SCHOOL DIST. VOTE PROVIDES $30,000 FOR NEW GYMNASIUM By Gertrud# I*«'arson C E D A K MIL1. -V oters o f Cedar Mill schiil district N o 62 jt., ap­ proved the bond issue for $30,000 to provide a gym nasium auditor­ ium for the school, W ednesday a f­ ternoon, Feb. 1, when the election fo r such was held. A total o f 180 votes were cast with 132 in the a ffirm a tiv e and 48 opposed. M em bers o f the school board announce that plans will be drawn up and presented for bid shortly in o ld e r that the building proced­ ures can begin at the earliest date. The building will provide a space fo r physical education and games, a stage and dressin g room s and health room . The present co rrid or will be extended to m ake entry to the building possible w ithout go- ing outside the building. The p roject has been a badly needed addition for recreation and developm ent o f the youth o f the com m unity. E X T E N S IO N U N IT "H ow to be a G racious H ostess" was the top ic fo r discussion led by M iss Faye Nichols, cou n ty ex­ tension agent at the extension unit m eeting Thursday, Feb. 2 at the hom e o f Mrs. A. R. Pearson. D uring the business session M ’ s. L ouis Stark, legislative chairm an, reported on the cou n ty library pro­ gram which is being prom oted in the county. P roject leaders, Mrs. H. R. John­ son and Mrs. E. V. Love, were nam ed to attend the m eeting on "C are o f the H air” in H illsboro, M arch 31. A special m eeting on ca n cer con trol will be planned to include a large portion o f the com m u n ity with Mrs. A. M. Um- breit and Mrs. A. R. P earson in charge. N ext hostess will be Mrs. H. R . Johnson on M arch 2 to include dem onstration on m aking draper­ ies. S U R G IC A L P A T IE N T R ich ard G. Schm idt is at home progressing satisfactorily fallow in g su rgery M onday m orn in g in a P ortland hospital. JA N IC E LOU R E E V E S Mr .and Mrs. E lm er R eeves o f 12526 N. W . Cornell road are being felicitated on the birth of their fi’ st child, a daughter, Jan ice Lou at W ilcox M em orial hos­ pital, F ebruary 1. Mrs. R eeves is the form er D onnice K atterm an. M aternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Katterm an and paternal gran d paien ts are Mr. and Mrs. B. B. R eeves, all o f N. W. C ornell road in the Cedar Mill area. DR. H. A. PUTNAM Chiroproctir Physician 30 v«ars practice in Portland block So. of Canyon Rood on Howett Rood-West Slope Portland phone BEacon 9637 Open eves by appointment “C E D A R SI V BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE L E G A I, N O TICE DOG L IC E N SE NOTICE The license fees for licenseable dogs over the age o f eight m onths I and such dogs ow ned or kept within the State o f O regon over 30 I days for the year 1950 are: Male P .'g $1.00 Fem ale D og . $1.50. Spayed Fem ale D og $1.00 | A fter March 1st, 1950, the license fee is $1.00 m o’ e for failure to pro­ cure license for the dogs above stated. A lso after March 1, 1950, the fee to be issued, and the sex o f the is $100 m ore fo r failure to pro­ dog. cure licenses for licenseable dogs Fees are payable to W. A. Tup- becom in g over 8 m onths o f age per, C ounty Clerk. H illsboro, Ore­ a fter M arch 1, 1950, and for dogs gon. over 8 months old. ow ned or kept Published by order o f the County within the State o f O regon over C ourt o f W ashington County, Ore­ 30 days aftei March 1, 1950. gon. L icen ses m ay be ordered by Date o f flin t publication, Febru­ mail. a ry 10, 1950. • State thr name and address of Date o f second publication, Feb­ the person to whom the license is ruary 17, 1950. I S E R V I C E S R IS E S Friday, February 10, 1950 M em bers o f the com m un ity club executive board held a m eeting i n lilt* at the bedside o f L. S. Upping - house, president, W ednesday eve­ I O M M l M i ’Y C H I K C H K S n ing at his home. Mr. U ppinghouse is con fin ed to bed follow in g a sk iin g acciden t suffered on an out­ ing to Mt. H ood with the boy