Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1949)
Ccith. Daughters Formulate Plans For Spring Show McKay - Progress E N T E R T A IN S ON IIO I.IO AY By Mrs. M i a Bl«'th«‘n M cKAY - PROGRESS Tho girls ! who served at the PTA dinner in | Oct. were awarded A" for effort 1 Beaverton Catholic Daughters of in form of a skatinK party at the America Court of St. Cecelia No. Entpeiial Rink, Portland. Sundav. Nov. 27 1467 officers meeting was held No Girls going were Elsie Sanders, vember 7th at the home of Mrs. Harry Scheel. Mrs. Ledwith was Marjorie Altenhofen. Julia Ghig appointed chairman for the Spring liette, Carol Whyttenberg, Margaret Variety Show, and will formulate ^ oates- Francis Arena. Sharon her plans. ¡Dietneks. Karen Peterson, Jackie The regular meeting of Court St. Brown and Emogene Perris. Mrs. Altenhofen and Mr. Pettei- Cecelia was held in the OldChutch BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Mrs. Geo. Thying entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ole Kauppilla and family , of . Portland, _ . . . and . Mr. , and , Mrs. Jack Cole and baby of West Hills and a “ brother W'ill Stitt of Portland for Thanksgiving S E R VICES J i K O l T OK R E LA TIV E S j |, Mr. j and Mrs Geo. Blasser enter- .tamed a group of relatives from Portland and Salem on Thanks- giving. Business ( O M M U N II V C H I K U I K S rzur- Regulation For Winter Fishing Tell Day's Catch PROFITS ^ ELECTRIC RANGE REPAIRIN G--------------- ' BLANTON REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANC E SERVICE (A i —N. Asphalt Û Roll Your Home With A New ROOF I ARE YOU MISSING YOUR 16 S. E. Farmington Fire Resistant Asphalt Shingles • s Beoverton Phone 3821 3 III Phone 4942 Beaverton Across From Telephone Offtce 5 - AUTO - L IA B IL IT Y - BONDS TH OM AS S. DUTHIE 680 S. E. 13th St., Beaverton, Ore. Phone 4240 "Insure and Be Sure” LUMBER KINGSLEY-BEAVERTON LUMBER CO. Dutch Hoy I’ ii I ii I n Hoofing - Insulations Beaverton Phone 3201 LUMBER W. J. M cCREADY LUMBER CO ROOFING - IN SU LATIO N SASH and DOORS Beaverton • Phone 3821 NURSERY Camellias Rhododendrons Evergreen Specialist Hare-Dwarf Evergreens Beaverton 3651 DREW 'S ILEX NURSERY Eighth mile west of Beaverton on Canyon Rd. OPTOMETRIST- DR. FRAN K McBRIDE Manning Bldg., Beaverton For Appointment Phone Beaverton 3671 PAINTING M ILTO N R. DRAKE Painting - Papering Contract Work Free Estimates Work Guaranteed 280 S. W. 9th St., Beaverton Phone 4962 PLUMBING CLEARW ATER PLU M B IN G Electric and Gas Water Heater« Fai*-banks-Morse Pumps and Service Beaverton Phone 4581 PLUMBING CARLSON PLU M B IN G CO. "20 Years Experience” Material and Workmanship Guaranteed Beaverton 4118 Charles Carlson Ted Sanborn Farms - Suburbans - Residential 1210 N. E. Canyon Road Beaverton 4531 Portland Capital 2211 REDFIELD REFRIGERATION Service and Repair on All Makes Refriger ators, Washing Machines, Ranges and Motors Phone Beav. 4985 1682 N. E. Center S t U. S. GRINDING SHOP BEAVER PLUM BING 315 Farmington Rd., Next to Logan & Page Knives, Scissors, Lawn Mowers, Saws, Axes. Hand Sickles For Sewer Hookups We can save you money Beaverton 4346 SHOE REPAIR 1650 S. E Lombard St. C H AM B ER LIN 'S iii= iii- 3 i i i = i i i = m = r i i = i i i = i i i = i i i = i i i 5 1115111=111=111= IIIS III 5 III 5 III CO M PLETE SHOE R E P A IR SERVICE In Walkers Dept. Store Phone Beaverton 2525 W ATKINS PRODUCTS FLORIST LABBE FLOWERS WEDDINGS OUR SPECIALTY Near Sunset Highway Bridge 6802 S. W. Canyon Rd. ATwater 1089 i i S i i i s i i ' r iH = n i= m = m F IR E BEAVERTON