Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1949)
ALOHA BAPTISTS FORMED IN RESPONSE TO COMMUNITY NEEDS par R everend E rllng Minnie* I n the seventh p astor to serve Hie ch urch. Niñee its organization In 1921. He ca m e to the field on O ctob er 1, 1948. • P hoto by H arrell,Beaverton 4988) est period, being with the church for seven years. R ev. Godwin served as pastor fro m 198!' to 1942, and R ev. Loree from 1934 until 1948. It was during R ev Loree’s min- istry that the church was moved from the origin al site to the pres- ent location. T hese men o f God have been used by God in a m ark- room fo r the parsonage. ed way fo r the developm ent and Since the church has m oved to grow th o f the spiritual work in the the new location the sanctuary Aloha C om m unity, was rem odeled with som e o f the T he present pastor, E ilin g Mon- Sunday School class room s re- nes cam e on the field on O ctober I m oved, due to added room in the X, 1948. He is a graduate o f the • basem ent, m aking the auditorium U niversity o f Chicago, and the m uch larger. T h eological School o f the untver- An autom atic heating plant was sity o f C hicago. He has held pas- installed then for the c o m fo rt o f torates at Powtffs Lake. North the worshippers. During the past D akota, and at Kelso, W ashington. I year the utility room on the par- W hile in N orth D akota he served sonage was com pleted, the floors as state Evangelist under the sanded and new rugs placed In the N orthern Baptist Convention for a aisles, an organ was purchased and period o f 10 years. new pews were purchased, and the T he present m em bership o f the auditorium was redecorated. ch urch is around 200, and the aver- Seven pastors have served the age Sunday School attendance is church since Its organ ization in 150. 1921. T hey are John M aguire. Luth- Miss M ary Antrim servps the er Blakenv, Ernest Tetw iler. G eorge Sunday School as superintendent. Marrs. W ill R edm an. M arcus G od- h avin g filled that position for win, G raydon Loree, and the pres- m any years The present Sunday ent pastor, E rlln g M onnes. F or School facilities are not adequate tw o years the ch urch was without and plans are being made for more a regular pastor, and was served Sunday School class room s which by R ev Alex Bain and R ev Nails will be added in the near future, as interim pastors. R ev. R e d m a n 1 Organization» within the church has served as p astor fo r the long- are the R Y. F Y oun g People’s THE REFLECTIVE FIREPLACE Let autumn winds blow . . . while you sit back in the comfort of your cozy room, enjoying the crackling fire. Yes . . . a fireplace is a romantic fixture come win ter. But it can be an out-of-date eyesore too. And so we suggest that you let your fireplace bring out the best in your room. tive andirons and screens do their bit for the general charm of the scene. Graveside Rites Paper Baq Masks Honor Memory Give Tipoff To Of PFC Van Kleek "Trick or Treat" | G raveside services, in h on or o f T a k e ca re n ot to clu tte r up the m a n te lp ie ce w ith ex tra n e o u s o b je cts . A sim p le ca n d ela b ra at e ith e r end . . . o r a large b o w l o f flo w e rs in t h e r » n t e r reflect th em se lv e s a ttr a c tiv e ly , and im m e- the m em ory o f P F C W illiam L. By Fisa Shelley It’s s im p le . . . and y o u d o it d ia tely g iv e y o u r ro o m an "a t Van Kleek. son o f Mr. a id Mrs. C E D A R M ILL P A R K There E m ery Van Kleek o f R ou te 1, B ea w ith m irro rs . Y es, m irro r p an el h o m e " look W e have ideas galore for mak verton, will be offe re d under the seemed to be evidence o f H allow e’ in g on th e ba ck w all from m an tel to c e ilin g and a rou n d the ing your home more attractive auspices o f the Sherw ood and B ea en around Sunset V alley school to ed g es o f th e firep la ce Is easy