FLANNERY'S RANCH HOUSE T rade L anes Featuring BUTTER FRIED CHICKEN With Hot Corn Sticks BROILED GRADE "A " STEAKS Coffee Perked ot Your Table DINNERS $1.50 UP CHICKEN TO GO $1.00 Owned and Operated by Andy Flannery Recommended by Our Customers— Not by Duncan Hines FOR RESERVATIONS C A LL BEAVERTON 4674 Open Daily 5;30 P. M., Sunday 1;00P. M. 1115 N. E. Canyon Road Beaverton Open Evenings for Appointments SHAMPOO AND SET $1.25 and up PERMANENTS .................. $5.00 and up Specialize In Hair Cutting BLANCHARD 75 and up BEAUTY Phone Beaverton 9271 The function of this column is to reflect the daily doings of Bea­ verton merchants, their stores and employees. This week we have heard a steady rumble of disgust on the progress, or rather the lack of progress, on our streets. Let us start with the hole in front of Beaverton Pharmacy, yes, it is still there. It has been filled once, then opened again and now is a dandy to hit with your car. tiolng Kant from there we find mighty rough going all the way to Lombard. Most all the business houses in that local­ ity are complaining about busi­ ness. Now we t»ke a look at Farmington Road. Watson St., and First St. The story on these streets is just the same as Kast Broadway, it’s a mess. We all know there Is a direct tax on the property owners to cover the cost of our sewer project, but what about the hidden tax this delay is costing the Beaverton merchants In the form of lost business. As a radio commenta­ tor says—“Why isn’t something done about this?—huh !” Roy Mourer, the head man at Dean’s Rexall Drug, is journeying south on a two weeks vacation, with Phoenix, Arizona, as his des­ tination. We hope he had a nice trip. Rumor has it that Beaverton is SHOP BUY LINES 292 Lake Road by GAR S|x>rt headlines »f the week! After two losses .Michigan came back «trong to beat Minnesota 14-7 . . Our Beaver« did it too, so let’s eneourage • hem and continue to give them our support. We hope that they ean chalk up an­ other win this week. Next week is National Girl Scout Week and as part of the program for the observance, the Brownie troops and the Girl Scouts in this area will be guests of the Bethel Congrega­ tional church at the morning worship this Sunday. We salute the girls on their fine work. BEEF ROAST 45c GROUND BEEF LB 37c RIB STEAKS SIRLOIN STEAKS ROUND STEAKS BACON Armour's Sliced LB. LB. LB. LB. 49c 69c 65c 57c Keep the nights of Novem­ ber 4th and 5th open for the “Stars on Parade" show which Is being sponsored by the PTA We hear that this will be the biggest and best stag«* show to visit Beaverton this year! And keep the following list of RED HOT Beaverton Day Specials on your shopping list for Saturday only. . . . >5 ‘Your Name- Xmas Cards 1.69 Evertasi Aluminum G'ft Samples 25'Í off Sample line of parehment lamp shaded ea. 39e 4-|*e. Cigarette Set LOCKER BEEF BY THE QUARTER WE CUT AND WRAP 1.77 8-oz. Bottle leather Preserver (one to a customer) .....10 Tavern Fire Flares (pkg. of 12) (one to a customer» .10 Prices Effective Friday and Saturday C olumbia F ood stoke Watson St. Beaverton 3681 Style Materials SUITS Tweeds, Worsteds, $10.50 to $16.95 $195 COMPLETE DEPT. 79c up 59c - 69c Men's Work Clothes, Popular Prices WORK SHOES - FACTORY PRICES WANT ADS For Sale or Trade- One light en­ ameled range cook stove with upper coils. Want oil burning heater. What have you? F. F. Fisch, 1197 S.W. Erickson Ave.. Beaverton, phone 4011. 40p FOR . SALE — Lawn ornamental wire, also ^v-inch inesh wire fencing. Fred Cavanaugh, 7211 S.W. Canyon Dr. Portland 1, Phone BEacon 9612. 