FIRST METHODIST PASTOR ARRIVED IN BEAVERTON, YEAR 1869 m 44& Z . of Idaho. Caldwell, Idaho. Graduate work was taken by him at Iliff School of Theology. Denver, Colorado; Denver I ’ niver- ' slty; Colorado College. Colorado , Springs, Colorado; University of California at Los Angeles, ind the | University of Southern California, Los Angeles. He received his mas- I ter's degree from the latter unt- ! versity and has taken over half | of his course work toward the doctorate. Mr. Lloyd held pastorates in Col orado, Idaho, and Paste*n Oregon ' before coming to Beaverton. Also, he has been both a teacher and executive in public and private schools. At the present lime, in I addition to his pastorate in Hea- 1 By Wm. LEE SIEBERTS i ( M ¡i!,i ' ''! íjí ¡!!,¡: í ¡|1 !(;||1 í . ifiiMja BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE- Friday, October 28, 1949 verton. he is on the staff of Cas­ cade College. Portland. Oregon, as director of student evangelism and professor of speech. The objective o f the First Meth­ odist church Is to reach out to those people in our community who do not have any relationship with a church, and to bring to them the message of salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. A most cordial invitation is ex­ tended to you to meet with us during the Sunday school hour, 9:45 each Sunday morning, and the worship service at I t o’clock. “ I was glad when they said, ‘Let us go into the house o f the Lord.’ " C O M P L E T E U N E OF TH E N E W E S T (■<(' TEEN DREAM COME TRUE Teen-time is dream-time for that young daughter of yours And you should do your best to provide her with an attractive room of her own to make those special dreams come true. Of course in doing her room, be certain to consult her first, and follow her ideas about dec­ orating as closely as possible. If she's inclined to be feminine and delicate, frills and bows and crystalline bottles are in order. If she’s a tomboy, then it’s bright plaids and bold colors. Today w e’re concerned with the tomboy type room. Simply designed maple furniture goes well in this setting, and should include a double bed (there’ll be overn ight guests). Plenty of chairs are essential too, but bright-colored bolsters scattered about will easily solve the seat­ ing problem. The illustration above shows the simple draping of colorful plaid . . . carried over to the un­ draped dressing table with its separate mirror framed in match­ ing material. The easy chair is slipcovered in one of the domi­ nant colors of the plaid . . . as a r e the la m p sh a d e s, fo r the sake of accent. Cover the door with a large rag rug. And paint the walls in solid, darker tones. (The essential decor is in the plaid.) Comfort and harmony are es­ sential here, and above all the The Women's Fellowship of reflection of her own personality. Let us help you to make the Bethel Congregational Church will most of your ideas. W e’re always hold its first daytime meeting of glad of an opportunity to talk the year Wednesday, November 2 it over with you. at 10:45 a. m. Because of the all-church dinner BEAVERTON FURNITURE the same evening, there will be no luncheon and the meeting will For the Modern House close at an early hour. A baby sitter will be provided. Interest groups will be formed, WEBB ELECTRIC CO. and it is important that those at­ Goods Department — Fred Goetz, Mgr. tending bring "Pieces for Peace" which consists of lVi yd. of blue W EBB'S Your Spinning Headquarters denim and any new materials or sewing equipment that can be used. SPECIALS Sporting M AKE Church Women Meet Nov. 2 In Daytime Event HAND WARMERS Ideal for steelhed fisherman $A £Q Parish Meeting Discusses Plans For New School ................... ASHWAY - Surf Slip Caster Reg $175.50 ___________ JOHNSON 1949 5-H. P. MOTOR Reg $175 50 ................................ $4% f - A A NOW CQ NOW 12 GA. SHOTGUNS - 30" BARREL AVAILABLE Mystery Bird— % Upland game bird, and although large is real test of skill with gun. Identify this species and receive a free merchandise certificate for $1.00. Call, write or stopin at Webb’s with your answer. YOUR ONE-STOP ELECTRIC SHOP -V { 'v i g ^ : £ ” - WEBB ELECTRIC CO. 1701 S. W. Jefferson Street BEacon 4116 (Canyon Road at S. W, 17th Avenue) Witch at Church Of Christ Tells Party Schedules NOW IS THE TIME Watch out the old witch is rid­ ing again, fascinating and enchant­ ing the children and friends of the Beaverton Church of Christ, in a series of Halloween parties. Take note which one you should attend. The first one will be up to and including the third grade and is to be held In the basement of the church, Saturday afternoon. Octo­ ber 29th, at 1:30 p. m. Come in costume and bring a pumpkin. The second one will be for the fourth, fifth and sixth grades and will be in the new parsonage on Watson street, second house south of second street, on Monday even­ ing, October 31st at seven o’clock. The last one is for the senior C. E. society Sunday night after church at the parsonage. It will begin at about 8:45 and last until 11:00 p. m. Everyone from the 7th grade through high school is in­ vited. W E H A VE COMBINATION SCREEN AND STORM DOORS STORM WINDOWS WEATHERSTRIPPING INSULATION ASBESTOS In Sheets and Rolls W. J. McCREADY LUMBER CO. Old Canyon Rood The Parish meeting sponsored by the Mothers Club of St. Cecelias Parish, the evening of October 20, was well attended. Main topic was building of a new parochial school for