V C E D A R IU L L 8 ( L I B B I F F £ T PARTY M em bers o f the C edar H11U M iss Eunice Sylvester en»ertain ' Garden club m et last W ednesday ed relatives and friends with a i evening, O c t 12 at the hom e o f party and buffet lunch at the Mrs. Froaty C um m ings. hom e o f her parents Mr and 1 Mrs. P ayton R eed piesided over Mrs F. W. Sylvester, h onoring her i the m eeting w hich included father’s birth anniversary on Sat- ' speeches on E arly B loom ing C hrys- urday, Oct. 15 on F arm ington Rd. V N fc x L anthem um s by Mrs. Donald G eorg e --------- m \ w g A 'g - .j and H elpful H ints on G ardening B R O T H E R VISITS \i< A y " £ * '* J by Mrs. D enton B urdick. 1 The room was gaily decorated Mr. and M is W alter Colling with flow er arrangem ents o f m ar- w ood o f Spokane, Wash, are house Lyle R ich, that happy boy at j igolds, ainnies and cox com b s made guests, at the Edward Sheets home T h rifty M arket, is doing a little ! by m em bers o f the garden club. on F arm ington Road. Mr. Col- bragging about a deer he says he j R efreshm ents were served at llngw ood is a brother o f Mrs Ed- shot over in E astern Otegon. We the close o f the m eeting. I na Sheets. 1 did see the head o f this animal T rade L anes Readers Say R eaders are w elcom e to use this section o f the paper lor com m ents on any topic. There is no restriction on subject matter, oth er than slander or libelous statem ents If possible, letters should be made b rief and to the point. HiU*boro. . . . 4 • • 15« 8« 8 MrMluiiy ill«* , , . 4 • • 15« 34 8 T igard ............... t 1 1 «5 38 5 N ew berg. . . . 8 t 0 77 71 4 O regon City . . . 8 t o 58 71 4 Beaverton , . . 1 s • 35 180 « W iat Linn . . . U 3 1 85 88 1 Forest G rove . . 0 4 » 45 131 • F R ID A Y ’S SC O R E S — At H illsboro 4¡t, B eaverton 7. At O regon City 32, New berg IS. A t Tigard 20, Eurent G rove 6. S A T I K D A Y ’S SCO RE __ At Went Linn 7, .McMinnville S3. Photographer of Note on 2 Weeks Visit to Aloha Mr. and M is. David Mathis o f Denver, Colorad«^ have been guests o f her sister, Mrs. Mary W hitcher, M adeline St.. Aloha, for the past tw o weeks This is the first trip to O tegon for Mr. M athis w ho is ch ief pho­ tographer fo r the Denver Post. Hts pictures have appeared in L ife and have been featured in m a jor new spapers o f the United States. Services for Mrs. Jenny R ogers o f Garden H om e were held at the P eg g Chapel, Beaverton, on W ednesday, Oct. 19th at 1:30 p.m. Interm ent was in Crescent Grove cem etery. Mrs. R ogers passed aw ay on O ctober 16, 1949. She was born in Sarpsborg, N orw ay on Decem ber 16th, 1879. She had lived In the U. S. for the past 48 years. In the State o f O regon about 25 years and in this vicin ity fo r about the past 20 years. P rior to her m ar­ riage to Mr. Ruel R ogers, she was know n as Mrs. Jenny John­ son, w idow o f Joh n Johnson. She leaves to survive her, her husband R uel R ogers o f Garden H om e; a sister, A nna O lofsson in Sw eden; a nephew, L eif O lofsson in S tockholm , Sweden and another nephew, Arne O lofsson o f P o rt­ land. Ore. and are forced to admit that was CVA SCARE" SPEECHES a good one Five points on each NOT UNBIASED STUDY BUY - SELL side and L yle says it dressed out 180 pounds. T he dom inant political and eco- TRADE * V d * * » 'ij There are som e o f the m erchants nom ic issue in the P acific North- in B eaverton w ho the City Fa- west is the C olum bia Valley Ad- thers should kn ow about. They are m inistration proposals now pend- w a bad pass from center for the JE qualified street cleaners. W e see 1 ing in Congress. Homes seventh con version , Rutschnian them out from day to day with Perhaps no question o f public scooped up the ball and galloped Acreage shovels, broom s and the garden interest has ever been m ore sub- 1 H illsboro high sch ool football m ightily around left end for the hose trying to keep some o f the jected to m isleading statem ents j team, u ncorking a sparkling offen - point after touchdow n. Suburban j dirt out o f their places o f business. and slick propaganda than the si\e o f speed, pow er and decep­ Properties F or fu rth er inform ation ask Carl CVA. P rivate utilities and