t driver m ay be taking a student must have an averag e of chance, but at least the law is on 3.50 on 15 hours or more, Norris his side. And according to the - ite disclosed. tr a f f i c sa fe ty division, it is a law P ay n e, son of Mr and Mrs. W. W. th at few drivers know and fewer P a y n e Sr.. 2X55 Denny road, is a still obey. Many who are fam iliar senior. He is a m em ber of the with the law hav e acquired their s cience club and has been active knowledge through a dam age -ult in the newly organized Pep band. or tra f fic fine, the division said. T h is is the way the law works. E L E C T R O R E P O R T E R U N I V E R S I T Y OK O R E G O N . Eu A vehicle stopping as tequired at B e tty Moshofsky. the e n tra n ce to an arte rial high­ gene, (Sp e cial! way must yield to all vehicles ' d au g h ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. within the intersection or appi oach- Moshofsky. R oute 2. Beaverton, ing so closely as to be an im­ has been elected reporter for the mediate hu tard A fter having yield­ Associated W om en Students on the ed to these vehicles, he may then U n iv ersity of Oregon campus for e n te r the highway, and all vehicles the school y e ar of 1050-51, Miss Moshofsky ¡9 a fresh m an approaching on the through high­ way must yield to him. m a j o r In liberal arts. Confu sion aris es over the fact E A R N S C O L L E G E D E G R E E th a t vehicles often continue to a p ­ P A C I F I C U N I V E R S I T Y , F orest proach lapidly on the through Grove, Oregon. W illiam See, son highway and m ay constitute a con- o f Mr. and Mrs. V. A. See, was a m o n g the 45 students who com ­ pleted work for degrees Ht the close of the fall sem ester, Dr. M. O. S k a r s te n , registrar, made known last week. See will receive a bachelor of a r t s degree in literature, to be con­ ferred at spring com m encem ent exercises. R e a d our classified ads . M o rtu a ry CLASSICAL ALBUMS CHILDREN'S SETS (Shellac) Many Popular Albums 78 R P. M. Only Giftwares and Sationery Reduced to Clear W est Slope Record & G ift Shop 8903 S. W Canyon Road BRoadway 4525 Your community mortician since 1910 Phone 3411 BEAVERTON, OREGON vi h i m hw m j z K j& j. urges e a r ly You are living in the fastest growing region ment and private agencies are expending in the country. Oregon’s population has in­ millions of dollars for Northwest power creased almost 60% since 1941. Thousands of projects. Congress already has authorized 12 new homes have been built, hundreds of major dams, and many others are recom­ new industrie* have sprung-up, expansion mended in a carefully coordinated power, and modernisation is to be seen everywhere. irrigation, navigation and flood control plan. region’s unprecedented growth. PGE believes that government has a place in the sound and economic development of Such growth demands electricity in abun­ our rivers. PGE, too, has a major part in the dance. Already the Pacific Northwest is the job of creating and distributing electricity, at most highly electrified area in the nation, with fair prices, to the people. 86 major power dams and 12 multi-purpose And with governmental and private agen­ dams in existence. The average home and cies working as a team in an atmosphere o f farm uses three tim es as much electricity as cooperation, the development of our natural the national average. resources can be advanced at maximum speed. Electricity is the lifeblood of this growing To that end PGE wholeheartedly supports region and new supplies are needed. Govern- early completion of the multi-purpose river projects authorized by Congress for the Pacific Northwest. HAY - FEED - POULTRY SUPPLIES FISHER THORSEN PAINTS PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES uñó painting n e e d ... inside or outs/r/q, no m/x/ng.. o r /no fefang âxaef/y ri# fa t&eorafar , co/ors.... Ask Your Contractor Everybody is busy "catching up” with this CLASSICAL SINGLES paints for every Foce - Common - Roman Fireplace Dampers, Etc. FIRST SECURITY BANK LIMITED TIME durable, oil-base SR IC K It says, "The joke's on you. I keep all my valuables in a safety deposit box at PRICE use in SPEARS P acific N orthw est Vi to — West Slope — 8911 S W Canyon Road c o m p le t i o n off RECORDS SALE AT Ready MODERN INTERIORS L E W I S A N D C I .A R K C O L L E G E , Portland, (S p e c ia l) Music m a jo r K athleen M cGorgy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. H McGorgy, 1321 C h erry street, served as organist for the R elig io n in Life week held on the college campus F e b i r a y 19-25. "R e lig io n — Nice or N ecessary," , was them e for the week-long pro­ g ra m w h ich featu red daily ta lk s I by Dr. Harold Case, m inister of the F ir s t Methodist church, P asadena. California. T h e week o f religious emphasis is an an n u al college event and is entirely stud ent diiected. Miss Mc- Gorgy's duties consisted o f play­ ing fo r a serie s o f musical and religious m e eting s that highlighted th e w eek ’s activity. She is a m em be: of the Mu Phi Epsilon, a women's national hon­ or a ry m u sica l organization and outside of school she serves as a ch u rch org a nist. A junior, she will grad uate in 1951. ■ v t BEAVERTON, OREGON Banking Hours From 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. All day - every day (except Sunday) Friday, March 3, 1950 Have you ever wondered at the aud acity of the driver, who after waiting for some time at a side stte et while trying to entei a through highway, finally bulls his way into th e t r a f f i c stream , perhapa escap ing a collision by in ch es? is a b u n a a n : In paaces wnere o th e r species ca n not abide, s ti ll fishing seems to be the most productive fo rm of angling for them. T r y ’em sometime and see if J O J O doesn't give you a bad time. D idja know that the B oy Scou ts of A m erica give a m erit badge for angling. Any scout e a rn in g one may c e rtain ly consider him self a com petent fisherman. To acquire the badge he m u st: 1. C atch and identify a t least one specimen from each of three local species of fish by usual anglin g methods. One must be tak e n b a it­ castin g and one fly-casting. 2. P ro ficie n cy and a ccu ra te ly m a k e a 30 or 40 ft. c a s t in flly fishing. B a it-c a s tin g for distances o f 40, 60 or 70 ft. 3. Give the open season for the gam e fishes in the vicinity and explain how and why they are pro­ tected by law. W i l d e r how many of the so-called e xp e rts could q ual­ ify fo r this aw ard ? BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Beware Of C ars PORTLAND GENERAL E L E CTRI C C O M P A N Y O p e r a te d b y O re g o n ia n s f o r O r e g o n Sylvan Brick Co. O ffice and Display R oo m Located at 5437 S. W. Canyon Court, P o rtla n d 1, o f f Canyon Highway n e a r Sylvan. Ph CApitol 1909