Rainstorm Fails To Stop Santa's Beaverton Visit U* of 0. Eugene, Oregon A steady dow npour o f rain which greeted the arrival o f a m erry Santa Claus at B eaverton's junior cham ber o f com m erce com m unity C hristm as party, D ecem ber 17, T W O SEC TIO N S SIN G L E COPY F IV E CEN TS failed to interfere too seriously VOLUME 22, Number 48 BEAVERTON, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1949 SC BSC R IP IION IN A D V AN C E » .0 0 P E R Y E A H 16 P AG ES w ith the event. Instead o f the traditional line­ up at the com m unity tree site, youngsters were a fford ed protect- tlon from the rain by C arr’s Chev­ rolet garage, which invited them under its protective ramp. H ordes o f youngsters were on hand to greet th e patron saint and receive A num ber o f yo ingsters and B eaveiton Rural Fire D epart­ LAST ISSUE OF 1949 PRESENTS FLASHBACK UNAUTHORIZED HOOKUP BRINGS FINE AND JAIL, adults g ifts o f toys and candies. as well hn\f experienced a ment, In a com m unication rend at A fter the distribution in town, real C hristm as tHiili at the home the D ecem ber 19 cou ncil meeting, OF LOCAL NEWS PICTURES, ANNUAL CUSTOM CONTRACTOR TOLD TO REPAIR CITY STREETS the Jaycees took Saint N ick in o f Mr. and Mrs. I. W Hobbs, 6601 approved the hiring o f a fire hall tow for a visit to shut-ins and S. W. N ew ton PI* ' t . neai Raleigh night sleeper and agieed to con ­ youngsters in fringe areas o f the Next w eek’s edition, which will m ent," business and financial ou t­ A cco rd in g to Carl Green, sani­ con tribu tin g factors o f the c ity ’s Hills, w here th ey have viewed the tribute $800 tow ard the cost o f the tow n. A lthough this took m ost o f herald the end o f 1949 and the look for the twelve m onths ahead tary engineer, the flow o f m ater­ situation. holiday display s«i up in the party regular em ploym ent o f such a the day and reduced Santa Claus ial, and its character, through bright new beginnings o f 1950, fea­ and a pictorial flashback o f local F ollow in g a letter o f recom m end room . man W est Slope Fire P rotection and his Jaycee helpers into sod­ tures "B abson ’s A uthentic State- events as recorded by cam era an i new ly installed sewer lines indi­ ation from C. Bryan W alker, city T he H obbs traditionally decorate district will kick-in $800 as will den. dripping wet blobs, the ven­ annual presentation o f this new s­ cates an unauthorized hookup to recorder, the cou ncil voted to add for the Yuletide. But each yeai, the city o f Beaverton. ture w as successful and great fun paper. the yet-to-be-com pleted city sewer $20 a month to the salary o f Mis. their m asterpiece seems to enlarge Part o f the cost o f hiring the fo r all involved, the party an­ installation. The city cou ncil, at G eorge Martin, clerk, m aking hei in scope, until it has com pletely sleeper, it was pointed out, will Babson's forecasts will con cern nounced. its m eeting o f D ecem ber 19, passed stipend total $185. T he city fathers, outgrow n the usual mantel place. be the expense o f providing quar­ such im portant topics as general Beaverton m erchants made the an ordin an ce prescribing a fine singly and collectively, praised the business, com m odity prices, taxes, The scene this year represents a ters in the city hall. The never- gift presentation possible and local o f $100 and 60 days im prisonm ent w ork o f the city clerk. retail and foreign trade, labor, used city jail may be im proved foi m iniature village, complete with a B oy Scouts aided in con trollin g the m axim um fo r con nectin g house deficit financing, farm outlook, A letter from Carl Green recom ­ church, lots o f cottages. a village sleeping quarters and other a c­ crow d and otherwise. 