Broadmoor Club Features Noted Author Nov. 3rd BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE— Friday, November 4, 1949 WEBB ELECTRIC CO. Sporting Goods Department — Fred Goetz, Mgr. M AKE WEBB'S Your Spinning Headquarters $0 ^ ASHWAY - Surf Slip Caster Reg $35 00 .50 3 ** C Q Q NOW ^ J * JOHNSON 1949 5-H. P. MOTOR Reg. $175 50 ............... NOW $| C C 5Q = ^ * 12 GA. SHOTGUNS - 30" BARREL AVAILABLE Answer to last week'» Mystery Bird; CHINESE PHEASANT Watah this ad chance to win. YOUR ONE-STOP ELECTRIC SHOP for another TUALATIN VIEW WEBB ELECTRIC CO. 1701 S. W. Jefferson Street BEacon 4116 (Canyon Road at S. W. 17th Avenue) 100 BETTER DRESSES Regardless of Cost Clearance Price $ 5.00 VALUES NOT CONSIDERED WE NEED ROOM! ONE AND TWO PIECE STYLES - DRESSY STYLES COLORS Q i y p e SHORTCOMINGS OF FEDERAL LAW INCREASES COUNTY BURDEN InsteUmint I I I r u cart or r * j b e b b l assista » :? ocll »« s c u t res xr»:c»i cas a J5 omucrn cowras Through the broad objective of i The Broadmoor Women’» Club national, state and county welfare ! | will welcome the prominent Ore­ t* r can*, o f sonarsi sotlotsnoo oipondod fo r a o d lc s l oars gon Author, Mr. Claude Bristol, as programs, the people ot the Uni­ 20 JO 40 50 60 70 guest speaker Thursday November ted States are committed to the 10 3rd. at the regular meeting held care o f the aged, dependent chil­ T in the Gabel Country Day School. dren, the blind and in all other j '//////////M'/z/m/m Widely feted for hi» popular cases o f need not otheiwise met. Although in Washington county, book, “ The Magic O f Believing,” Mr. Bristol has gained national ac­ , for example, we are more acquaint i • — ~ wHMMÊNmmmm claim since its publication. The ed with the ministrations of the I county welfare machinery, federal | V////////////A topic of the day will be a discus­ sion of the principles contained rules and federal money have a , V////////////A place of high priority. in this book. W f777. 7 777777m //////m Previous to August 14, 1935. of A business meeting will proceed 77/ÍW course, there had been some roe CUtxsr the lecture. Members have been ognition o f our role as our bro- j asked to bring guests, and a large w m V/////fty777A attendance is anticipated. Tea will thers' keeper. But it was on this w /z m be served by the hostess, Mrs. Ro­ date that the federal government ///////^ land Davis, assisted by the co-host­ laid down a pattern under the esses Mrs. Alfred Leckenby and Social Security Act which has 7/yyy/f/ f j 7 7 77771 Mrs. Arthur Fox. Mrs. Richard gained wide acceptance by states Lange and Mrs. Charles Paxson which participate financially with the federal government. will pour. The Social Security Act, how­ ever, has a number o f shortcom­ ings, in the view of welfare ad­ By Mr». It. Osborn ministration. One of the most ICE CREAM E V E N T Master Paul Woolen celebrated noticeable--and this is particular­ a birthday Friday evening Oct. 21. ly true in Washington county—is His guests were Jimmy Davis, the non-inclusion under piovision Bruce Osborn, and Vance Osborn. o f the Federal Old Age and Sur­ Ice cream and coke were served vivors' Insurance program of such activities as agricultural labor, do­ V ISITS G RAND M A Master Jimmy Davis spent the mestic service, casual labor and week end In Vancouver, Wash., other work. Any citizen of the county has visiting his grandmother. the right to apply for county wel­ IN TO N EW HOMF. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson moved fare, points out Kenneth Peter­ into their new home on Taylor St son, county welfare office adminis­ trator. His application is reviewed H UBBY IN SA LT L A K E ac­ Mrs. A1 Swanson has left on a for acceptance or rejection trip to Salt Lake City to meet her cording to statutory rules. i f he can justify his claim, husband. Mr Swanson is traveling for the whether under the program of old- Union Pacific. a£e assistance, aid to dependent LAD IES G A TH E R | children or aid to the blind in a Tuesday Oct. 18 some of the of which the federal government ladles of the community met gt participates financially, or under Mrs. D. Montag and enjoyed sew­ the state and county supported ing. Coffee and cake was served. general assistance, he received the Guests were: Mrs. D. Pettit, Mrs. payment his case warrants. What he does with this money, F. Fox, Mrs. E. Horine, Mrs. F. Swanson, Mrs. E. Hutchion, and of course, is beyond the control * * * of the welfare offices. One of the Mrs. G. Osborn. sharpest criticisms against