to and livable. Drop in and talk it verton posts o f the A m erican L e day. W hile passing by saw a class in stall an d less e x p e n s iv e than over with us. W e ll put our heads gion, at C rescent G rove cem etery, room o f youngsters in paper sack an y m a n tel r e m o d e lin g jo b you together and come up with some thing really distinctive . . just • N ovem ber 4 at 3 30 p.m P e g g ’s m asks -som e with very good ex r o u ld d o. C ertainly expected to M ortuary Is In ch arge o f arrange- pression. for you. The above illustration shows greet som e at m y d oor with the I ments. how the mirrored fireplace adds BEAVERTON FURNITURE PFC Van Kleek was born In greeting trick or treat! depth to your room and gives j Hillsboro. Oregon, Sept. 24. 1917. the illusion of extra space. Cozy For the Modern House IN D E F IN IT E PLAN S groupings of chairs, and attrac- ‘ He attended Ktnton grade and Mrs. F. Holzaphel is leaving by B eaverton high school. V* Wf M f M f MtM* M fM * M t M In April ’41 he enlisted In the 1 N orthw est Airline tonight to visit | Air C orps and w as stationed at *ler mother, Mrs. E. Schmitz, in Angel Island. Calif., a m onth, then Jackson Heights. L ong Island. N Y THOSE EVER IMPORTANT ACCESS transferred to H am ilton Field. does not know the length of C alifornia, fo r fu rth er trainin g as her vlslt h*r P1" " 8 are ‘ ndefi ORIES FOR THE W ELL GROOMED— a m echanic. j Nt*- On Oct. 4, 1941. he was shipped R A D IO SH O W S M A Y BE FOUND A T CHEZ SUZY' overseas to Clark Field, Phlllp- Mr. and Mrs R N. E ngleke have i pine Islands, where he was at returned from their vacation in YOUR OWN APPAREL SHOP tached to the 7th M aterial Squad Los Angeles. W h ile there they ron. • attended tw o radio broadcasts, the H e was wounded Dec. 8, 1941, Bob Hope Show and “ Queen For Easier Shopping - Better Values - Personol Attention when the Japs attacked Clark A D ay” . Field and was out o f action for a month. W hen Clark Field was M A K E S R E C O V E R Y HAND BAGS BY MELTON evacuated they went to Bataan Mrs. Fred Dorging has recovered where the <th M aterial Sqd was from her recent Illness and has Novelty Belts on actlve duty untll the surren returned to her position with the j der. U S . National Bank. Umbrellas - Plain or Gay Plaids Van Kleek was on the Death March to Cabanatuan P ’ ison cam p H IN T IN G LUCK Imported Silk and Som e local hunters have had i or Prlson C am p No. 1, as It was Woolen Scarfs good hunting luck. Mr. C. A designated by the Japs. W h i l e t h e r e he con tracted ma- M oore got an el k on Sadd’ e M< : r Linen and Batiste G laria fever and died July 23, 1942 tain while Mr G eorge Pitts and) Handkerchiefs. ¿2 The Purple Heart has been aw -|M r. Francis B row ning got an elk I 53 arded poat-humoualy to his pai near La Grande, O regon. Chez ¡e- W O M E N S T O W N AND COUNTRY A PPAREL § W EST SLOPE -a o o io c r D ^ A i 8838 S. W Cooyon Rood J I fi VJ CApifol 4 3 0 9 ¡5« W £ W B ln l Sur" Ivn • besides his parents are W H IS K E R D E C O R A T O R U o f O, (S p ecial) Arthur Mosh- tw o sisters, Mrs. P erry F oster. Jr Frank ofsk y, son o f Mr. and Mrs. E d of Tualatin, and Mrs, ward O. M o»h ofsk y Rte. 2. B ea Heintz, o f Albany. verton, was on the decoration c o m mittee for the annual S on hom or" A TTEN D P O U L T R Y SH O W S Mr and Mrs Conrad Burmester W hiskerlno which was given last returned to their Aloha home last weekend on the University of Ore -1 weekend after attending poultry «on campus M oshofsky is a — soph om ore m ajor ahow„ a „ d m eeting- In Oregon and ............................ ----------- — In business adm inistration W ashington. WATER CLEARWATER and you save as much as $125.00 Per Year SOFT WATER In the Kitchen In the Bathroom • In the Basement • • Everywhere Fairbanks-Morse W ater Softeners Now Within Reach of the Average Family CLEA RW A TER PLUMBING PHONE 4581 OREGON BEAVERTON SS»? RIB STEAKS ROUND Prim e BEEF ROAST STEAKS Aged lb . 