1 sewers to the sewer system before m ended payment o f a large share tree fully d e co ra t'd lakes, m oun­ com m odation s furnished for c o o k ­ stock market, real estate and pol­ itics. it is authorized. o f m onies due Jftcobsen and R ilt- tains. skiers and even little ani­ ing. it was suggested. An investigation is underw ay to tan fo r their con tract w oik in mals lying alm ost hidden in the The Beaverton rural departm ent The score fo r the 1949 statem ent, b rin g the offen d ers “ on the ca r­ N ovem ber on the sew age treatment snow. also declared that it wants to raise as released by Mr B abson's o ffice , p et" fo r a violation w hich serious­ plant. W ith $16,000 due and the boasts 80% accuracy. In that fo r e ­ C him es in the church lin g out the pay for firem en on call from ly hazards the health and welfare con tra ct sa tisfactorily fulfilled ac­ and when they stop, the music $1 to $1.50. This the city endorsed, cast, he predicted that the total o f the com m unity, accord in g to cord in g to Green, the engineer, the "H ere Com es Santa Claus" begins pointing out the amount o f ruined volum e o f business for 1949 would council voted paym ent o f $ 13,000 and jolly Saint Nick actually hoves clothes that have been the toll M ayor H. H. Jeffries. be less than o f 1948; that the peak G one but certainly not forgotten with the balance due when final into sight, riding in his sleigh of fires In the past. in wholesale com m odity' prices had E dw ard Baker, 31, R oute 1, Sher­ b y the city cou ncil is the Salem cost estim ate is determined. V ictor Lindberg, w ho resides on been reached for this cy cle; that behind his tiny, familiar reindeer, w ood, is in the hospital recovering Sand and Gravel com pany, ju d g ­ Allen street at E rickson , was pro­ Federal taxes would n ot be d e­ and sk im m in g the rooftops satisfactorily from a fractured ing the dissatisfaction expressed creased during the year and that T hat the scen e has its fascin a­ visionally appointed to the B ea­ skull and exposure o f 12 hours on at the condition o f city streets som e labor leaders would w ork for tion has been attested to by as verton Planning com m ission, to D ecem ber 11, after con fu sed search w here sew er lines were laid. The pension systems and sick benefits. m any as 30 sm all fry who have fill out the nnexplred tetm o f Tom Kogcr M . Ilahaop by law enforcem en t o ffice rs o f sanitary engineer, the state high­ stood spell-hound with mouth agape Graf, resigned. The appointm ent Babson is an internationally W ashington and C lackam as county w ay dpartm ent and the city o f­ before the scene. Grownups also was made, providing Lindberg ac­ known business com m en tator and left him lying in a w recked car ficials are all up in arms over the cepts. investm ent adviser. One o f the ou t­ com plim en t it warmly. LOCAL KIWANIS LOOK east o f Tualatin all night. street and road status. An ordinance was passed pro­ standing features of his philosophy V isitors to the Hobbs have in­ FORWARD TO CHORALS The Tualatin F ire Dept., looking viding a procedure fo r opening A s a result o f a con feren ce with is an insistence on the im portan ce The cold snap which visited cluded the Brownie troop from fo r a car reportedly stolen from the principals concerned it has A ccordin g to Murhlc Cook, lo­ o f religion In business. He presents Greenhills, Cub Scout Pack 3. neigh­ streets and alleyways and dedi­ the area last w eek end caught T. E. A rm lstead o f Osw ego, lo­ been arranged for the city street borhood pre-school children and cating them for public use by cal m em bers o f the Hlwanis eltih a weekly com m entary based on re­ cated B aker’s 1940 Ford coupe crew s to spread gravel w here re­ B eaverton union high school with R aleigh stu d en t» from 1st to 4th either laying out, widening, ex­ will he looking forw ard to th e search by a large sta ff o f w orkers. its fires out and as a result the over the em bankm ent. The spot­ quired to make streets passable tending or im proving, whenever hour-long broadcast o f Christmas T o assist you ng men and w om en grades. light was flashed on It and the li­ and charge the material to the student body spent