BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE— Friday, January 20, 1950 Lewis and Clark Former Illinois Sunday Concerts Veterans Collect Begin Jan. 22nd About \ Million | LE W IS A N D C L A R K COLLEGE Portland. Jan 19. The first in a senes of Sunday afternoon sym- phony concerts to run through the winter and spring season will feat- ure three student soloists at 3 p. m January 22 in the Campus the- ater. In each concert the soloist will appear with full 65-piece sym- phony orchestra under the direc- tion o f Boris Sirpo. The program, u n iqu ejn music- training institutions, according to Dr. John Stark Evans, college music director, will give all ad- More than 1100 Illinois World War II veterans who migrated to Oregon after discharge from ser- vice have collected bonus pay- I ments from their native state J amounting to nearly half a mil- lion dollars, the Oregon Depart- ment of Veterans' Affairs disclosed this week, summary of out-of-state bonus payments by the Illinois Service Recognition board shows that 1187 veterans who left Illinois for Ore- Kon had been a total of $481,- 4^7 or an average of »405 per veteran, up to June 30, 1949 ' ann!dfnrnUS‘C, -s,Ude" ,s oPPO '-'u^y D perform in public under pro­ fessional direction as soon as they meet standards but “without the frustration caused by competition with other students.” Sunday soloists will be Claire Hodgkins Walker, violinist, for- llll merly soloist with the Portland 1 Chamber orchestra, who will play | the Paganini violin concerto; Mar- : vin Nelson, trumpeter, who holds | the first trumpet chair in the I Portland Symphony. Haydn trum- I pet concerto: and Eugene King, piano. Shostakovitch concerto. The concert is open to the public. This report, in a manner, indi- cates the trend in migration from one state to another as well as the transfer of monetary funds,” ac­ cording to John Downes, director of the Illinois bonus agency. Altogether, bonus payments ag­ gregating $41,677.000 went to 100.- 806 Illinois veterans who migrated to 47 states, the District of Colum­ bia .and other countries. Calir fornia received by far the great­ est single number of in-migrants, 23.429. as against Indiana which was a second with 6.917. The Illinois bonus may be ap- plied for until June 30, 1951. It pays at the rate of $10 for each month of domestic service and $15 foreign duty, with $50 the mini­ mum payment and no top limit. The veteran must have been an Illinois resident at the time he en­ tered service, and he must hve ser- ved 60 days or more between September 16. 1940 and September 2. 1945. I f he died of service con- nected causes between those dates, his nxt of kin is paid $900 Applications mav be obtained in Oregon from county or veterans' post service officers, or the De- partment of Veterans’ Affairs. 303 State Library Building, and 415 S. W. 11th, Portland. ------- A i't* 4 SW IFT'S PREMIUM ft 1; V'l * irtWi* 1 ? f ■ BONELESS ROLLED VEAL ROAST Lb 49c 53c J r . « i\\ HAMS FRYERS SIRLOIN STEAKS SLICED BACON Del Monte and Rath, whole or shank h a lf PAYNES' PAN READY TO INTRODUCI (a r n a t io n V " '/ IN S T A N T W M Otl W H EAT Cl NIAI s RIOUIAN 1 IN. ANO. 'A PRICE Lb PRES* sumr m OV» f i 9+ cìèaiqè ii Biscuits 25 Govt grade Good Lb Sw ift's Sweet Rasher Lb PREM CHOPPED HAM LUNCH TONGUE VIENNA SAUSAGE TAMALES DRIED BEEF CORNED BEEF ROAST BEEF BABY MEATS PARD HAMBURGER VEAL LOAF PORK SAUSAGE DEVILED HAM POTTED MEAT ;* CLEANSER SWIFTNING 12-oz tins 12-oz tins 6-oz tins lo r 2'- _,-oz ja r 12-oz South A m erican Wesson On 55 Guild of Church Installs Execs For Coming Year SWIFT'S CANNED FOOD SALE 10 BALLARD Lb 12-oz 2 3 STRAIN ED and CHOPPED 12-oz fo r cons tins 12-oz tins NORTHERN 1 TISSUE 1 j CRA CK ER S 2 3 3 3 3 Rolli < ! 1 2 5 4 3 ; 46 oi for cons lb tins TO M A TO JU IC E Sunshine 2-lb box for Del Monte 2 A 5 ^ 1 \ 45c 35c 25c 35c 67c FR U IT C O C K T A IL I Hunt s 1 5-OZ e 1 L 1 2 con* 3 5 < PRODUCE BUYS of THE WEEK CALAVOS CARROTS PARSNIPS GRAPEFRUIT I Cose $1’ 8 M edium size Firm crisp Arizcvia 19c 3 (xh, 29c 3 bi 29c 4 ,ct 29c Case $3-95 Eoch I A no-hostess luncheon was en joyed by the members and of the Broadmoor Womens club Thursday, January 12th. The lunch­ eon, held at the Portland Go!f Club, was followed by the regular business meeting. The secretary. Mrs. Paul Henry reported on the philanthropic ac­ tivities engaged in by the club dur­ ing the holiday season. These included the filling oi baskets for Thanksgiving and the stuffing of 35 Christmas stockings Since the Broadmoor Club has voted to restrict all philanthropic work to Washington county resi­ dents. The Christmas stockings were taken to Hillsbo’ o for dis­ tribution by the Hillsboro fire de­ partment. Following this general discussion, names were drawn for door prizes, afterwhich