their tion, lashed the Beaverton high Nelsen at S afew ay Stores. sym pathetic big business m onopo­ school eleven by a score o f 48 to Did you ever see a big ch eese? lies have set abou t to poison the 7, at the H illsboro field. O ctober (W e mean the eatin’ kind.) If minds o f our citizens by almost 14. A PT. F O R R E N T —New, large 1- you w ant to really see lots of every m eans k n ow n to man. They F rom about the secon d play In NEAR SUNSET HIWAY bedroom apartment. Elec, range cheese all in one chunk, take a have even succeeded in gaining the game, there was no doubt o f 2 acres— 2 bedroom hom e. L arge and R efrigerator, dinnette. S to ­ look at the one in T hrifty M ar­ con trol o f the on ce great R epubli­ the superiority o f the Hilhl a g ­ double garage, ch ick en house. rage, heat and water furnished. ket. Maybe you can guess what can P arty so that today we find gregation, as they plow ed through $5750. Term s. $69.50 per month. W ill rent or it w eighs and thereby win your­ the CVA issue shaping as the main the B eaverton line fo r substantial I 4 BEDROOMS lease. Beaver Plum bing Co. self a prize. plank in the co m in g elections with gains and started piling up their F irst & Main, Phone B eaver­ There were three more grand j the D em ocratic P arty follow ing total o f seven touchdow ns. Full cem ent basem ent. Fireplace, ton 4346. 39tf openings in B eaverton last week j the leadership o f President Tru- 1 Scores were m ade in ord er by: near sch ools and stores, $9000. G ood crow d s are reported by each man in fa v or o f Valley Authorities, Jerry LeBlanc, C onnie Sproul, Le- SOUTH OF BEAVERTON V A N T E D —House, tw o or three firm and there were prizes, flow - and the R epu blican Party opposing Blanc, Ad R utschnian, Lyle Guer- I On 1 acre, alm ost new and fu rn ­ bedroom , to rent. Man w ith fam ­ ers and balloons fo r everyone. W e them. icke, R utschnian and D anny ished. $6500. ily. Can give exc. ref. W ould like have pictures o f the openings but One o f the m ost interesting spec- French. to have option to purchase if were unable to get them ready in * tacles con stan tly being enacted is NEW 3 BEDROOM B eaverton cam e to life on a few possible. Tigard-M etzger-Pro- tim e for this w eeks edition, so that o f w ell-kn ow n local citizens occasions, holding the Spart nns In B eaverton. V ery attractive. gress district. 50 per m onth, top. you can read all the details in our appearing b efore Terms. service clubs, to no gain or th row in g them for a Call Beaverton 2321. tf issue o f the 28th. cham bers o f com m erce and other loss. But the ccoasion s were far 20 ACRES ÌX On H art road, all under cu ltiva­ M O D E R N 2-bedroom hom e on 100 The, T ip Topil C° ffe * Sh0p had organ izations fortified with a rep­ spaced. Its lone score cam e when , etitious scare story depicting our the tally against them was 28-0. tion. x 200 lot. 2 years old. Trade for occaf l° " t0 caU the. fi,CT depart- 1__ , _ . r, m ent the other m orning. It seems cou n try being turned into a social­ Tsugaw a returned the k ic k o ff three bedroom home near Bea- . _ „ , , FOR RENT that D oc was really w ork ing and istic state, som e go so far as to from B eaverton’s 20 to the H ills­ verton. Call B eaverton 3118. 39 2 B R on 1 acre. $60.00 per month the old stove was trying to keep say a com m u n istic state, if we boro 39 yard stripe. A fter 2 first | FOR RENT M O TE L and Restaurant. Good up the pace set by D oc but cou ld ­ adopt the C V A Statism. W elfare downs, Tsugaw a took the ball from | r 1 room cabin, no lights or water paying business near M cM inn­ n't m ake it— so it blew up. N othing State and oth er phonetic coinages the 11 yd. line and danced thru the I serious happened and the fire was j are freely used with a well coached $10.00 a m onth. entire H illsboro line fo r a tou ch ­ ville on H iw ay 99-W. W ill trade the truck ar- | dialect by paid hirelings to cloud down M cK night k icked the point. ; FOR RENT fo r B eaverton property or rent ou t by the tim e rived. the real issues. H illsboro's L eB lanc kicked five \ to reliable restaurant man. 2772 New apt., $75.00 month. W e even hear o f speakers in conversions and missed one. On 1 Denney Rd. Phone B eaverton BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY our m idst telling their audience 2385. 