a m orning of chorals w h i c h th e International, in con cen tration on the fu n dam en ­ T he public is Welcome to call and the city has title to the proposed d isco m fo rt and shivering, a ccord ­ cense num ber noted but the man sew er con tractor. street by gift, grant, purchase, le­ in c o o p e r a t i o n with Mutual tals and less o f the frills o f busi­ ing to I. R. Metzler, superintend see the display, by reservation. in the fron t seat was not noticed, i A sum o f about $120,000 yet gal ptocess or otherwise. A view ­ B roadcasting com pany, is s p o n ­ ness, he founded Babson Institute ent. Because o f the vagaries of Mrs. H obbs announces. Groups of W hen discovered next m orning, | rem ains to he paid the Salem for men and, in «coop era tion with from 10 to 40 m ay be accom odated ing board o f 3, in such cases, will soring for Christm as Eve. B aker was found su fferin g from con cern , states the m ayor. The the w eather, h ereafter, Metzler The program will hegtn at It his wife, W ebber C ollege for w o­ at one time. Anyone wishing to be appointed to determ ine benefits prom ises that fires will be kept head injuries and a frozen foot state also dem ands repair o f state i and assessments. Advertisem ent m idnight. Eastern Standard Time, men. up all night as well as on Satur­ visit is invited to call C H erry 2237 due to exposure. and posting is prescribed as well or 9 p. in. in G od’s country, the road shoulders and m aintenance of More recently, he founded "U to­ days and Sundays. W ashington cou n ty sh eriff's of- | hard surfaced road repair. as public h ealing for objections P acific ( oast. Ton d ifferen t cities pia C ollege" in Eureka, K ansas, T here is one room , under the fice was called to the chase about R U M O R HAS I T ....... B itter criticism was not all con- ( will take |Mirt in the program the center o f his "m a gic circle.” m idnight, by C lackam as county. fined to streets made im passable gym, for which nothing can he that H arry Rothschild, R O L L IN G TO G E O R G IA presentation. He also has been active in the T he car w as eventually found pil­ by sew er construction, how ever. done until com pletion o f the new ow n er o f the Tip T op C offer Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T hyng left Pre-publicity for the event sur­ G ravity R esearch F o u n d a t i o n heating plant, the school adm in­ ed up on H ighw ay 217 and T ual­ Councilm an Oscar Martin dem and­ Shop, across the street from the M onday evening for Colum bus. mises that stations on the W est starting this year. istrator points out. W ith the atin Bridge. ed that som ething be done to rem ­ F irst Security Bank, one o f ihe Georgia, to spend C hristm as with roa st may tran scribe the program plum m eting o f the m ercury, the O f perhaps m ore local interest, R ex G ordon, general delivery. ! edy norm al disrepair of city : tow n ’s m ost eligible, though co n ­ their son-in-law and grand-children fo r release at the m ore convenient how ever, will be the reprinting of Sherwood, witnessed the accident streets. H e pointed out that the building gets so cold that it Is im ­ firm ed, bachelors. Is taking the Leland Shaw and R obert, John, m idnight hour accord in g to PST. pictures o f the year. T hese will all and reported that a 1946 Chevrolet city has Idle road-building equip- possible to really bring it tip to fatal step next week. and R ichard. T hey expect to he along about the tim e that the reflect events that have happened sedan, tw o-tone brow n in color, m ent that should be put in use to i par T hat is, ou r Inform ation adds, gone a month. good Saint Nick picks him self So, reports o f students having to in the im m ediate area. also believed to have been stolen, d o aw ay with ruts and road traps unless he gets cy' 1 feet and hacks up out o f the fam ily hearth, dusts picked up th e op erator o f the that jeopardize tires and m ake w ear coa ts in classroom s and of ou t