The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951, October 28, 1949, Image 1

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    Big Attendance
Dedicates Mason
School Oct. 24th
VOLUME 22, Number 40
Beaverton High
Meets Newberg
League Contest
BEAVERTON, Washington County, OREGON
Lunch Initiates
Fog Blamed For
Raleigh School
Low Donor List
Hallowe'en Treat Of Bloodmobile
s l U t H 'K i m O N
Cowboys, Western Style
Thirty-four pints of blood were |
A fter roundly defeating St. Hel­
uy you. lunch day
at donated at the Beaverton Mobile
ens last week by 20-6. in a non­ Raleigh school on October 31. 1949. Unit visit at the Merle Davies I
league breather. Beaverton high Hot dogs, cokes, cup cakes, and school. Monday. October 24 Those
school pourneys to Newberg Oct- cookies will tempt the youngsters J w h o
were scheduled in the late
Ober 28 in a resumption of T Y V and be a welcome change from the aft. rnoon appeared, but those who
I usual lunch box menu. The lunch were scheduled during the later
Newberg is curenUy tied with | sale is part of the gay Hallowe’en hours evidently were not able to
Oregon City in league standings at program planned for that day come. It is felt that the dense fog
4th place, having won 2 and lost Free movies will he shown the pri- I was a primary facto, in the low
2. Last week, the school lost a mary grades before lunch and to number of donations
38-20 to the highly rated Gresham the upper grades following lunch
Canteen workers were Mrs. Nor-
e,eJ en'
, a
8a'e U sponsor<‘d bV ttu' ton Peek, Chairman. Mrs V. Boge,
Beaverton, in 6th place, holds a P T A as part of their fund raising Mrs EUen Johnson, Mrg Edna
Wi" ° " ly ° Ver F T St G? Ve,J ‘ m;
ong T Y V opponents, so far. Next
home game is on Armistice Day,
November 11, when the Beavers
entertain West Linn.
Scout Executive
Leads Training
Of Den Mothers
eVCntS *° meet the cu,ren' PTA
Mothers are donating the
cup cakes and cookies and will
also be on hand to serve the lunch
. to the children
It is hoped all children in the
school will be allowed to buy their
lunch on this day instead of bring
ing it from home. It will be a
great treat for the children and
wtll also support the Raleigh P T A
Nat'l PTA Looks
To Local Units
For Bldg. Funds
Robinson, Mrs Webster. Mrs. A. R.
Pearson and Mrs. Nelgon T stP.
Serving as hostesses were Mrs.
A. C. Andresen, Mrs. Virginia
j enkins, Mrs. Ruth Ellen Giant,
Mrg Kav Trachsel and Mrs Dor-
othy Duncan
Typ,gts were Deloris Hohnstein
and Nora Emrick. advanced typ-
inR students, Mrg. olive Barry.
j Ruth Sheller, Dleanor Divon, Mil-
; dred Smith and Lois La Forge.
Volunteer Registered N u r s e s
were Mrs. Robert Filley. Mrs. Ship-j
pey, Mrs. Elaine Jones, Mrs. May
j Adamson and Mrs. F. J. Krieske. I
| Nurses Aides were Mrs. Heil and
I Mrs. McMahon.
P. Beryl Morris, scout field exe­
F E A T U R E D ON T IIE PROGRAM OF ’’Stars on Parade", to be
cutive, announces a series of train
given at the Merle Davies school. November 1 and 5, under spon­
ing sessions for cub scout den mo- I
sorship of the Reux erton I’T A is this lively quartet of cowboy«.
thers, to be held at the Valley |
Western style.
Community church in West Slope.
At the piano is Philip Lorson. Supporting him, left to right,
are Teddy Martin, Pat Webb and Richard Byrd.
Meetings will be from 10:15 a.m. I
An enthusiastic evening of entertainment is planned by the
to 1:45 p.m. on Tuesdays—Novem- I At a meeting of the executive
PTA. for the benefil of the cafeteria at the <’. E. Mason school.
her 1, 8 and 15.
; committee of the Oregon Congress I
1 C
—Photo hy Harrell
Beaverton 4988
Ladies are asked to bring box of Parents and Teachers held in K G V I V O l j C T I C S
lunches and any handicraft ma- ; Portland, October 19. Mrs. H. H.
terial available.