49c P rim e Aged B eef GROUND BEEF 57c LB. B eef lb 39c Lbs. 29c Freshly Ground Prime Aged Beef LARD Pure BACON Oet you r O rude “ A" G overnm ent Inspected B eef at T etesi’s. G uar anteed to please or your money- back fo r E conom y GROCERIES m Cigarettes ANOTHER TERESI FIRST lb . 53c Eiastern , Sliced All brands Per Carton u (o W ell, what do you k n o w !—Our streets are being finished, that is the ones that are main highways. O f course the reason is that the State H ighw ay D epartm ent issued j orders that they be finished km da quick ¡ike. . . . So, W atson, B road way and F arm in gton R oad are nearly done and it is now' possible L to drive right down town, patk [ and shop in com fort. T he buses [ still have som e rough goin g to reach their station on W est St. | and B roadw ay. And it just cornes to m ind that it’s about the fourth time that the corn er o f Short and B roadw ay has been scarred, rutted and torn to pieces. Som e o f the residential streets are still bad, but all in all progress is being iptlst ch urch building, built in 19*2, was m oved made. to its present site on H unter avenue. Aloha, In 1946. R em odeling and The w in dow washers covered a Im provem ents have sin ce been done. lot o f w indow s with glycerine in (P h o to by Harrell— B eaverton 4988) preparing for the soap and wax o f H allow e'en. A fter the dust settled i T he fam ilies who organized the elected as the first o ffic e r s: Clerk, on the glycerine a lot o f people are C om m unity Baptist Church at Mrs. F orsyth e; Treasurer, Mrs. w ondering w hich is w orse— the A loha first worshiped with the A ntrim ; trustee. Mr J. M cK eow n P resbyterian Church at R eedville, S hortly afterw ard tw o m ore trus glycerine or the soa p ? New businesses and new faces as that was the church nearest tees were added. Mr. R ay Antrim show up all the time. Next week them. T hey felt the need o f es- and Mr. Prink. In 1922 It was necessary to move it is possible an announcem ent tablished Sunday School w ork con - will be made o f the change in ow ducted by the Christian and Mis- to larger quarters as attendance nership o f an old established busi sionary A lliance at the Aloha had ou tgrow n the present site. A School building. A Sunday school building com m ittee was appointed ness spot on B roadw ay. The H igh w ay T ire Service now was started by Mrs. E. Lem m on, to approve o f a suitable location offers its patrons a nice new co n - i Mrs. W. Talbert and others, m eet- fo r the church, o f Mrs. W. Sanders, Crete park in g space. Part o f the j ¡ng at the W heeler Hall in A loha Mrs. M cK eow n, Mr. Prink, Mr. R. space is covered with a r o o f so w hich stood on the lot where Fred A. M ontgom ery, Mr. A ntrim , and the boys (It takes men on the K ah ler’s shop now is located. Mr. Rev. M aguire. A lot on the present truck tires) d o not have to w ork Edwin Olson was elected the first highw ay near the corn er o f Hunter in the rain. superintendent. This w ork w as A venue was given to the church fo r the building by the Shaw -Fear B eaverton can be ju stly proud of started in 1921. Its various eating spots, and it is In the fall of 1921 a m eeting was com pany. T he church ed ifice which now scheduled to have a new one. called at the home of Mrs. T albert is used at the present tim e was This one will roll in on w heels and fo r the purpose o f organizing a erected on this location, should be in it’s parking space church. The fam ilies represented Soon . a fter the con stru ction o f next M onday. at this m eeting were R ay A , , hp building a gym nasium was E leanor B oyon, '49 graduate o f W Talbert, E Lemmon, Jay M e -(built adjoinlnK the church bu„ d. B.H.S., now o ffe rs batton classes, Keow n, Mrs. Forsythe and John