40p FOR SALE -4 cords dry cordwood 2nd growth $9. per cord. Winter pears $1.50 box; Concord grapes U pick. Axel T. Nordin, 1595 Nielson Rd., Beaverton, Ore. 40p TIN Y TOTS DEPARTMENT BOYS' DEPARTMENT Open 'Til 9 P. M. Phone 9 16 1 OREGON Banking Hours From 9 A M. to 6 P. M. All day - every day (except Sunday) r LEVIS SIZES 18 To 26 27, 28, 29 30 To 36 $3.05 $3.25 $3.45 HAY - FEED - POULTRY SUPPLIES FISHER THORSEN PAINTS and "DICKIES” PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES SUNTAN'S $4.95 WEIBY'S J/. J 3 . J) i n f a y £? Son A HARDWARE A L O H A , ORE. P H O N E 6311 I1RAVKRTON 4A97 s a l k 1x18 American Orien tal lug also overstuffed chair, like new. Mils Meadows, M--mi. west of Barnes school on Walker Rd. Saturday or Sunday. 40p M WANTED—Woman to do house work by the hour. Call BR. 4763 40p FOR RENT—-Unfurnished 3-room apartment and bath, adults only. $40. including all utilities. Mi M. Pienovi, 115 S.W. Farming- ton, Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 9265. 40 sm m s GET YOUR GRADE " A " GOVERNMENT INSPECTED BEEF AT TERESI'S. GUARANTEED TO PLEASE OR YOUR MONEY BACK FOR RENT— Business or office space with apartment adjoining if desired. Mrs. M. Pienovi, 115 S.W. Farmington. Phone Bea­ verton 9265. 40 1948 Hotpoint refrigerator 6-ft. capacity. $160. or reasonable of­ fer. S. H. Lewis. 842 S. W Ber­ thold., Beaverton. 40p FURNITURE for sale Chrome breakfast set, dining room set, 2 bedroom sets, living room group. “Speed Queen" washing machine, all practically new and miscellaneous pieoq.-». Florence Mark, 708 S.W Menlo Drlv«, Beaverton. 40 6-Room House for rent and fur­ niture for sale. Florence Mark. 703 S.W. Menlo Drive, Beaver­ ton. 40 FOR SALE Shotgun, 3 shot, bolt action, 20-ga.. 2457 Bertha-Bea- verton Hwy. Phone Beaverton 4248. 40 FOR SALE Lots 85’ x 100’ paved street. 95' x 150’ on gravel st., by owner, call or see Mrs. Jewel Gulhrandson, 83 S.E. 5th St., cor­ ner of Tucker St., Beaverton, Phone 8888 40p a l o h a s t k k a m l in f : r See this beautiful 3-BR home with large living room fireplace, din­ ing room, kitchen with nook, auto. A.C. heat, double garage. Shown by appointment only. $13,500.00. Good Terms. WORD REALTY Can yon Road, Beaverton, 4531 40 WANTED Experienced real es­ tate salesman who isn’t afraid to work and make himself good money. Word Realty, on Can­ yon Rd., Beaverton, Phone 4531 40 elpctrlc range, oil heating stove, On N. Hunter in Aloha. Phone Aloha 6191. 40 nished house, Beaverton area, under $40 monthly. Phone TWin- oaks 9623, 40p 1ELP WANTED — Neat high school girl to assist in light housework, care of children, ex­ perience essential. Beaverton school dist. Room, board and wages. Phone CApital 6048 or un 3874 40 -ADIES Black dress coat $15 never worn, size 36 Phone Bea­ verton 2261. 40 i T PORTER'S CLO THING CENTER BEAVERTON, FOR pigs $10 each Fourth house on left on S. Vista, Aloha, Phone Aloha 6780. 40p * (Closing Out) 1025 Canyon Road Everyone invited to attend the Booster ntte program scheduled by Kinton Grange on Sat. eve Oct. 29th at 8:30 p. m. Pot luck lunch and fun for all is promised. $3.50 Gabardines FIRST SECURITY BANK COME ONE AND Al l ! 