BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE— Friday, February 17, 1950 C e r ÍÜ a M CROSS CHAPTERS M E*7 VARIED NEEDS OF SERVICEMEN red SS Young Folks Of Unites Collins- Christ's Church Moshofsky Feb. 11 Have 3 Parties g Cubs, Scouts And Past Noble Grand Parents Observe Club Plans Job Birthday Feb. 8th At Scholls Event Miss Anna Belle Moshofsky of COOPER M O U N TA IN —At a par­ The B e a v e r t o n Past Noble Three Valentine parties at the Beaverton, Rt. 2. became the bride Church of Christ Monday night ents’ night potluck dinner, Boy Grands Club met at the Carl Gest- of Thomas Collins, of San Fran­ concerned a total of 75 children Scouts and Cubs of Troop 297, in ring home at Benz Park, Thursday. cisco. Feb. 11. at St. Cecelia’s Mountain, obseived th* Feb. 9, for a twelve thirty pot and young people with about 20 Cooper j Catholic Church in Beaverton, foitie h anniversary of the oigan luck lunch, with fourteen mem­ adults directing and chaperoning. j Father George Sniderhon read the ization on February 8. The turnout bers and two visitors present. The group gathei-ed first in the was almost lOOc*-. nuptial mass at 10 a. m. Miss The bnthdays of Francina Gest- Clare Moshofsky. sister of the church basemen* to enjoy three After dinner, both groups of ring and Sarah Walker were ob­ bride was her sistea’s only attend­ movie shorts after which they ! boys presented their s c o u t i n g served with a beautiful cake do­ ant and John Collins, brother of separated. The Senior Endeavor ! songs. Scoutmaster Ben Maixner nated by Torberg Benson and moved to the parsonage where the groom was best man. introduced Commissioner and Mrs. gifts. they enjoyed valentine games and i Tom Bronleewe of the Hillsboro Plans were made to present the the bride wore a floor length refreshments. There were 15 in i district nnd P. Beryl Morris, scout gown of white silk faille with Past Noble Grands charge at the this group. J field representative of the Portland convention to be held at Scholls on small cap and finger length veil, The Juniors. which includes Area council. Monday, Feb. 13. Plans were also and carried a bouquet centered fourth, fifth and sixth grades pro­ Bronleewe discussed the nation­ made for the Past Noble Grands to wlth an orchid surrounded by- ceeded to the home of Mr. and al Scout Jamboree to be held at put on the initiation at the lodge white roses and white hyacinths, Mrs. Glen Ely, on Watson St. The bridesmaid s dress was of Valley Forge, Pennsylvania this on March 7. Twenty boys and girls enjoyed a The meeting then ajourned to green silk faille. She carried yel- summer and told some of the high lovely party there. lights of the plajis being made, lie meet with Mrs. Florence Drorbaugh After verifying the facts, the supplemented. He thought his fam- j Iow daffodils and wore a small The remaining number of chil­ also discussed the district first in Portland on March 9th. Home Service worker sent a tele­ ily secure for the 3 years of his white feather cap Mrs. Paul Schie- gram to the Red Cross field direc­ new enlistment. Then disaster bel, sister, of the bride and Joseph dren of primary and beginner de­ aid meet scheduled for Forest COFFEE CUP REOPENS tor at the boy’s camp, telling of the struck. The wife’s mother became Moshofsky, brother of the bride partments remained in the church Grove February 27. expressing the The Coffee Cup restaurant re­ hope that Troop 297 will be repre­ opened this week after being closed father’s request and of the offer ill and was compelled to sell the sang the offertory and hymns, ac­ basement. a week for redecorating. 