BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE— Friday, February 10, 1950 Mores of New England Set Pattern of Oregon Spirit PIONEERS BLAZED W AY TO TERRITORY TO FIND NEW HOMES; TIES WITH HOME LIFE PREVAILED And . . . I Save By Hervey S. Robinson by the week! R e g u la r Savings hslitts are the siire-t way t<> build up a bank account. A lit­ tle put aside euch payday— grows! A G R O W IN G Savings Account* bears early fruit, terms of an ever - increasing sense of security, plus the ultim ate attainm ent of ev­ erything you want out of life The Commercial Bank of Oregon 8848 S. W. CANYON ROAD WEST SLOPE M em ber Federal Deposit Insurance C orporation WALNUT & FILBERT GROWERS THE INDEPENDENT NUT PACKERS of OREGON will «tontinu«* to serve you as in tlie past ami have the broadest selection of markets of any marketing group wliieli assures growers of top market priees. If you want to affiliate with this wide awake marketing organization now is the time to eon- tael one of tin* members of the INDEPENDENT NUT PACKERS o f OREGON. INDEPENDENT NUT PACKERS OF OREGON organized for t “ SERVICE TO GROWERS” Tigard Nut Packing Co., Tigard, Oregon Morris Klorfcin Packing Co., Salem, Oregiin West Coast Fruit Co., 7