at' the last m*niite. G U E ST F O R T W O D A Y S o f f the soot from his annaal de­ w reck ' and took o f f in the direc­ travel from one part o f the city m any su fferin g colds and sn iffles scent, straightens his tain o'shant- j C. J. Stevens was a house guest is recognized by the school super­ tion o f W a ck e r’s Corner. to the other fa r from easy. er and begins the long awaited M onday and Tuesday at the hom e intendent and he says that steps SON ON V ISIT T w o P ortland youths were fin ­ Fred Goyt, city street superin­ distribution o f C hristm as pres­ o f Mr. L. L. H u m bu rg on Franklin Mrs. M cK erch er’s son, George, Is have been taken to rem edy such ally apprehended in M ultnom ah tendent. reported that his instruc­ ents. Avenue. visitin g her. a situation in the future. cou n ty and adm itted the theft. tions were to spend as little on A dding further to the confusion street m aintenance as possible due o f the chase, Em il F ailm etzger o f to the adverse condition o f the B ox 65. W ilsonville, driving a 1940 budget for streets. He also said Dodge, allegedly sw erved over the he was w aiting fo r dry weather yellow line on H ighw ay 217 and b efore g oin g to w ork on som e of TAXPAYER PROTESTS knocked th e 1941 C hevrolet o f the most pressing road problem s. R alph Joseph R oggen baeh , W ood- T h e cou ncil and m ayor heatedly SEWER USE CHARGES burn, Into the ditch. N o one was discussed budgetary ills and the hurt. fa ct that it took tw o elections to BECAUSE OF LOCATION ■Washington cou nty deputies, al­ pass a $16.000 budget as the m ainly though in form ed o f the Baker f ' i w reck, failed to ch eck it because An award o f the jo b o f install­ o f so m any things popping around ing perm anent fen ce o f 290 feet, them. A passerby discovered the com plete with 10 foot gate, w as injured man, next m orning. m ade D ecem ber 19 by the city cou ncil to Portland W ire and Iron ­ w orks, in the am ount o f $630. T h e rp » I K R K i» it s p irit that pervade« o u r w orld fence will enclose part o f the F loyd Carlson and Miss Laurel sew age treatm ent plant. (lu rin g this season. Y o u fe e l it in the jo y o f P eterson w ere m arried in the S pecification s call fo r a fen ce ¿riving g ifts . . . in th e o ff e rin g o f w ishes to Chapel o f W estm inster P resbyter­ six feet high with an ad d ition al those a ro u n d you . . . in tin* h y m n s anil ian Church o f Portland M onday foot o f barbed wire at a fo rty -fiv e evening. degree angle. C oun cllm en O scar caro l« . It i« esp ecia lly n ecessa ry , in these T he R ebekah N eedle and Social F loyd is a B eaverton high school Martin and Jack W eiby, a p p oin t­ Club held its regular m eeting and tim e s, It» sp read th is sp irit to a ll . . . to graduate and also a U niversity o f ed as a com m ittee t o study bids, C hristm as party at the home of a lle n d the c h u r c h o f o u r ch o ice and pray O regon graduate. He is w ork in g recom m ended the award. M is. R aym ond H eard on Hyland in Boise. Idaho, where they will that the light o f the Ixtrd show u s o u r May T hu rlow W eed, actin g in the R oad. Friday, Dec. 16. cap acity as attorney fo r Fred H au- It was election o f officers, F lor­ live. o n ce m o re . Miss P eterson is a Portland girl ger on C anyon road across from ence H eard w as elected president; and has had several years o f nur­ N. L. Thom as, realtor, asks the E lsie Terry, vice-pres.; Thelm a city to defer sew er use ch a rges B arron, sec.; and H azel Maly, ses training. T hose from Beaverton w h o at­ MAY Y O IJ R C H R IS T M A S be iMMintifiil w ilh fo r his client because en gin eerin g trea surer. tended the w edding were Mr. and plans do not at the tim e include T here w ere tw enty-one m em bers the w arm th o f good frie n d s and a th a n k fu l Mrs. Guy C arr and Shirley Carr, service to his home, w hich Is on present and tw o children w ho all Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Blasser, Mr