welfare ON SU NNYSIO E Mr. and Mrs. Roger Johnson and Pr0Krams is based in the reported daughter from Sunnyside, Wash. abuses b>’ a few of the money so visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Osborn received. But, under the statutes pertaining to welfare, if the recipi­ and family Sunday Oct. 23 C H A R T 12 M E D I C A L C A R E S U R V E Y ent can prove his need theie is no S T A T E P U B L I C W E L F A R E C O M M IS S IO N legal way to withhold payment. D IV IS IO N O F R E S E A R C H A N 0 S T A T IS T IC S The prospect of Washington ent old-age assistance program f rom general assistance moneys of H. Weiber, o f Hillsboro, is chair­ Requiem mass was offered for county welfare recipients abusing could be broadened in scope to in- the state and counties, man of the county public welfare Anna Mary Neys, who passed away their payments, in the light o f fig­ elude all employees. Such an j In provision of money for wel- commission. Serving with horn are at her home, Route 1, Reaverton, ures shown the rate of stipends, is amendment of law, which Con- fare purposes, the county, through A lf O. Johnson, Forest Grove; on October 24th, at St. Cecelia rather slim. During the month of gress has considered but not ! *ts welfare commission, sets up a Henry Johnson, Beaverton; Hon. Catholic Church, Beaverton on August, 1949, for instance, 1,109 passed, would substantially lessen budget based on its expectations H. D. Kerkman, Hillsboro; James Wednesday, Oct. 26, 1949 at 9:30 cases received financial assistance the general-assistance load of ° f need and send this to the state Lewis, Huber; Mrs. Ethel Pen­ a. m. Interment was in Mount in the amount of $61,092.94—an states and counties. commission, which in turn for- nington, Sherwood and Carleton Calvary Cemetery, Portland. The average o f about $55.08. Travis, Hillsboro. What must not be overlooked in wards t0 , thf . « • » ‘■»»ture for Teh county, however, is loaded Rev. G. N. Sniderhon officiated. These citizens serve without pay program actlon', The legislature then re- Mrs. Neys was born in Belgium, with an additional burden because considering the welfare and it is their duty to approve the it concerns human beings, ; turns to the county court wi‘ h on July 18, 1874. She came to the of the federal program exemptions is that . . , . . , . i a mandatory order to set up the administration of the county wel- of society who have made u H , ... .__ U. S. when she was seven years of j aa n° f ed previously. In the month members .. . ,. ..__ . . necessary taxation. fare business. * age. Later she married John Neys of Au8ust, 1949, payments from ther contributions to the county. : and they lived in Minnesota for a 8ene,al assistance funds to supple­ state and nation during their life -1 Each county maintains a wel- j Mr. Peterson, administrator, has time and then came to Oregon in j ment the federally-supported old- time and, in old age, find them- far* commission and administrator a" office staff of four and seven 1929 settling in Portland They aS'‘ assistance payments totalled selves in straitened circumstances. except in the cases of two small case workers, at the present time, counties such as Sherman and These numbers are subject to moved to the Cooper Mountain *2’259.58. Of this, payments for The statewide caseload of Aug., place outside Beaverton in 1933 boaPitallzation amounted to $1,- 1949. showed a total of approved Wasco which are under one ad- change according to need and un- where the family has resided ever **33.03; 30 requests for medical grants under social security pro­ ministrator who maintains separ- der supervision of the Oregon civil county staffs. Multnomah service. since. She died on her marriage care “ mounted to $196.55 and one grams of 23,121 In old-age assist­ ate county, because of its size, has its The maximum payment by coun­ annlverstry date. burial cost $130. ance; 3,193 under aid to depend­ She is survived by her husband, Because there are a surprising ent children and 383 aid to the county office and about five dis- ty taxations as allowed by law for 866 under old- 1 trlct offices throughout the city welfare Is 4 mills, except by spe- I John Neys of Beaverton. 2 sons, "umber of those paying into the blind. Of this total, 254 under aid to ,of Portland to permit easier hand- cial levy vote or by taxing the John P. and Joseph L. Neys of federal old-age fund who will no! age assistance, county Into future years. Beaverton. 