The course will Hargreaves, state president,
an 5 T a V l S
I U C S C lU y
include cub scout games, stunts, nounced the purchase of a build-
and instruction on how to conduct ing site by the National Congress |
a cub den meeting.
j for the erection of a memorial to
Drixing a Pontiac 8 fresh
All interested mothers in the be built for the welfare of all
The Church of the Nazarene will
from the factory, ,1. J. McMa­
Tualatin district are urged to at-
children. This building will house begin a series of Revival Services
hon made a bee-line for home
| the national headquarters In Chl- beginning Tuesday, November 1,
Dr. W. W. Hess, District Superi
this xveek when he xv«ke up
at 7:30 p.m. Services will continue
“ ~~—
ntendent of the Oregon-Pacific
in Pocatello, Idaho, to find
According to Mrs. Hargreaves, thereafter each night with the ex­ Church of the Nazarene. will
snoxv in the sky.
a .
_ . , t „ ..
. n o state quota of funds has been c , .
« a i speak in the 11
Worship service
morning at 11:00 and 7:30 ,
J .
. . . . . set but it is hoped that this me- Sunday
"Mac" flew from Portland to
Social club under the able leader-.
. ; ... .
p.m. until November 13.
„ of , the Naza
Chicago in 11 hours, some two
rene this Sunday, petober 30. At
ship of Ellen La Rue, as chairman mor'a' ™ay be bUdt by Vu° ' Untary
Rev. E H. Edwards, pastor-ev- th|> conc|ugion of |hp service the
weeks before, to v*slt his fam­
of the kitchen, assisted by Alice , contributions and that each pareni-
ily in the middle west and to
Daniels and Hazel Maly, put on a teacher member will give ten cents angelist will be the special speakei congregation will adjourn to the
at this series of meetings. Rev. new|y acquired pansonage for a
take delivery of a hrand-new
successful ham
merchant lunch to 1 e un •
Edwards held a meeting in Bea- Dedication service,
automobile. Three sisters and
Oct. 20 in the Beaverton Odd Fel-
Loca? Un,ts may bud* et or have
verton in November of 1947. and
Thjs propertyt consisting of a
two brothers joint'd him In a
low« Hall. Vera Dashney had a spec,al money ralsin* pr°Ject 8"
endeared himself to the people six_room houge and t ,.s acre8 of
full family reunion at which
charge o f the dining room.
mi* ht bp a deflnite part of
with his forceful and effective |and wag pulchasril in June of
this program.
some 30 attended. One brother,
They served ninety customers ______
from Pueblo, Colorado, accom-
this year, and is located at 1085
and netted a little over fifty dol­
The pastor, Rev. Leonard
C. g
, E Lombaid. The old {»arsonage
I>aiiicd him on his homeward
I Johnson and the congregation ex-I, adjoining the church is serving as
The Odd Fellows will sponsor a
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Huddleston tend a cordial invitation to Bea­ a Sunday school annex and de­
Hverythlng on the trip was
cake walk with cards and old time of Watson St. have returned with verton and surrounding communi­ partment gathering building.
lovely, he said. But It took one
dances. Admission free at the broad smiles and two deer, which ty to attend these set vices. Spoc-
look at the snowflakes to tell
Huber Hall, starting at eight each one bagged on a recent hunt- ial vocal and instrumental music
h'm where he belonged—In
o'clock on Friday evening October ing trip in the John Day country . will form a part of all the ser-
A SE RVIC EABLE road for win-
in Eastern Oregon.
ter describes the job on 1st St.
Church Service
Nazarene Church Dedicates New
Parsonage Bldg.
Attendance of 350 persons was
recorded at Tuesday night's P-T.A.
meeting at P E. nMson school.
Rev. Albert F. King gave the open­
ing prayer. Master of ceremony
E. A. (T e x ) Abbott, In introduc­
tion of Dr. C. E. aMson, and dedi­
cation of this school In his name,
stated that Dr. Mason has given
eighteen years o f service to the
school board. Dr. Mason, In mod­
est acceptance, brought forth that
accomplishment has been achieved
through cooperation of a respon­
sible group.
Tickets are now on sale for the
show “ Stars on Parade” , to be held
school and pre-school at Merle Davies grade school. Nov.
children of the area will be riding 4 and 5. Proceeds will be used to
high, with a witches' broomstick finish paying for electric stove and
assist from the Beaverton junior refrigerator which are already in­
stalled in Mason school cafeteria.
chamber of commerce, at the Bea­
verton grade school Monday, Oc­ Purchase of tickets enables every­
one to enjoy fine entertainment as
tober 31. 7 p.m.
well as assist operation of cafeter­
; Under the direction of Norman ia. The show is scheduled to start
Koch and Don Jenkins, the club promptly at 8 p.m.
will furnish refreshments, movies
Children from the 4th and 5th
and prizes in various dress-up ca­ grades sang In chorus “The Stran­
All eligible youngsters gest Things Can Happen on a H al­
are cordially invited to attend Er­ lowe’en", and " I f Yonu Can’t Sing.
rol Hassell, supt. of schools will Whistle” , directed by Mrs. Jones.
lend his assistance to the success
Mrs. J. O. Holeman introduced
' of the affair.
participants in discussion of “ What
Parents with little "trick-or-treat" Makes a Good Parent” . Students
specialists itching to respond to taking part were Elaine Sullivan
, the Hallowe’en urge ate also In- Phyllis eMad. Harry Spence. Ed­
I vlted to escort their youngsters to ward
Parents were
the school for the special JCC date. Mrs. Edwards Oberst, Mrs. Veldon
Boge, Mr. Paul Knepp and Dr. S.
j S. Welsh. This discussion was fol-
j lowed with eager attention, and
| on occasion, amusement.