FLORIST BEAVER RADIO Old Canyon Rood INSURANCE SEWER HOOK UP s FILING GUARANTEED WORK = FREE TUBE TESTS GRAUER & ACKERM AN Furnaces — Floor Furnaces Oil Burners - Circulators Controls - Repair Service Phones Beaverton 4182 or A T 4607 m Cost. Consult Us First. W. J. McCREADY LUMBER CO. Beaverton 3851 FLO W ERS FOR A L L OCCASIONS Deliveries to Hillsboro and Portland 9 HEATING Florist Supplies ESTIMATES GIVEN w Materials at Lowest Agricultural and FLORIST today. Complete Automotive Repairing HANCOCK SUPER SERVICE STATION Across from Safeway Store Phone Beaverton 2631 REFRIGERATION FINDLEY M ILLIN G CO. suited to your house here Long-Wearing Phone 3811 FEEDS ill Select the materials best K IR W A N S AU TO M O TIVE SERVICE E. L. WORD, R eal Estate Seeds Poultry Supplies ill REASONABLE RATES — Beaverton with a new roof. We Feature the Best Grain Horticultural, Give your home lasting protection from rain and snow — = lli3 M 3 H I5 IM = lll= IIIS !M = l!l* lll= m = II3 I!I3 III= III= III= IIIS III= IIIE III= III5 III= III5 III= III3 I FAVORITE RADIO PROGRAM? GARAGE HOLLAND FEED STORE Hay BEAVERTON, OREGON Banking Hours From 9 A. M to 6 P. M. A ll day - every day (except Sunday) WINT£R'/Zf and PROFESSIONAL LISTINGS ED ----------------------------------------------- FIRST SECURITY BANK V tJ Guaranteeu Repairs All Makes Refrigerators, Washers, Motors Phone Beaverton 2384 Member R.3.E.S. ¿¿L . "I'm in no hurry to be rescued, My money's in a savings ac count at alt P K O l'D G R A N D PA R E N T S Mr and Mrs. Fred Goyt are the proud grandparents of a baby girl A daughter of Mr. and Mis. Dick Goyt Jr. of Portland in t h e CEDAR M il.I, COM M UNITY A LO H A ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Rev. RUla Mae Step en». Fusti» Building Monday night November C?” ac_COmpanied then‘ 12208 N. W. Cornell Road Sunday School 10 a.m. 14. A Day of Recollection will be . * * ' ' * * SHOPPING at Church S t Wednesday 7:43 p m. Ptayei held on the third Sunday o f Jan- Visiting at the home of their Simon E. Foraberg, Mlnlstei daughter Mrs. John Altenhofen meeting. uary, which is the Daughters reg 8318 S. W. Canyon Road ular monthly Communion Sunday. were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Richards Portland 1, Oregon BE&con 86t*i of Beaverly Beach, Oregon. They BEAVERTON AREA BUSINESS Final plans and arrangements will 0:46 a.m. Sunday Bible School P IL G R IM L I I IIE R VN C lIl'R C H be made by the December meeting. were here two weeks doing shop 11:00 a.m. Morning Service. Farmington at Menlo. Beaverton Mrs. Ida Hanson reported a 22 ping in Portland. 7:00 p.m. Voung People's Hour Erwin A. Gerken. Pastor ADVERTISING pou id box of toys was sent to Joy T H E A T E R PA R T Y (Senior and Junior). Telephone Beaverton 3441 A theater party for the eighth through Toys. 7.’*46 p.m. Evening Gospel Hour. Sunday School 9.30 a.m. Th e BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE All members and friends of Court grade was given Nov. 26 by Jackie | Thursday 7:46 p.m. Bible Stud) Divine Service 10:30 a.m. St. Cecelia are reminded there will Brown Af,ei the »how all went to -T h e Tualatin Valley Market Basket” Lutheran Hour. K A LE 9:30 be an initiation February 20th, the Jackles' for hot d°Ks a» d ««da pop D IS PL A Y — C LASSIFIED BE I HEL C O NG R EG ATIO N AL regular meeting night. It will be 1 ,IAN 1 N<* RKI\ E C H l'K C H B E A V E R TO N PH O N E 2321 CHURCH OF CHRIST held in Beaverton. Mrs. Ida Han- Ml and Mrs John FarmeI and 630 Watson Street Phone 4680 son is chairman. Donald drove to