39 OVER A POUND, UNDER A G rocery, bldg, and land. O w ner j with an air o f com plete knowledge states gross .o f $28,379.00 last 1« A C R E S . 7 IN C U L T IV A T IO N TON; LOTS OF CHEESE and understanding, after spending year, and extra con tract good 3 bedroom m odern home, small It's ov e r a pound hut it’s I tw o days in the great Tennesee for $1800.00 a year. S tock at his ch icken house. $6500.00. $500.00 dn V alley com p risin g 41,000 square under a ton and you c » n take inventory. O nly $8,500.00. Term s. $50.00 per month. miles, that such an authority pat- •t from there and guess how- terened after th e T V A would be a m uch cheese is contained in N. L. THOMAS, Realtor T hree B edroom Modern Hom e frigh tfu l thing for the people o f the m am m oth exhibit at the L o t 186 x 250. Close in. $7250.00 255 N. E. Canyon R oad j the great N orthw est T hrifty M arket, In Beaverton. Terms. Fran H olboke, o f T h rifty Plain com m on sense tells us that Beaverton 4706 or 3101 39 M arket, has been trying ever as we grow and expand in popula­ T w o B edroom M odern H om e sin ce the w ar to get his hands tion and in du stry we must provide 10 A C R E S L ot 100 x 110. N ear bus line on a m am m oth cheese and fo r ord erly developm ent and ad­ H a lf mile to school and tran sport­ $8200.00. Good term s. this tim e he succeeded with a m inistration o f our resources. A ation, shack house and barn, w hopper. So large is it. In sincere and unbiased study will GET YOUR GRADE "A" GOVERNMENT INSPECTED BEEF full price $4,750. $500 dow n, $35 T H R E E BEDROOM HOM E reveal the plain facts that a CVA fact, that he Is o ffe rin g som e per month. AT TERESI'S. GUARANTEED TO PLEASE OR YOUR MONEY Large lot. Barn and ch ick en house I $30 o f prizes to the person as now proposed will provide the 106 foot drilled well. Also city needed au th ority for properly co­ guessing closest to Its actual BACK 1 ACRE water. $7500 00. weight. ord in ating this great responsibility In Aloha, garage house wired for Full details o f prizes can be o f ours. electric range, full price $1650. T w o B edroom New M odeni H om e learned fro m his ad o f this T here is no better way to decide VALUES IN GUARANTEED BEEF Lot 62 x 300. $8250 00. T erm s week, elsew here In the paper. the Issue than thru our Am erican 6/10 A C R E — system o f p olitical action by the B eautiful c o m e r lot, com pletely G R IF F IT H A N D M E E K E TRE A TM E N T HELPS Grade ’’A ” voters, but scare speeches and furnished 2 bedroom hom e, full Mrs. E dna Sheets returned to oth er unfounded propaganda have T rim m ed W aste Free Lb. price $5,800. Term s. A LO H A P hone 6711 39 her hom e T hursday o f last week, no place in this discussion. m uch im proved a fter receiving W m . A. ‘•Bill” S N Y D E R Lym an Ross, Chairm an Lean and tender Lb. treatm ent at the Jones H ospital, 3rd d oor W est o f P. O. in Aloha W ashington C ounty for about ten days. Aloha 6772 P hon es B eaverton 4094 D em ocratic Central Grade “ A ” / Y O U R O N L Y R E A L Security Is V ISIT S IN P O R T L A N D Com m ittee PICN IC S T Y L E Meaty and tasty Lb. R olan d P earce, a house guest a hom e o f you r own. Call for 39 free planning and estim ating from England, at the hom e o f his W A N T E D TO B U Y — R E N T w i w w i i V M k>kl Freshly ground service. Cabinets and rem odel­ sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. John A nderson is a guest ing. F ors C onstruction Co. Bea­ N E W L O W P R IC E F O R R E N T —3 room apartm ent verton 4151. 39p o f P ortland relatives. with bath, elec, range, autom atic M orrell’s Siloed Lb ON E L S IE S T R E E T hot water, electric heat. F arley’s. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley S pring with Reedville, on highw ay. 39p S E W IN G MAC H IN E R E P A IR S i their son, Steven, and baby, Mar- R Free estim ate given in the home j garet K ay. are now at hom e in By Mrs. Gladys H estcrlee F O R R E N T —2 bedroom house un­ their new house on Elsie. The furnished excep t fo r gas range fo r all m ake machines. Springs form erly lived on Hyland H A Z E L D A L E - C O O P E R MT — and refrigerator. $60 per month. A T 4187 811 S W Morrison T he Hazeidale P T A m et at the R oad. B eaverton 3271. 