the children of Beaverton and vicinity. Father Sniderhon is desirous of selling the property at the site of the old church and rectory in order to have funds to start the new project just as soon as pos­ sible. Father Sullivan of Portland answered many questions of those ptesent. After conclusion of the business meeting hot coffee and home made cake were served by the ladies. There will be a similar meeting on Thursday evening Nov. 3 to which all members of the parish are expected to attend. CHEAP - ECONOM ICAL IRONING All Kinds Beaverton Phone 3821 In My Home Call Beaverton 2503 YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE FALL REVIVAL MEETING November 1 - 13 7;30 P. M. Parker Pens By Kev. Mark B. Lloyd The beginning of Methodism in Beaverton dates back into the ear­ ly history of the Oregon Territory. Rev. J. M. Canse in the Pacific Christian Advocate of March 14. 1917, wrote: "The first campmeeting ever- held among the Willamette settlers was held on the Tualatin Plains beginning July 12, 1843. There were but fourteen persons present the first day. To these Jason Lee preached from the text: ‘Where two or three are gathered together- in my name, there am I in the midst of them.’ On Sunday there were sixity at the campgrounds of whom one-third were not Christi­ ans. Yet so powerful was the in­ fluence over the careless that hut four of these went away uncon­ verted." Ten years later, March 17, 1853, Rev. J. W. Miller was appointed to the Tualatin and Chehalem cir­ cuit. The year 1869 Beaverton be­ came a part of this circuit. This is an important year in the history of Beavteron Methodism, for it was then that she received her first pastor. Rev. John Flinn. The congregation worshipped in the school house «located on the cor ner where the bank now stands.) In 1885 the church building was erected and dedicated in May of that year. Rev. Nelsoon Clark was WEDDINGS OUR SPECIALTY LÁBBE' FLOWERS 6802 S. W Canyon Road ATwater 1089 Having CUT VOUR F000 BILLS A Frozen ft ?TvJ Food Locker -— —7 with Us Means A BIG SAVING TO YOU ★ LOOK AT THESE BEAVERTON, OREGON Rev E H Edwards Pastor - Evangelist HEAR REV. E. H. EDWARDS A Dynamic Preacher SPECIAL MUSIC Leonard C Johnson, Pastor PARKER*^! Trite Parker precisimi ; : : a scnsational value. W ritcs d n « i d i wet ink. The only pen hesides tIn* .">1" ulncli can satisfar- torili uso fainous Siipcrcliroine. I ses other inks, too. Fast-action filler . . . < letamimi point. (.lotose fro n t b lu e , reti, ¿¡ree a , $ c o o block. Slainlcss eops . , , choico oj poi ni s. Rev. Mark B. IJoyd the pastor at that time. Since those early days, the First Methodist church has attempted to do her part in meeting the spirit­ ual needs of the community with varying success. Twenty-three pas­ tors have served the church from 1889 to the present date. There have been periods of out­ standing growth throughout the hlstoiy of the church. The most important recent period is from June 1, 1945 to November 1, 1948. when the church was under the leadership of Rev. Everett Bowers. June 1. 1948, the membership reached 164. Over half of those united with the church during Mr. Bower's pastorate. During the last conference year, June 1. 1948, to June 1, 1949, t . • j ty-one new members united with the church. With losses that nor­ mally occur by death and hy mov­ ing, the membership now is 174. November 1, 1948, the present ¡ pastor, Rev. Mark R. Lloyd, was appointed to the church. Several achievements have been accom­ plished during the past year. The basement has been redecorated and the kitchen re-floored. The Sunday school has under­ gone quite a change In organiza tlon under the capable leadership of Mrs. C. T. Hunkapillar, Sr., as superintendent. A new primary de­ partment with Mrs. Hugh Carter­ as superintendent has been organ­ ized. Also, a new Junior depart­ ment, with Mrs. Nancy Bourqtiin as suprintendent, has made a | much more efficient church school | for children of that age. The Sunday school is endeavor- | ing to teach the children the Word of Sod in order that it may lead them to Christ and to live the Christian life Classes are organ­ ized for all ages. The pastor, Rev. Mark B. Lloyd, has lived most of his life In the west. He is a native of the state of Colorado, but received his high school and college training In Ida­ ho, graduating from the College (Sci «, S8.75) ASKIR N o w — 14 distinct advances offered 1>\ this world’s most-wanted gift pen. ¿New tilling ease with visible ink supply. 25% greater writing capacity. Metered ink flow for no-skip line. Choose from 7 smart colors and black. L u s tru lo y or f>old-filled caps, custom points. ISeu' "5 1 " pen­ cils to match, SO.25 up. A N D UP (Salt, from $19.75) S E E TH EM NOW AT R. Wallace Boyd George O. Fairchild On Broadway Phone 2311 Beam fon Tkam /icq "PRESCRIPTION STORE WONDERFUL BUYS - ALL FRESHLY FROZEN LIMA BEANS— Reg 39c Now, Pt. 15c DICED CARROTS — Reg 27c Now. Pt. 10c Sirloin STEAKS STRING BEANS— Reg 27 Now, Pt. 12c Cut From 2 Year Old Steer« If You Like Stcok, Don't M in This One SPINACH — Reg 32c PEAS— Reg 28c Now, Pt. 18c CU BE STEA K S Now, Pt. 10c COOK IN A JIFFY GOOD TO EAT GRAPEFRUIT JUICE — Reg 20c Now, Pt. 7c at the Church of the Nazarene a met&aniyrucc, WEST SLOPE FOOD BANK 3709 S W. Club Rood Portland, Oregon 20c Each 69c CELERY Local, large bunches Each .. . --- 9 _ IV C PRICES EFFECTIVE FRID AY AND SATURDAY Miller's Quality Foods We Deliver Beaverton 3661 BR 7960