bridge and canasta was played for the remainder o f the afternoon. GANTS PASS V IS IT Mrs. Leila Richey has letumed to her home at Caroltine apart­ ments, on Second street, after en- j°-vin8 a few weeks visit with her son and family, at Grants Pass. Eyes. ears, hands and feet, all members, but one body, in com- parison with the different depart- ments o f the Women's Missionary Federation was the basis of a *erv interesting program at the January meeting of the Missionary guild of St. Matthew's Lutheran church January 11 in the church parlors. Installation of executive officers Save 3c on one of A m erica's and several department chairmen Highest Q uality Gasolines. followed, with Mrs. Kutz. vice president o f the Northwestern dis- CAM PFIRE GIRLS trict of the Women's Missionary REGULAR O CTA N E 84 Federation, acting as installing of­ ELEC T O FFICERS ficer. ETH EL O CTA N E 92 On Thurs. Jan. 12. the Camp Executive officers ir.stalied for \ Fire Girls of Beaverton had elec­ the year 1950 were' tion o f officers, naming the follow­ M any New C a r Owners are Mrs. F. J. Krieske president: ! Mrs. Ralph Luedtke. vice presi­ ing g irls: president. Janet Black­ Using Regular Octane 84 burn; vice president. Sharon Shee- dent: Mrs. Robert Morrison, sec- I ley; sec.. Glenla Ely: treas.. Lissa ret ary and Mrs. Lee Webster T R Y SOM E IN Y O U R C A R Frish: social chairman. Marvlee treasurer. Cavens: scribe. Dolores Haugland The group leader. Mrs. Nedia Johaningmeier non- has a group of rvifli 11 girls which includes Janet Black­ Services for John L. Schmid of burn. Geraldine Reavis. Dolores 603 Anderson road, route 1. Aloha, Haugland. Janice Henderson Shar­ were held at the Pegg Chapel. Bea­ on Sheelev and Karen Sheeley. 1210 N E Canyon Road verton on Saturday. January 14. Diane Smith. Tissa Frish. Ju st East H askell Center at 1:30 p. m. The Rev. Albert Ely. Jean Haase and Marylee King of Bethel Congregational Cavens. church. Beaverton, officiated. Vault interment was in Crescent Grove cemetery. Mr. Schmid passed away on January 11 at his home He was born on September 21. 1886 in Window Shodes - Awnings Rockford. North Dakota. He had lived in Aloha for the past 33 Traverse Rods years. W eatherstripping He had worked for many years as a linotype operator and had owned the Schmid Linotype Co­ W A LKER'S in Portland which he sold to en employee but he continued on as For an employee in the same business DRESSM AKING On January $ of this year Mr and and M s Schmid celebrated their i 33rd wedding anniversary. H EM STITCH IN G He is survived by his wife. Geor- • gia of Aloha and one sister. Mis. PH O N E B E A V E R T O N 3461 Betty Watkins of Bay Ocean. Ore Open 7 A M T o 7 P M , Saturdays T i l 9 P M 1 Also several nieces and nephews He was a member of the Typo- 1 graphical Union No 58 ir. Port- ' land. I ——~ — 39c 49c 29c 35c 25c 35c John L. Schmid IE 39c 49c 35c 35c 45c 12-oz tins Luncheon Notes Philanthropy Of Broadmoor Club W ALT’S TIME SERVICE Venetian Blinds 25c Clara Rockwell I Funeral services for Clara Maude Rockwell were held in the Pegg ! Chapel in Beaverton Saturday January 1« 1950 Mrs. Rockwell, who had been in poor health for several yeg-s. died at her home near Beaverton Oregon January 12. She was the first child of Robert and Ella Mason, born April 11 1876. at Morrison BL Following the death of her mother in ISM the family moved to Rock Rapids Iowa. Here she finished her high school education and grew to womanhood On March 12 19>2 she was mar­ ked to Curtis E Rockwell. To this union one son was born R o­ bert E Rockwell of Los Ar.geles California Mr. and M rs Rockwell started their married life on a homestead near H ghmore South Dakota. There they made their home for S2 years, moving to Custer in the Black Hills in 1964 In 1943 they came to Oregon lora tn g on a farm near Hillsboro and have lived in this vicinity since that time Mrs Rockwell was a metr.b»* of •he Method*«* churcv 8v e was a<*- k v n the Eastern Star and *.hg r>EO for many years. She was % charter m em *w o f Chapter T' of *he P E O at Highmore South Dakota and organ tied Chipter 4 W C 'V 'r Sruth Dskc** be- cotr. ne its first p-eside-t. fVsid^s he» h " «Kn-4 C v Rock­ well and a son Robert E Rock wet’ of L o« Anr*lee OaV* *h» is sur­ vived bv o«*e rrandoon RoKe-t E Rockwell J - . o f Los Angetes, a .•*r Mrs V ' e A,d - -V o ' 9ea- «•,4» Oregon and a brothe» W if U 1» T" - as to «» r * » fj*<*rge OenSsn offtoh «• ^**.4 f t * * r t * * •t **** torium R iv em ew • ’ 't w s »« Abbev Crema­ ATTENTION - MES AMIS!! W ith vOur purchase of one of our sm art A ■ ■ other now on saie voci may have an- for only (thru Jon 28> W A T C H FOR O UR S P R IN G S T Y L E S T O BE SH O W N SOON * » • ♦ » ‘I T # »» M d I CANTON t O A 0 i f WIST s i o e t .00