1 grandson, Frank John draw benefits because they do not dependent children and 25 of the|Un* of its weliare ,oad- In Washington county, William Neys. 2 sisters and 1 brother, Mrs. "ecd them, many believe the prs- blind received additional funds (Continued next week) Mary Lindsay of Portland, Ore., Mrs. Pauline Mechels of Osakis ON STUDENT U NIO N BI). ly 30 miles north of Tokyo. Minnesota, John Brouns of Osaki» U N IV E R S IT Y OF O R E G O N . Private Places future plans, after Minnesota Eugene (Special) Robert Myers son of Mrs Elizabeth Myers, Bea completeing this tour of duty in 8:S-V : I verton, is one of 12 students select- 1 Japan, are to return home and ed on the University of Oregon’s proceed to work as soon as pos- K IR ST L A W Y E R — But Judge, f irst Student Union Board. sible. | the law rules that the man must Myers is a third-year law student ------- die Uphold the low SECOND ------ ■ CUB PARENTS' N IG H T _________ The regualr pack meeting o f Cub L A W Y E R Have mercy Judge and T R A IN S N E A R TO K YO ! set him free. So really the clash W IT H TH E E IG H TH U. S. Pack 517, Boy Scouts of America, | is between law and mercy. Now A R M Y IN TO K YO , JAPAN . On at 7:00 p. m. on Tuesday Nov. 8 I God himself is the Judge and here occupational duty in the Far East at Merle Davis School, will be par­ you see his wisdom. He both up- j Command, Private Russell L. Place, ents night. holds his holy law and also shows 20, son of Mr and Mrs. L. H. Place. All boys interested in Cug Scout­ mercy. And how? residents of Route No. 3, Bov 438. ing are urged to attend with their He did it by giving his only-born Beaverton, Oregon, is participating parents. Cub Scouts ranks are j Son to die for the prisoner. His with his unit. Company “ E” . 8th open to all boys aged 8, 9, and 10. | Son who had no sin of His own Cavalry Regiment. In training at The interest of their parents is ap­ j to answer for. Yes God proved his Camp Palmer, located approximate- preciated. love toward us in that while we | were yet sinners, Christ died for • "TREASURE TONE PAINTS" us.—Romans 5:8 BIBLE. • FLOOR ond WALL COVERINGS YOU GO F R E E Difficult to predict the course of human events? • EXPERT INSTALLATION Yoy pass from death and judge-1 True. But not so difficult to change it in your favor I ment into eternal life when you Call For Free Estimates | stand on It that Christ took your — by foresight. No Obligation i sins and died for you. As saved, CApifal live by the Bible and prayer and 8911 S.W. look utterly to Christ to power 2860 Canyon Rd. F oresight means m aking w ise p rovision for the | you. New ways and new days prove West Slope i the new life. unpredictable (the sudden emergency, the unex­ SPECIALS HAND WARMERS Ideal for steelhead fishermen OUR BROTHER'S KEEPER Black, wine, green, brown 9 to 15 - 10 to 20 - 38 to 4 4 - 14 Vi to 24V2 (Plenty of large sizes) —. . j Cynara Crepe, Sanchilla Crepe, Faille Rayon, Rayon Gabardine, Frost Point Anna Mary Neys EVERYONE FINE Q U A LITY AND WORKMANSHIP If You Have Ever Attended a MODE Sale You Know You Had Better Come Early Sorry, No Return*, Exchanges, j Approvals or C. O. D.'s All Sales Final! MODE VL 118 S. W. BROADWAY Clash In Court BEAVERTON — NOW— 2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU STOVE OIL IN YOUR C O N TA IN E R 16c PER GALLON GAS PRICES EFFECTIVE AT BOTH LOCATIONS pected opportunity) as well as for the inevitable S. W. McChesney Rd., Portland 1. Oregon. This space paid for by a Seattle family. OUR GAS PRICES REGULAR How’s Your FORESIGHT Today? J l (grow ing older, for instance). May we be specific? ETHYL YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED 25c 27c TO ATTEND THE * ¿-tij ¿ f"! K IR W A N ' S Super Service Stations P. W (Pat) Kirwan, Prop HANCOCK STATION 177 E. Broadway COMPLETE AUTO Electrical Pickup and Delivery Service Service FALL REVIVAL MEETING Continuing Each Night November 3 • 13 Rev E H Edwards Pastor - Evangelist may make all the difference in the world in your future. You can face the future with more courage, more 7;30 P. M. confidence, more chance of success by reason of your at the foresight now . . . in opening a savings account in BEAVERTON, OREGON AND TIME OIL 1 Blk East Haskell Center session o f a sound reserve of ready cash in the bank Church of the Nazarene REPAIR At some crucial turning point in your life, the pos­ HEAR REV. E. H. EDWARDS A Dynamic Preacher SPECIAL MUSIC this bank, and adding to it regularly. The Commercial Bank of Oregon For Result* Try Our Classified Ads