At conclusion, the audience ad-
j journed to the cafeteria for cider.
I coffee and doughnuts, and viewing
j of the school at open house.
The Oregon Dairy Breeders As-
( soclation. which now consists of
' twelve county units, at an annual
meeting last Saturday relected
Henry Hagg of Reedville as Pres­
ident. Other officers were. Vice
President, Murray Meade from
Grants Pass. A. H. "Tony" Abts of
Dr. Lulu Holmes, dean of women
Hillsboro was reelected Secretary-
at Washington State college, will
address members o f the Forest
Other members of the Washing­ Grove-Hillsboro unit of the Amer­
ton County Breeders Association ican Association of University Wo­
who attended the annual meeting men. husbands, and friends at a
were W. T. Putnmnn and Waldo dinner meeting at 6:45 p. m. Thurs­
day (Nov. 3) at the Hillsboro Con­
At the annual meeting in Cor­ gregational church. She will speak
vallis the officers and members of on the legislative progress of ed­
the State Association heard Dr. ucation in Japan.
G. A. Shaw of Pullman, who is
Dr. Holmes is a former resident
head of the Washington State Col­ of Forest Grove and is reported to
lege Dairy Department, speak on be a woman of interesting and
sire selection. This is right In line varied experience. While on leave
with present policies of the Oregon from Washington state college,
Dairy Breeders Association.
she served as an adviser on wo­
Dr. Shaw emphasized the desir­ mens’ education to the supreme
ability o f the organization to secure commander of the Allied powers
proven sires and to buy young In Tokyo.
She has visited in Japan, China
bulls from proven «ires and proven
and India and M a firm believer
cow famille».
Ben Simonson, Manager of the In education a* an instrument for
Association pointed out that six furthering world peace and under­
of the 22 bulls owned by the Ore­ standing. She contributed an article
gon Dairy Breeders Association "Women In the New Japan” to
the AAU W journal in the spring
are proven sires.
of 1948. -
Reservations and transportation
may be arranged through Mrs. Ira
Stauss of Hillsboro, 2524; Mrs. G if­
ford Cheshire of Beaverton, 4877;
or Mrs. Roger Folgate, Forest
Grove 277W
Junior Chamber
Sponsors Party
Hallowe'en Date
Oregon Assoc, of
Dairy Breeders
Reelects H. Hagg
AAUW Dinner At
Hillsboro Fetes
Dean of Women
Girl Scout and Brownie Trooos Observe Official Week From Oct.30 To Nov.5
Youngsters To
Attend Church
In Observance
Mr and Mr*. W. M. Thompson
and Mr. and Mrs. McDonald o f
Skamania. Wash, were Saturday
visitors at the Emery Van Kleek
home in Kinton. Mrs. Van Kleek
is a sister to Mr. Thompson.
All Girl Scouts and Brownies of C H R ISTE N IN G E V E N T
the A-B-C Neighborhood group
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Myer o f
will attend the Bethel Congrega- Orchard, Washington were God
1 tional church In a body, on Sun­ parents Sunday at St. Cecelia’s
day, October 30, as one of the
church In Beaverton. Rev. George
! main features of official scouting Snlderhon officiating, October 23.
week, according to Mrs. Curtis for Mark Shannon. Nick McNich-
1 Avery, publicity chairman. Rev.
olas. who was christened. Mr. and
Albert F. King has promised to
Mrs. McNicholas o f S. W. Farming-
( bring the youngsters a special
ton Rd. are the baby’s parents.
message appropriate for the occa­ F R E D E R IC K W A TT
Funeral services were held at
During the week from October the chapel of McGinnis and W il­
30 through .November 5, scouts and helm, Tuesday afternoon for Fred­
Brownies will wear their uniform erick A. Watt, who was instantly
i dress upon all occasions. In other killed at Aumsvllle, Oregon Sat­
respects, the individual troops will urday p. m. when struck by a log
observe the week in their own ics- while at work In a milt there.
pective vicinities, without city or Vault interment was at Riverview
county-wide ceremonies. Stressed cemetery.