scouts. • I t h t m 1LLE COMMUNITY C E D A R M i LI, COM M UN ITY An outline o f plans fo - the stand­ P R E S B Y T E R IA N C H U RCH C H U R CH ing and special com m ittees was R ev. G raham Gilm er. Pastor 12208 N. W . Cornell R oad coord in a ted fo r this year’s opera­ Sunday S ch ool 9:45 A. M. at C hurch St. tion o f the club. W orship Service 11 A. M. * Sim on E. F orsberg, Minister Mrs. V. C. Miner, ways and Y oung P eop le’s C. E. 7 P. M 8318 S. W . Canyon R oad m eans chairm an, was authorized to publish a news bulletin to be Portland 1, O regon B E acon 86M B E T H E L C O N G R I GA I’ IONAI. » 45 a.m. Sunday Bible School. titled "the C edar Sun" each month. C H U R CH 11:00 a.m. M orning Service. Included in its pages will be vital 630 W atson Street Phone 4580 6:45 p. m. Y ou n g P eoples’ hour news o f the com m unity with em- A lbert F. King. Mlniatei (sen ior, interm ediate, ju n ior). phasis on com m un ity club projects C hurch S ch ool: 9:43 a.m. T uesday, 7:30-9:15 p. m., Bible M orning W orsh ip : 11:00 a.m. classes. HOM E EC C LU B C AN C E LS P ilgrim Fellow ship: 7.00 p.m. 7:45 p.m. E ven in g Gospel Hour. Leedy grange hom e econ om ics Thursday, 7:45 p. m. prayer and BEAVERTON AREA BUSINESS club m eeting scheduled to meet fellow ship. V IL L A G E B A P T IS T C H U RCH W ednesday at the hom e o f Mrs. ‘ «-M ile South o f Sunset H ighw ay I ADVERTISING W . J. P olette was cancelled be­ on M urray Road T H E V A L L E Y COM M UN ITY cause o f weather conditions. C edar Mill Park U N IT E D P R E S B Y T E R IA N T h e BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE P astors- A. C. Fulle . F. E. Dobra C H U RCH Bible S ch ool— 10: a. m. -T h e Tualatin Valley Market B asket” B J.IZ Z A K D Y R EC ESS 7860 S. W . B rentw ood Ave. M orning W orsh ip 11 a.m . School was recessed until T hu rs­ D IS P L A Y — C L A S S IF IE D W est Slope T rain in g Unions 7 p. m. day o f last w eek necessitated by R ev. H. A.. Arm ltage, Pastor BEAVERTON P H O N E 2321 E ven ing W orship- 8 p. m. cold weather. On F riday afternoon M orning w orship: 11:00 a.m. Midweek Service 8 p. m., Thurs. a blizzard driven by east winds Bible S ch ool: 9:40 a.m. Business M eeting 1st Thursday ALTERATIONS and d riftin g snow conditions caus- 1 Y outh and adult m svtings: 6:30 each m onth. ed anxiety. School was dism issed p.m. FLORENCE'S SEW ING CENTER early and children transported M id-w eek m eeting: W ednesday. Buttons - B uckles - Belts C overed P IL G R IM L U T H E R A N CHURCH hom e with cars. :00 p.m. D ressm aking .. B utton H oles .. H em stitching F arm ington at Menlo, Beaverton E rw in A. Gerki-n. Pastor L A N D S C A P E SU BJECTS 47 N. E. Broadw ay, B eaverton P hono 4463 H IG H W A Y C H A P E L T eleph one Beaverton 3441 “ F oundation P lanting” and Full Gospel Church Sunday School 9.30 a.m. “ T rees in L a ndscaping” will be C anyon H ighw ay & Mill Street Divine Service 10:30 a.m. covered in talks by Mrs. F. R. APPLIANCES O rville J. Poulin, Minister Lutheran H our, K A L E 9:30 a.m Y ou n g and Mrs. L. S. Uppinghouse Sunday School 10:00 a.m. at the regu lar m eeting o f the M orning W orsh ip at 11 a.m. APPLIANCES D OU G H TY'S C H U R C H O F C H R IS T garden club F ebruary 15. at one E ven ing Service 8 p. m. o ’c lo c k at the grange hall. Second and Main Streets m T hu rsday N ight Service 8 p. m "L argest Selection o f E lectrical Appliances Garden tips, botanical names and G eorge W . Springer, Pastor In B eaverton" bird life chairm an will o ffe r ma­ M orning w orship and preaching F IR S T M E T H O D IST C H U R CH 1445 N E. C anyon Road Beaverton 4175 terial pertaining to their subjects. 9;45 a. m. Church School. II a. m. service 9:45 a.m. E ven in g w orsh ip 7;30 p. m. Pussyw illow s are the flow er o f the M orning worship. 6;45 p. m. M .T.F. Bible S ch ool class session 11 month. 