BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Friday, December 9, 1949 Spectacular Hybrid Tulips Thrive In Rock Gardens are feelin g let dow'n because the last S ca rlet E legan ce has shattered. K s th f r C. G ra y so n For the sm aller rock garden n oth ing can be m ore d ainty and The early-flow ering B otanical or gracefu l th an tall, slim C lusiana, ' Species T ulips have alw ays been a w hite w ith rosy bands. T h is m inia­ joy, especially to rock gardeners, ture tulip is shaped rather like a but sin ce the w ar th ese m odest lit­ tall stem m ed Aqua V ite g la ss and tle fellow s have begun to ta k e a has a sim ilar elegan ce. It blooms more prom inent place in th e gar­ late. den scene. A nother d ainty sp ecies is Biflora, The reason for th is is that a very early flow ering. The narrow w hole new race of sub-species and lan celtke foliage supports a 6" stem hybrids have com e on the m arket. w ith tw o w h ite star-shaped flow ers. Each year m ore named varieties T arda (syn. d a sy stem o n ), m en­ appear in the catalogues, and those LIGHT MACHINE WORK tioned above, is very dw arf and w ho have been lucky enough to since each bulb produces several secure bulbs and to grow them, broad-petaled w hite blossom s w ith j will, we are sure, bear us out when golden yellow cen ters w hich open ! we say that few early spring flow ­ flat at m idday, a clo se planting of ers are m ore delightful. th ese g iv es a real m ass o f color One Mile North of Huber One o f the nice th in g s about the close to the ground. B y all m eans species and sp ecies hybrids is that use this in the rock garden. P L A N T IN G S O F T U L IPA T A R D A (Syn. da»y»U*niuii) give a nm*s If you w an t som eth in g really color effo rt. They are a dw arf Hpectoa and each bulb produce* *ev- unusual, ch oose A cum inata w ith erai broad-petali’d w h ite blossom * w ith golden yellow center* which such narrow tap erin g petals that open flat at m idday. A rock garden sp ecialty. each ends in a thread-like point. BE YO U RSELF! The color is yellow streaked with the earliest flow erin g ones begin grace a sp ot in the spring border. ligh t red. A friend of ours recently de­ After all, you’re the one who’s to bloom before the daffodils, and Others cided to redecorate her living going to live in and enjoy the con tinu e for six w eeks or more, so E ich leri and its variety excelsa room. She turned the room into room. that by selectin g early, m edium are other large scarlet sp ecies T h e illu > tration a b o v e , fo r e x ­ the exact replica of a beautiful and late bloom ers one can have w hich are w orth growing, w hile magazine illustration . . . even am p le, a lth o u g h c o z y an d liv a b le , S pecies T ulips all through the p raestan s bears several light scarlet to the color scheme and place­ sh ou ld n ot b e co p ie d . A s w e ’ve spring flow ers on each stem. ment of furniture. It cost a pret­ said b efo re , th e s e c o lu m n s an d ty penny. Now she doesn’t like illu str a tio n s are in te n d ed o n ly as B ecause th ey are natu rals for F u silier is a praestans hybrid m t a p ___ a sp rin g b o a r d for y o u r im a g in a ­ it. p lanting am ong rocks, m ice and w hich is ju stly famous. Som ew hat tion . U se th at im a g in a tio n , y o u ’ll W h y ? B e c a u se it la rk ed so m e ­ m oles are less apt to reach them , show ier th an the species, the sev ­ ■ It w as a fam ily round-up at the th in g v e r y im p o r ta n t . . . in ­ he p lea sed w ith th e r e su lts . for m oles seem to like nice soft eral flow ers per stem are orange- Perhaps we can be of more Sylvan School N ovem ber 10th from d iv id u a lity ! S h e fa ile d to rea lize ground and a long run. A t least scarlet. W e have planted It with 5:30 to 10:30. B io th er s and Sisters, th a t th e room in th e m agazin e help personally. If you run into th is has been our experience. Scarlet E legan ce, which is one of illu s tr a tio n , a lth o u g h b e a u tifu l, a problem in decorating or fur­ D ads and M others, A unts and T hough we have lost several valu­ the first o f th e Species H ybrids to U ncles as w ell as G randparents— w a s crea ted fo r so m e o n e e lse . niture