39p Singer Sew ing M achine Co sch ool house Oct. 14. A large num­ ST. M A R T IN ’S S P R IN G S F O R R E N T : 3-room apartm ent, Mr, C. J. Stevens, o f M ultnom ah ber were present and the m eeting Fancy Solid Pack was presided over by the president, space fo r rent. [ a frequent visitor here, has been electric range, oil heating stove. W A R E H O U S E On N. H unter in Aloha. Phone M arble Cook. P hone B eaverton en joy in g a vacation at St. Mar- Mr. Smurthwalte. Bumble Bee 4732. A reception was held fo r the 39tf tin ’s Spring, near C arson, W ash A loha 6191. 39p Luncheon Meat teachers. Follow ed by a panel dis­ RED BAG COFFEE Can .......................... cussion on what m akes a good Large Can 35c 00 citizen. OUR MOTTO Mrs. John Ehler represented the 3 cans for ____ hom e, while Mrs. Ruth Sm ith rep­ "S TY LE AND Q U A LITY A T LOWEST PRICES" resented the school, and R ev. Joe Swift's O TERESI'S M itchell represented the church, I per can l5-oz. jar and Mrs. Harold Shoper, repre- j Green Bag Coffee sented the com m unity. T he teachers All Popular Brands were presented with corsages by Party and Daytime Wear the PTA. $10.00 $14.95 $29.95 R efreshm ents were served. Diamond " A " Hillsboro Lashes Beaverton Eleven 48-7 In Runaway REAL ESTATE LISTINGS % " X % J S, j f 0 » * . MEAT was A T TERESI'S > PORK SHOULDER • W AN T ADS • RO AST 35c LB. Hazeidale PTA Meeting O ct. 14 Is Well Attended T-BONES 69c ROUND STEA KS 69c RIB STEA KS ©3 C GROUND BEEF M,K- °"“le "A BACON P U». 37c 52c GROCERIES ¡A Temt TERESI'S 29 Tuna Lb 43 MILK '¿à A Large Selection to Choose From COATS Long and Casual Out Let Price $29.95 TO $49.95 SPORT JA C K E T S io o % w o o l * 1 0 .9 5 Red, beige, green ■ ^ HATS MEN'S 100% plaid sport jackets Ç.50 SLIPS— Fine Crepes Dainty Gowns $1.50 $2.50 $3.95 COATS Fall Colors $2.49 $2.95 CRAVENETTE $37.50_________ $2.95 DRESS and WORK SOX SHIRTS PANTS SLAX LITTLE GIRLS DRESSES Tubs, Plaids $1.95 - $2.95 BOY** T -S H IR T S $1.15 SH O E departm en t AT t G M E N ’S TORY P R IC E S - W O M E N , C H IL D R E N C L O S IN G Peanut Butter 11c DRESSES Lb 45 Bras ........... 1 O il W R A N G L E R ’S $239 $1.85 C'OKD> B LA CK B E A R PORTER'S OUT LET CLO TH IN G O P E N E V E N IN G S 1025 N E C anyon R oad East o f B eaverton C ity Lim its TILT sroR T .lacket», plaida CENTER U N T IL A F T E R T H E H O LID A YS $7.93 A L L D A Y M E ETIN G W o m e n s M issionary Society o f the Hazeidale Bible ch urch will meet Oct. 28 at the hom e o f Mrs. I Prodhel o f Jack T ow n with Mrs. j I F rancis Merrill as co-hostess, every | I one Is welcome. This will be an j I all day meeting. T H A N K S F R O M A F R IC A Sunday Oct. 16 was M issionary Sunday at the Hazeidale Bible | church when Supt. R. C. D oty read a letter from Dr. and Mrs. ! Doug T aylor in South A frica thank- 1 ing the M issionary w om en for the I packages they have received. Attendance was 56 with an o f ­ ferin g o f $8.06. Miss Catherine B oge observed her birthday. P R A Y HR SCH ED U LE P rayer m eeting will be held in the H ow ey home on C ooper Mt. this Thursday eve. E very one is w elcom e. TO A T T E N D E X P O S IT IO N Mr. and Mrs. Mel H arbert and fam ily o f A storia visited over the w eek end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L Markell. W hile here they attended the L ivestock Show In Portland. F R O M S P R IN G F IE L D Mr. and Mrs. A R. Allen and son T erry o f Springfield visited Mon­ d ay and Tuesday with her parents Mr. and Mr*. O W. H esterlee and fam ily. JA M . JE L L Y A N D P IC K L E S Freshly Ground Gerber's BABY FOOD Do 7 89 Pumpkin Tomato Juice Hunt's 46-oz can No 2 ’/ 2 size can A Q c 3 cans f o r .......... 23 TOM ATO C A TSU P Fruit Cocktail Hunt's No 300 Size 18 2 cans 35 G rapes Tokay 2 lbs I O ' 1 ~ Oranges Sunkist, Juicy 7 to 8 lb bag PQ c J JP 50-lb bag Deschutes 15-lb bag Price* Effective Thur«., Fri., Sat., Oct. 20, 21, 22 W e R eserve R ight W eek Day* 8.30 to 9 I*. M. I» to 9 Sundays O c T o Lim it Quantities