4th and W atson Streets APPLIANCES Rev. Mark B. Lloyd, P astor a.m. Res. 5625 N. K erby Ave., Portland GRAUER & ACKERM AN C hristian E ndeavor 6,30 p. m. B IR T H D A Y D IN N E R D A T E M idweek Bible Study, Thursda? A dinner party W ednesday eve­ telep h on e W E bster 8978. Hot Point - Maytag 8 -p.m. ning honored the birthday o f W . “ Every Appliance for the H om e” I«ee H em y and A. M. Mead with C O M M U N ITY B A P T IS T CHXJBC1. On Canyon Rd. B eaverton 4182 ST. M A T T H E W L U T H E R A N Aloha, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Jam es W alters enter­ East o f Beaverton or A T w ater 4507 C H U R CH E rlln g Monnea, M inister tainin g at their home. C anyon R oad at Johnson Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Leonard Kutz, Pastor M orning W orship at 11:00. ATTORNEY Sunday School 9:45 a.m. B. Y. F . and Juniors 6:30 p.m. D ivine Service 11:00 a m. E ven ing service at 7:30 p.m. T H U R L 0W WEED Business Guide Mary W. Beck Services were held Saturday at 1 p. m. at the House o f Holman, H a w th o 'n e at 27th in Portland for Mrs. M ary W . B eck, late o f 1901 S. E. 59th avenue. Interm ent at Spokane, W ash. She is the m other o f Mrs. Sara W . Nagel, Mrs. D orothy C. W est, M ary L ouise Seagraves and E d ­ ward Van W in kle. Also surviving are tw o brothers, tw o sisters, 12 grandchildren and two great gran d­ children. Mrs. B eck spent part o f her tim e in recent years in her small hom e on the acreage o f her son- in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. W est on N. W . Cornell road. C edar Mill. C H U R C H O F GOD (T em p ora ry L ocation ) H uber C om m ercial Club Just East o f A loha C hu rch School 10 a. m. E ven in g services 7:30 p .m. M orning W orsh ip 11 a. m. R . E ugene Linam en, Pastor S E V E N T H D A Y A D V E N T IS T C H U R CH 5th & A ngel Sts., Beaverton A. R un n in g, P astor Sabbath S ch ool (Saturday) 9:45 a. m. P reach in g Service (Saturday) 11:00 a. m. P rayer m eeting, W ednesday 8:00 p. m. A L O H A A S S E M B L Y O F GOD W h eeler and A lexan der Sts. C H U R C H OF T H E N A Z A R E N E F red F. Snyder, Minister L eonard C. Johnson, Pastor Sunday school 10 a .m. P hone Beaverton4345 M orn in g w orship 11 o ’clock. Sunday School 9:46 a.m. E va n gelistic S ervice 7:45 p. m . M orning W orsh ip 11:00 a.m. W ednesday, Bible study, 8 p m. H i-N -Y and N.Y.P.S. 6:30 p.m. E van gelistic service 7:30 p.m. ST. C E C IL IA C H U R CH M id-w eek prayer m eeting, W ed ­ M asses: 7 a.m.. 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m nesday, 7:45 p.ra. CANYON R O A D B A P T IS T CH URCH R ev. R ussell B. T hom as, Pastor 2616 N. E. 20th A ve. P ortlan d P hone W E bster 5526 N. E. C anyon R oad at McClain D rive and Lake R oad Sunday school at 9;45 a. m. W orsh ip service 11 a. m. and 7;45 p. m. W ednesday prayer m eeting, 7;45 p. m FLORIST LABBE FLOW ERS W ED DIN G S OUR SPECIALTY N ear Sunset H ighw ay 6802 S. W . C anyon Rd. (next to 237 Farm ington BEAVERTON T E R R Y 'S FURNITURE CO. N ew and Used. L arge Selcetion o f Furniture for Every R oom . A lso R efrigerators, H om e Freezers, E lectric R anges, W ashing M achines and Oil Heaters 2286 N. E. C anyon Rd. B eaverton 4703 HEATING GRAUER & ACKERM AN F urnaces — F loor Furnaces Oil B urners - Circulators C ontrols - R epair Service P hones B eaverton 4182 or AT 4507 INSURANCE F IR E Dutch Hoy Paints R oofin g P hone 3201 W I. M cCR EAD Y LUMBER CO R O O F IN G - IN SU LA T IO N Phone B eaverton 4539 SASH 155 N. E. East St. the only tire with ★ COMPLETE WINTER SAFETY —up the only tire with EVERLASTING WHITE- WALLS. ★ the only tire with P R O T E C T IV E CURB GUARD that protects again? t all grinding curb scuff and abrasion. to 60 % more safe miles it the only tire with TRIPLE-TRACTION TREAD that sweeps, bites and holds where tires never held before— greatest stopping power in tire history. BUILDING MATERIAL P hone 3821 NURSERY W EST SLOPE LUMBER YARD Cam ellias R hododen drons For A nything In Building M aterial—W e Have It— W ill G et it or It