I III J M | W ■ BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE— Friday, October 28, 1949 IORYOUR profit i. H E L P W AN TED W A N T E D —Lady to care for two girls, ages 6 yrs. and 15 mos., 5 days week. No house work Call Beaverton 2445 40 FU EL FOR SALK CASH MUST ACCOMPANY a . l CLASSIFIED ADS Count each word includins Nome A id Adtlr «4* —ONLY « A W O KE MO PHONX ORDERS TAKER Minimum tie tn I m aa W t Publish The BEAVERTON ENTE R PR ISE T IG A R D S E N T IN E L M U LTN O M A H pftESS ALOHA NEWS C o n o id * ha«t*rn Count» and Western FO R SAI.K Ladies ice skates. ! White, size 7AA. A-l condition. Call Tigard 3601 40p | L A R G E SIZE wood circulating heater $25. Phone Beaverton 4849. 250 N. E. Canyon Road. 40 The answers to everyday Insurance problems* By Leocard Adams Homes W um ndon Multnomnb Count» Cotertii FO R SALE YOUR O LD RANGE, and $10.73 per month will buy a deluxe Montag range at Terry’s Furni ture, Beaverton 4703. 40 MASON'S IN T IG A R D - w e ’ve got a LA N G Combination electric and wood range it’s used—no range manufacturer ever built a better range than this—has a separate wood oven and an elec tric oven—new surface burners. W e’ll guarantee this does you a beautiful job. I f ydu want a real bargain in a range that was built for service and not for style you’ll see us. It’s a real family range. 40 DRESSED RED FRYERS and fresh ranch eggs L Y M A N ROSS H ATCHERY. Aloha. Phone T E L L US what you have to trade 6441. 35ti in—and what you need—we will pick up and deliver. Terry’s Fur FO R SALE: Violin«, S and \ size niture, Beaverton 4703. 40 Reasonable. Want full size vio lin. Phone Beaverton 4960. 41 p F O R S A L E 1928 Hupmobile as is. make offer. Double laundry tray $10. Hoover Vacuum Cleaner $7.50. R. B. Erickson. Phone Beaverton 2960. 40p N E W TH R E E REDROOM HOME lot 85 - 480 Fireplace, electric On Hart road, all under cultiva heat. $10,500. Good terms. tion. Mt. Hood view. Excellent building site. $8,000 TW O BEDROOM home, basement, large lot $7,350. Terms. 20 ACRES QI ESTIO N ; Is there any kind of insurance which covens par ents’ legal liability for damage caused by a boy while riding his bicycle? A little neighbor boy rode out of his driveway anti ran into a woman who was passing by. The boys’ parents offered to pay the minor medi cal bills but the Injured woman, whose nephew is an attorney, has brought suit for damages. A N S W E R ; This case is another in which Comprehensive Per sonal Liability insurance would give full protection. Not only would the insurance company cover the insured's legal liabil ity up to the face amount of the policy, it would also defend the suit against him, saving him great expense. The small premi um for this type of insurance is well spent. SAND AND GHAVEL WOODSAWING 8. E. U RBES Phone ALOHA 6191 COLEM AN FLOOR FURNACES all sizes fo r sale. Beaverton Hardware. Phone 3921. lltf FAIRBANKS-M O RSE deep and shallow well pumps. Complete units fo r as low as $79.95. Cedar * I f you will address your own Mill Lumber and Hardware. LO W EST PR IC E S in town on insurance questions to this o f Beaverton 2191. 30tf lumber needs. Buy direct from fice. we'll try to give you the the mtlll in Beaverton and save. correct answers and there will H EAD Q U ARTERS for Spark oil K ey Lumber Co. Across track be no charge or obligation of heaters. New shipment now in. fr o m end o f S. E. 7th St. any kind. Gales Furniture, Haskell Shop Phone Beaverton 4576. 20tf ping Center, Beaverton 4156. 