1 JUNIORS * 516 N W. Canyon Road Phone 4061 Beaverton Oregon Two Complete Stores In One Convenient Location Sure you re a good risk for an auto loan from First Security Bank if you have a late model car. JUST ARRIVED $8.95 • $1050 SLAX, PANTIES SHOPS DRESS SHIRTS, town top.c $49.95 BILL FOLDS VILLAGE Plaid Wool Shirts Beautifully Tailored, Dress or Office Wear PLAID BLOUSES In The Quality Standard Brands MEN'S SHOP In Fall Colors Gabardine - Worsted, THE HUBBLES about to have another Florist’s GUESTS FROM SPOKANE Shop. It will be located in the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Colhng- space next to the Post Office in wood of Spokane, Washington. the rear of the Beaverton Hard­ I who have been house guests at I the home of Mr. Collingwood's ware building. The Fashion Bar and Florence's sister. Mrs. Edward Shute. left > Sewing Center is all moved into Friday for a business trip to Flor­ their new location. They plan to ida. Mr. Colling wood represents have an opening next week so an asphalt paving company. watch for the announcement next BROKEN ARM MENUS week and plan to attend. Mrs. Elmer Stipe is recovering Something new has been added to the Aloha Donut Shop a new I from a broken arm received when flashing neon sign. It has dark she slipped and fell while answer­ green background with red letter­ ing the telephone. ing and a donut in the center. CALLS ON THl RSDAV Bruce McMahon was reported Mrs. Berniece Dobbins, for many ill with food poisoning this past years a Beaverton resident now of week and was very ill. Hillside, was a Thursday visitor Terry’s Furniture now offer ra­ here. dio repair service on all types and NEWLYWEDS AT HOME makes of radios. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rossi have In Aloha It was rough to get in to Roy’s Radio—the crowd of on­ returned to their home here on lookers learning the why’s and Farmington Road from a two wherefores of the sleek, new gas weeks honeymoon spent in Cal­ huggy—pretty snappy. Roy. we'll ifornia. be back to get the low down when there's a lesser crowd T r ' tk ear Willing worker can make upwards of $50 a week full or part time. Age no handicap. Good references re­ quired A home necessity we carry the stock. Write immedi­ ately to Mueller Specialty Sales. 2509 NE Clai kamas, Portland, Oregon. 40p GROUND BEEF HAMS FRYERS to 35c Lb. GROUND ROUND S E T S ’ ‘""ti 55c Picnic Style Morrell's Average 4 Pure Grade ’A’ Freshly Ground Colored, out up, pun ready, Bach 6 lbs. $1*35 49c u. 59c Colored, New York dressed. Lb. 39c RIB STEAKS Prime aged Premium BACON Swift’s Light Sinti The strike does not hamper us. We have a complete stock of gro­ ceries for your selection, due to our large store room. beef Lb. A GROCERIES Cider SHORTENING Butter Apple, Hood River brand for your Halloween party C ri sco Grade " A " Lb Gallon Jug________________ Spry Swiftning CAN 79c Tuna Halves No. 2 V 2 size can Large Vi-size tin 23 Eggs Double 'A' large Country fresh Doz^^ dy here We have a com­ plete selection at lowest prices. Cranberries Ex. large--Old 4% P c Ranchers No 1 ca 35 Grapes U. S. No. 2 Potatoes Potatoes Finest Deschutes 10Lbs 39c 50 BAeG 9 8 c Pumpkins Squash For the Kiddies _b I U S. No. 1 Deschutes 19 29 Olives m VEGETABLES GET your Halloween can Fresh 2 Lbs. for 3 for Light Meat Grated Hunt's Yellow Cling Tokay, fine for eating 2 Lbs. Diamond "A" 2Vi size can 4% g"c Borden's Chateau Fine for sand- wiches 2 lb brick » 4P Peaches 63 Pumpkin Cheese Snowdrift LB 59c 3c Hubbard, for your Ä pumpkin pie LB Prices Effective Thurs., Fri., Sot., October 27, 28, 29 Phone We Reserve Right To Limit Quantities Wi-elt Da> a T E R E SII 8,34» to 9 I* M. In to 9 Sunday« _ - _ „ FOOD / a / r u e I N D E P E N D E N T ^ N o m e o w :| ip h a stre e t S h o p p / h o Beaverton 4158 CENT CENTER