placement, why not stop •" YOU« «OlMMHir in and discuss it with us. W e able plantin gs of D arw in and bloom. F u selier is a little later, aw ay over 500 of them cam e. Som e ! T h e p o in t w e ’re tr y in g to m ake have the experience and the is t h is . . . B e y o u r se lf. U se B reeder T ulips to the rodents, not slig h tly ta lle r and not quite the , n gin g h a m s som e in bright ,a|d knowledge, and i t ’s yours for th e one of the little Species H ybrids, sam e shade of red. It is a com fort sh irts and gome in gorgeous cow . c o lo r s a n d t y p e s o f fu r n itu r e asking. YOU lik e . planted am ong rocks, has been lost. to see the Fuselier blossom s ap- g lr, anJ cow boy o u tfits T here wag Never, in furnishing a living Then too, the B otan icals and pearing ju st at the m om ent you i so m eth in g for everyone including BEAVERTON FURNITURE roua EDVCAîlOM room, or any other room for that their d escen dan ts can be planted G randpa w ho liked to divide his matter, ask yourself this ques­ For the Modern House deeper (six to eight in ch es) and tim e at the R oy R ogers Movie, tion: ‘‘Will my friends like it?’ w ill go on year after year w ithout (show n tw ice) in one gym and the tran splanting. T h ey increase satis- I Let regular savings be the compass which square d ancing in the other gym . factorily w ithout lifting. In four One feature w as the P o st O ffice years in m any varieties we have guides you through the years from youth to the Bar w here p ack ages from all over double or treble the num ber of the U. S. and A lask a (sen t in by bloom ing bulbs originally planted. age of retirement friend s at earlier request) were HAY - FEED - POULTRY SUPPLIES T h e K a iifm u n n ia n a s sold unw rapped for 25c. There Most appealing perhaps o f ail were pleasan t surprises and som e the Species H ybrids are the K auf- Only perseverance and sound planning can d isapp oin tm en ts so next year each FISHER THORSEN PAINTS w ill be m arked for man, w om an w hich are now available. M any of assure smooth sailing. We are at your service or child. PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES them are cream , prim rose, b utter­ ‘‘Chuck W agon C harley” sold cup or golden yellow w ith deep So open an account today! hom e m ade d onations of cakes, hands of carm ine color on the ou t­ * pies, can d ies as w ell as hom e can ­ er petals. The flow ers have a crisp ned fru it and jam s. sta m in a all their own and on D art gam es, horse shoe pitching, cloudy days, in the m orning and and bean bags g a v e plenty of late afternoon, they rem ain partly ch a n ces to show sk ill in straigh t closed and look like gracefu l bi- *MH 8. W. CA N Y ON R O A D W EST SCO PE • CHILDREN sh ootin g and the other kind too. colored cups risin g on rather short M E M B E R F E D E R A L . D E P O S IT IN S U R A N C E C O R P O R A T IO N I H ow m uch did w e m ake? Enough stem s from h ealthy gray-green • POPULAR 1 to keep us from u sin g red ink on foliage. At m idday, how ever, or j our records. It w as an event to when th e sun sh in es brightly on • CLASSICAL tiring everyon e to g eth er and see PHONE 6311 A LO H A , O RE. them they open w ide (lik e the I that th ey all had a w onderful sp ecies from w hich they com e ; evening. A L L SPEEDS w hich is som etim es called the The square dancing, so m any W ater-lily T ulip) or like the low- You Can Always Find Your enjoyed, is bein g continued under grow ing wide open tarda (syn. the sp onsorship o f the Sylvan PTA For Results Try Our Classified .ids Favorite Tune. d asystem on). W hen wide to the j on T hursday n igh ts D ecem ber 1st,- sun, their starry blossom s show 8th. 15th, January 6th, and 13th. only the interior color o f cream or 1 It is under the capable instruction yellow . A bed of K aufm annianas of Mel and Irene C ates. therefore g iv es double pleasure in that it can nnd does change its ap­ pearance frequ en tly nnd com plete­ REFRIGERATORS JOIN ly. It Is hard to decide which STREAMLINED RANKS AND I asp ect is m ost effective. The First (very early), Bellini. In keeping w ith the m odern Elliot and G aiety (quite la te) are trend in hom e furnishin gs, refrig­ cream or w hite w ith cherry m ark­ erators are now being stream lined in gs on the outer petals. Caesat | Phone BEacon 7748 and tailored to fem inine w ants. Franck, Aurea and Joseph K afka To prove our sta tem en t, take a Open Friday Evenings are yellow ; F ritz K reisler and look at the 1950 In tern ational H ar­ Shak esp eare salm on to apricot. 