31tf «.SON’S IN TIG A R D —for the 'irst time in years have a LA N G N. H. CHICKS every Tuesday. 500 "Personal Insurance Service” Bachelor kitchen heater with the Phone 3831 Any Time started. Hatched Oct. 11. Miller’s ittle oven below the firebox, in Hatchery. Beaverton. Phone 4819. 73 Broadway, Beaverton •ase you're not educated to the 38 tf :.iANG, this is the best biscuit >ven ever developed. In addition, YO U R CHOICE of one dozen can FO R SALE did views of your wedding with his outfit has an oil burner, one 5 x 7 print of each In fold ises either wood or oil, new. it BABY BUGGY, play pen. swing ers, only $20.00. Harrell. Phone vould cost about $165—it’s yours stand and car seat, lined bas Beaverton 4988. 40 'or $95 and guaranteed. 40 sinette. miscellaneous items. D. B. Murphy, Rt. 1, Box 640, Alo D COW F E R T IL IZ E R for gar- DALE'S ha. Phone 6823. 40 ens and flowers $7 for 2-yard >ad delivered in Beaverton. $8 FOR S A LE 7 pc. solid dark oak ellvered West Slope. 3 year old dining set, small spinet desk, CRUSHED ROCK ow fertilizer ground through a walnut organ, other miscellane urr machine. $1 per 100 lb. sack Ph. Beaverton 4896. Aloha 6101 ous pieces. Rt. 2, Box 311, Bea ellvered. Phone Scholls 8220, E. verton. Butner Rd., edge Cedar lontgomery, Rte. 2, Box 50, T R A D E 22-CAL. Mossberg rifle Mill Park. 40p llllsboro, Ore. 36tf with 4-power scope for cement mixer. Phone Beaverton 4478. A. W E A N E D PIG S for sale. Dauth. A N E R PIGS $10. Bred gilts S. Tobias, Aloha, Rt. 1, Box 513 W. Carlson, 2565 Ftrmlngton Rd., 10. freshening milk goats $12.50. Aloha. 40p Beaverton. 40p elfers all sizes, boar and bull :rvlce $2. W e raise pigs the F O R SA LE —Custom-Aire circulat PLU M B IN G SU PPLIE S, Fixtures ;ar around. Gotter at Scholls. ing oil heater. 5 room size. W. D. and pipe, fittings o f every des 41p Craddock. 7602 S. W. Taylor’s cription. W iring supplies; wire, boxes, switches, and everything Ferry road. CH. 5544. 40p VS SH O PPIN G the easy way. for the complete job. C ED AR ibscriptions to any magazine. SAXO PH O NE and case. Buescher, M IL L LU M B ER and Hardware, alto. Rt. 1, Box 181, Aloha, Ore. J1 Magazine Subscription Ser- Phone Beaverton 3081. 2tf 40 p je, Tigard 3788 and I will take FORDSON TR A C T O R on steel. In re of it for you. Reduced Xmas R A N G E —L and H. good condition, with 2-Bottom les on many magazines. 40 E LE C TR IC Small wood stove, table and 2 Plow. $245.00. Phone Aloha 6225 chairs, table model cream separ after 5 p.m. 41p ator. butter churn. Rt. 1, Box 181, Aloha, Ore. 40p SAND GRAVEL CRUSHED rock. Phone Beaverton 4896. MASON’S IN T IG A R D best deals 51 tf In the county on oil circulators. DuoTherm and Coleman on new. O IL B U R N IN G Conversion unit All kinds on used—they’re all FROM YO U R In good cast Iron stove, $28.00. guaranteed. Terms, too. 40 Phone Beaverton 2321. 51tf Leonard Adams SAND - GRAVEL NEAR SUNSET HIWAY 2 acres—2 bedroom home. Large N E W TW O BEDROOM home double garage, chicken house. F.H.A. loan available, large lot. $5750. Terms. $8250. Terms. 4 BEDROOMS Full cement basement. Fireplace, near schools and stores, $9000. Farms IN HILLSBORO Homes BRADFORD- STREITW IESER N. L. THOMAS, Realtor MOTORS '48 Merc. Club Coupe NEW 3 BEDROOM In Beaverton. Terms. $146.