1 i sented with its team. of the twenty-five dollars he could farm and go to live with a dis­ companied by Mrs. Emma Balfe. so ill afford. The following day she tant sister. This left the serg­ Mr. Morris credited Scoutmaster A wedding breakfast for the N E W CHURCH M l MBKIIS received an answering wire from eant’s family without housing, and wedding party was sered at Flan­ Maixner, Den Mother Mrs. Maixner LODGE V ISITA TIO N the field director: 25 head of cattle without care. nery’s, near Haskell Center. A re­ There were eight added to the and parents of the community j Eleven members of Beaverton i The Red Cross helped the soldier ception was held at the home of Church of Christ. Sunday. Fierm scouts and cubs for the big sue- I Rebekah Lodge visited Multnomah | Under federal statute and get emergency leave, helped him the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan, David Newkirk and Mr. cess of the Cooper Mountain or­ Rebekah Lodge on Thursday eve- 1 regulations of the Army, the find suitable living quarters for bis George Moshofsky at 2 p. m. The and Mrs. Glen Reavis were added ganization. He also spoke on sum­ ning. The occasion being the Re- l Navy, and the Air Force, the w*ife, and arranged for quick sale 1 house was tastefully decorated by baptism. Mr. and Mrs. cjuentin mer camp and the savtng plan to bekah President's official visit. American Red Cross furnishes of his livestock. The sergeant then with bouquets of yellow daffodils, Higgins and daughters Eva Jean help scouts attend. He concluded volunteer aid to the sick and : returned to duty< content in the forsythia and white snapdragons. | and Darlene were added by trans­ his presentation with moving pic­ IN’ FO R M KG F IO James Campbell, vice president j wounded of the armed forces [ knowledge that his wife and two A buffet lunch was served to about fer of membership. tures of Camp Meriweather and of the Dean Vincent Co., in Port- ' and acts in matter of voluntary small children were provided for. Camp Baldwin. 75 guests, and a beautifully dec­ The sermon topic Sunday morn­ relief and as a medium of com­ Often, the need for help extends orated bride’s cake was cut by the • ing was “The Man Who Washed Mothers worked on the dinner. la.nd is recovering from surgery ! performed at the Physicians and munication between the people beyond the time a man ig separated bride. and Was Cleansed" and the eve­ Special mention was made to Mrs. Surgeons Hospital in Portland last of the United States and their , from the service. If, as a veteran, Floyd Price for her flower arrange Mrs. Celia McEUigott and Mrs. ning topic wiis “Our Affection.” week. armed forces. the man and his family continue to Anna Holboke, aunts of the bride ments. . . „ ---------- need aid, the chapter is ready to had charge of the tea table. Mrs. “Return twenty-five dollars to help. McEUigott poured and Mrs. Hol­ father. Army granting emergency That is Red Cross Home Service leave and arranging for air trans- — a friend and counselor to the boke served, assisted by Mrs. Paul portation home. We are arranging perplexed, to those in need, to men Schiebel and Mrs. Joseph Moshof­ sky. Misses Holboke and McElli- for maintenance and return trans- and women with problems. gott, Mrs. Richard McEUigott was in charge of the gift list and Mrs. George Moshofsky Jr., the guest book. Mrs. Collins is the second daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mis. George Mosh­ ofsky, a graduate of St. Cecelia's parish grade school and Beaverton high school. She attended Maryl- hurst for one year then entered 9 >1? V * V V ' 1 1 f > ' ’ e -e - . > **•*'■ * St. Vincent’s School of Nursing. .B(>L Portland. She graduated and served 2 years as a nurse in St. Vincent’s Hospital and in surgery. For the j past 2 years she has been super­ intendent of the pediatric depart- j ment of the French Hospital in San Francisco. The groom is the son o f Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Collins of San Fran- i -• si'**' . cisco and is a civil engineer. A fter | a short honeymoon trip to north­ ern points they will reside in San Francisco. Extension Tabic With 4 Chairs Out o f town guests at the wed- | ding were: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Choice of Colors Collins and son, John of San Fran­ Burn Proof Table Top cisco, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schiebel * Priced at and Jerry Moshofsky of Centralia, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mc- Elligott and Mr. and Mrs. Donald McEUigott o f lone. Oregon, Mr, 2286 N. E. Canyon Road, Beaverton Phone 4703 and Mrs. Ben Holboke of Birken- wald, Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. Her­ man Holboke of Salem, Leo Hol­ boke of Salem. • C ross Home Service portation." worker looked up from her desk to It was only one item in a bucy nnd an old man holding a telegram worker’s day, but to two old people •nd twenty-five dol'ars. and a long-absent son it meant a My boy wai .