will he facts of Girl Scout history. I G RAN D M O TH E R’S V IS IT
The "Challenge” of the official
After spending a week with her
j week has been set to keynote the 1 two sons and daughter, and their
Sunday. I families in the Beaverton area,
|Church Day; Monday. Home Mak­ i Mrs. E. M. Jncobs returned to her
ing; Tuesday, Citizenship; Wed­ home In Spokane Sunday evening.
nesday, Health and Safety; Thurs­ by train.
day, International Friendship; Fri­
Mrs. Jacobs had a busy time
day, Arts and Crafts and Satur­ with Mr and Mrs. L. A. Wells and
day, Out of Doors.
daughter Linda Susan; Mr. and
The Girl Scouts will finish pay­ Mrs. F. M. Kain and daughters
ing for the piano at the Beaverton Maureen and Sylvia, all on Menlo
Community recreation center from Drive, Beaverton; and Mr. and
their own funds. They have earn­ Mrs. Wally Kaln and son Mike, on
ed enough money selling calendars Lang avenue.
She was greatly Impressed hy
and cookies, as well as from other
means, to complete the purchase the restful greenery of the Oregon
of the piano. 8hould the center countryside and the newer autumn
fall, the piano will thereby belong colorings.
to the Girl Scout group.
Mrs. Avery declares that the
Girl Scout Idea is fast growing in
this end of the county.
The Roving Reporter o f T H E
troops are forming and there is a
E N T E R P R IS E said to Die Ed
continual need of leadera to take,
itor "I xvas telling a gay all
over and direct the girls.
about a < elllnl salt sh*ker that
Brownies are from age 7 to 10
of an adult to lead and supervise
Is to be exhibited In Am erVs."
them and any mother or adult while intermediate Girl Scouts are
Said the Ed “ That four century
wishing to take this responsibility from 10 to 14 while the aenior Girl
old < 'elllnl masterpiece is world
will receive a warm and friendly Scouts are active through eighteen
famous Who xvere you talking
years of age. There are some var-
to?” Said the HR "A neat ap­
latlona in age limits of each group,
pearing fellow I ran into on
The A-B-C Neighborhood chair­ according to local organization.
the street. He listened caret al­
man Is Mrs. Miner, secretary is
McMahon Real Estate office, in
ly *nd seemed quite internal ■
Mrs. Locke and publicity chairman Beaverton, has offered the A-B-C
ed.” ‘‘ Did he make any com­
group use o f a window for a dis­
ment" asked the Ed. “ Y ra h "
is Mrs. Curtis Avery.
play of posters, which will be
replied the R R l i e wanted to
maintained throughout the official
know if there wan any salt In
Photos by H a rrell- Beaverton 4988 | week.
What — No Salt ?
The A-B-C Neighborhood Girl 1 In the Aloha area, leaders are: van, 7804 SW Parrway Drive, Port­
Scout and Brownie troops, pic- j Mrs. E. H. Masters. Rte. 1. Box land 1, Is intermediate leader, Mrs.
tured above, are taking part in 678, Intermediate leader, and Mrs. M W Wauge. assistant; Mrs. Ira
the local observance of the o ffi­ Melville Wright, assistant; Mrs T. Butterworth, 543 Greenway Drive,
cial national Girl Scout week B. Plair, Rte. 1. Box 618. Brownie intermediate leader and Mrs. Nor­
which takes place from October ' leader and Mrs. Wiliam Saunders, ton Peck, assistant; Mrs. Edward
assistant, and Mrs. Vera Dashney I Locke. 3642 SW Power Road, Port-
30 to November 5.
Leaders of the youngsters shoxvn, Rte. 1. Box 162, Broxvnie leader I land 1. Broxvnie leader and Mrs. A.
from the area of Aloha. Barnes with Mrs. Elmo Taylor, assistant. H. Klug. assistant; Mrs. Robert K.
Mrs. Chris Olson. 365 SW Doug­ I Carroll, 7817 SW Ridgeway DMve
Beaverton. Cedar Hills and Cedar
Mill wMl make an effort to im­ las. Beaverton, is Brownie leader Portland 1. Brownie leader with
Mrs. R. W Webster. 1592 Bertha
press -pon their charges the sig- I in the Barnes district.
niftcance of the official week.
In Beaverton, Mrs. R. R. Sulli­ Beaverton highway, assistant, and
Mrs. William Z Speer, 137 Watson,
Broxxnle leader xvlth Mrs. L. S.
Thornburg, assistant.
In the Cedar Kills area, the Sun­
set Valley school is still seeking
At the Tualatin View
school. Mrs Thomas Smithson. Rt.
¡2. Box 277. Beaverton, is B ownle
I leader and Mrs. A. E. Lulon. assls-
' tant
The fifteen 4th graders shown In
one of the pictures from the Da-
i vies school are desperately in need