ing The gym naalum was converted W eds, at the E agles Hall in P o rt M a g m re .lt was decided to organize into a parsonage during the pastor- land. She was F.O.E. State Cham a C om m unity Church under the ! ate o f R ev W i„ Rpdman pion and all wish her well in her auspices o f the Oregon Baptist T he church continued to w orship •new w ork. State Convention. | at this location until 1946 when it Charter members w’ere Jim D uncan, amiable “ life r" o f Mrs w as decided to m ove both church B eaverton. is reported to be ' Antrim , Mrs. Talbert, Mrs. L em - and parsonage to the present lo- bran chin g out into differen t fields mon, Mrs. M cKeow n, Mrs. Forsythe, I caR on on H unter Avenue, just o f endeavor now it’s Oldsmobiles, and Rev. and Mrs. John Maguire. north o f Alexander. D uring the as a com pan ion for his insurance Rev. Maguire was called to be the process o f m oving, a basem ent was activities. first pastor. The follow in g were added, also a garage and utility G :o u p : the W orld W ide Guild, a young w om en ’s m issionary orga n ization. the R oya l A m bassadors, a B oy s 'g ro u p sim ilar to the W . W . O. for the girls; the Queen E stner Mission Circle, w om en's organ iza tion. Miss D orothy Dee R iggs serves very efficien tly as church oigan lst, and H ow ard E. E wer is the choii director. T here is a ch oir o f 2J) voices, and a m en's ch oru s o f 12 voices w hich add m uch to the rev- | eren ce o f the w orship services with their beautiful m essages in song. The ch oir is organized and Mr. Charles R iggs is president of the organization. The name o f the organization is the Aloha Baptist C hurch Choraliers. T he hoard o f deacon* con - Ni»ta o f Mr. C hester W ohler, Mr. T hom as l.andon, Mr. N ew ton T hom pson, Mr. F rank B or os and Mr. Kd Dillon. The board o f trustes'* are, Mr. M el vin Kpley, Mr. D exter ,I«h, and Mr. Charles Riggs. T h e ch urch clerk is M iss An uct ta Thode, financial secretary, Mr. A m os Show alter; and treasurer, Mr. C harles Riggs. D eaconesses are Mrs. Chester W ohler, Mrs. Thom as I,andon, Mrs. W ard Stram, Mrs. N ew ton T hom pson, and Mrs. Charles Itlggs. T he m em bership o f the ch urch is m ade up by C hristian believers irrespective o f church affiliation s, this being a C om m u n ity Church. T he church coop erates with the W illam ette B a p t i s t A ssociation, and the O regon Baptist State C on vention. T he ch urch extends a m ost co r dial invitation to the friends in the com m u n ity to w orship with them at any o f the services. Sunday School Is at 9:45 a. m., and the m orn in g w orship service at 11:00 a. m. B. Y. F. m eets at 6:45 on Sunday even in gs and the evening service at 7:30 p. m. A m idw eek prayer and Bible study is conducted at 8 o ’clo ck on W ed nesdays with the pastor in charge. m T rade L anes BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE — Friday, November 4, 1949 1.39 D IlK IO V t r 8V 0M Soap Powders PUDDINGS. Each All Popular Brands Oxydol, Rinso Duz, Tide, pkg 2 7C Mince Meat Lotus Brand New Measure Pak NUCOA, Mb. pkg. 25c TUNA „29c Light Meat Grated 3 for 85 Spinach EACH Solid pack T om a toes and oth er Items not listed. Bananas Golden Ripe Lb. Apples 15 Carrots Tender 3 Bunches for Oranges Spitzberg .79 ■ Sunkist, sweet, juicy, 4 dor. P Q ( * W e R eserve R igh t D ay. Solid Heads, for kraut, salads, Lb. Ill to 9 Sundays FOOD va / T o Lim it Quantities TERESI 8.8(1 to 9 P. M. rue I N DE P E N D E N T X- ♦ N H O M E O 19 Cabbage Prices Effective Thun., Fri., Sat., November 3, 4, 5 W eek 10« 0 25 For eating and cooking Box 35 G rapefruit Juice Kidney Beans Peaches Plums Peas Mushroom Sauce P otatoes VEGETABLES Chili Con Cam e With Beans 16-oz can Prepare for your holiday meals now. Qt Check Our 10c Table For Real Values Phone B eaverton 4158 CENTER O W N E O «ASK6CC snòppìa / o cbn rep lc