Valder, Wash, foi Second and Main Streets Albert F. King. Minister Santa will visit us in December Thanksffiving dinner at the home | George W. Springer, Pastor Church School: 9:45 a.m. ALTERATIONS therefore each member is asked to ° f M' S Fa,m e,s Mother Ivan Wal- Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m. Morning worship and preaching service 9:45 a.m. bring a gift to put under the tree. S U N D A Y ?VISITORS Pilgrim Fellowship: 7:00 p.m. FLORENCE'S SEW ING CENTER A social will be held after the ' ,M T O R s Evening worship 7,30 p. m. Buttons - Buckles - Belts Covered meeting Mr an(* Mrs- ^ us of Moro. Bible School class session 11 TH E V A L L E Y COM M UNITY Dressmaking .. Button Holes .. Hemstitching Eighteen dollars was made at ° regon were Sunday visitors in | a.m. U N ITED P R E S B Y T E R IA N 47 N. E. Broadway, Beaverton Phone 4463 Christian Endeavot 6:30 p. m. the get-together held at the home CHURCH Midweek Bible Study, Thursday of Mrs. John Kolibaba. The Com C A LIF O R N IA GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Walter Van Kleek 7860 S. W. Brentwood Ave. 8 p.m. mittee extends thanks to those were host Thanksgiving Day to West Slope APPLIANCES who donated cakes, and to Mrs. Rev. H. A.. Armitage, Pastor R K E D V IL L E COMMUNITY George Altishin for the prizes. It Mrs. George Wernor and daughter Morning worship: 11:00 a.m. was voted to put this money into Toni of San Francisco, Mr. and APPLIANCES P R E S B Y T E R IA N CHURCH DOUGHTY'S Bible School: 9:48 a.m. the Crib Fund now totaling $47.00. “ r"' Jack L ueas and Mr. and Mrs Rev. Graham Gilmer, Pastor Youth and adult mr 'tings: 6:30 The Crib is to be purchased for Anderson of Portland and "Largest Selection of Electrical Appliances I Sunday School 9:45 A. M. p.m. In Beaverton” Mid-week meeting: Wednesday, 1 Worship Service 11 A. M 1446 N E. Canyon Road Beaverton 4175 » r™ Young People’s C. E. 7 P. M The refreshment committee for Mr and ‘Mrs V a rie s Shively and :00 p.m. December is: Mary Bailey, chair- SOn wil1 leave soon for an cxt<,nded r L l M l i v C J ----------------------- — CHURCH OF T IIE NVZAKKNF man; Caroline Kunkle; Rita Gor- a"d letsurly trip to Miami and way | SE V EN TH HAY A D V E N TIST CHURCH Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor man ; R o s e H 1 • t z m a n ; Rose I points by car and house trailer. GRAUER & ACKERM AN JOINT HOST HONORS 5th & Angel Sts., Beaverton Phone Beaverton4345 Schutze. Hot Point - Maytag Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ferris and : Sunday School 9:46 a.m. A. Ruming, Pastor “ Every Appliance for the Home" Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Ferris were Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Sabbath School (Saturday) 9:45 On Canyon Rd. Beaverton *182 joint host at a Thanksgiving din- Hi-N-Y and N.Y.P.S. 6:30 p.m. ner for the Ferris family. Beside DR. H. A. PUTNAM East of Beaverton 0 : ATwater 4507 (Saturday) Evangelistic service 7:30 p.m. .. . . Preaching Service the host, present were Mr. and Mrs. jj . qq am Chiropractic Physician Mid-week prayer meeting, Wed Morris Ferris and children of ... . . Q 3 0 years practice ia Portland „ . .. , ,, Prayer meeting, Wednesday 8:00 nesday, 7:45 p.m. ATTORNEY Tualatin, Mr. and Mrs. George I I block So. of Canyon Road on Howett Road-West Slope Clark and Joyce, and Mr. and Mrs. ! CHURCH OF JH8UK CHRIST OP po--tlond phone BEocon 9637 TH U R L0W WEED Ray Kuiken and Dick. L A T T E B D A Y SAINTS H IG H W A Y C IIA T E L Open eves, by appointment A T TO R NEY - AT - U W ODD FE LLO W S H A LL Full Gospel Church Canyon Highway A Mill Sticct 58 N. W Broadway 237 Farmington (next to Kiwanis Hall* Beavertor Orville J. Poulin, Minister C. H. Peterson, Branch President B EAVER TO N Phone 444« Sunday School 10 A. M. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship at 11 a.m. Sacrament Meeting 7 p.m. BUILDING M ATERIAL Evening Service 8 p. m. Thursday Night Service 8 p. tn. j C AN YO N ROAD B APTIST Winter angling regulations for WEST SLOPE LUMBER YARD CHURCH trout, steelhead, salmon and jack ST. C EC ILIA CHURCH Rev. Russell B. Thomas, Pastoi For Anything in Building Material—We Have salmon are now in effect. Masses: 7 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m. 2616 N. E. 20th Ave. Portland It—W ill Get it er it Isn't Made An angler is entitled to a daily 1 • Phone WEbster 5626 BRoadway 6122 bag limit of two fish over twelve F IR S T M ETH O D IST CHURCH 9049 S. W Canyon Rd N. E. Canyon Road at McClain inches in length in the coastal ! 9 ”« a. m. Church School. 11 a. m. Drive and Lake Road waters of Zones 1 and 3. The two Morning worship. 6;45 p. m. M.Y.F. Sunday school at 9;45 a. m. CARPENTER fish may be trout, steelhead. salm- 4th and Watson Streets Worship service 11 a. m. and Rev. Mark B, Lloyd, Pastor on or jack salmon. 7;45 p. m. C. M1CKELSEN X-TRA Eg g P ro d u cer Not more than four such fish, Res. 5625 N. Kerby Ave., Portland. Wednesday prayer meeting, 7;45 Telephone WEbster 8978. Home Builder - Remodeling however, may be taken in any 7 p. m. Puts Today's mEgg Feed' consecutive days or held in posses Rt. 3, Box 249 Beaverton 4194 sion at any one time. Areas open COM M UNITY B A P T IS T CHURCH Ratio in *Your Favor' ST. M A T T H E W LU TH E R A N Aloha, Oregon Free Estimates _______ to angling include tidewater in CHURCH Triangle X-Tra Egg Producer i< an Erllng Monnes, Minister Zone 1 and s p e c i f i e d coastal important part of today's profitable Sunday School at 9:40 a.m Canyon Road at Johnson streams in Zones 1 and 3. (Descrip CLEANERS- "Egg Feed" ratio. Good layers, Morning Worship at 11:00. Leonard Kutx, Pastor tion of angling zones is in the 1949 good feed and today's egg prices B. Y. F. and Juniors 6:30 p.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Angler's Guide). COOK'S CLEANERS & DYERS are a triangle that means better Evening service at 7:30 p.m. Divine Service 11:00 a.m. In the rest of the state, an angler profits for the coming season. Plan "Home of Fine Cleaning” is entitled to take steelhead, salm now to help supply the Northwest’» S and H Green Stamps Beaverton 3891 on and jack salmon only, the ag shortage of local eggs. gregate bag limit being 2 fish a 375 S. W. Canyon Rd. BEaco® 6757 day and not more than 4 such fish TRIAN GLE in any 7 consecutive days or in ---- M I L L I N G CO. DRY CLEANING possession. Minimum length limit See Your Local Triangle Dealer is 12 inches for jack salmon and 20 inches for steelhead and other IDEAL CLEANERS V-N F IN D L E Y M IL L IN G CO. salmon. “ Quality Work at Economy Prices 621 Canyon Road at Cedar St , at West “ Y" l-'T Beaverton 4281 r0 -Friday, December 9, 1949 FURNITURE TE R R Y'S FU RNITU RE CO “ New and Used” Household Furni*hings, Quaker Oil Heater« Montag Electric Ranges, All Sises 2286 N. E. Canyon Rd. Bea verton 4703 For Delivery on Your Favorite Products Write or See J. L. BENSON 213 S. W Washington, Beaverton WROUGHT IRON Special Price on Weather Vane« DALTO N & CO “Anything In Wrought Iron” Grills, Railings, Gatr.i, Fences, Guard* Lanterns 388 Canyon Road. Beaverton Phone 4