> ’47 Chev. Fleetru Sedan $1445 $1595 Dodge Fluid. Sedan $1695 Nash Anib. Clh Cpe. $1375 Ford Tudor Sedan $995 Ruick Rfiadm Sedan $1595 Buick Roadm. Sedan $2975 KRV O N E G U A R A N TE E D LE T US E X P L A IN r Salesmen make appoint- nts evenings and Saturday emoons Phone Hillsboro I. BRADFORD STREITWIESER 330 'E. Lincoln St. Hillsboro rn left one block north of »t Office. M A N ’S O’COAT and suit, like new. Size 36-med. Rt. 1, Box 181, Alo ha. Ore. 40p FO R SALE -Used Kelvinator, elec tric range $50. Used Montgomery Ward washing machine, 2 yrs. j old $60. Inquire Beaverton Hard- 1 ware. Beaverton. 40 B LU E B E R R Y PLAN TS. Proven Western stock. Eighteen varie ties, available now. Clarice Staats, Rt. 2, Box 130. Oregon City. Oregon. 41 E LE C TR IC W A SH IN G machine $15 Electric range $35 Walnut bed, coll spring Sealy mattress $25. Walnut dresser $17. Boiler. 12 gal. crock, wash tub, occasion al chair $5. 1488 Center St., Bea verton. 2nd house east new school on hill end long driveway. 40p L A T E O R A V E N 8 T E IN apples $1 to $1.50 per bu. Potatoes 100-lb. sack $3 Phone Beaverton 3439. Mr. T. Snyder, cor. Conner and Beard Rds. 40p Very "Let Us W orry About Your Tax Problem«" home. ’Close in. attractive. 40 W A N TE D TO BUY — R E N T FU E L: Block and Slab In 3 cord loads. Also clean sawdust, i LAND SCAPING straight and chi^inl*. Wilson Hlowtng _ Gradlng Drtve, „ Fuel Yard. P. O. Box 398, Bea and Hoad Grading — Lawns Pre verton. Phone 2491 or BRoad- j pared _ Hay for ^ ,n 4eMon 9tf way «967. L. H. Brawand A Sons. Phone lltf SLAB WOOD, grasn oi dry. Allan|CHafty 2929. Fuel, P. O. Box 313, Sherwood, ROOFING — MILLWORK Ore., or phone Mac’s Grocery, 3 In 1 tab $5.89 a square Tigard 3440 3Mf 99 Itm. min. surface $2.99 sq. FO R RENT 55 lbs. regular $1.99 square 1 | nine I grade A doors $6.87 t up FOR R E N T —Floor «ander and edger. BEAVERTO N H ARD Windows— Frames—.Iambi—Sash Call us for free estimates W ARE . Phone Beaverton 3921. lt f Days ATwater 3750 Evenings WEbster 5731 21 t f W AREH O USE space for rent. Marble Cook. Phone Beaverton A L T E R A T IO N S 1732. 39t f Dressmaking Buttonholes, Hemstitching BUSINESS SERVICES Buttons, Buckles, Belts covered FLORENCE'S S E W IN G C E N T E R LANDSCAPING 47 N. E. Bro&lway Beaverton 4463 Rototllllng. New lawns. Tree Open 'til 9 p.m. 'til Xmas Service. 39 tf RIC H A R D HOVER 32tf Phone Beaverton 2924 B ULL SERVICE. Delivery J%OM Tigard 2137. E. Boh rein«-. 40tf R E S ID E N T IA L & COMMERCIAL PLAN S. D. L. Hanlon, archH H ID ES A WOOL. CASCARA— A Phone ATwater 6715. 3420 S. W. specialty. L E E BROS., 25 SW Cedarwood Lane, West Slope. 40p Clay, Portland. A T 5334. tf INSURANCE I Auto Loans SINCE 1924 FRED 0. HOWLAND Contracts Financed 9809 Beaverton Highway Beaverton, Ore. Phone 2513 Insurance WOOD SAW IN G BY CORD or hour. Ph. Tigard 2711. E. H. Blocker, Box 4, Tigard. Ore. 27tf PAXSON FINANCE CO. 1032 N. E. Canyon Road DEMOTHING - REPAIRING Lie. M-383 J DEAD Picked collect BORO AND W O RTH LESS STOCK up free of charge. Phone Hillsboro 5626. The H ILLS R E N D E R IN G CO. 81 tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED SCRAP METAL DIALER PU B LIC TR U C K SCALES AUTO W R E C K IN G PHONES; Beaverton 4149 - 2988 - 4421 GENERAL CONTRACTING 620 S. Hall St HIGHEST PHICES PAID Phone; Beaverton 4331 Naof Ueton Oil Depot — Bertho Beovertoe Mtwoy Window Shade«— Drapery Boxes F R E E ESTIM ATE S •Are” V E N E T IA N B U N D OO. E. MA I.BV Ut. 1, Box 38. Aloha Phone 6329 FOR SALK YO U R choice o f one dozen can FOR SALE Five room circulating did views of your wedding with wood burning heater. Reason one 5 x 7 print o f each In fold able. Inquire 90 Stott St., Bea ers. Only $20.00. Harrell. Phone verton. Iona Minnick. 