BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE —Friday, December 30, 1949 H M M N M M M H H H M H H H H H N H M M M H n i A pPy H L o t s o f l i c k T H F “ P L E A S E ” O F T H E Legion's poppy girl did not go un- an wered. Frances Allen was the litUe miss. W e add our voice TO YOU FOR THE WHOLE YEAR to chc chorus o f ' HERE'S HOPINQ YOUR NEW YEAR HOLDS REAL JOY AS EACH NEW AHEAD. those hoping chat 1950 w ill be a year o f joy and satis faction for everyone HOUR UNFOLDS in our cow a T O M M Y A N D V Y E JO N ES SENZ TOP NOTCH TAVERN M ay we suggest that the start of a New Y e a r is an opportune time to start a Saving Account. AUTO SERVICE A L O H A , OREGON 155 N E The Commercial Bank of Oregon East Street »»4 « S. W . C A N Y O N R O A D M E M B E R F E D E R A L D E P O S IT IN S U R A N C E W E ST SLO PE C O R P O R A T IO N ll=lll=lll=lll=IIIEIII=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=IIIEIII=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll HEARTIEST NEW YEAR H appy v N ew Y ear APi'jf N ew D ear - 1950 B U T S P R IN G C A M E with a niightv rush and all the young ster->, by :he fitst of March, were reveling in the fact. MAY THE YEAR AHEAD BE A Ix YOU WANT rr TO BE BEocon 7748 WEST SLOPE GRIFFITH & MEEKE W. J, McCREADY RECORD & LUMBER CO. Cor. Hiway and Wheeler W A N K F.NGKR, on February 19. entertained ft lends on the occasion of her sixth birthday. Aloha, Oregon GIFT SHOP B EA V E R T O N 8903 S W Canyon Road O REGO N !H tSIH sM «lll3lll=lll=lll=IM SIIISinSIH £lll=IM =lll=lll=M lslH =lll=lll l l I K LI/.ON t 1.1 II dlscu ¡«J reducing grooming, during the month of Match. ind other mat tot * of blessings of the HORNS HATS come to your rrm * iomc in jhind.mcr. CONFETTI BALLOONS DELICIOUS CHINESE AND AMERICAN DINNERS L A W R E N C E G A LE S M IN IM U M FOOD C H A R G E ■vM - BOB G A LE S tvi,. t e li* \ TAKING A t F A R ’S TRIP aw:i\ from Be a v e r t o n Mr anti Mrs Mils Alexandet helped Jack Dempsey welcome In the New Year, In Phoenix, Artcona ON CANYON ROAD- ONE MILE EAST OF BEAVERTON FOR RESERVATIONS Phone COmmcrce 9962 or Beovcrton 4526