1 8903 S W Canyon Rd vester now on d isplay at T erry’s G l u c k is d istingu ish ed by its Furniture. w onderful foliage Inherited from Sleek features of the new Inter- T. grclgi, the lea v es being uniform - 1 i national H arvester, include freezers ly m arked w ith dots and dashes of that store up to 50 pounds of purplish red. Vivaldi, also w ith j frozen foods. m arked foliage. Is a tall-grow ing ; “Egg-O -M ats” that politely hand la te variety. I you an eg g w hen you w ant one, 1 w inter-sum m er controls that keep Another g io u p of K aufm hnniana operation attuned to w eather eon- INSPECT THEM ON OUR LOT Hybrids are uniform red, nnd out-j I ditions, and m any other up to date stand in g am ong these is the very j Corner Mill Street and Canyon Rood | features. early Scarlet E legan ce, a variety of 1 light scarlet, low grow ing and ar- I (Next to Highway Chapel) P A N E L D ISC I SSION restingly beautiful. Other reds are | The Sylvan PTA m eetin g on No­ Brilliant nnd Alfred Cortot. vem ber 8th enlarged on W ebster's We can unreservedly advise that d efinition of coop eration —in a P. O. Box 232, Tualatin Phone Tigard 3359 you devote a la tg e area tn the size j panel d iscussion with Mrs. Green, able rock garden or am ong natural I 5th grade teacher, con d uctin g. large rocks to the K aufm annianas Tlie other teachers, Mrs. Swift. W HOLESALE ond RETAIL They will start to bloom on or 8th, Mrs. Brookhart, 2nd, Mrs. before April first and from then F isher, su b stitu te and Mrs. Gary, on for tw o w eeks they give a the nurse with M is. G eorge Red- w ealth o f colorful bloom w hich path, one o f the happiest and well cannot fall to please the bulb lover. Phones. Beaverton 4520 - Portland, CHerry 4871 Don't Hr 4 (wuit:ea Pig! known of parents, started with Fuateriana* the P arent and Child cooperation. You can depend on us for P a ssin g from the m odest yet It w as w ell covered and since sturdy nnd colorful K aufm ann­ that "new look" paint job. the Collins V iew School recently ianas, we com e to the F osterlanas | show ed such a lack of cooperation w hich a ie alm ost blatant In their BEAVERTON BODY SHOP betw een parents and the school we should be broad-m inded and hear com pelling brilliance. Here w e have 259 N W. Canyon Road both sides of problem s before p a ss­ an en tirely d ifferen t type of flower Phone Beaverton 4162 ing Judgement only on our you n g­ T h ese tallei grow in g.glow ing red THE ORIGINAL sters sayso. tulips are very large and extrem ely show y. E veryone know s the fa WESTERN too f0V -° m ous, burning R id Em peroi (Mail HARDBOARD a me L efeher), w ith its great poppv- *009 red, black-centered cup hot no on M u »1 ! stron g tw enty-tw o Inch stem s It _ -O for cabinet paneling i is believed to be th e largest tulip Ili. f I tn exlsten oe and is certain ly on of ^— 1‘ ~ ~| ‘ O For cabinet linings the m ost colorful. Bloom ing as it does w ith the daffodils, w hen no ■ . t . r — * * O for shelf partitions one Is exp ectin g large tulips. It i often brings stran gers Into ou ( | || '| j garden w ho have seen it from the I | U - r — ------ - O For drawer bottoms I road and w ho com e to ask what on earth It can be so early In the O for table tops DELICIOUS FRESH FROZEN j season. The p etals o f the flow ers |a r e so g lossy that we have tried .. Hallmark Christmas Cardn j In vain to get a kodachrom e pic­ _____________ O For facings CHARCO co *»# j fn 4* « §' d ture of it w ithout a sharp h ighlight send * r n ‘ o r g e t t a tf,® w ay you want to \ay ,,j of thro* thick nette« — 1 $ J 16**, 1/4 " . w hich, in the photograph, looks want 1° 4 a ' READY FOR YOUR LOCKER ! 'lik e Insect d am age lo o k in g at the ■ - Far any itor« or hom e furniture or fixture — Thoy »ay ju»* wha’ v° 40on-"*'iU our eo,,ac,io'i o# flo w er Itself, how ever, one is lost construction, investigate tough, hard yet workable Com« »«« \% to