40p | Beaverton 4988 42 SA LE Magic Chief C P] FO R SALE Baby bath, $2. Fold FOR automatic oven, 3/4 roll away ing carriage $10 Play pen $6 D. bed. Make olfer Beaverton 4254 | Moore. Phone 3666 in the morn ings. 40p i Robert J. Cummings, 645 S. E. Broadwoore, Beaverton, Ore. 40p | FO R S A L E American oriental rug 9x12. Galvanized 40-gal. wa W ANTED ter tank. Mrs. John Boegli. Ph. CHerry 2934 40p R A B B ITS W A N TE D F R Y i t BAKERS FEED t i SUPPLIES Call after 5 and all day Saturday 1741 Watson, Beaverton 2728 Roots and grease cleaned from sewer and drain lines with elec TAbor 6301. 21tf tric sewer machine. Late modern equipment No digging neces sary. 17 years experience. Free inspection, most reasonable W A N T E D -Good fresh family cow prices No mileage charges Guaranteed workmanship. No dealers. M. Engelhart, Rt 1, PH O N E 895, HILLSBORO ___________________ Box 187, Aloh;i 40p O. R. NICHOLSON & SON VENETIAN BLINDS Rt. 1, Aloha, Phene ALOHA 6612 7 FOR SALF, ALDER MARKET Piano Toning, Cleaning Beaverton, Oregon Avoid losses by Periodic F i nancial Statements. % Income Tax Returns Prepared. 0 Systems Installed To Fit Your Need« § Assistance on Withhold ing. Social Security and All Other Aggravating Governmental Reports. Qualified Accountants Public Stenographer Johnson Bldg Tigard Phone 6117 W E CURE AND SMOKE Y O U R PO R K CUTS 25 Years Experience Geo. F. Gordon HASKELL SHOPPING CENTER S Phone 4665 G AR DEN HOME SHOE R E P A IR SHOP. Try Ua. Our repairing la good. Laces, polish, etc., for sale. Also Shoe shines. Cecil B. Blachly, Mgr. 30tf Lewis Brothers TR AC TO R WORK. Plowing, disc Corner 1st and Washington Streets PO RTLAND . OREGON tf ing and grain drilling. Howard Trout. Phone Aloha 6340. lltf R E F R IG E R A T O R S RANGES - W ASH ER S G U AR AN TE ED R E P A IR B LAN TO N ’S SE R V IC E Phone Beaverton 2384 31tf Harrison H A N D Y M AN with own tools for any work Reasonable. Phone ^ Beaverton 2967 38-tf j j W A N T IR O N IN G to do In my i home. Specialise In shirts and | uniforms. Steady or occasionally. Phone Beaverton 4960. 41 p D A Y W O R K Tuesday and Thurs ' day, 75c per hour and bus fare. ! Phone Aloha 6236 Mrs. Ruth Jones. 40p I Concrete Service STEPS FLOORS DRIVEWAYS FOUNDATIONS PATIOS PHONE BEAVERTON 2861 1482 S. W ALLEN AVE. 12TF CALL McCALL FOR SITU A TIO N S W ANTED ENGER BROS Phone Beaverton 2881 A PT. FOR R E N T —New. large 1- bedroom apartment. Elec, range FOR RENT and Refrigerator, dlnnette. Sto 2 BR on 1 acre. $60.00 per month rage, heat and water furnished. $69.50 per month. W ill rent or FOR RENT lease. Beaver Plumbing Co. G A R B A G E SERVICE-By Month R E F R IG E R A T O R A W ASH IN G 1 room cabin, no lights or water or Contract. Aloha Garbage C< First & Main, Phone Beaver M A C H IN E SE RVIC E $10.00 a month. G. C. Miller, Owner ton 4346. 39tf RedflekTs R efrigerator Nervine P.O. Bx 254, Aloha. Ore. 34tf | Beaverton 4985 VANTED- House, two or three FOR RENT 28tf bedroom, to rent. Man with fam New apt., $75.00 month. SAND _ - _ GRAVEL ily. Can give exc. ref. Would like L. H. B R A W A N D CO. to have option to purchase if BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ROAD ROCK 8800 S. W. Locust Dr. (Metzger) Tigard-Metzger-Pro- Grocery, bldg, and land. O w ner! possible. Portland 19 Ph. CH. 2929 John D. Hogg gress district. 