heart . . . is the sin c e re wish o f the sta ff and a low level. en joyed a tw elve-thirty pot-luck and Mrs. S. S. Paxson. Mrs. P egg lunch after the business meeting, W eed contends that H au ger co rre sp o n d e n ts o f the and Mrs. B etty Myers. there was an exchange o f gifts. could force the city to install T he next m eeting will be at the sew er lines and install a pum p, hom e o f E lsie Terry, the new vice- should the case be brou ght before president, in January. ♦he court. Flow Through Sewer Lines Alerts City To Violations Hobb's Miniature BRFD OK's Night Village Scene Is Sleeper; Agrees Christmas Thrill To $800 Yearly New Year Edition Features Pix And Babson's Forecasts Driver Lays Out Twelve Hours In Confused Search Cold Caught H. S. With Fires Out; Students Shiver City Awards Fence Bid To Wire Concern Floyd Carlson Takes Bride In Rebekah Needles Portland Rites Elect Officers, Note Christmas Pegg's Mortuary Conducts Rites For Mrs. E. Lamb A rrangem ents fo r the funeral o f Mrs. Ellen A. Lam b. 93. w h o died oM nday in Bellvilla sanitarium of Portland, will be handled by P e g g ’s M ortuary o f B eaverton, Thursday m orning at 9:30 a. m. Celebration o f the rosary was W ednesday at 8 p. m. at the Pearson funeral church in P ort­ land and solem n requim high mass celebrated at St. R ose C atholic church Thursday m orning. Mrs. Lamb was a m em ber o f a fam ily with an extensive back- Her ground o f early arm y life. father WAS a cavalrym an who fought in the Civil W ar. Her hus- hand fought in Indian war«. Her sons and sons-in-law have fought in wars from the Spanish-Am eri- can war through W orld W ar II H er parents are buried in A rlin g­ ton cem etery. W ashington. D. C She is survived by fou r living children o f «even, tw o sons and tw o daughters; seven grandchil­ dren and 11 great grandchildren Grandson Takes Center of Stage Yuletide Events Mr. and M is. D. P. M acDonald have been busy with pre-holiday entertaining at their home. On Sat­ urday, assisted by Miss Iva P eter­ son. they were hosts at a C hrist­ mas dinner party fo r 16 friends from P ortland follow ed by an ex­ ch ange o f gifts by the attractively decorated tree. T his week their grandson, Joey G asiorow ski o f Seattle, is their houseguest after spending last week with his paternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. P J. G asiorow ski. in Portland. On W ednesday he cel­ ebrated his fourth birthday with his gran dm oth er as hostess fo r his small friends and relatives from j Portland. Joey's parents. M". and Mrs. D. J G asiorow ski. will arive on F riday | to spend the holidays w ith the j M acDonalds. M O N TAN AN F R IE N D S The Misses D onna snd Claire Livesay. o f G reenw ay D rive en­ tertained ftiends from M ontana, with a dinner last week. BEAVERTtIN ENTERPRISE ) our Homvtotrn T he city indicates a d ifferen t point o f view, inasm uch as a vote by the electorate passed an ord i­ nance callin g for con stru ction o f the sew age treatm ent plant and sew er mains, tow aid w hich the sew er use charge will apply. W ith the sew er designated as a public health im provem ent for the well­ being o f the city, the sew er use ch arge Is made on the basts o f 100% o f the w ater use, regardless o f w hether or not there is actual use o f facilities. Mr. Hauger, in a letter w hich accom panied W eed’s, pointed out that a large property ow ner w ith­ in the city limits is situated m uch m ore conveniently near a sew er line yet has never received a sew - I rr use charge. The record er re­ pot U1 to the cou ncil that, a. ting on this Inform ation, he ch eck ed his records and discovered the property owner, w ho uses w ater from his own well. Full ch a rg e from January, 1949 will be m ade ¡to him. In the case o f H auger, W est qiope water services his h om e T h e city charges him 100% o f hts w a­ ter bill, through arran gem en t with | the W est Slope w a ter d istrict I hoard. «