Isn 't Made it the only tire with RENEW ABLE SAFETY TREAD remaining fresh and new when other tires are giving up their lives. M f f i r F U L L PRESENT VALUE FOR YOUR OLD TIRES! CARR CHEVROLET CO. Beaverton, Oregon Phene 3333 Leonard Adams fili .1 1 i T I R E $| "P ersonal Insurance S ervice” Phone 3831 A ny Tim e 73 Broadway, B eaverton Beaverton 3651 D R E W 'S ILEX NURSERY Eighth mile west o f B eaverton on C anyon Rd. OPTOMETRIST- GENERAL BULLDOZING DR. FRANK M cBRIDE R oute 2, B ox 304, B eaverton, O regon "C A L L F O R F R E E E S T IM A T E S ” Manning Bldg , Beaverton P hone B eaverton 3138 W. E. B U R N E S S R. B. B R IS B IN CARPENTER F or A ppointm ent Phone B eaverton 3671 PAINTING C. MICKELSEN H om e B uilder - M ILTO N R. DRAKE R em odelin g Rt. 3, B ox 249 P ainting - Papering Contrac* W ork F ree E stim ates W ork G uaranteed 260 S. W. 9th St., Beaverton P hon e 4962 B eaverton 4194 Free E stim ates CLEANERS- PLUMBING S and H G reen Stam ps CLEARW ATER PLUM BING E lectric and Gas W ater H eaters Falrbanks-M orse Pumps and Service Beaverton 3891 C anyon Rd. B E acon 6757 DRY CLEANING _____________ P hone 4581 PLUMBING IDEAL CLEANERS CARLSON PLUM BING CO. "Q uality W ork at E con om y Price* 621 C anyon R oad at C edar St., at W est “ Y " B eaverton 4281 ”20 Years E xperien ce” Material and W orkm anship G uaranteed Beaverton 4118 C harles Carlson Ted Sanborn Guaranteed Repairs All M akes R efrigerators, W ashers, M otors Phone Beaverton 2384 M em ber R.S.E.S. FEED PRINTING I THE BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE P ersonal and Business S tationery O ffice Form s and Cards F or Service Phone Beaverton 2321 REFRIGERATION HOLLAND FEED STORE — Grain — Seeds Poultry Supplies B eaverton Phone 3811 FEEDS REDFIELD REFRIGERATION S ervice and R ep a ir on All M akes R e frig e r­ ators, W ashing Machines, R anges and M otors P hone Beav. 4985 1582 N. E. C enter St. SEWER HOOK UP H orticultural, * If you will address you r own Insurance questions to this o f­ fice, w e ll try to give you the correct answers and there will be no charge or obligation of any kind. R are-D w arf E vergreens E vergreen Specialist B R oad w ay 6122 BULLDOZING Hay A N S W E R ; Yes, your plate glass insurance policy will pay for any dam age caused to the w in­ dows by workm en doing alter­ ations. and DO ORS B eaverton BLANTON REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE SERVICE QU ESTION I’ve been intending for som e tim e to take ou t insur­ ance on the plate glass window s in my store H owever, I ’ve just decided to do -< i e rem odeling o f my store fir' and wonder if the plate gl i insurance ro v ­ ers breakage 1 y w orkm en on the job. Insulations LUMBER Service . S atisfaction Guaranteed Free P ick u p and D elivery ELECTRIC RANGE REPAIRING--------------- SEE IT • RIDE ifDRIVE — Beaverton SENZ AUTO SERVICE 375 S. W BONDS KINGSLEY-BEAVERTON LUMBER CO. Beaverton U.S.R0YA - LUMBER — “ Hom e o f Fine C leaning" T he answers to everyday insurance problem s* B y Leonard A dam s - L IA B IL IT Y TH O M A S S. DUTHIE CO O K 'S CLEANERS & DYERS TI oujuou Know / • AU TO 680 S. E. 13th St., Beaverton, Ore. P hone 4240 “ Insure and Be Sure” K lw anis H all) P hone 4-149 AUTO SERVICE R eliable Bridge A Tw ater 1089 FURNITURE A TTO R N E Y - AT - LAW 9049 S. W. C anyon Rd. C H U R CH O F JESUS C H R IS T OV L A T T E R D A Y S A IN T S ODD FELLOW S HALL 53 N. W B roadw ay Beaverton C. H. Peterson. B ranch President Sunday School 10 A. M. Sacram ent M eeting 7 p.m. and PROFESSIONAL LISTINGS A gricultural and Florist Supplies BEAVER PLUM BING FINDLEY M ILLING CO. 16 S E. F arm ington B eaverton 3851 FLORIST F or Sewer H ookups W e can save you m oney B eaverton 434« SHOE REPAIR BEAVERTON FLORIST F T J)W E K 8 F O R A I X OCCASION S D eliveries to H illsboro and Portland 1650 0 . E. lo m b a r d St. P hone B eaverton 2625 CH AM BERLIN'S COMPIRETE SH O E R E P A I R S E R V IC E In W alkers Dept. Store