50 per month, top. states gross of $28.379.00 last Builders A Cabinet Makers Pt. Tigard 2047 & 2446 Call Beaverton 2321. tf year, and extra contract good Store fronts and fixtures. Unit Tigard Oregon for $1800.00 a year. Stock at his Cabineta made to order. Green FOR R E N T One bedroom duplex inventory. Only $8,500.00. Terms. Houses, Cold Frames. lltf $60 per mo. near Beaverton on G E N E R A L CONTRACTING, small Canyon Road. lio N. W. Bi in- N. L. THOMAS, Realtor CUSTOM HOGS 40 homes a specialty. Concrete ley. Phone Beaverton 4936 Butchered on Thursday« 255 N. E. Canyon Road work. John Mason, Rt. 2, Box Beef any day 40 | FOR R E N T Furnished room, Beaverton 4706 or 3101 820. Beaverton. Phone Aloha KU M M ER M E AT COM PANY country home. Garage. Nice yd. 6411. 30tf Phono Hillsboro 5821 81tf No bus service. $50 month. Ph. TW O BEDROOM COTTAGE STafford 5148 or CHerry 3851. Garage, small chicken house. 1 FOR TOW CAR call VERM1LYE SE W ING M ACHINE R E PA IR S 40 acre, including enough furniture MOTOR CO. Tigard 3381. tf Free estimate given In the home to get by, price $3500, $300 dn. FO R R E N T — Modern sleeping for all make machines. PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING room, close In. 309 S. E. Tuck Work O u r u iM d 2 BEDROOM HOME A T 4187 811 SW Morrison er St., Beaverton, Ore. 40p WORK D O R I PROMPTLY In Aloha, lot approximately 90’x CALL CHerry 2175 __ Singer Sewing Machine Co 100’, full price $4500. $2.009.009 TO IXJAN On Willamette Valley farms, low DO N O T STORE your radio In T H IS IS A B EAU TY interest rates, long terms. Must SEPTIC TANKS a repair shop. Most sets re New 1 bedroom home, beautiful have 40A cultivation and ade paired In 8 to 20 minutes and fireplace, lot 100'xl60’ full price CESSPOOLS PU M PED quate Improvements. Call orf cost from $1 to $5. Six Corners $6500. Terms. write us. giving brief description. Schulz Sanitary Service Radio Lab, Six Corners, Ore. Sec., Twp., and range. Wm. A. "BIU’’ SN YD ER lltf Portland Phone KEnwood 7638 STATE F IN A N C E CO. 3rd door West o f P. O. In Aloha 30-tf 163 S. High St. Aloha 6772 Phones Beaverton 4094 Salem, Oregon. Tel. 34121. M E T A L W E A T H E R S T R IP P IN O 40 40 Rock wool Insulation blown In. For free estimate write R. BL You call me and I call 5---- -- El Ison and Son, R t 2, Box 285, on you Tigard. Oregon. Phone Tigard tf FO R S A L E —Stainless steel port able shower. Like new. $40. Call CHerry 2938.__________________ 40p JOHNSON'S Accounting & Ton Service good Close to Beaverton. 2 bedrooms, large unfinished upstairs, laige G R IF F IT H AND MKF.KK oil furnace, on ’* acre. $8,950. Terms. ALO H A Phone 6711. FO RD TR AC TO R, reconditioned and guaranteed, Oliver 60 row- crop, Earthmaster with plow and disk, Fordson on steel, new and used plows, disks and sub-soil- ers. W alker Tractor Co., West Washington at Dennis Ave., Hillsboro. Phone 6291. 40 Ph. Beaverton 4706 - 3101 ’47 Biiiek Super Sedanet $1695 Buick 2 -Tone Grey Niilan Acreage 1 ACRE $5,950. T H R E E BEDROOM HOME, fur nished. 1 acre. $7,500. NEW HOME BETTER BUYS Buick Dealer REAL ESTATE LISTINGS Acreage Suburban Properties M ARSH ALL strawberry plants, | 3285 Division St., Rt. 3. Charles G. Durdel. Beaverton, Ore. 40p CRUSHED ROCK SAW D t'S’l 12 and 16 inch Block A Slab Delivered H AUQ LAN D FUEL CO. 561 S. E. Lombard St., Beaverton ( Phone Beaverton 4409 GA 9633 17tf BUY . SELL TRADE TL ovj you A mow ) I FOR HALE L. H. Cobb Co. Stove Oil Furnace Oil Oil Burners & 9 t GREEN STAMPS GIVEN ON CASH SALES McCALL OIL CO. Beoverton 2871 BRoodwoy 0092