-» to come home, lot. but he hasn’t got the money for j Often the need is not for finan- such an expensive trip," the old cial aid but fo r help with the un- gentleman said. "H e has just re- expected problems that may hit turned from 2 years overseas serv- any family and are more acute ice and is getti"g a leave before | when the head of the family is reassignment. His mother has thousands of miles away, been very sick and I think he might | It was so with an A ir Force help her to get well. We are living sergeant who reenlisted after over­ on our family allowance and what­ seas combat service. He left his ever money my son can send, but wife and children in Kentucky on a I ’ve scraped together this $25. Can farm with hia mother-in-law. He you give me enough more to bring also left 25 head of cattle, through him home?” which the family income would be The Red Beaverton Rebekahs and Odd Fellows were well represented at Hillsboro Saturday evening when they won second place in the competitive drill held there. Hills­ boro took first place and Forest \ Grove third. Everybody enjoyed pot luck sup­ per afterwards. GKAVS RE TU RN HOME Mr. and Mrs. Doy Gray returned to their home on Watson S t Thurs­ day evening from San Francisco. Calif., where they were called by the sudden death of their son Myron, whose death resulted from an auto accident instead of heart trouble as first thought. No one knows Just how it hap­ pened but he was found pinned under his automobile. .SUPREME MOUHt | | Covenient Location (275 Steps From Bank) Free Pickup and Delivery PETE HEISEL Chevron Station 355 N. W. Canyon Road Phone 4474 Becverton Oregon The Doorway HSSP* To Better m Buying Is Thru Your Classified Columns 59.95 BUY TERRY'S FURNITURE -- TRADE "BEAVERTON’S BEST BUYS" IN USED CARS V ^949 FORD Oub Cpe, Fully Equip. 1949 KAISER FRAZER Munluitton RAH J Cath. Daughters Schedule Feb. 20 Initiation Rites 1 $1345 $1645 SI 395 1948 NASH 600 1225 KAISER - FRAZER DEALER ELLIOTT QUALITY MOTORS 73 N. Canyon Road Across From St Cecilia Parish School I Thru the Want Ads r~~ * In Your • — X Beaverton ENTERPRISE The initiation for Court St. Ce- 11 celia. Catholic Daughters o f Am- j erica will be held on Monday night, I February 20th as scheduled, in I the old church building. The De­ gree Team from Court St. Rose of Lima is putting on the ritulistic work. Mrs. Ida Hanson is program chairman for the evening. The Daughters will hold their Day of Recollection at the new church Sunday, February 19th with Father Leo Lehan as speaker. Daughters from Court St. Cecelia will receive communion in a body at the 8:30 Mass. The conference will consist of: A talk from 11:30-12:30: Dinner ¡from 12:30-1:30; Talk by Father | 1 30-3:00 and Holy Hour 3:00-4:00. j Everyone in the parish and com- | munlty, including the men. is cor- I dially invited and encouraged to attend. A Paid Circulation Newspaper* You get complete Tualatin Valley coverage because your classified ad appears in FIVE W EEKLY NEWSPAPERS. Tualatin Times Tigard Sentinel Aloha News Beaverton Enterprise Multnomah Press Classified ads cost only two cents a word — a minimum of 25c per ad. HARRELL BEAVERTON STUDIO IS HOLDING THEIR SECOND AN NIVERSARY SPECIAL TW O 5x7 PORTRAITS FOR ONLY - A $2 yearly subscription entitles you to three free classified ads. $ 2-95 Why not have every member of the fam ily photographed at this extremely low cost? Complete set of proofs to choose from— with the fastest service in the entire Portland area. THIS OFFER GOOD FROM FEBRUARY 20 TO MARCH 8 ONLY H A R R E L L ,^ES’H PHONE 4988 TH E (HOST P f B S O H A L | W } I '■ '" 'I t for your appointment AMPLE FREE PARKING - A T A LL TIMES .. SHOP CANYON RO A D - I For Further Information Call Beaverton 2321 *A paid circulation newspaper means that readers think enouah of it to pav for readinq it. TH E BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Beaverton, Ore.